Reminder that the savages need a strong ruler to unite and rid them of their eikon gods.
FFXIV Thread
Why are fantasy fascism LARPers always so cringy?
Garleans were created by the Allagans which explains their racial superiority over the lesser races
this is ur weekly clear party
Does anyone have that pic that shows ultimate clear rates by server?
How does lalafells compete with other races outside of magic and jewery?
Go away Gaius I already kicked your ass for today
But Midlanders WERE Allagans.
by being cute, friendly, and loveable.
What are you supposed to spend company seals on anymore?
Hon hon hon
right now im waiting to see if they add gunblades and dancer frisbees immediately
Because you care too much.
Same thing as gil. Big dick energy.
Crafting / Gathering XP boosts, Squadron Missions for the 2 hour XP boost and cordials so you can gather longer.
Got to get that early game Gil sinks put of the way when ShB comes out user
Right now I'd recommend just capping in preparation for shadowbringers. If you want to go metaprep, cap one company, then switch GCs and cap that too.
God I want to fuck her
What are acceptable dyes for the AF1 DRG armor?
Lalafells are freakishly strong for their size, about as strong as any midlander. They can also jump over a highlander from a standstill
what the fucks with faggot jannies deleting these threads?
Tis threason, then.
Fuck your stupid ass week MMO. The combat is fucking boring and the story sucks.
>not using Ifrit as your trust
I shiggy diggy
i thought i would hate casters, but after making an alt and trying blm i now love them all. i still can't get a handle on summoner though, i'm too small brained for it i think
I just want full despair like everyone dies. Give me something edgy.
Shiva or bust
Just wait for Alphinaud's next great big idea
Dark Matter. Cordials. Ventures.
>static has bunch of really cool people
>recently one guy became OBSESSED with trannylogs and ultimate fight clear
>is now literally that guy who "slips" in """"achievement"""" in conversation
they don't like that they're more active than WoW Classic threads by a wide margin.
>want to farm kefka savage for the coffer (diamond gunblade)
>sit in pf for 8 hours and dont get more than 5 people. People keep joining and leaving after 10 mins
Its not unheard of for the Creator to create better and idealized versions of themselves.
>They can also jump over a highlander from a standstill
Are thier tops made out of rubber and thier bottoms made out of springs?
Dark matter, cordials, ventures
I need to get this fucking Squadron bullshit to rank 3 so I can stock up more seals before Shadowbringers hits
Its hell, especially now
More like
Cute and Funny
are they? i don't play wow so I don't know. Maybe its because there's a bunch of them while we're limited to just 1
pure thigh power. Get a lala gf and put your hand in between her thighs and tell her to squeeze
>no potato to stuff
It still hurts
>Elezen face 3 is the best
>has that dark lipstick by default
I want to do o9s for a dyeable glove, should I learn now whilst it's relatively fresh or wait till we hit 80 and unsync it. Not sure which is worse.
Everyone in this thread is respecting the content right? Would be a shame if someones account got banned...
Because dark lipstick is based?
They've got amazing thighs for their body ratio so maybe.
you mean 10s? midgarzolom is hell
I'm pulling pack by pack while forcing the BLMs and WHMs to sleep everything that I'm not tanking, sir. If I see a single AoE I drop the party.
I wanna rub that tummy
o9s parties are still easy to get into, might as well try to see if theres a learning party or try to make one``
why the fuck are duskwights so fucking weird compared to wildwoods?
I had to leave a group I was in good standing with because one dude who had been there longer than me just went full autist about logs in relaxed baby shit like Rabanastra where no one is legit giving it their all for fucking anything and still ignoring mechanics just fine.
Dude went full roulette champ sperg in the span of like 4 days
Look up what that term means you mongol
They're mole people, but the only major cosmetic difference is that duskwights have thinner eyebrows, the faces are exactly the same otherwise and duskwight face 3 has the same issue as wildwood face 3
they spend most of their time underground, of course they'll be weird
highest INT race
smart, based, redpilled
>used to bot all day while at work
>bought mogstation shit for half off from ebay
>bought HW and SB from a keysite
Suck my cock Yoshida
im not even talking about face im just talking about how players make them,if i get a wildwood and a duskwight in a dungeon 9 times out of 10 the wildwood will be wearing something decent while the dusk wight will be dressed like some edgy clown
What's the best bot, in your opinion?
HSTS master race
>queue for orbonne
>17 minutes
>go take a dump in 5 minutes
>queue popped
>have been sitting here for 30 minutes now
so smart that they let Gelmorra fall into ruins and most are living as bandits and poachers
Where are my fellow Samurai at?
>5 minute poop
there is your problem. there is no reason for you to take more than 1 minute taking a shit.
RPers are just bummy. I RPed as a dudebro and everyone blacklisted me and reported me.
shouldn't have taken a shit, user
don't you have poopjugs?
But isnt it kind of limiting? What if I dont want darker hair to match it?
Warning! Super secret economy-destroying spoiler ahead. Do not reveal.
Buy Kingcakes and desynth into Fieldcraft Demimateria III.
