[spoilers]Can i avoid getting infected on day 6 without killing Murky?[/spoilers].
What if i just skip that whole event at night?
Pathologic 2 thread i guess.
[spoilers]Can i avoid getting infected on day 6 without killing Murky?[/spoilers]
Nice fuckup retard
She dies
you should have panacea at this point, take the deal and get infected and just chug the panacea on the spot, problem solved.
already used it on khan
then just use one of your schmowders, because you should have at least 5 of them by now, you have a lot of schmowders, right user?
no, i fucked up
don't have a single one
Better deal with it, then.
Notkin is dead.
Fucking Kains lived three nights with the plague, but Notkin got infected one night (despite being given a plus tincture), and instantly died the next. I did try to give him a Schmoulder, but he wasn't at his hideout, nor the station, or the place where Khan usually hangs out: I have no idea where is he.
I'm seeing this playthrough through just on principle. I am already very, very looking forward to next, one where hopefully I won't get as fucked as I did on this one.
Sure, but how do i deal with it?
Why weren't you chasing little girls around, hoovering up powders??
There's only one choice then.
Kill yourself in the conveniently-placed bonfire.
How the fuck can I sort out the panacea? I've not had any dreams, I've been around the old village, there's nothing there.
welp, sucks to be you then. You NEED to hoard nuts and kids' trading items like beetles, hooks and other junk and buy every available schmowder you bump into. I know they're expensive as hell but you have to have em.
all kids are taken to the polyhedron by Kapella, but this also might be part of the "vanishing npcs" bug which was supposed to be fixed in patch 4, if you're on patch 4 and still can't find notkin you might wanna try writing a bug report. I had the same problem before where both khan and notkin got infected and vanished for 2 whole days, luckily they actually manged to stave off the infection for two days
I think you get a dream on day 6 where it leads you to the old village, you just gotta try and take a nap every day till it pops up
I'll try reloading an older save and sleeping more.
Put effort into learning your brews.
the dreams usually take about 30 minutes of ingame time so you can save, go to bed and see if a dream pops up and if it doesnt you can reload, that's what i was doing a few times to check for dreams. I was struggling one time and didn't know what to do so i took a nap and the dream prompted me to the old village, i think it was on day 5 or 6 can't remember for sure
So anons, has anyone actually manged NOT to be kicked out from the kid's cache game? It's been asked a few times and I believe leaving anything back in the cashes actually doesn't do anything (plus you can't write notes) but just curious if anyone managed to actually pass the game? It happens when you visit notkin's place after murdering the dude in the Friday's yard
*performs miracle*
The game was teaching you the importance of preparing, focusing on looking after people.
Did you spend all that time chasing story threads instead?
Never had the dream so I only got the Panacea at like Day 9 or so when I went into the Abattoir. Rubin died because of that too. Is the peaceful solution to the Termitiary locked behind the same dream?
I haven't but hen aside from a schmowder I haven't taken anything.
What is that bottle on the left to the right of the note?
I didn't see it in the entire game
Metagaming like an asshole sure makes you care about people.
Pathologic 2 is out already?
It's been out since May 23rd, onyon.
What does Onyon actually mean? I've only started on day 2 of 2, only played Bachelor in classic.
>saburov papers that let you go pass the guards on the side
I THINK those are those are those papers, right?
Im pretty sure it's just a sham, I never once gave back anything and the cashes replenished after a day, sometimes there was more loot and sometimes a little less, but i didnt bother much with that
yes, actually that's true as well, but it's a different dream, you can actually go to sleep after you get the thought of "times to cut the gangrene out, or is there peaceful way?", you can go to sleep and get a dream, that's what I read on the steam forums
it's one of the kickstarter backers reward, one time potion that reveals ALL points of interest for the day on the map
Op here.
Ok, what the fuck.
Some hobo threw molotov at me and that cured my infection.
tell me you're not actually trolling me user, can it be done again? from what ive seen fire actually doesn't deal so much damage so maybe it can be replicated ?
It feels like more of a bug but yeah you can burn out the infection within you
Try it.
Just happened to me.
>2 coupons
>only 1 steak for food
>no eggs stockpile
>so many knives/scalpels in inventory
>way too many waters bottles
>2 stacks of empty bottles
>enough herbs to have 10 of each tincutre but instead only have 7/7/2
>carrying herbs when you already have more than enough money for the rest of the game
>shotgun not equipped for extra space
>not carrying candles for trades with Kin people
>carrying dead items before the dead item shop is open
it means "a wise person"
Oynon: A title of respect used for doctors or scientists, meaning 'wise man'. The Burakhs, Daniil Dankovsky, and Stanislav Rubin are all referred to as oynon. In Mongolian, oi (oй) means 'mind'.
not to mention day is the last day that poses any hardships, after you cure all your adherents after the hardcoded event where plague fucks over everyone you don't really have to worry about anything.
>2 coupons.
>Not buying the whole stack from the Dead Item shocp of 'candy wrappers'.
>needing to use coupons when you have soldier rations for free
>needing to use coupons when you can just buy food from the shady shop
>needing to use coupons when the girl in Notkin's warehouse has loads of cheap barter food daily
>buying food ever.
I live off salted fish and toast.
that's kinda what you have to do, I restarted at least 4 times after being fucked over on day 4, there's some meta gaming, yeah, but schmowders are pretty much the only item you can't allow yourself not to have, other things can be procured without too much hassle, but the schmowders? Gotta hoard this white gold
That walk down the tracks after you try to flee with Aglaya just broke me. And the in game thought was something like "it's all over let the town rot I don't care anymore"
>buy food from the shady shop.
Those wrappers were what, 125 each? 150? A bargain.
other user here, I never actually found candy wrapper, they never appeared in my playthrough, but I had like 10K coins on day 8-10 so i could afford to buy shit willy nilly. People should max out their hospital fund every day, it really pays off
Dead Item shop, day five.
oh, I think that was the only time i didn't have time to actually visit that place, is it when the shop opens up near the northern tombs?
yes. I actually had a ton of time around then; plus I could just go grab my fund and stock up on 'em.
Fuck the kin.
Those mindless animals needed to be put down.
I feel sorry for Aspity though she alright
Reminder that Aspity started the revolt and planned to have the Kin take the entire town over which is retarded because the Kin is retarded and would just kill a lot of people before the townspeople fuck them up since they outnumber them
i think the kin would have started the revolt either way since she said that even thought they come to her to listen to her lectures, they mostly make up their minds beforehand and just want to listen to a favorable opinion
It's rng, just play along.
The point is, Aspity is a bitch
Schmowders are completely random though. You can't influence which girl will have them unless you save scum.
I mean, what did you expect, she IS the earth/personification of mother bodho/plague. She was born 5 years ago when the first outbreak happen, she was created by isidor. Kin represent the hivemind, like ants, hence the termitiery. There's no individuality in there.
that's the point, you just gotta carry some bartering supplies and hope you get lucky
So who the hell is Nara and what's her deal?
>clouds fear lamp
>plague is contained by bonfires
Seems like it's intended.
>schmowder cures you in exchange for health loss
Same thing.
>personification of the plague
>can get infected and die from it
clara can get infected too so there's that
You can get schmowder pretty consistently at the shop that opens after you watch pantomime
Is there a way to save Aglaya?
Just for clarification, the shop opens at midnight. After the pantomine, a map marker will appear. You can however come across it by chance without having to see the Theatre show.
There's a way to save mostly everyone.
You just can't save EVERYone.
Managed to complete tasks successfully, take care of characters *and* stock up on supplies by not being a retard who wandered round searching for "muh story".
It's a letter that's on the body of a woman by the gallows.
I didn't need papers from Saburov. I talked with Big Vlad instead.
Didn't need anything more than what I had. I was able to trade items for food with town's people on Day 10 [when needed] and the meat covered day 11 easily.
