New steam new ui leakerino, my senpaitachi

New steam new ui leakerino, my senpaitachi

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Doesn't look too bad desu. Any guesses on when it will launch?

is big picture mode changed?

>recently played games

Didn't they say that the new UI and "reworked discoverability" was going to come out this year?

Let me sauce you up

The gray is quite hideous.


Attached: steam.png (1221x872, 666K)

Wow! It looks just like Epic Games Store now!

The recent news section needs to go, because it's always filler garbage from blogs and not dev news

This one looks legit ready for prime time
The other not so much

This is the only good interface.
The new one is shite.

Fixed that for you


Yeah, I'll take the new one.

I think you mean souless, this is soul

Attached: steam.png (981x737, 46K)

>put workshop shit at the front
Good, I fucking hate having to go into a different window to scroll through it


>majority of screen space dedicated to shitty blogs and articles
Why do you think this is good?

why cant these fuckers put the friends window in a simple fucking tab on the main client, how hard is it, i dont want 2 windows for one client

The news section is GONE!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.png (741x482, 219K)

As long as they make it really customizable then I won't complain.

I miss it so fucking much, bros.

Galaxy 2 looks way better

Attached: 4567568456.jpg (1434x894, 229K)

at least your library screen will be filled with your games when open...but those thumbnails really are shit, why they changed the dimensions out of nowhere?

That's good news
Dev updates when

>no more retarded rock paper shotgun articles about virtue signalling non gameplay stuff on the game's own News section.


Attached: farnsworth.jpg (200x181, 12K)

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This looks nowhere near as user friendly. Sure the gradient is nice. I'm sure you can add a skin to Steam.

this is just windows 10

How the fuck do those things even end up on a game's news block? Half of the time, shit isn't even related to the game, it's just some random Eurogamer or RPS article that may only mention the game. Other half of the time is "Game is on sale!" which is fucking pointless after said sale is over, but that pointless shit can stick around for years if it isn't getting any updates.

There's literally a cover size slider in that screenshot

>UI skins
>even more ways to monetize you besides pointless profile candy
please no

Yeah this is cool and all but will "small mode" still be there?

look how they massacred my boy

Are you daft? You could always add a skin to steam made by other people or just make your own easily

>My custom grids wont work anymore

Wow fuck you too valve.

Attached: 6GbjQLV.png (460x215, 94K)

It's like an idea that they abandoned half way through
They took a bunch of rss feeds from Vidya blogs, threw a piece of code to search for the title of that specific game and filled the sections with the results

Guess it's better having the game icons be vertical boxes vs the banners they have right now. Can fit more in the screen. Think I like it...

Galaxy 2 aims to be modular and adjustable in pretty much every way possible, essentially gonna take the job of apps as playnite in order to put all your games and friends lists on 1 client.

>they copied geforce experience, except it's worse


He probably just doesn't know there are steam skins

I think he is referring to the new cover at portrait size
Prior to that they were banner sized, and now they are movie poster. If a lazy dev doesn't update the banner, you get that procedurally generated banner+blur thing that looks like ass

>no news section
Absolutely fucking based. I'm getting real fucking tired of seeing kotaku clickbait in my library.

Attached: 1539075258842.jpg (810x960, 590K)

how many of them did you make?

I used to mod versions of Air before to be more nice for me. Good times.

horizontal banners > vertical covers

At least 600+, plus hundreds of ones anons asked for.

Attached: 277890.png (460x215, 99K)

There's a plug-in in playnite that fetches cover at in that new form factor, so I guess Valve could use something similar to fix that
As in there's a database of that cover at already

This looks pretty bad. Why are they doing this when the current layout works well? The new one looks like it lists each game up to 3 times, for no reason.
>game bar on the left
>recently played
>complete collection

Attached: 1537757791168.gif (273x232, 3.62M)

I remember opening steam for 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 hours

>no more game blog news
>but now half your screen is devoted to modern touchscreen UI design
>don't see achievements

bottom right

CBT when

post them


Attached: 565676565.jpg (360x454, 14K)

>all these cropped images
looks like shit, tim is winning baby

Attached: ticktock.jpg (1200x800, 54K)

theres dozen of this type of thread but WHEN IS THIS SHiT GOING LIVE which month or date

did you laugh at this?