I only used RebornBuddy but it's borderline dead now, no idea if there are other active and updated bots nowadays
weird, i have opposite experience
most of the wildwood i have met were generic blue eyes/light hair lipstick blush trash
I RPed as a hobo who would steal minions and run away. Very few people would ever chase me
who knows, so many of them use pink, green hair and clown make ups, meanwhile 90% of wildwood have blond hair
>Make static with some friends and some new people cause why not at the beginning of SB
>Let one of the people that supposedly cleared gordias on contentraid lead cause why not we have no experiece
>He calls early raids and everyone hates it
>He's a shitter in content
>Actually kick the guy
>We clear tiers as a casual group earlier than him in every tier
how dare you interrupt my IC gender reveal bigot
>he can't turboturds under 45 seconds
>Try starter shit for free
>Have fun, decide to purchase Shadowbringers since it comes with previous two expansions
>Chinks tell me my ZIP Code is wrong
>Wont let me buy anything
>Double check Postal Service, my ZIP code is correct
>Chinks still say it's wrong
>This was a week ago, still says my ZIP is wrong
Guess these Nips dont want my money.
ummmmm nazi much????
Daily reminder that Elezen are CUTE and are NOT giraffes
Based YoshiP making sure you don't even subscribe to his game so you don't have to unsub later
>end-game is either dog-shit tier pvp, mediocre repetitive pve, or other tedious stupid bullshit like eureka
>gear is boring and the worst linear gear treadmill of all time
>they keep adding more stupid shit like bikinis, other game cross-overs, etc. to ruin the aesthetics
>story is dogshit
>75% of the playerbase are spergs/trannies/etc.
>still want to play shb
>militantly atheist globalists who want to force the peoples of the world into one world government and then fuse them into one indiscernible mass
>tumblr somehow hates this group
Really makes you think...
WRONG you fucking bimbo. They're cute giraffes created solely for the purpose of love, respecting, matrimony, monogamy, praising Halone, and restoring Ishgard
>tfw duskwight with dark grey skin, black hair and red eyes
>never show any skin other than face and maybe hands
>reasonable armour or fully covering robes
Help me.
They're dhalmels you fucking secondaries.
Fanart only
It's warrior.
MCH are the autist at the back of the classroom who you worry is gonna shoot up the school.
>tfw playing a brick
>tfw no giraffe waifu to tank for
there is no help we're due to have faith in this shit tier game
I want to kiss every Dhamel
So uh, what the fuck was up with Leviathan's phase 2 music?
People are gonna drop Dancer once they see its lackluster personal damage and lowkey special effects. Gunbreaker is a tank so it's not gonna attract that many people no matter what they do. Nice new jobs Yoshi.
Surf's up, brah.
>water god that summons tidal waves has a surfer rock theme
I see nothing wrong.
You're asking that AFTER you already fought Titan?
Soken did it like a day before the deadline
Today I joined 3 Seiryu farm parties. One was with 390IL requirement.
No clears. Healers can't heal and fail stack mehanic. DPS fail summon shiki and kuji-kiri mechanics.
I think the only way to farm this trial is to join practice/clear party.
Somehow LEVIATHAN LEVIATHAN was more jarring than Titan's unintelligible mess
>rock god has a hard rock theme
What's the problem?
warriors are insecure tiny dicks
Join the clear for a friend, it's either total new people or some people that knnow the fight but are helping someone actually clear
>Does big damage
>Is well liked except by incels
Nah warriors a chad class
What job is the class bully?
>want to play drg
>rather just wait to see if there is a 70 boost since there is zero reason or incentive to spam potd/hoh for 2 days
All the wars I know are thirsty incels
>Cries their eyes out if they don't have the best DPS and mitigation
I had this same issue on their shitty store, weirdly enough it only happened when I tried getting HW for free, but it accepted my Zip Code just fine when I bought Shadowbringers.
>naive dumb whore has a whiny emo rock song
Just did rmt for the first time and everything went better than expected, also, ofc the seller was a fucking little jew
Soken is usually good, but his half-assed works are god-awful
Good. It will keep the numbers of Squall wannabes and slutglam dancers at a reasonable level.
Why is 80% of the armor in this game :
>artifact (generally good but some huge misses)
>shitty allagan-tech look
thats jarring af. Kinda reminds me of Bravely Second in which everything was electric guitar. I like it!
He's just not very good at regular battle themes. From ARR to ShB, they've all been subpar.
>perpetuating bots
For what purpose?
only good concept designer left the project
Nothing wrong with it, reminds me of Dynasty Warriors.
I like that though
Check armor from dungeons.
Because Akihiko Yoshida isn't the art director anymore.
I'd say BRDs for gossipy type bullies
Maybe WAR for physical bullies again.
You're thinking of SCH and SMN
Yeah, I agree dungeon sets are often better or more varied, but they're such a bitch to farm.
>join as Tank
>only mess up every once and a while when I forget if I'm the A or B tank (very rarely) but do absolutely fine with everything else
>literally every single party I join has something wrong: Other Tank doesn't Shirk or Provoke on the swaps, have to Provoke back as soon as the debuff ends to make sure DPS or Healer doesn't take Aggro, and the double swap ends up with me having to go for a swim to try and prevent a wipe nearly every time
>One of the healers is almost always an idiot and dies so often they never lose the raise debuff
>DPS and Healers constantly messing up the Meteor Mechanic and the Split Stacks
>RDM backflipping off the platforms around the clock and forgetting they have a raise
Why the fuck is Seiryuu so full of retards, I've done all the other Extremes in the past month no problem only a couple wipesbut Seiryuu despite apparently being the easiest SB Primal after Lakshmi and Susano, I've ran Seiryuu hundreds of times and all I get is retards, at least you've managed to get a clear. Fuck I've only ever reached the enrage once, and that party was scrapping by the whole time, and of the two summoners we had not a single one ever managed to summon bahamut a single time.