Didn't need any more tinctures - had diagnosed, treated, cured infected characters. The Yellow + took care of immunity and exhaustion.
Water bottles were needed on Day 11 however.
Shotgun is a piece of shit and I never got round to selling the scalpels.
Finished the game with Vlad Jnr and Aglaya dead. Everyone else made it.
ah, I see. Actually you don't need any permission if you visit your house early on. The militia guards only appear LATER during the day, early in the morning there aren't even any onlookers too
firearms seems to really be just pieces of shit, especially when you can just insta kill people with shivs
>clouds fear lamp
I actually didn't know about that. But yeah a tip in the loading screen even says something about the arsonists burning the plague inside people with their fire. Its still a weird gameplay decision imo and doesn't match up with how hard it is supposed to be to beat the plague.
It's interesting because you talk to people about it in the game and your responses are basically 'YOU PEOPLE ARE INSANE" but folklore and whispers are important on the town.
>come clara route
>people think you'll heal them with your hands
>she just fucking brings a blowtorch to the infected people
other user, and yea pretty much. It's interesting because they made artemy actually doubt a lot of those beliefs, like you have a lot of options in dialogue, even if it's just fluff, you can play it like you don't really believe much of the steppe bullshit, but then things like this happen
fast forward a few days, albinos are basically just a type of creature walking around the town
>oh wait your insides DO look like earth
It's pretty fantastic; and one of the reasons why I wished they had done the Bacherlor route first, dev wise (i know they relased Haruspex first because it was the one they could release but still. Plus of course a lot of us have played the original but again, the way the sequel has expanded on the original is fantastic.
Talking to the claymonsters was a really cool sequence. Can they be found in the real game too ? Sticky talks about looking for one
yeah, i just wish the endings were kinda less meta honestly, they felt a little strange still, all the lore was pretty cool
>that moment where you perform surgery in the stamatin bar on day 11
>talk to the courier, who was also YOU, another actor playing your role
>walk outside
>ragtag bunch of steppe misfits begging you not to bleed mother earth dry and preserve the legends
suddenly living with the plague doesn't seem to bad after all
the only time i can think of is when they come to you on day 11 after you patch the guy in the stamatin bar
The rifle and shotgun can drop someone in one shot. Problem is running them with ammunition. You're just better off either sneak attacking with a knife or avoiding combat.
The revolver is a piece of shit that you should only be using if you've got yourself in a retarded position to begin with.
The three guys and four Odongh outside Rubin's can all be taken on comfortably with either the knife or the menkhu's finger.
It's a shame that the firearms aren't much use unless you've been scavving for ammunition *and* fucked around keeping them repaired. They're really nicely animated, just not worth using.
oh yea definitely, i was actually kinda blown away that they actually made the revolver reload animation be the same one as they had in the trailer, i thought it was just for show. Plus those worms can be one-shot with low-repair lockpicks, odonghs can still be intstakilled with shivs, while sneak attack with the knife takes about 3 hits
>why the fuck do I even bother trying to save people who clearly do not want to be saved
>the Kin show up with bullbro and pretty titty ladies to say "save us instead"
despite being pissed off at the Kin for their bullishness (hue) if it weren't for the fact I was dead set on keeping my kids alive I would have been sorely tempted to make the switch.
Pathologic 2 was really good at anticipating what the player would want to say in a given situation. Your responses during that whole day 11 find the courier bit go from irritation to straight up anger really quickly when people start spouting bullshit at you.
I want to hug Lara!
Theres some really well put together scenes when you talk about the Kin. The town as a machine and mother earth being in pain and what not. I do like theres not a real "evil". Isidor had his reasons but they also killed a bunch of people
Shame if something were to prevent you from doing that.
t. Mark
It was really annoying trying to persuade kin NOT to murder stah and stop from attacking them, but we have to put themselves in their shoes. It's an ancient steppe culture, at least few thousands years old with traditions and steppe magic. They have worms which are basically "creatures made from leftovers from humans; mother bodho made them with all the left overs after creating humans." There are literal town-sized bulls out there in the steppe. There's so much shit going on for the Kin that's really interesting, even if it's just easy to say "lmao gas the kin they're just animals." They're basically like those tribes that live on isolated islands like the Sentinel tribe. I was surprised that the nocturnal ending was basically like the canon ending for clara in the first pathologic - basically trying to preserve both the tower and the town without bloodshed. I preferred the kin ending, felt more apt for what burakh stood for for me
You are just weak. I beat the game on my first playthrough with only a single Shmowder, no guns and without selling organs for money. I managed to get neccessary resources from looted houses and panacea from the blood mountain thingy. I only died 11 times and in my playthrough the only people that died were Notkin, Bad Grief, Stamatin brothers, Fat Vlad, some looney lady who also was looking for baby infants, that old lady leader of steppe people and Saburovs wife
Wait, what? Can I actually hug her but get cucked by Mark?
>you are weak
>I only died 11 times and in my playthrough
nly people that died were Notkin, Bad Grief, Stamatin brothers, Fat Vlad, some looney lady who also was looking for baby infants, that old lady leader of steppe people and Saburovs wife
you must be meming
Who is Mark? Wasn't Lara a canon waifu of Haruspex?
Mark Immortel the stage director. Literally the first character you talk to
I mean i beat it on my only life, but the game keep counting deaths even after i reloaded. Sometimes 3 thugs spawn out of nowhere and kill you quickly and right after reloading i get a death penalty
Redpill me on the lines
But he is the narrator, he wasn't real wasn't he? nobody in my play though even acknowledged his existance
some kind of Russian folklore
Yes, the game counts deaths even if you load back, that's the point.
Yeah, I liked that the choice was a valid one on both ends, and that you had both in-character and player-specific motivations for either. Preserve the past or safeguard the future. I saved the kids because I'd gone full Papa Cub and wasn't about to let any of these little shits come to harm (despite their best efforts to fuck things up for me, THANKS CAPELLA YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD MISTRESS) but the realization that I'd essentially killed magic dead was a pretty sad one.
Really interested to see what Bachelor's choices are going to be besides the obvious "nuke the town, save the buttplug" one.
It's a lot better than the original where your choice was save the town or blow it up, same as the Bachelors; gives you a much more thematic and distinct choice in affairs.
>light lamp to clear cloud
>enter dead end room
>cloud respawns and refuses to leave
Alright, this game's easy as fuck from every angle. Survival is easy if you're not retarded, the economy is busted as fuck, and it only takes 3 of each tincture to 100% max out the fund every day.
Here's how you break the game's economy daily:
Step 1) From day 2 onwards you should make daily trips to the abandoned village for the 3 clusters of herb spawns. Collect herbs you run into on the way. Swevery can be made into a + tincture that restores 33% fucking percent of your exhaustion bar, removing the need to sleep for the rest of the game. One village trip will easily give you 3-4 days worth of exhaustion removal and enough herbs to clean out the twyre bar near your base.
2) Visit bad grief and the kids in the warehouse district after you get back from herb farming. Buy ALL OF THE LOCKPICKS. ALWAYS. Keep one to defend yourself if you're too dumb to have a repaired knife, otherwise trade them to the men wearing hats for food, ammo, and morphine. You will always double or triple the value of your lockpicks with this trade. They replenish daily from the vendors.
step 3) Visit every shop as you travel through the town. Buy everything worth less than 100 coins, always. Food shops give nuts which children love. Pharmacies give tweezers and needles. Clothes stores give thimbles, thread, etc. Buy all of these items every time you see them. Use it to keep your stuff repaired.
Step 4) TRADE WITH CHILDREN. NOT TEENS. You're a creepy fuck going around from playground to playground asking kids to reach into your pocket for a handful of nuts. The older kids want more valuable items and give you worse deals. The small kids have fingernails, shmowder, bullets, and morphine on the regular. Trade your nuts and bugs for these, you should have more than enough from looting plague houses and buying from grocery stores.
