Here's your collector's edition bro

Here's your collector's edition bro.

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Oui oui oui le cyberpunk honhonhon


Higher resolution ?

heinous. i'll be buying the artbook separately


This game is going to be rock solid shit but guess what? Journos & streamers are going to pretend its good, just like with God of War. Fucking hate this stupid hobby. THANK FUCK I can still play classic games.

>default protagonist jumping off something

didn't they already do this with witcher 3? Why didn't they just use the psycho squad guy from the teaser? And better yet, make it an actual figure and not some shoddily painted """"art"""" piece


what are some good collectors editions? I have this one which is pretty dope.

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People that buy this junk deserve what they get

Looks atrocious.

shut the fuck up incel

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just turn off the volume and you can tell if a game is being well and enjoyable played

go back

That's a day one right there.

>pays over $100 neetbux for stuff that can be bought seperately off amazon for like $20
>bbb-b-b-b-but muh dragon etched glasses! it matches the game!!!
n*gg*r you can find similar shit online

have someone access to this image-sharpening AI?

the halo reach deluxe version was only like 75 dollars IIRC and came with a whole book that was really cool

Based. I got the halo reach legendary edition. That in my opinion is pretty top tier.


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Menchildren desu

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I've managed to get away for the entire 2019 with nobody saying this to me. God fucking damn you frogposter.

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i bought it for less than most full-priced games

bar glasses are cool but a baby in a jar is hard to beat

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Who the fuck fucking pays for that shite??
>muh meme edition

unironically shut the fuck up crybaby fag

>around 28

fuck off incel, have sex

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oozes with onions

>Some random dude in a motorcycle
>Not the sexy female version of V

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>that postcard


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>hurr durr I am le epic auteur
>game infested with pre-order, collector's edition DLC
kojima is a talentless hack, poser and a sellout

Page got taken down buts it's legit

>protagonist is same old generic white male badass
Look, I'm not even a leftie and this just feels...boring? Remember that first trailer with that lady getting shot while the bullets just shattered against her skin? Imagine a game starring her

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Artbook actually with the night pic

That's a really shit looking statue.

The ps5 collector edition will have something different

It should have been a girl, male V doesn't even look like proper punk.
He looks like generic action guy. Which is fine for the cover which you will use to sell your game to dudebros, but collectors edition should be more tasteful.


i like stuff that's actually useful


can't wait to see how botched the statue will turn out to be

ahahaha based and cringepilled

They put white males on cover art because market research shows that people are more likely to buy games with a white male on the box. There's little room for creativity in box art for big budget games.

you sound pathetic, my man


Too bad the ice stones don't do d*ck. Otherwise yeah I drink from one of those glasses a lot.

>we gotta find a way to complain about this game to meet our shilling quota for EA.
>complaining about the sun didn't work!
>let's complain about the box art and the pointless peripheral stuff companies sell to gullible rich idiot collectors.
>these things aren't relevant to a game everyone is going to buy digitally, but it's the only thing we have to criticize.
>it doesn't have to be a good argument, we just gotta meet our quota to get paid.

Outta my way collectors editionlet fucking shits. fallout 3 one was pretty good too

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If I buy it, how much do I resell it for before the ps5 collector edition come out

I hope this figurine gets the "geralt statue" effect

I never opened the stones as i usually drink mine at room tempature. I use the shot glasses alot more compared the the glasses.

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My glasses don't look like that, what the fuck

You're either a boomer who can't accept change or a zoomer who was born in le wrong generation, either way kys

>Journos & streamers are going to pretend its good, just like with God of War.
Add RDR2 to that as well. Fuck that shitty Cowboy sim.

Yo your cup is different from mine.

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These are the shotglasses from the Yakuza 5 collectors edition. I have the Y6 glasses but dont use them.

I was going to say... if those were the fucking glasses, damn. They look high quality.

>imagine not being hype as fuck for this game
>imagine thinking it will be anything like GoW
This website is profoundly retarded sometimes, holy shit. Stay mad, sunposter.

Oh boy cheap pieces of plastic to put on my bookshelf!

We're not talking about ur mum m8.

>They look high quality.
They are pretty.

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God of war is ok. overhyped and overrated but its still a good game.

>over paying for plastic b/c it is vidya related
>he doesnt 3d print his own cheap plastic vidya shit

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>not even a leftie

>not ordering your cheap plastic shit from china

Fuck off resetera faggot.

But are you pretty :3

It sucks.

>Another CE with over-priced ugly piece of shit toy
Remove the statue and halve the price and I'm in.

That's pretty cool to me. Won't buy it, but still cool.

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The best ones don't come with the game

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>shitty bike that will never be as cool as Akira's
>shitty character design on the guy flying off said bike
>shitty dual guns that say nothing about the setting or the world

mega yikes.

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