>maximum edge expansion has maximum dad rock soundtrack
Everything checks out.
>BLM artifact 3
>nothing will ever surpass AF1
DNC will probably be an almost locked slot in raid comps though.
And DESU, their skill effects look perfectly fine.
I bot and trust me it lets me actually put in effort for the fun parts of the game only
Botting all the boring grinds and playing the good stuff yourself is the optimal way to play the game and you get rich and miss out on nothing
this is great
>posts art that wasn't made by Yoshida
>HW introduced us to flying
>SB introduced us to swimming
>ShB introduced us to ???
what are we getting?
hopefully nothing. Swimming was such a stupid thing and it was almost the headline of Stormblood.
Also getting blueballed on Blitzball
Digging underground like moles
Imagine a summon of Thordan and the funky boys
Trusts. That also roll for your loot. And shit talk you while at it.
Reminds me of 2007
For me, it's grandpa Bahamut
You could post some of his art to prove your point instead then
Fuck Bahamut, Phoenix for life
Normal armor is good too. From merchants and quest rewards on HW/SB. It's ofter recolored armor from dungeon s
While I'm not big on the intro, when the riffs kick in is where it's at.
I'm posting gear that was made under his direction
leveled RMT bots are always lalafells because it makes it easier to hack through the MSQ. They use hacks to teleport underground, as a lalafell they can be far enough underground that players can't see them but they can still talk to quest NPCs.
I hope that 6.0 gives SMN a single-target, non-Baneable dot that summons demi-Thordan and some of his boys to fuck shit up
>Shadowbringers brought back Minfilia just to make this a reality
Oh Yoshi-P
>Swimming was such a stupid thing and it was almost the headline of Stormblood.
I feel like there was a swerve, because I distinctly remember seeing them show off /playdead in the water like there would be something that could kill you down there. But nah. Just a mog station emote and spear fishing. It's just flying underwater since actually swimming has 0 oxygen consequence and many assets are just copy pasted.
>disband bahamut
I'm not interested in botting but I wanna learn more about those underground teleports, is there somewhere I can read up on that?
>you'll never have to get your guild loaded up with water breathing gems for you raid on Kedge Keep ever again
is this game fun? been playing Tree of savior but it's a borefest for me.
I dont know what it is either
I ran with a group a month ago because they were short on people and just wanted bodies to throw at the snake I guess and the entire time I watched the people who supposidly were farming this shit flounder around on the fucking splits. This was a group who had all cleared it save 3 new people who were picking up mechanics as they were told to them pretty much flawlessly. I gave up on that group after 6 wipes to the same exact thing at the same exact time. Its kind of painful how obvious it is to see who got carried in their first clear for Seiryuu.
Are you still trying? What DC?
Will the Yoichi Bow (Zeta or no Zeta, both are great) ever be topped?
Genji got pretty close
I mean this is cool, but not for a battle theme that just randomly blares on screen the moment you walk by a hostile mob in an otherwise serene location.
What is the most submissive job and why is it DNC?
I want a Minfilia gf
They just use memory editors to change their ingame position. So they teleport to a position that's underground right next to a quest NPC, talk to the NPC, then teleport to the quest location.
You can see them sometimes if you hang out near MSQ or THM/BLM quest NPCs.
>many assets are just copy pasted.
It's absurd how lazy they are. The sahagin mount, the fish-beastmen, can't swim because it doesn't have a flying animation. Neither can any of the HW tank mounts.
I love it
DNC and AST are about the same I think. AST might be even more of a sub than DNC since they heal instead of doing damage
What did Yoshi mean by this? I thought he was a good player.
if you hang out in vesper bay you can see them zoom at fucking lightspeed through the air and under the waking sands in periodic groups
Why is it always THM/BLM? Do they have an early decent rotation or something?
so were lalafell.
>did a free trial
>want to give it another shot
>missed the free week
HW is pretty good
Pressing one button is real easy
What exactly am I supposed to do with my retainers? So far I just keep sending them out on 14 hour ventures
>try Mahjong novice table at the Golden Saucer
>read through the rules beforehand
>still makes entirely no fucking sense
>AI wins three or four hands (?), game shows no signs of ending so I quit before I die of boredom
>go do the GATE where a thousand people do a fiddly annoying jumping challenge
>enjoy myself immensely
I wish I wasn't such a fucking brainlet.
>choosing one party member and NTRing the other 6
A beta dancer would be one who swaps partners constantly
Pretty sure he only plays BLM
They level to 50 in groups of 4 BLMs because they can teleport through dungeons to aggro all the mobs at once, then teleport outside of the area to nuke them with flare/fire 2s from outside a targetable range. Gil farming bots run Wanderer's Palace in groups of 4 and clear it in a couple of minutes, and do this over and over again. They use BLM because it has the best AOE overall and also high single target damage at low levels for quests.
How did we wind up going from the HW and SB battle themes to this? It's not terrible but i'm definitely going to wind up turning battle music off after a few days.