Fuck the kin
Yes and I'm still mad
He shows up in town at least once or twice, he's there in line at the Cathedral when Aglaya does the roll call the day comes to town.
I guess they're short-handed on actors so the director has to take part in his own play?
well technically they don't die in the nocturnal ending either, they just get mind-wiped/brainwashed and leave the town
maybe bachelor will get something like actually trying to understand the town's lore? Maybe he could come to terms with all the steppe bullshit he hated so much and appreciate it, trying to preserve it as well?
And what about Clara? Maybe her choices would be like "trying to reconcile with my sister?" Rather than try to fight her, as in, kill the plague, maybe she could realize they're both the sides of the same coin? What if you have the option to "merge?" like the ending of planescape torment and joining your mortality into your body?
but that's lewd!
How come you can hold 10 morphines in one stack? When I played the game it would only stack 5 max?
>But he is the narrator
But that's Isidor.
Let's say I am playing this on a genuine refrigerator. How do I maximize performance? Don't care if it looks like a game from 1988.
It's funny because the ending he wants is also the k*n ending.
Step 4 cont)
Here's the ideal trades in my eyes with non-children
Steppe-men (The mongolian lookin' motherfuckers in rags) - They want candles and tweezers, they give grindstones and hazelnuts.
Adult women - They want soap, they give tailoring supplies.
Young adult women/men - As of patch 4 trading fingernails to men for coffee is pointless. Spam yellow+ tinctures made from swevery instead of consuming coffee. Usually worthless to trade with.
White men without hats - They have peanuts sometimes to trade for grindstones. Peanuts for grindstones is their only good trade.
White men with soldier caps - Give them lockpicks for bullets, bread, and morphine.
Step 5) Looting. Loot actively plagued districts. Go into a house and hit as many containers as you can. You want stuff like bloody bandages, broken morphine, marbles (trade to kids), rings, necklaces, watches, etc.
once you get to the point where you can efficiently loot plague houses money becomes pointless and you won't have anything to spend it on, breaking the game.
final note : At the foot of beds in plague houses there's sometimes a green container chest. This specific chest at the foot of beds has a high chance of spawning revolvers and shotguns. It's the reason I have 2 shotguns in the pic. I have nothing I want to buy left in the game as I clear out every store daily.
Is there any way to prevent Mark being a faggot?
It's 10
Polyhedron is definitely going to be central to Bachelor. There's a short conversation with what's clearly the two kids from the sandbox on day 11 when you finally get a hold of the orders, where they ask you to take down the Polyhedron because it's stunting their growth into adults, and it's too much of a temptation for them to resist alone. I wonder if it'll have something to do with that. That while yeah it's a miracle of science and basically a magic holodeck but also it keeps you an escapist manchild forever watching reruns of your favorite animes.
Clara I have no fucking clue. It looks like they're going way off what original Clara was like except for the general skeleton of an idea.
Either way, please don't go broke just yet IPL.
Don't die more than once :^)
Must have been patched or something because it definitely wasn't when I played the game.
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought they were the powers-that-be. Those two also show up in the prologue.
check this: steamcommunity.com
Change the ammount of ram your game uses.
go to " C:\Users"user name"\AppData\LocalLow\Ice-Pick Lodge\Pathologic 2\Settings "
right click on "ExternalOptimizationSettings.xml"
choose edit and search for: (its on end of file)
if you have 10 gb of ram, you can change the number to 8000000000 so the game uses 8 gb because otherwise the game only uses 1 gb of ram by default THIS SETTING RESETS EVERY PATCH, AFTER YOUR NEW PATCH IS INSTALLED YOU NEED TO INCREASE THE RAM SETTING AGAIN
Fix nr 3, which i personally never tried but you might: steamcommunity.com
No, it really always was 10. You must have overlook. The auto-loot may have made a mistake and not auto-stack them, causing you seeing a five stack and another morphine somewhere else, causing you to think it's a 5 stack max.
But it had, since day of release, stack to 10.
So I completed the game around to weeks ago. What the fuck was the point of the polyhedron? It mentioned something about puncturing the earth's heart so naturally I bombed the shit out of it to mass produce panacea. Did I make the right choice?
They're the same ones waiting out by the railroad tracks the day before the army comes, saying some ominous things about iron-y death coming tomorrow. There might be more appearances that I missed or forgot, too.
Clara is going to be about her attempts to industrialize the miracle and how it doesnt work
If you don't blow up the polyhedron you preserve the magic of the steppe
You killed Bos Turokh you fuck
>he destroyed the polyhedron
Find out next time through the Bachelor how badly you fucked up and ruined everything!
>Did I make the right choice?
see pic related
literally fucking HOW?
teach me your ways holy shit
well you made mother bodho bleed to her death, killing the magic in the town and basically putting end to all steppe traditions and making the abattoir barren '
two kids standing in the prologue when you go to the cathedral
Neat. I remember that talk, but just assumed it was kids being kids.
But in the end I saved the town. Bachelor is a dumb faggot and would've done the same but he is just a contrarian faggot. It was a necessary sacrifice.
no, you didn't save the TOWN, you saved the people, the town was the bull. Enjoy trying to actually produce food without all the bulls which were the literal and not-so-literal heart of the city's industry and life because all the bulls came from the earth
>Swevery can be made into a + tincture that restores 33% fucking percent of your exhaustion bar, removing the need to sleep for the rest of the game.
>As of patch 4 trading fingernails to men for coffee is pointless. Spam yellow+ tinctures made from swevery instead of consuming coffee.
Did the values for the + tinctures get changed by patch 4?
yes, now the exhaustion tincture gets rid of a lot of sleep, like before the patch it was around the amount of a lemon now it's almost a half of the whole bar, either it's a bug or they changed it to make it easier for new people
>the game is easy one you beat the game and learn everything the game had to offer
no shit
>only 1/3 of the story
>still the best gaming experience I've had in years
Bachelor when?
Well maybe if those ugly fat odonghs didn't try to fuck me up at every single point I might've considered to save it but these steppe "people" got on my nerves.
end of 2019 hopefully, changeling most likely next year
IF we're lucky
The dream where you see your bound. They're sitting on top of the boulder.
The day before the inquisitor arrives, same as before the army comes.
Aglaya was at first but Dybovsky watched too much anime and had to make Lara a tsundere childhood friend waifu
lara doesn't even care so much about you honestly, Aspity loves you more than lara actually
She's just nuts, don't mind her. Rubin is the designated tsundere waifu.
>Rubin is the designated tsundere waifu.
do i need to have finished pathologic 1 before i play this for stuff to make sense?
not really, but you'll be able to pick some old threads of plotpoints if you finish the first game, you'll get more "aha!" moments, but you can finish the game normally anyway
no, it's essentially a remake of pathologic 1.
that said, it isn't designed to make sense from one play through, especially if you're not proficient at its jankiness.
it's worth playing pathologic 1 to play as the changling or bachelor
Im pretty sure not letting all kids and people die is a better morally good choice than some weird creatures going extinct due to natural selection shitting on them
>She sees the Haruspex talking with the Herb bride
>instantly asks who she is and what they were talking about
>"Why do you care?"
>forget it, I don't care
>Asks if she can help raise Sticky and Murky
>"Yes, thank you"
>O-only to help as friend you baka, don't get any wrong ideas
Reminder that one of the main inspirations of pathologic was a moege visual novel
wouldn't "natural selection" in this case be to let the idiots die of plague?
and blowing up the polyhedron would therefore subvert natural selection?
