Is a GTX 1060 enough?

Please help i'm a brainlet i'm making my first PC, I only play tekken 7 online but I want to replay the witcher 3 with mods and emulate old PS2 games too. I was thinking of buying this and a Ryzen 5 2600 as a budget build. Is this a good idea?

Attached: 1060.jpg (1500x1500, 276K)

I've had a Gigabyte 6GB 1060 since they released; I only really play BF4 on ultra and it has no problem
It's a solid card and will emulate PS2 games as I've done but performance will depend on game compatibility (expect texture issues for the same reason)

Get 1xxx card 2nd hand; with 16xx and 2xxx cards out you can get a deal with some perseverance

It's ok for 1080p

It's still a solid card, I can play a lot of games and emulate PS2 fine. Although if you have the money, it probably is worth splurging on something a bit better for more futureproof.

Wait for Navi in July. They'll be cheap on top of being much better than a 1060.

I've played T7 with all maxed with 1060 no problem. Also Ace Combat, which is more demanding PS2 games on emulator.
Just make sure to get the 6gb model.

emulators are more CPU dependent user

>wait for navi
there's always one retard...

Enough for what?

It literally comes out in less than a month. Are YOU retarded?

you can probably get rx580 for less and it's pretty close to 1060 in terms of performance, I would suggest to get 1070 if you plan to play any newer games (for tekken and witcher 1060 is good enough tho)
also you need to get good CPU for emulation, GPU is not as important for that

no but you're recommending an amd gpu which makes you a guaranteed tard, or just poor.

Good enough for what?

I've had a 1060 for almost three years now and it wasn't even new when I got it. It's been able to handle everything I've thrown at it but the most intensive thing I've played on it is probably MHW so, depending on what you wanna play on it, it may or may not be "enough"

for 1080p 60hz yes. for anything else no.
wait for the new navi cards and the new AMD CPUs to come out before buying shit

>GPU is not as important for that
PCSX2 runs a lot better when you choose a graphics driver that uses the hardware. GPU is more important for it now.

1060 is the most popular GPU used by steam users. You'll be fine. Don't fall for AMD their GPUs are shit.

Do you really think they will release a card cheaper and more powerful than Rx580/1060?

>or just poor.
are you stupid, the cards are going to be priced competitively to their equivalents

Doubtful, but they'll definitely release a compelling midrange card.

you are so fucking dense, amd gpu's will always be the budget cards for poorfags like you, enjoy your middling performance, you get what you pay for.

Not OP, but planning to get a gpu, should I worry about all the new RTX raytrace meme?

1070 is min for 1080p gaming.

No, buy a 1080ti

I'm finding a number of games these days aren't perfect on it. If I were building a PC right now I'd go for a 1070 (is it a 2070 now?) at least. It's not so bad I'd consider upgrading from what I have, but if I were starting fresh I'd go higher.

It's alright for now, you won't max everything on newest AAA releases but that combo will do just fine.
Just get some decently fast RAM, Ryzen pretty much needs it.