Quick Exploration. Give them new gear every 20 levels until they hit 50 and outfit them with the tome gear then, 60, and finally 70.
>No more Energy Drain or Bane to burn Aetherflow on
>Excog/Sacred Soil on cooldown just to dump it now
Man they had better up incoming damage from bosses or SCH is really just going to be BIO BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL even more than it is now
exactly that. when they get to the 50s, load them up with ironworks and then start doing quick ventures. they can bring back good stuff reliably and is a great source of near passive income
Quick Exploration unless you want specific materials for crafting
I wont turn on the battle music just to hear Il Mheg's theme on loop forever. I really, really like it.
Should've just used Nail of the Heavens instead of relegating it to Masked Carnival. So many great 1.0 songs still go completely unused to this day.
You need a relatively high level CUL for that, right? I'm currently leveling some of the crafters in preparation for the Ishgard restoration stuff in 5.X.
Field explorations up to 50, then do quick explorations if you have a shitload of ventures.
>going from a tactical job to a tactical job for beginners who can't into Aetherflow management to a job for brainlets.
Why has Yoshi butchered my child like this?
wow this outlier sure proves him wrong
imagine trying to prove a point by using a perfectly optimized speedkill parse with max ilv gear and cd planning as example
It can't swim because the lore on the mount log specifically says it can't swim because the webbing on its feet was clipped while it was young so it could serve as a land mount.
Beta =/= submissive
>suddenly a high concentration of fledgling dragoons at the dragonhead observatorium
I wonder why...
Real question. Is clipping really bad?
I know every guide telling you to not clip and how bad it is but is this really so bad? I need raw numbers. Math. For example let imagine NIN and MNK. NIN use raiton instead of fuma and sometimes double weave in panic. Same for MNK. What's the damage difference? Like 1000k dps? Or 0.1-1% of parse?
Yoshi is a hack that's out of touch
Most of the 1.0 tracks have been used at this point, just not where they should be.
>Twilight Over Thanalan got turned into the Sultana's theme
>Unspoken got turned into the sad theme for Alisaie
Healer mains are insufferable and persistently stuck in a high school drama type mood.
there is nothing submissive about being the hypeman of the squad
Convince me not to play a male Au Ra for SAM.
>healers will have so much down time in raid that they'll run out of mp
If you are a bad player, it is going to look like the WHM heals a lot more, because they cast GCD heals, whereas SCH is oGCD based.
It really depends. It can put you behind expected GCD and they add up to quite a few missed GCDs if it continues. If you notice it's consistent, then try to work around it. Otherwise it's fine if it happens here or there
There's a reason they're called Estrologian
It depends on how often you clip and why you're clipping. With Raiton it's a big DPS loss because Raiton does less damage than fuma, but if you only clip once or twice in a fight it's not a big deal. It's still something you should avoid.
They tend to be the worst people to be around.
Malezen unironically does it better
>sometimes .... in a panic
just don't do it every other attack , it adds up in large quantities
one or two won't break the bank
The Levequest themes haven't been used as far as I know, which is a shame since the Thanalan levequest theme was one of my favorite tracks. The theme that played when you fucked up a Chocobo escort was also really nice, albeit too short. But yes, a good chunk of them are already in the game, even if just as Orchestrion Scrolls.
To me, clipping's main drawback is inconsistency. If you clip cause you have to double weave when you normally don't it'll feel off for the rest of the fight.
I don't have numbers but you will probably lose 1 GCD every 10, and honestly I don't think it matters too much as you're able to work around it.
There is some quest in Coerthas are where you need to summon monster in cave. I remember doing this quest with other folks when suddenly monsters start spawning at lightspeed out of nowhere. ~15 glitched BLM bots
You look dorky, like me. Just go Xaela
I've honestly never liked the common battle themes, I've always muted them and instantly turned them off when it became an option.
Who wants a cute Miqote heal slut? I'm the bestest heal slut on all of Balmung! If you pay my sub fee I'll be your sub
>the Thanalan levequest theme was one of my favorite tracks
I completely forgot this wasn't already in because I regularly listen to it in my car. Yeah, they should put it back in. What a jammer.
Depends how much you clip and how long the fight is. On shorter fights you might lose out on a melee combo or two if you consistently clip your mudras. On longer fights you're gonna lose out on a lot more, and if those losses are during raid buffs you're losing out on a lot of damage
Which is worse, male au ra run or female midlander run?
Otherwise I'd agree, but Melt is god tier you heathen
Who the fuck thought male Au Ra run was ok?
There are 6 sets: Ryumyaku (tome), Genji (raid), Rakshasa (craft), Shisui (dungeon), Yasha/Yanxian (tome/dungeon, recycled design), and Stormblood PVP I. There's also barely any Japanese-themed glamour items outside of Mogstation, to top it off.
>shitty Allagan-tech look
Assuming you mean Allagan AND Magitek armor, that would be: Ironworks (tome), Allagan (raid), High Allagan (raid), Midan (raid), Alexandrian (raid), Lost Allagan (tome), Scaevan (tome), and Omega (raid), and on top of that, no Magitek/Allagan glamours or mogstation gear.
That plus the Artifact sets is not even remotely close to the total number of armor sets in the game, if we include every single dungeon set, every single alliance raid set and the raid and tomestone sets I didn't mention, and the countless craft sets that exist.