I talked with Aglaya like twice and she suddenly wanted to make out and run away with me for some reason
Recently finished it. This game rivals Sekiro in the number of unnecessary barefoot characters
those unnecessary characters are for the other major player characters that aren't released yet
That one was just a shit writing
Yeah Lara felt kind of like an anime character in this depressive slavic setting
No, because Harsupex was a man who could prevent it and he represented humanity and the Town. Its like saying that entire Europe should died out of plague in dark ages because inventing a cure is against natural selection
If the creatures were smart they would befriend humans and fuck like bunnies instead being distrusting and hide themselves underground
user, plague IS natural selection in this case, it's literally a force of nature, isidor was also of the same mind, thats why he contracted plague and wanted the town to be "vaccinated" against the sand pest. All the people who are one with nature don't die in the nocturnal ending, like sticky because he's a chad boi
I think you didn't read that right
Just finished the game. Overall, 9/11 would recommend, buy for a friend and wank to Taya's feet. However, the few last days other than when the Plague stopped playing by the rules were kinda rushed and there was very little character bits for Aglaya and the Commander, even compared to the original, where Aglaya was more important.
I really liked how the ending was both the same and different at the same time from the original, with the continued survival of the Polyhedron becoming in the best interest of BOTH the Kin and the Utopians, as opposed to the first game, where their goals were mutually exclusive. Seems that the conflict shifted from "Bachelor is willing to sacrifice the town and its people to preserve the wonder" and Haruspex willing to save the town at all costs to both the Kin and Utopians giving zero fucks about the town
>and wank to Taya's feet.
stop posting Oyun
>I Went Back To My Hometown And Now I Have To Take Care Of A Bunch Of Kids With My Childhood Friend But All These Steppe Girls Are After Me And Also Everyone Is Dying Of The Plague?
How do you have so many panacheas? I finished the game for the first time yesterday and I thought I'll get the blood a drained from the worm fiesta in the Abattoir but I did not retain the bottles. Was the problem that my inventory was probably fully stacked?
Also, a Rubin ending related question: I managed to keep him alive by testing panachea on myself after the Murky meeting, he stayed alive but never appeared in the epilogue. I expected to have a talk with him in the end along with Lara and Grief.
You get the blood from the blood stone altars, not from the worms' bodies homie
you fucked up
did you talk to him on day 11 near the train tracks at the station and persuade him to stay in the town?
yup, you get 2 blood vials from the rock in the old village, and you can harvest 5 bottles in the abattoir, so 7 bottles in total
>ignore Aspity's infection
>she survives the whole game, with her infection meter going 100% come day 11
>other character dies with a ~20% chance of death
I know, rng and all but still fuck her.
I think you have to meet Rubin day 11 outside the train station and convince him not to leave, otherwise he goes off to suicide by war/join the army.
>he stayed alive but never appeared in the epilogue.
he was supposed to be in coma until day 11, when he would be near the train station
>I wished they had done the Bacherlor route first
yeah, I'm quite worried about that route honestly. not only the game won't be a novelty anymore, but that route despite being very cool lacked the emotional or sensationalistic moments of the Haruspex. they have lots of work to do if they want the players to spend more money and >30 stressful hours on this game
Bachelor has some interesting lines.
fire cures the infection. try walking through the bonfires in infected districts
You can catch him practicing his latin proverbs like a schoolboy in the town hall sometimes.
it's kind of stupid. it was very useful as a last resort item since coffee and lemons are not easy to be found, but having your exhaustion depleted just with 3 bottles of waters and 3 swevery is simply gamebreaking
[incomprehensible pseudo-Mongolian nonsense]
It's not like the Bachelor route is hard to make, his is mostly basic assets and text with the exception of the polyhedron
Meanwhile the Haruspex has the Abbatoir and other crazy stuff, making him first ensures we get to play the crazy stuff for sure
It was patched. In the Alpha it was 5, on release it was 5. It then got patched to 10.
No, Haruspex was the agent of natural selection who killed the past and invested in the future. This is why Isidor didn't decided yet, he wasn't sure whether to save the earth tribe or Town
When you are walking to a point of interest, use it primarily as a motivation to talk to people, to scavenge and to trade - the point at the end pushes the story along, but it's just fluff compared to looking after people and the town.
Prioritise people that you want to look after. Accept that there will be casualties. You're a native of the town, behave and think that way. Prioritise gathering herbs with using organ harvesting as a sideline. If you are producing your own medication, you don't need to buy or trade for it.
Don't make shit trades. Toast isn't as good as fresh fish, quit wasting your time looking for guards with toast and carrying around lockpicks. Sell jewellery and pocket watches while the economy values them and buy good, filling food instead.
Avoid conflict, avoid fucking people over, treat people well and look after them. Don't be a thieving fucking scrub - quit breaking into people's houses and when playing the children's games - treat them with respect.
Always trade with the youngest girls, there's a good chance they have powders. Always be thinking of preparing for a worst case scenario.
If you're doing everything you can to advance the story, you're already fucked. Look after the town and it'll look after you.
literally the only flaw I found in the writing, otherwise I would tell people that the game is just perfect
but if i get rid of the bulls then where will i get my delicious thicc and nutritious bull milk
2 from the blood in Shekken - one used on Day 6.
5 from the Abatoir blood
1 Powder from playing hide and seek
1 Powder a Kickstarter backer item
1 Powder from trading a leash - sorry Notkin!
All other powders either from trade or stashes
I was like "Bitch? Are you for real?" I walked out and run toward muh waifu Lara who was in need of immunity booster.
from me
What was the point of Kain girl marking the healthy houses? I told her father to stop this nonsense. Did i did good?
Why did the game devs included giant Bull with giant ball sack in the intro of the game? They could just censor genitalia like the rest of normal game developers
did you find the actual house where they keep a dead body? If not enjoy an infected district in the morning
Same reason Nikolay keeps inserting his lolicon fantasies.
guess you could say IPL has some massive balls
>getting offended by the genitals of animals
i found it, but would i get an infected district if i didn't stop Kain lunatic bitch?
Please, someone tell me how to peacefully resolve the termintary issue without killing Kin
I don't want to do a third playthrough just for this quest
can't stop won't stop
The district infection depends on finding the bodies as far as I know.
Maria is a question for how you'd behave as a father to cubs.
It says to give it time, so give it time. Once you've seen the heart of the town they'll accept you as leader without killing anyone.
But doesn't the butcher you speak with tell you that the doors shall be locked until the conflict is resolved?
>walking around town
>some dudes beating a guy thinking it's me
>tell'em i'm Burakh
>mob beats me
I thought i had my name cleared already. Also, how do you fight more than one fucker in this game? I can't even turn tail and run, one of them always grab and turn me around.
I guess I just fucked up the Abattoir part. Still managed to keep everyone I cared about and all the kids alive thanks to the random shmowders so all's well.
And yeah, checked a day 11 save and I found Rubin. Cheers.
>I thought i had my name cleared already.
The trio south of town hall don't get to memo until the midnight.
>1 Powder a Kickstarter backer item
wat. is it related to the invisible cat?
I wish there would be less one sided choices. Like if giving Lara the dirty water caused somethig else than infected district
>"I cannot tell you the details. We do not have time for it right now. And in any event - you have to be me and live through these horrible two weeks as myself to see everything that I have seen. And to understand everything I have understood"
Nice one, IPL. Bachelor fucking when
He's full of shit, just leave. You might have to go out the side door though.
You don't fight more than one enemies at once. You run. You can just lure them away and they'll leave the guy alone. You can also bandage him afterwards and he won't even thank you. So is the life of the healer.
is there any con if you mark both the house with the cadaver and the one with the person locked? I never found kain's daughter but I don't think it affected the playthrough anyway
Like a raging case of the shits?
Not that I know of. Overall you can find three houses of interest: one with the mummified bodies, one where an autistic womanchild plays and one where a bunch of people locked up a guy with pneumonia out of fear
That's right. You'll be able to do the task on Day 2.
I thought the quest to go into the abattoir or whatever was locked until you freed the kin? Does Oyun eventually call you over to go inside without freeing the kin?
i dunno, i just walked around and found the "silent house" investigated and then marked it when i left
you can get a dream sequence this day
Really user? Never had this line. What does he say?