wow its fucking nothing

Attached: old-flat-green-skin-1-1.png (1919x1079, 193K)

Not that one but when it happened on his stream i did

>this is your brain growing up on lootboxes

jesus, as if it weren't enough steam customizer isn't supported anymore because of valve changing the ui last year we also get this ugly piece of shit


Attached: 1531451623973.gif (640x480, 1.26M)

Fucking lies.
They are so lazy that they kept the same UI since 2004.
No drag n drop, shitty wishlist, NO remove button at the store pages of the games, all kinds of shits, NO zoom in/out.

Attached: 1549830160739.png (446x435, 81K)

Looks like your typical flat Windows 10 tier garbage.

imagine the ram usage

Attached: 1553798947748.png (458x333, 125K)

That's the style of today. Fifteen years from now everyone will be all nostalgic over it and hate the new thing. I watched it happen with WinXP

that stings
hope for a mode that uses the old cover size

90mb just like steam uses right now

Attached: 1554740730624.png (285x267, 184K)

I don't care fore a few more mb of ram usage if it means scrolling the grid library and not have to see cached shit loading.

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no issues here

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>a fuckin furry

Pretty sure they were showing this at the last Dev Days.

I don't like it, but I also don't hate it.

this is a new leak from steamdb, from hours ago

So this is the Epic killer huh?
lmaoing @ steamdrones right now

it looks like you can hide the stuff that you don't care about (the arrow next to workshop, dlc, achievements) but I wonder if I can change the order of that stuff, maybe even per game

they should make a filter for ‚finished‘ and backlog

holy fuck its ugly
I at least hope that valve will let you keep the previous ui probably not

Attached: 1547106387624.jpg (300x260, 29K)

Nah, this was from weeks ago.

Attached: Steam Business Update _ GDC 2019.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Doesn't seem that different. I guess it's you customize a lot.

The ones showed in there are not the same, the new ones are from the chinaman dota client or something according to steamdb

you can make your own filters

I like it.

I kinda have notoriously shitty taste though.

>We want the Epic store audience
And VaIvedrones here say they're not afraid of them

That isn't even a gig of ram user, that isn't even half a gig of ram. Don't most people have at least 16 gb of ram these days?

We knew all this months ago. Steamdb and a lot of you are fucking retarded.

Looks soulless Hope that they have the option to keep the old theme.

>no GNU/Linux client
lol no

Put it in list view and uncheck images

why dd they remove this?

Shouldn't you be focused on only using free software?

notice the "cover size" slider on the OP's pic, that might be a way to change covers to a previous size

Yeah fucking finally holy shit, I waited this for years. Sometimes those articles would even contain spoilers thank god its gone.

Still there in the list view, though.
It's just really not any important when you already have to game, the store still shows it.

>no more garbage news where I have to deal with awful RPS or PCGamer articles
GOG always wins baby!

You don't have to be afraid of someone to steal from them.

it is the same thing they showed, but this is the real leaked client, that the steamdb nigger is mining now
it is not a bunch of screenshots

When is the 2.0 beta?

I like going into that one site and pirating their shit.

God, I forgot about this layout. Has it been this long?

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>autistic categories
>nostalgic for old shitty Steam

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I think you mean soulless, this is soul

Attached: WZlmy4m.png (1055x545, 230K)

I really wish I could just go back to that olive green shit

It was so good seeing hardly anything on the store. It was nice and neat and clean. And when something dropped on the store that was new, it stood out. Its now a fucking cluster fuck of a seedy porn store. One of those ones up a set of dirty stairs full of anime posters.

Looks like shit.


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Meh, why not

To be fair the news container is literally just the filler after everything else has been shown

wanna be my furriend

We need to go back.

will steam ever get an android version for android devices?
id love to be able to play my games from steam on a good android device

Hell yeah. Especially any spoiler shit they put up from other news sites.

Attached: 6a00d834516a0869e2017c324a5b47970b-800wi.jpg (638x399, 33K)

The new is a straight up copy of Windows 10 store. It's ugly as fuck and made for blind people who want BIG buttons everywhere.