Female Au Ra
There's nothing wrong with female midlander run though.
>still playing yoshi's tomestone collector XIV
sure, but no extra retainers and you have to move to famfrit and role tank
Midlander is late for school with toast in her mouth. It's cute.
>Late 1.0 battle leves used Tempest
Kind of funny honestly
Male Au Ra 100%, you're literally sliding across the ground, it's so fucking awful
midlander dark knight always look ridiculous
Why are catboys so ugly? Their body type and the way they stand looks so bad, and they're always shitters.
Nice fanfiction
Garleans were getting their shit kicked in until they """""found""""" allagan stuff underneath them and reverse engineered it before anyone else because they had assloads of ceruleum
im lvl 40
how do i get cool mounts? do i have to pay?
Cute edgelord is the best aesthetic, you cannot prove me wrong.
Time to pay up goy
Fuck contemplating doing the same thing.
>Took a guys spot because guy got had personal shit keeping hom from raiding for sigma/alpha.
>One year later, bros with these people.
>enjoying myself
>caster needs to drop
>original guy i replaced can play now and joins as a caster dps
>Guy i originally replaced turns out to be a massive faggot.
>he has been friends with half the static for a decade
>cant stand him
I dont know what to do bros. Im sad.
You do content or yeah buy a whale and a bike
Solus guided the development of ceruleum based magitek.
In the middle of combat, yes it looks silly. As if people weren't having a enough of a hard time taking Lyse serious already.
Cash shop mounts are all shit. You get mounts as content rewards. Soon you can start the beast tribe quests and they each have unique mounts, like a drake for the Amalj'aa and a bomb chair for the Kobolds.
For me, it's Arya
>Male Au Ra run
You fags always use this retarded argument when literally no woman runs like that outside of anime
You should have your weapon out in combat
I'd struggle to function in a world with lalafells
So people playing poorly is how jobs should be balanced around?
This'll be the first time i play ffxiv please tell me what do
You get 1 at 50lvl and there's bunch of them you can get for achievements points in gridania.
There's not a lot you can get from cash shop actually most of them are from doing content.
For me, its Miounne.
How do I get rumble to work on my controller for PC? Inputmapper isn't working.
Its true that SCH lost some MP sustain from Energy Siphon, but Lucid is now just a 1 minute cooldown so its effectively doubled its use while skills also use less MP than before. SCH and AST won't have problems, and WHM's bar will practically not move.
That's unironically correct. Shitters make up vast majority of any games population, therefore catering game difficulty to them is going to bring you most money.
you missed out on the car which was a lv 50 reward last month, at lvl 50 you get the magitek armor and halfway through heavensward you get a mini airship
if you level CNJ to 30 you get a unicorn
Do main quests only, dont waste time with side shit its not worth it.
Isn't that long dead?
But you already have the coolest mount, chocobo. Just get bardings and dress ya buddy up.
im going to marry yshtola!
I can, but instead I'm going to tell you to take your own life, because with such shit taste it surely means nothing to anyone.
I'm on the free trial - is there no world chat? Or does it only unlock once I sub. It feels kind of dead without one.
It works for me.
As a scholar main, I feel nerfing its mp is the best way to go about it, as nerfing potencies just makes everything less fun. I'd much rather have to take a breather every now and then then toss out 400 potency adlos and 120 potency broils
Claw mount is neat for beginning. You can buy it here
Autistic kid who makes gadgets, grows up to make a giant killer robot but is still autistic and nobody thinks he's Tony Stark apart from himself
Roidrage shrivel dick loser who has tard strength but not much else
The kid who hates authority and is thought of as a fucking weirdo, but he has done enough martial arts to have some skill, plus he carries a knife an won't hesitate to stab you for the "greater good"
Dudebro chads who serve jews but don't really think about it, they just have frat parties and fuck cat-sluts whilst the jews give them mad gil and shiny armour. Establishing dominance is their game.
Similar to MCH
Sluts who only fuck people who are compatible with their horoscope but if their horoscope says they will have a good week if they meet a Leo, they will fuck every Leo they come across
The rare autistic chad who all the girls fawn over with mooneyes whilst he sits there talking endlessly about his hatred for dragons
That one black weeaboo you knew
What's wrong with her face?
Literal hag
>lvl 69 BLM
one more level bros...
Crusty old hag with cobwebs in her womb
No, just zone chat, which is Shout.
Not updated for 3 years, but it's not like PS4 controllers have changed much in that time.
>Male Au Ra run
I wonder when they're going to add Omega's armor to the cash shop
Hence the """found""", which is still a farcry from Garleans being invented by Allagans
That's why she needs spring cleaning
Good taste, user.
Why does Male Au Ra dance look like he's finna bust some funky ass moves?
Go to any town like Limsa or Gridania and say you want in on the novice network, it's basically this game's world chat
Yshtola is not for WoL sadly and (You). She's for Thancred
Newbie question, how important would you say it is to do the sidequests? Aside from a few that offer unique stuff like dances and the like, a lot of them don't seem to reward much. Are they more for flavour than anything else?
I just got to the church in Eastern Uldah, and did a couple of side quests for the people inside. One of them is offering more stuff; do you get any side quest chains that go somewhere interesting or are the bulk of those in the MSQ or the 'feature' quests (the blue ones that unlock stuff)?