>Reassuring and softly talking to your kids as they are dying of plague before treating them
>Saba telling you, as she prepares to die, that she was meant to be like a mother to you and lamenting the fact you didn't need her
>Lara offering to raise the orphan kids with you
>Finding and talking with Murky after offering yourself to her "friend"
>Meeting Fat Vlad at the meat shop
>Playing along with Taya as she rambles childish nonsense
>Reassuring the Bachelor that more wondrous towers will be built in this town and calling him a friend
I don't fucking care how janky this game is. Every bid of it is worth those moments.
does finishing the "kill the kin hunting stah" actually lead to anything? Do you need to actually do it or do you just need to make panacea before aglaya arrives?
It's going to be interesting to see how the Bachelor's scenario compares. Without those kind of moments it's going to be a heartless slog to save a fucking buttplug.
When is the best time to give someone a shmowder ? they will get infected again anyway
Day 11, got a letter from the kids saying they left shmowders on stashes, but i go to the stashes i remember and find no fucking shmowder. I also tried hitting twyrine but nothing pls help i just need 2
T-minus nine (9) minutes until the board is ruined by E3 coverage. It's been fun, /pathologic/ros.
when their infection is above 50% and you can't lower it below 25%~ with antibiotics
you can let someone stay infected for a day or two and pray they don't die, then cure them for real when their district doesn't have the plague anymore
This. I have no fucking clue why people are complaining about hunger. By day 10 I had 20+ coupons yet I have not used them even once, because the shady shop in the warehouse, fund rewards and occasional trades for pemmican/eggs or dead item shop is all that you need.
right away, sometimes they will die right away next day, it's not worth hoping for a good roll of the dice
no one seems to be able to find those actually, a lot of people asked this and i dont know either, it's said those schmowders were in sleepy head's cache, and he was the kid who was mentioned on day 2 in their cache quest game
Are the antibiotics you can make with infected organs better than the pills you can buy?
they're better than the non plus ones, I actually never used the plus pills, but the organ tinctures if administered to the correct layer will lover the infection by about 40%
>Day 12, dropping by the intellectuals as they drink themselves into a stupor at the bar
>Bachelor says it's been ages since he got this hammered, calls you friend
>Peter's drinking away his sorrows about the Tower, his waifu/daughteru dying
>Andrei's being a good supportive older bro
>Yulia's the only one who knows you did it but keeps quiet about it, invites you to come back to the city with her
Gonna be fun hanging out with these weirdos more as the city boy next time around.
Bachelor can also be quite emotional I reckon
>His entire life and career literally depend on him saving the town
>Conflict between his fascination with Kains and the Polyhedron and his duty as a doctor
>Fighting for acceptance in the town where no one really respects him
>Bonding with Kains, relationship with Maria and losing them, as they are reborn as Nina and Simon
>Eva's suicide
>Special invitation to a meeting on top of the Polyhedron
I have faith in the devs, as long as the fucking route is released at all
I mean, since the Plague does not play by the rules, neither do you have to. Just save, skip time till midnight and see who dies. If they die, reload and give them a shmowder.
why aren't there any PoC in pathologic?
>mfw 19:00 on day 10
>realise that, after I save my Bound, I have only one panacea left
>have only one hour and a half until midnight and have to choose whether to save Eva or Julia
some user in the past pointed out that for bachelor the real reason to save the polyhedron was because he was pissed at Powers that be and he wanted to use the power of the tower so he could "ascend" to the status of a real person, as he didn't want to be a toy anymore. That was the real reason for him saving the polyhedron in the first game
yea i might, i finished the game already and saved stah and just lurk the threads asking for people's different approaches to the game
>1/3 of the town are literal mongoloid asians
Give the other one your strongest potions and hope for the best.
>eats 100x the minimum required to survive each day while his dearly beloved town starves to death
why is haruspex such an absolute unit?
They're not strong enough for his potions.
That's your interpretation and, if I recall, one that the developers suggest in Clara's post-ending conversation. But I kinda disagree with that. You can play the Bachelor as really believing into the force of human spirit and buying into the Kain's ideals, since they are very close to his own, being the founder of Thanatica.
Then again, I do feel like the correct solution for the Bachelor is to play his role to the end and destroy the Polyhedron, because for a doctor, the town and its people would be more important, and the Bachelor does spend fuck loads of time and effort saving it. I think the beginning's reference to him "performing a miracle" is an express reference to him overcoming the petty desire to preserve the Polyhedron to spite Aglaya after being used and sticking to his duty
The problem isn't the cures but the time. They are on the opposite sides of town and I barely have time to reach one of them. Eva's naked navel saved the deal for meI am so sorry, Jules
the user said that's what came out when bachelor saves someone else's adherents and gets the extra visit with the powers that be, I'd have to play HD classic again and confirm it honestly
He is right, that's what the devs say when you complete Clara's route and have an extra conversation with the developers. But when you play as the Bachelor, it is up to you what motivations he has for what he does
i see
clara and haruspex are better than bachelor anyway, ha!
Bachelor > Haruspex > playable Murky > Cringeling
dont you ever again deface my plague waifu like this
Seeing her all alone in the abandoned termitary, sitting on the edge of that pit and waiting to die like a complete loser that she is was the best feeling in the game
You need to sleep. Painkillers don't heal, they allow the body to calm, to then heal.
They mean blacks and jews.
imagine clara giving you a handjob, it's a 50/50 change it's either gonna be the best job in your life, or your dick falls off
Bad Grief is very clearly a jew and Maria - a washed-up latina, I still fail to see a problem?
Why must we tolerate homosexuality...
I'm aware. I've never done any actual testing, but they seem to barely do anything compared to normal sleeping.
Pathologic was just at E3.
clearly the kind of game Xbox owners will love
They do restore health at a better rate. Whenever I slept I always popped an ampule.
Then again, my Haruspex has not slept since day 5
>Bad Grief is very clearly a jew
Bad Gries is actually a pretty cool guy, so no
So was Fifa. I like Fifa. I like Pathologic.
I am surprised how they completely flipped several characters' personalities around. Lara and Grief are now good people, Oyun is not nearly as much of a vain, homicidal psychopath, Eva is a cute ditz and Anna actually has some redeeming qualities
can't wait for the Bachelor Smash trailer
Lara and Grief were always good people, what the fuck are you talking about?
Cuts his way in
>you play as Bachelor
>he is the ultimate chad, with a will of iron and not afraid of anything
>Bachelor is an NPC
>he literally cannot ever take a bull-shaped dildo out of his butthole
I'm looking forward to getting to know more about Victor. He was quietly respectable in the original game, now he comes across as a guy that's hurting, feels his family slipping away and just wants the best for them.
Pathologic 2 is wholesome as fuck. I wonder how many of the dev team have become parents in the time since the first game.
someone didn't play Cringeling route
You got me.
The worst part is I think they might be doing the same twist, it's just going to hurt more because he's so much more likeable this time around.
>Only helping others as atonement for her father's crime and to keep up appearances, hollow on the inside and wishing for nothing but to die in service of others
>Has orchestrated the entire split within the bandit gang and is actually enjoying gutting and murdering people without any reason, just using the current event as a pretext to do so while pretending to be an "honest thief"
I can see an argument for Lara but Grief was the lowest scumbag
>Well then that's it, Artemy. I'll go elsewhere. I'll go elsewhere for my medical supplies.
>That's what you'd better do.
>I'll go elsewhere for my medical supplies and I'll never come back!
>Good. You're not welcome here! My tinctures are only for the strongest and you're clearly are not of the strongest you're clearly the weakest.
>You've had your say, Worakh but I'll have mine. You're a rascal, you're a rascal with no respect for doctors... No respect for anything...except your goddamned steppe!