I wouldn't mind news if it was limited to developer posts instead of shitty RPS blogposts like
>"here's why this feature in this game is amplifying problematic gamer first sexism" *tagged all platforms* *tagged 8 different games*
When did that website become so shit?


looks like dogshit. pixelvision 2 is superior

I'd use gog if they actually went through with that idea where steam owners could port all their games over.

So, made for people playing on the couch with the PC hooked up to a television? Like me.

You talk as if they could do it that easily.

>that one site
gimme details anonywon~ :3 i really will like you frorever!

Do you guys like Metro for steam?

>tfw haven't played PC in ages.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1991x1567, 297K)

isn't there Big Picture Mode for that?

just google "gog download" and its the second link lol

>read news for prototype
>'this legend of zelda prototype could be yours for...'

Attached: 1527546136624.jpg (750x750, 59K)

Can you finally drag and drop games into categories? Sorting games is so clunky right now.



stop changing things ree

looks awful, is this big picture mode garbage just supposed to push me into using small mode?

The only thing we know is that you can sort your games by tags.


but as long as my custom skin still works i dont care


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If they actually put the effort in to making that happen I imagine they'd win over a huge portion of the current Steam userbase, myself included. There's no point in moving away from Steam if I'd have to purchase my library all over again on the platform I'd be moving to. Fuck that.

search for god qt

Valve has pretty much abandoned that, as I see it, and no one uses it.
Just making Steam visible and functional enough for people playing either way is there new plan.

But will it be bloated as all fuck?

It's not just effort, it's also money. A great big deal of money.

Can't possible use as much RAM as Chrome or Firefox.

>gog download
the second link is not everyone has the same search results user, just post the link honey. you wont get banned, this is 4cahn

nvm found it thanks to cute anony~ :'3

Since this is a pre-release marketing thread to gauge consumer reaction prior to a clusterfuck release:
- Recent Games list
- goodbye """""""news""""""" section

- the rest of the design
- nobody needs fucking cover pictures to remember a game. The games that aren't memorable enough to begin with will have covers as generic and unmemorable as they are.

Summary: Stop making pretty but useless interfaces full of large pictures for morons.

>It's not just effort, it's also money. A great big deal of money.
Money they will not be getting from me or most Steam users going forward with future releases. Too bad for them.

Is there a way to use steam controller configs outside of steam, for my gog games?


yes, it's totally GOG's fault they don't want to buy you a 2nd licence to the game you own.
GOG connect exists, but it's very limited because the right's holder has to agree to allow it and they aren't getting anything out of it.

GOG galaxy 2.0 aims to combine all your libraries such as steam into the GOG client so all your achievements and games will be in one place and remove the point of only buying from one store.

Looks clean as fuck, I like it

>for my gog games?
just add those games to steam

>Steam only updates its community shit in response to discord
>Only updates its library in response to gog galaxy 2.0
Valve is not your friend and will put in zero effort unless its in response to another company.

Well, there's that, but some don't work with the overlay.

And the biggest problem, none of the community configs for games are visible for GOG games I add, even when they are clearly on the Steam store too. I've tried giving the shortcut the same name as the official Steam version. No dice. Still can't see the community configs.

I'm waiting too bro, I love CBT and I want it now.

I just want an options to add non-Steam games and not have it show 'user is now playing a Non-Steam game'.

Watch it be unoptimized as shit on low end PC's

> Celebrating forced DRM
Oh boy OH NO NO NO

Attached: heavy.jpg (960x599, 94K)

Anybody trying it ?

You can make it work already



too much bloat around the lower-middle half. Needs to be downsized and we're good to go.