Some people use the Novice Network as a sort of pseudo server chat, but that's really it. You can also join linkshells, which are private chatrooms. Not sure if either of those are available to trial accounts though.
>for Thancred
Wrong catslut
Will they be in Eden?
>"What about you, Y'shtola? What do you think of, uh..." Lyse searched about for a suitable candidate, "Thancred, maybe? of the others?"
>"I can honestly say that they have never crossed my mind. If you must know, however..."
Never, mod your gane
Is there a way to enter novice chat without being a sprout/mentor? Or a way to get the sprout icon again after you lose it?
Sidequests are for little boosts of exp and for world flavor, yeah. And you can usually tell which of those have actual stories by if they have some kind of picture in the quest accept box. There are also things like the Moogle mail questline that don't even reward exp and are entirely for world building.
I only feel like making one retainer and I saw the replies in this thread talking about sending them on ventures. Do they truly bring back useful stuff a lot?
> of the others?"
That includes WoL
>make new friends in game
>nothing to actually do with them in game
>never have a reason to talk to them, friendship erodes
It keeps happening, but only ever this game. Is Eureka more casually sociable?
yshtola is for me!
I wanna make mikittens with Y'shtola.
My retainer brought me mats for glamour items and furniture. Gatherer retainers can get shit for you.
Any sidequest that has a blue icon with a little + are worth doing. A number of side quests are worth doing if they give gear as well, especially the ones in the expansion packs as they're HQ.
Bros I get a tingly feeling that ShB will be /our/ expansion
>the old team is back
>dark themes and interesting story
>no more alaniggers
>minfilia is back
You just know that one night after visiting Niellefresne's soulless body and having Minfilia curse her out and call her a murderer that she had a bit too much hard Ishgardian liquor and called Thancred over to help her forget her troubles and every time from then on that she visited Niellefresne she was reminded that she was a traitorous whore.
What are good (female) DRK glamours? I'm using Cronus main hand.
>grey and green parse is an optimized speedkill parse with max ilvl gear and cd planning
Any more relevations, brainlet?
They make a lot of passive money after you level them which takes time
Sorry faggoroni, I love being a buffslut, it's why I play BRD, DRG, SCH and AST and why I'm gonna play DNC
Since no Alkagan on the first, what will be the equivalent?
>minfilia is back
That's the only thing that's holding it back
The Ronkans, already confirmed.
Male Elezen has the worst run hands down.
Dumb wojack poster
The Nagalla.
mouth breathing, heal dodging autist who doesn't do the damage they claim to bring
scalie, furry or all of the above, complains about not having trick or balance since the job's logs are so competitive, overvalues contagion and devotion to assert themselves in the meta more only to be cucked by machinist
horrible player 95% of the time, will beat your blm and sam 5% of the time, either a numale avengers loving basedboy or the most chill person ever
same numale avengers loving basedboys as RDM, sits in shield oath like a retard, thinks holy spirit is bad depth
picked it up because they're an MSQ flavor of the month gutter trash eating retard, alternatively a boomer that gets good logs
compensating for small penis
transsexual or legitimate girl
lanky asian boy or transsexual
actual girl, horrible player or just someone's alt job to do dungeons easier
pedophile/lolicon, thinks they're special since tornado kick rotation was a thing but is being put back in their place in shadowbringers like the monkeys they are
legitimately proficient at it or horrible, SAO watching kirito shitter
meta whore, job exists only for trick and being an LB slave, might be kind of cool though
mix of meta whore and just likes the iconic dragoon aesthetic, generally alright
strong execution if they're good, picking it up because LOL MECHA XDDDD if they're bad
transsexual or quiet, nervous basedboy
and for the bonus round
previous war mains, still unga bunga retards with tiny cocks, small chance they're a DRK main and a cool boomer
previous brd mains, especially bad because it's a flavor of the expac job, still trannies
All the tall races are terrible
>Considering minfilias return as a positive thing
Stupid wojak poster.
t. DRG seeking approval
t. DRG floortank
t. war and blm mains
>I’m read all of that
I'm not a meta whore I'm just autistic, ninja is fun..
Why are monks lolicon
t. BRD buff slave
I'm a WHM Main and I'm not a girl. I'm just a gay bottom.
And just like everywhere else, BLU is forgotten.
>bringing back the best waifu, with a super cute model is a bad thing
She completely deserved it
Along with losing her daughteru
Blue mage is not a job, it’s a mini game.
probably my least favourite class with MCH though
I miss Minfilia's milkers, but teen her is cute too
Inb4 catboy
I wish someone made a what your class says about you like they did over the races
Cool, I'll keep an eye out for those kinds of quests. I just thought I should be doing more of them rather than beelining the MSQ, I started off doing every one I saw but stopped after I felt like I wasn't progressing much.
Wait, when did they add BLU? Why haven't I seen one in my roulettes??
Mahjong is a dead game anyways
I'm about to make macros like this for SAM
See you on the other side.. waga tomo-yo.
Now user, don't you think farming a primal for shit with an even lower drop chance than mounts, and that has no use whatsoever is perfectly fine design?
What were they thinking?
>enjoy the game
>instantly lose all interest after finishing arr
Should I be playing MNK? what am I missing?
Job I like:
Not a tranny
Job I hate:
A tranny.
>Actually, unironically, liking minfilia
There isn't esuna strong enough to cleanse taste this shitty.