>Why respect doctors... when blood and herbs can do anything that you can...
>Implying Changeling won't get in due to moveset potential
I think he might be a legitimately good person this time around, considering the fact that we see and can talk to his Shade and know his inner feelings from the get-go
other user here, and i know that grif was doing all the peacocking around and playing tough, but it was still barley the barber who draw the first blade, thats what he says when we meet him in grif's warehouse, is it not?
>You're not like the guy I used to know, Danil
I will hope but will prepare for the worst.
How would Clara's finding out about the darker sides of people even work this time around if we've seen most of them already thanks to the Reflections, anyway?
That depends on whether you can trust the Reflections. They too are under no obligation to tell you the truth
So if I haven't been actively hunting down shmowders, am I fucked as far as the fact that most (if not all) of my bound are going to get sick early on and die, locking me out of significant parts of the story? I saved up for at least one shmowder but then ran low on meds and had to trade away most of my nuts for supplies. Really hoping I don't have to restart. I didn't expect it to be so tough compared to the original pathologic, where you could easily get by without shmowders and keep all your bound alive.
Her focus would instead be on her own darker side, of course.
Don't forget you can boost the immunity of "In Danger" characters.
Holy fuck.
>Give grief the strongest tinctures and antibiotics
>Dies like a bitch on his first plague test
>Forget Katheryna exist and never give her anything stronger than basic pills or nothing at all
>Survives until the end
>implying there is a "light" side anywhere in that thieving, lying psycho with illusions of godhood
Personally, I really fucking love this one:
Are there drawfags in this thread? I really want to see a drawing of haruspex squatting in the steppe whistling to himself and picking herbs with a generally bright happy atmosphere while all the way in the background you can see the town burning to the ground as people riot and the plague and panic consumes it.
You won't have to restart. Just do as much as you can.
Concentrate on keeping the people you like/can help you alive and well, don't be afraid to write someone off if you think they're not going to be worth the supplies/time. Make do with what you've got.
It might be counterintuitive to what pretty much every other game out there tells you to do, but you will have a much more meaningful and memorable time if you just do what you can and deal with the consequences.
this is the song that plays during the walkback from your failed escape from the town, right?
When you walk alone in the town consumed by the Plague.
This is good advice. I actually found this game very liberating in a sense that you know from the get-go that you won't save anyone and will miss things, meaning that you're not stressing out like a completionist aspie and for the most part just roll with the punches
t. pro-choice advocate
It's this one.
But I think it's not actually in game, no? It was around in the Marble Nest though.
>tfw no steppefu
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind and do this playthrough without reloading or restarting then, and try to weather it out no matter how bad it gets. I haven't looked at the sliders yet but is there a time slider too? After I beat the game once I kind of want to do a second playthrough where I can read all the dialogue and check out all the events at my own leisure, playing in native russian and it kills me knowing there's conversations or events I've missed and probably will miss when their quality is so fucking great.
it's ingame for a specific sequence
Imagine having sand and dirt get into your urethra every time you fuck her
worth it
Reloading is fine mate. Sometimes you really need it. Дa и вpeмя дoлжнo-жe вpoдe ocтaнaвливaтьcя вo вpeмя (хa) диaлoгoв?
First timer here. Do you recommend I get Pathologic HD and play through that first before playing Pathologic 2?
Oh that's nice. I am actually happy that there is fucktonne of stuff I missed, since I can now replay the game and still find new stuff.
You really don't have to. 2 completely eclipses the original.Unless, of course, you want some more after finishing this game.
There's sliders for everything you could imagine and then some. But you get a nice shiny special achievement for not touching them.
But yeah I know the feeling, some kind of autism compels me to see and do all the things in video games, but this one you gotta try and break the habit because you just plain can't do it.
do it the other way around, play p2 then play HD for the bachelor and changling
i mean, sure, you can, it's pretty cheap, you might even email the devs and ask for a discount because pathologic 1 hd was on sale some time ago. It's still solid 80 hours of gameplay and the translation is fixed now, its not necesery to play the first one before playing 2, but it's still a fun game anyway
>updated my journal
It only plays once, when you make a big mistake
I think I might go for HD first because 2 seems like a big upgrade (?), at least in terms of visual.
i think you mean the BEST THING YOU COULD HAVE DONE
I presume from context that the mistake is trying to run away with Aglaya? I told her to fuck off straight away and later [spoiler[ found her shot behind the town hall
Дa, ocтaнaвливaeтcя, нo пoкa я бeгaю тyдa cюдa coбиpaя вcякиe мeдикaмeнты и жpaтвy инoгдa нe хвaтaeт вpeмeни пoгoвopит co вceми c кoтopыми хoтeлocь бы. Mop 2 вcё тaки кaжeтcя тяжeлee чeм пepвый в этoм cмыcлe- бoльшe вceгo ecть чё мoжнo cлyчaйнo пpoпycтит
Yeah, I'm going to play as intended on my first playthrough. As hard as it is I'm really enjoying it and I'm glad they decided to push players to this extent in the second one, feels a hell of a lot more stressful this time around which really lends well to immersion. Completely agree on that 100% clear autism part
When you meet the changeling by the stone and get infected, how do you walk onto the fire? I can't seem to get onto it and i only get hurt by tiny amounts touching it over and over.
Pathologic had 3 storylines with 3 different main characters
the Bachelor was easily the best character to start playing as
2 for now only has the Haruspex, the one most people played after the Bachelor not only because the start was pretty rough, but because it makes the most reason to play it as your second route for story reasons
2's Haruspex route is a direct improevement over the original Haruspex, and the next route to come out will be te Bachelor, so you might just want to wait until the Bachelor comes out for Pathologic 2
Do Bachelor's scenario first, then you could probably jump right into 2. Best of both worlds, at least until they put out his scenario for 2.
Haмнoгo тяжeлee, и я этo гoвopю кaк вeтepaн пepвoгo мopa. Дyмaю пoтoмy чтo eгo нaмнoгo cлoжнee cлoмaть oб кoлeнo - в opигинaлe мoжнo пpocтo в пepвыe 3 дня пиздить жpaтвy из дoмoв и зaпacтиcь бaтoнaми нa гoд впepёд.
Eh sure but 2 is also a tremendous upgrade in terms of gameplay and, arguably, storytelling as well. Everything really, other than losing some subtlety in its visual messaging and slick techno soundtrack. For many people the original would just not be an enjoyable experience and I don't want you to lose your interest in 2 just because the outdated original put you off it
I don't think you can do it in stationary sources of fire, probably a good thing since once you know the trick if you've got a bandage or two handy it takes away a LOT of the fear of getting infected.
best way to do it is try and find the arsonists burning people with molotovs in infected districts, then walk into the trails of fire they leave. eats into a lot of your health but bam, plague-free.
I can't stop listening to it, "now I see my way, I should just go" part especially.
I even want to play a game because of that track.
How depressing is the game?
I saw a lot of people talking about it in these threads; just wondering if there's a trick to it or such. Maybe they patched it out.
If I buy the games at full price on Steam, more money goes to the devs, yeah?
Excessively. But as some other anons pointed out, it is also really wholesome sometimes. Even small victories are victories nonetheless.
>How depressing is the game?
oh boy
Yes, please do so, so that we can get more suffering fuel later in the Bachelor and Cringeline routes. I bought it for a friend at full price today, no regrets
i thought they said "no one saw my way"
Been a while since I've seen this kot
It's not even in the game, the game uses a version with fake steppe language instead of english
I think the fake steppe language one is better tbqh.
Alright, I checked on day 6's night there's nothing in the old village. I'm going to spend the next five minutes save scumming sleep.
