Fuck Pokemon Sword/Shield

Fuck Pokemon Sword/Shield.
Diamond/Pearl remake when?

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I don't understand why people want DP remakes. Nu-GF can't be trusted to make good games anymore.

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I don't like that image

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I prefer the dick version

What's dripping inbetween her legs, bros?

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sweat. it's summer after all

People who are into dog x girl are actual dogs that are self inserting

Please tell me there's a series to this image.

Why the fuck does everyone keep asking for DP remakes, if anything you should be hoping to all fuck they DONT make DP remakes until they release a decent fucking mainline series game with postgame, otherwise you just know the DP remake is going to be gutted of content like ORAS were.


Sauce please.

Why would you want more remakes after ORAS

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Pollenoxide, do your own work next time you fat faggot

I'll fucking post the rest of the set, don't think I won't bitch

big talk from a little bitch

Me on the right.

Why would you want a remake of the worst games?

god i wish i were her

Yeah right you pussy

Do it nigger
You won't

GOD DAMN IT [Redacted]

I want to fuck you

Hilda no, it's too big...

But does she take the knot?

What were Nintendo thinking unleashing such a semen demon to the world

Does this answer your question?

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I'm not a dog

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Damn... Girls are so lucky...


Who you calling a dog?

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>remaking the worst games

Why don't we skip to black and white

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>dick magically gets smaller between images
Every time