So like why did Alphinaud, or whoever it is in charge of screening recruits hire Laurentius? A guy who is known to have sold out Gridania and the Wood Wailers for Garlean coin?
when do i pick a job? im a level 34 THM. do i need to level a secondary class?
The "So you want to be a..." quests have blue markers but are just quests for unlocking a specific class/job. You can generally avoid those. You should try doing the rest if you can though because they can unlock major game mechanics like POTD and optional dungeons for leveling, or even just nice things like glamour and dyes.
Mostly sidequests unless they unlock something like a dungeon, emote or a feature of the game, are there just to introduce something that compliments worldbuilding or just makes you have a sensible chuckle occasionally. And some minimal exp. If you want to immerse yourself, some of them can be quite rewarding in that regard. Most of the ARR sidequests are filler crap though, I've found that SB and HW sidequests were much better at building up and expanding on what already is known about the world.
>3 Casters
Face it, not even the director cares about you. Never should have wasted development time on you fucks.
Depends. As a caster, doing an offGCD action in between two hardcasts delays the second cast by the full duration of the oGCD animation lock, which is around half a second, and if you try and calculate the average potency of a single GCD in your rotation you can start seeing the exact numbers you're missing out on by losing that 1/2 second. As a Scholar player, for instance, there's a pretty good 'priority list' of sorts for what's the best way to sneak in offGCDs, and it's something like
>Miasma II + double weave
>Miasma II + single weave
>Ruin II + double weave
>Broil II + fully clipping a single oGCD
>Ruin II + single weave
So for Scholar, clipping between Broil2s (230 potency) is better than using the insta-cast Ruin2 (100 potency) and using a single oGCD, and double weaving a Ruin II is only barely better than clipping Broil. Thank god for Miasma II, which is 100 potency + 100 more from 10 seconds of DoT ticks. With melee jobs it might get tougher to calculate the exact numbers since you probably don't have hard facts on how much time you lost exactly.
You unlock your job at level 30. Maybe you should stop ignoring job quests
Buscarron said he was a good guy at heart and he said he was sorry.
I like sch and trannies play
As the other user said the quests that include a portrait are usually worth reading, but as it's an MMO 90% of sidequests exist just to waste your time.
Personally only bother keeping up with the class quests, MS and side events like Hildebrand.
>Garlean theme starts playing
i suck at AST. always forget to use my cards, CO, time dilation
I'd be fine if they were trials or even dungeon bosses, but only if they got a Sin Eater makeover
>be straight male
>Like healing
>All the fucking healing classes are gay as fuck
Fucking God damn it. I guess I'll stay as a tank.
>Meanwhile at the Imperial Palace
I don't get it, what's supposed to be the issue here? It's just some normalfag SJW sperging over people liking different porn than them.
So this is the best monk and nin player
Is it actually less than mount drops? I know that 20+ runs for a single spell aren't uncommon, but surely they're more common than the mounts.
What did you answer when Raubahn asked your opinion of what to do with him and that evil little lala fuck?
Yshtola is a slut and public use meat toilet
Execution obviously
>aya liz
I recognise that name from somewhere, is he a good player or something?
user you're the problem and why your friendships fall apart
he means 1.0 minfilia, newfriend
I'm not sure how good it'll look on your character since we're different races, but my FemDRK has:
Elegant Rimless Glasses
Sky Pirate's Coat of Fending
Sky Pirate's Gauntlets of Fending
Cropped Woolen Slops
Sky Pirate's Boots of Fending (dyed Loam Brown)
Weathered Earrings
Adamantite Zweihander
Sky Pirate Fending is overall a fantastic armor set, however this looks a bit more regal. Pretty good glamour overall imo, Adamantite Zweihander fits pretty much perfectly with the Sky Pirate Fending set in general (honestly it's the only weapon that does so, and it does it way too well).
Execute is the only correct answer
We're getting port announcements for XBone, Stadia and Switch this week, yeah?
The self righteous and their oh so fragile sensibilities.
For me? It's Leveva.
*bans you form the textools discord*
Always do your job quest at level 30. It makes your more powerful as DPS and as tanks makes it so you can hold aggro
so whats the most optimal way to level in eureka? is it just hunt train: the game? nobody ever wants to do challenge logs
To spare them. Death is too good for them. He thought I was being merciful unfortunately.
>femroe proportions on a catslut
>needing erp mods
Can't you fuck off to second life?
>wojack posting
>over used meme wojack posting
>bros we're going home
Fuck off you cancerous retard
Chisato is a BITCH
why couldn't it be me
I like using it on my Miqo'te
>ARRbabbies don't know that Minfilia is one of the most developed and well-written characters in the story
This reminds me of the pic where the PLD says they are too powerful and need a nerf but it's actually a WAR in disguise
>stop doing things in a game that don't influence me in any way waaaah
What a crybaby you are user.
I wouldn't say they fall apart, it's just hard to socialize with people that I meet from other servers in this game.
Seeing how many people end up doing 50+ or even 100+ runs, I'm going to guess it's probably the same rate.
Which makes it baffling considering how much more valuable a mount is.
>femroe proportions
this is what femroes believe
NIN/MNK player from the world first UWU/O12S static. Also has based taste in 2D girls much to that normalfag cuck's chagrin
Yoshida said repeatedly he wanted to but they were refusing cross-play which is absolutely mandatory in his view.