Hmmm, I just rememebered, i think you have to been previously in the village before day 6, like you should have visited the place before hand, i read this in the comment somewhere so i dunno
Before you do that, have you tried creating antibiotics using at least 3 organs? Cause you need to do that first. I understand that either you try every combination or try about 3-4 and then, after a while, Haruspex will give up. That's when you have to sleep to get the dream pointing you towards Heshen.
Didn't for me. I just took a catnap in the middle of day 5 and dreamt of Taya telling me to go visit the Ear.
Ah. AH.
That'll do it. Fuck.
This is incorrect; I visited Heshen for the first time when I got the Aurox blood in it. You just need to try to create a few organ-based antibiotics first and realise that it is going nowhere
>the thread is still up
I'm proud of all of you
I genuinely haven't cared about E3 in years, not even to laugh at how bad it is.
>tfw I traded away the organs because I heard about the village.
Fuck. Looks like I'm gonna have to go and do some butchery on an earlier save. I did do infected blood mind you.
The only good game there was Pathologic 2
oh fuck i didnt know this was actually a factor, huh
Stickies exists for a reason. Stops the board from getting flodded, so any somewhat active threads are going to be ok.
Blood counts towards the organs, I think. But grab a brain if you can, they make really good medicines.
I started working in a corporate law firm half a year ago and since then I literally work 9am to 2am most days. I only can afford playing and talking about games that I really care about. I can't muster a single fuck about any of the AAA garbage E3 usually attracts, naturally with exceptions.
Yep, blood counts and so do healthy organs, which produce painkillers.
what the fuck is wrong with russians
Yeah, I'll go do an earlier save, hit up the plague districts again (i was going through them anyway to get the doctor meter up and speak with Yulia anyway...) pop back down, brew and test them on myself, fall to despair, sleep and then village.
It's based on an American webcomic where the joke is that dwarves put dicks on everything.
You didn't miss much, it's not even a fun shitshow anymore these days.
No need. Around day 5 you have a task in the hospital to dissect a few people. Use the opportunity to get your organs in a mostly plague-free environment
If you can spare the time, test them on people for big doctor fund $$$s. Randoms in the street will do, or nearby infected important characters.
Disregard spoilers, post waifus
WTF i love E3 now?
the ost was so good
I did that first thing as I always get to the hospital right as it opens in the morning to get it out of the way.
Anyway I ain't afraid of no plague. I got schmowders up the ass. I just want to keep Rubin alive and I suspect Grief and I won't have too much luck with our little dynamite venture later on in the night.
steppe girls make my pee-pee feel all funny
I hope this isn't too hardcore for this christian imageboard
how can i get marble nest for steam now?
Just pirate it like I did. i bought the game though.
Yeah, no, bruv, I recommend you save those shmowders to deal with a certain e m e r g e n c y later on
Can someone post the edited image with Bachelor rummaging through a box of dildoes?
yeah i just found the google drive from IPL, already bought the game and artbook
Jesus fucking Christ dude, think of the advertisers
>Marble nest Bachelor
>Exhausted,angry,paranoic but determinated, tries to protect the last part of town,even if he fucking hates it
>Pathologic 2 Bachelor
>Smug and confident, bul in few days turns into literal Artemy onahole
I will, by posting even more steppe girls
>the town made artemy stronger as we fully came into our father's inheritance and became a WAISE MAN (tm)
>the town made bachelor a broken shadow of his former self
Not when we play as him, I reckon. In the first game he was subsisting on coffee alone while simultaneously fingering Maria and Eva (the latter so hard that she jumped off a fucking balustrade) and murdering soldiers with a rusty knife while naked and chased by rabid dogs
If you don't fuck it all up, it's very uplifting.
If you're a frequent visitor to r/childfree or r/atheism then this might not be the best game for you though.
Aurochtism works in funny ways.
I am confus. Why would you mention atheism?
i still find it extremely wholesome that during artemy route bachelor was our BIGGEST FREN
because we were the only person who could actually help him, had medical background AND was versed in local traditions. The game pulled a shitty move and made him hate us outta the blue in later parts of the game which i don't really fully understand why, like why did bachelor suddenly turned from a big pal into a power hungry cunt?
Yay! My box art!
how do i make myself stop thinking peter looks like max landis
because he knew we wanted to destroy the polyhedron?
We don't exactly have much OC, let alone good stuff like this. Gotta save what I can.
Anyone have that user's rad painting of Bachelor? I forgot to save it.
The game likes to explore belief systems. Fedora tippers are going to need to wait for the Bachelor's scenario.
In the original, you mean? Cause in this game his role is rather limited until the very end, kinda disappointing.
I think the reason he became more aggressive later is because, as he predicted when you first met, you have had an irreconcilable conflict of worldviews
it's a parody of oglaf.com
>Artemy literally tells Katheryna that he hopes she ain't gonna start a religion and that he would prefer the Plague to it
wtf I hate IPL now?!?
Because he's always been a cunt you mook.
I suppose you're right, it's like he was acting irrational like when he ordered the bull to be burned seemingly for lulz
yea i suppose it's true, we both drifted apart as both of them realized different reasons for the source of the plague, still made me kinda sad that their friendship ended like this
Should I play Classic HD before Pathologic 2?
How much will I hate this game?
Did you miss the rest of the game and the choices that can be made to preserve the Kin's society and beliefs? Or did you just watch one ending?
The only reason to play the original game now is as a curiosity exercise. This new game completely outstrips it.
If you want/can stomach the older jankiness of it. Bachelor in Classic is a better introduction to the setting, but is pretty slow-paced for a while. 2 grabs you by the balls very quickly and is a lot more tolerable if you're fixated on muh gameplay.
>will I hate it
How anal retentive are you about 100%ing games and doing everything right?
I told the kin to fuck off because prolonging the death throes of their culture was not worth the futures of the town's inhabitants and my Bound children. I also roleplayed him as being, at best, a reluctant fellow traveler with the Kin, appreciating its ways but also not willing to steep to their animalistic brutality and lack of individuality. I am also just fucking around, so chill.
And yes, I only had a diurnal ending so far cause I want to replay the game with the nocturnal one.
Prepare for some major weirdness then.
Your steppe-kids can come out fine
As one of the bigger Pathologic 2 apologist out there I can still tell you that the game is jank. Plethora of bugs, shit performance, questionable design choices in terms of game mechanics and very visibly rushed last quarter of the game. It's also absolutely amazing and I know I will be replaying it many times over because the positives completely outstrip the negatives.
>tfw seeing these guys in the beginning and at the end
>very visibly rushed last quarter of the game.
It shows, it really does. The fact that you barely feel any tension when the inquisitor and army arrives kinda stands as a testament to this. Like I welcomed the army with open arms, they shoot looters on sight and don't even steal loot for themselves, so you can just let them shoot the plagued people and looters and take the spoils for yourself
Yeah I felt like the Inquisitor and the Army were the worst parts of the game and have so much missed potential. The Army looks so visually impressive and ominous in the intro but they really do fuck all in the actual game. They really had to have a few side missions around the army like they did in the first game, as well as have much more interaction with the Inquisitor, with whom you talk like three times before she suddenly decides she loves you and wants to elope with you. Still loved the game but these are some serious issues I have with it. Shit like janky combat and whack hunger meter can easily be tolerated, but not the rushed story and characterisation.
this one?
>Chadchelor always gets 10/10 fanart
How can the Haruskeks even compete?
Who needs fanart when your appearance is based on this guy
Inventory posts like this are retarded. No one cares how much you hoarded if you missed out on any story or let any NPCs die.