Didn't expect them to pull it off this good. These updates are usually botched .

they literally can't into minimizing redundancy can they jezus christ

>99% of steam games have landscape orientation for their pictures
>make all the icons in portrait mode anyway

Attached: 1559092551975.jpg (828x686, 160K)

I hope they finally get rid of the "window" they have around of the real interface, that is just a website
in the shots you can clearly see where the window starts and ends, and where the website part appears
get rid of it, and we are good to go, like in the second screenshot

stfu soi boi

When do we get this?

some nigger made it work in lerddit
>I may have figured it out. This is exactly how I did it so it may not be the one to one method but, here it is. Download the Perfect World CSGO client and install. Wait for the client itself to update. Go into the client files and take the folder called "steamui" and put it in your main Steam directory. Make a new shortcut with -newlib at the end of it. Open that shortcut. FOR ME, it was blank. So I disabled beta updates, relaunched, re-enabled beta updates, relaunched, closed it, opened with -newlib

-Rename to zip and extract in the steam folder
-Create shortcut to steam.exe and add -newlib to that shorcut

What is Steam ?
Nah seriously what IS Steam ?
What was it needed for again ?
Don't act like I was talking about games when the platform itself is the DRM.

A Store

thank you, lad

No info, but I would guess that during or after summer sale.

Attached: HL2.jpg (800x1144, 136K)

Forgot to add.
Steamworks on the other hand is DRM.

it looks really good
i am tired of this rangeban crap


I'm afraid it's been nine years.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Oh yes the good ol' green steam that everyone hated.

Well, they no longer update it cuz it works. The big picture mode is still there.

looks much better than the god awful friends UI change

Will they finally let you search by genre?

>more chromium processes
>steam trying to compete with discord and chrome for most ram usage in one program
it's shit

could you pls post the pic I posted
I am iprange banned from posting pictures

I still like Aero most of all. Liked it when I saw it, like it now.


Attached: 1553224479360.jpg (1920x1040, 227K)

That has been reported three months back.

we know
but today the files leaked, and you can test it for yourself with some tinkering

It already looks outdated and it's not even out.

thank you, lad

When the fuck did PUBG get schoolgirls?

it is confirmed that we will finally have the feature to search the library by the same tags that they have in the store

I like it.

Attached: file.png (1858x1080, 1.76M)

looks pretty clean, IMO

The OP pic is a shit example.

Testing it now and it's actually pretty good.


Based Grimoire

post some cool screenshots
I am tired of seeing those garbage mockups
i hope devs update the artwork, but it will probably never happen with lazy fucks like WB games

my absolute niigger
I 100% that beast of a game
probably my favorite game from that time

This military green fit Steam so well, especially with all those GoldSrc titles.

New Steam is unironically soulless.

Just check the thread, anons are posting their own shots

bloatware design, back to metro

Attached: 6785678.jpg (1010x600, 259K)

then it sure looks nice

Yeah, safedisc and securom were much better anyway. TAGES was the best though.

The banners haven't been updated because this update isn't out yet, dipshit.

literally soul compared to steam's soullessness.

Jesus dude, just hit me up and I can draw a new icon for you

how much bloat?

They've been working on this for several years. What a bunch of lazy cunts

Good taste

I like the clean look, but it definitely has some wasted space (pic related).
The Home tab is especially bad with the long covers.

Attached: file.png (1858x1080, 1.47M)

It's nice,but some stuff doesn't make sense, like the leaderboard with each listing so spread apart from each other.

1g ram just in the main library

I get a black screen for some reason
are you on the beta or vanilla?

Just shitpost enough about what you want improved and maybe valve will do something about it.

Considering this was leaked it's technically a beta so everything's fair game.

On beta.
If it still doesn't work, make sure the shortcut has -newlib in the target.

No way lmao, all those 8gb ramlets going to suicide

it worked as soon as I entered the beta
thank you
looks really cool desu

not everyone on Yea Forums is a dumb sape

what the fuck
you can recenter the logo of the game where you want, and scale it as you want to
check there is a little blue box at the top right
select a game with a proper logo (like mad max) and resize the logo how you want it to be

It's alright.

thanks senpai.

Looks like an old Gta IV mod website. Not the worst.

Attached: 1555167540190.gif (500x500, 1.17M)

there is a lot of transparencies and dynamic elements when you move the page down
really cool
the library cover art view is pretty much trash right now, but the game details view is fucking sweet, because it includes not only the dev updates and the dlc, but also the friends activity related to that game
cool as fuck
inb4 shill
I hate valve being so lazy

Everyone abusing workshop for ads now

But is small mode still there?

As long as it isn't unoptimized trash that lags harder than 50 tabs of Google Chrome on a 2005 Acer laptop, I'll be perfectly fine with it.

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