>2 different bottles of milk
>Day 11
what the fuck were they thinking
>aglaya's whole shtick is being a walking 4th wall break and pick related
I didn't answer her questions and said "get to the point" so she was impressed with my """free wil""" Like I GET the fact that she's supposed to be AWARE of powers that be aka the kids who control everything, but honestly? When you get the same idea shoved down your throat it makes me stop caring about the characters at all. I understand fully that the pathologic's basic and entire premise IS "bro why you mad you KNOW it's a game why you mad?" but at the same time it can kinda diminish the amount of fucks given about any characters. Why on earth should I feel sad or sorry about a character who just spend an amount of time persuading another character they’re a stuffed toy? (aglaya telling grif he’s just a puppet) I think it can break the immersion slightly if im being honest, since we’re already being reminded that we’re just “actors” in a play my mark on every occasion. It’s like devs thought “ok we still have 4 ingame days, how do we make the endgame engaging?” “OH I know MORE 4TH WALL BREAK”
>>Only helping others as atonement for her father's crime and to keep up appearances, hollow on the inside and wishing for nothing but to die in service of others
How does this make Lara evil?
it's tan and milk
Tan is bull milk
but seriously, it's just another type of dairy product , it's cheaper and worse type of milk in terms of stats
I didn't even realize there were 2 different edible white liquids in the game
other user here, and I suppose it's because she does it out of obligation rather out of pure and free-willed compassion. It might not make it EVIL in the grand scheme of things, but i suppose the closest comparison is staunch Christians helping others not because they want to, but because they know they'll go to heaven if they do, or go to hell if they dont?
you can find it in shops a few times
Cool, done.
where is the artbook user
It makes no sense that you need to go to all 3 places to find the courier
I mean, after you find out one of the couriers escaped and is wounded, its body should appear on your lair, and it'll be up to you to find the fate of the other two
I think the key to getting over this mindset is the dialogue you have with the devs in the original, prior to making your decision on day 12. Even having talked with the Powers and found out the truth, even if you are surrounded by toys, it does not mean they are not suffering. Even a toy town deserves saving and the solution is to embrace the role you are given, acting it fully until the very end. I treat the theatre/fourt-wall breaks as nothing but tongue-in-cheek interludes for my, the player's, amusement, having nothing to do with the character on stage.
I suppose "evil" isn't entirely right. But she sure as hell isn't good in the original. Good people do not become Cringeling's Bound, for once.
Yeah whatever "ibrzu". fuck lol
I didn't buy that or the soundtrack. Are they really worth 14 euros?
Eh, I don't mind people knowing my account, not like I play online stuff. It's just the usual precaution when posting stuff on Yea Forums.
You're the real MVP
I don't know if these work more than once, but try inputting them into the game before you start, maybe they do?
These are backer reward codes for a special item and event (the latter)
that's called padding the game's runtime, especially because it's the only real quest for the day
yeah i get what you mean, i still enjoyed playing the came and caring about the characters and all, it's just... you know... the shock value of "oh e gads, we're all TOYS" kinda wears its welcome, especially when you played through the original game, and the HD classic? I still found it cool what they did with mark and how we were basically interchangeable actors, the deal with death and all that its just it's not exactly a fresh and revolutionary idea for a pathologic, especially when you simply dont give a fuck playing through the rushed last 4 days of the game
I wouldn't say it's 4. I think the quality dips after day 9, so really only days 10 and 11 are a bit disappointing. I think this is why they have put some quite shocking and time-sensitive events in those, as a distraction. It's still a shame and I hope they learn the lesson so as to provide a better experience for the Bachelor at least. His final days in the original were fucking insane
i think the abattoir was the highpoint, after that it's kinda just watered down. Army comes over and starts giving you ammo and army rations and 3000 cash without you having to do hospital shifts, and yet people still have problems with food? And the fact you didn't have to tackle the rebellion with Longin? We didn't even have to prove anything to aglaya, while in the first game we actually had to do some quest in order to convince her. Another thing that kinda pissed me off is when we returned from the abattoir and went to aglaya. "Hey inquisitor i found the source of the plague, it's the polyhedron! It's spike is impaling the literal heart of the town." "Oh, I know, i figured this myself too because im just a hack of a character"
I want to buy this game for a friend of mine cause that fucker doesn't believe it was great.
Already finished it and holy fuck, what a ride.
this. i had 15k the last day but in the end I couldn't even upgrade my inventory simply because there was never a good moment to visit the clothes shop with enough space for the material
you could just wear the cape on your character, user
Completely agree with you. Aglaya deserved everything coming to her. Which is yet again a shame, because her relationship with Burakh and the conflict between her fatalism and his worldview are one of the more interesting interactions in the original. I hope they give her more screentime later on.
>haven't upgraded the inventory
>haven't upgraded the distillery
>never used a complex firearm and regretted getting a revolver early
I wish they made these bits of the game a bit more necessary.
tfw you get to see Murky grow up into a rebellious slut and spend her evening getting tapped by butchers and factory workers in Stamatin's pub
>I wish they made these bits of the game a bit more necessary.
dude, i don't think there's a bigger QoL improvement possible. the revolver is useful for missions where you have to kill people, since most of the time it's 2/3/4 vs 1
at least mark was kinda a smug asshole and his "theater director" role fit him well so his 4th wall antics were more suited. Like when he basically shittalked us every time we died calling us a shitty actor who can't play his role right, aglaya was just kinda bland, i get the whole idea of her falling in love with is because we are virtually the only "alive" character in the whole game, because we are being controlled by a player, but yeah
I kinda regretted not having upgraded the distiller on Day 10, when the plague cheats yet again
Pathologic 2: Dad Simulator
>i think the abattoir was the highpoint
it really was, I considered the game winned after getting all those panaceas, maybe that's why it didn't really felt so empty afterwards. but even for me the aglaya and block interaction seemed bullshit
>tfw you don't have enough panacea/shmowders for all of them
fuck this shit if the plague cheats i am cheating too i must protect those kids
Yeah I know. I kinda got my first cloak ruined and then the shops were only selling the improved versions at any given time, so I could never find the shitty one to do the first upgrade
By that time you should have enough powders to supply a mid-market investment bank for a month, panacea is only useful to treat other people and give it to Taya and Murky, because it doesn't hurt
I didn't autistically hunt for powders, which was a huge mistake on my part
>get an emotional moment with Lara on day 11
>offer her a hug
>I have over 10 deaths
where is lara on day 11? on her house i only found the Chadchelor
lol yeah its part of xbox game pass now.
it mus have sold really badly.
>gave schmowders to the infected adults and panacea to the infected kids
I don't care if there's no gameplay ramifications for this, I won't do it any other way.
Upstairs, having a mental breakdown.
yeah they gloss over the fact that shmowder just melts your organs
what does the ulcer look like once you max out on deaths? the worst run i've had so far was 11 deaths, and it looked like a rib cage was being constructed
>aglaya comes over, three's at least 2 pantomimes made before she arrives to set the mood
>spooky scary lady from the capitol comes to fuck all the sinners ooga booga
>she asks us 3 questions and tries to "crack" our behaviour
>tell her to go fuck herself because we spent a week in this hell hole so she doesn't scare us
> she tries to ask us the question about "whether you'd send your daughter or son to be killed in nazi camp" question
> tell her "i don't have a daughter get to the point"
like it was kinda cool to shit on the almighty inquisitor because we know she's just a character in a video game but still, felt like a massive fuckin copout
>army comes, they'll fucking DESTROY EVERYTHING
>army is actually really chill
>blok doesn't seem so bad
> that sidequest with Lara where she goes off to murder the general
>oh shit nigga doesn it mean she will actually try to kill him and die herself during the attempt?
>oh she did't success because blok wasn't there, what a let down
I loved the game to bits but it still won't change my mind about the fact last days of the game were rushed and filled with uninteresting shit when you compare it to previous days
This is some cool fan art
I do hope you are wrong, but that's probably the case. This game had nil marketing and is in no way, shape or form a power fantasy, so most people would either avoid it or feel swindled if they buy it. Makes me wanna cry
yeah aglalagalgya was kind of a letdown. though i don't really remember her being that interesting in the first game either.
i remember in the first game Aspity was actually in love with us in the first place, I'd take her over aglaya any day