Yshtola pleases old men for money
Also if you look at their "tweets and replies" you'll see that most of those screencaps were shopped, either by the person running the twitter or someone else
You do challenge logs in train. Low level traisn are not very good in Anemos. But in Pagos one fate will give you shitton exp. Beginning (first 5 levels) is hardest part.
>fight Scarmiglione and Cagnazzo at the same time
>Barbarrica with Magus Sisters as adds
>do mechanic on Rubicante that gives him like 1-2% health
>he ends up healing or buffing the party because he's a huge honorfag
Would be cool, could totally be a thing in this game.
They should just fucking drop console support entirely, fucksake.
I'm pretty sure they were designed with cats in mind, it's too perfect how they go limp like actual cats held like that.
>Xbox not wanting cross play
That’s dumb as fuck. Everything should be crossplay
I bought a bunch of glamour prisms with seals in anticipation of them increasing the size of the dresser. That was only like 20k though and is finite since once they're in they're in.
>refusing crossplay
>for an mmo
Why are Nintendo and Microsoft so fucking retarded
Nips would go wild over having FFXIV on the go with a switch
Yes yes, we already know you never even went back to watch the 1.0 scenes to see where she began and how she got to the sorry state she was in and so you can only speak in memes because you're speedreaders that only graze the surface of the story.
No it's definitely Sony not wanting it. Microsoft said they'd be fine with it
And you need to pay twice. For LIve and for game subscription.
>no crossplay
I don’t want even more limitations
Considering this has happened in the past, it's probably because Sony blocked it.
Sony was the one who blocked crossplay
>wanting switch limitations when we just got rid of ps3
Fuck yourself
Thanks for the cringy laughs. These are the kinds of players who buy into e-celebs too much, just let that settle with you.
Did they add katanas and rapiers right away? I don't remember.
The scaevan gunblade will likely be the best anyway.
Probably similar odds, mitigated by being a teamwide (well, except for the 70's carrying you) drop, so the floor tanking DRG can't roll 99 on it.
why would we want inaccurate console fags here?
No you don't, subscription based games on XBL don't require gold. You could play FFXI on 360 without gold.
Yes they were added with 4.0
>Finding out why Sultana's lap in Satasha is named such
femroes are ugly
>FFXIV on the go with a switch
>when vanilla PS4 have 10 fps in Eureka and hunts
Not possible.
If I could I would.
>run a dungeon as a summoner with an entire party of summon trusts
Make it happen Yoshi.
Oh looks like someone lied to me then
How accurate is this?
I started leveling ninja in palace of the dead, is there a specific time to use trick attack on the boss or do I just spam it whenever it's up?
It was some time ago and it was Microsoft who didn't want crossplay, now it's probably the other way around. There was something about ShB being released on xbone though, getting rated in Brazil or something.
>yfw tank susano
back to discord, DRG tranny
>playing on pc
Careful, the last thing we asked for a bit of creativity in a job, we got a kneecapped minigame instead.
>Dude trust me, she totally was a good character that one time in that one game that was horrible in every aspect
either the Chromomite chestpiece mixed with the doman arm guard and adamantite boots.
Or the AF2 chest with titanium boots and pagos hand wrappy things
>"mY uTiliTY iS My dPS"
It's true. They could delete trick attack and I'd still main it for the aesthetic.
You guys are retards
Square approached Microsoft years ago about an Xbox version
Microsoft demanded Xbox only servers and active Xbox Live gold accounts to have people play on Xbox, Square didn't like this and Sony was fine with cross play and doesnt require PS+ to play
It's only recently that Microsoft has been walking back all the no cross play stuff they were talking about at the start of the generation, stop being revisionist faggots
It's missing Aurora on GNB
>Balance Discord
Not exactly sure why MCH has pretty much nothing.
I can't wait to see all the cute Hroth boys running around.
Microsoft canned their plans for crossplay in the early 360 era for shooter games because of their disastrous experiment that was Shadowrun and the embarrassment of their test group of pro consolefags getting demolished by a bunch of amateur CS fags. They've never blocked crossplay in 3rd party games.
Honestly, using mods and shaders is easy mode for screenshots.
Where my vanilla chads at?
Whenever it's up, timing hardly matters outside of raiding, stupid sissy Ninja slut.
Agreed. I just turn them all off because the zone music is so fucking good and its annoying to have it interrupted.
Wish I could turn off fate music too since that's just been recycled for years and I'd much rather just hear the zone music.
I play on ps4 and do hunts and eureka fine
I saw you while camping a house yesterday in balmung. What is the skirt or armor your lizard was wearing?
Yes dumb fuck that's how the market works the leader sets the rules. That's why Sony doesn't want cross play now and Microsoft does
Unless you are in full plate armor guaranteed some dumb tranny has your set ruined for open chest mods.
We have interviews with Yoshi where he said that it was Microsoft who didn't want crossplay.
You'll take my spear up your ass first.
Basically your a retard. Just because Microsoft did it first and then realised their error doesnt mean Sony should get a free pass for being anti consumer cunts.
You're lying.
Sacred Soil is missing its new regen, Clemency, Equilibrium and Aurora are MIA.
On NIN it can depend on what the group wants, but since you are just leveling you dont need to worry. 5th is fine and then always on cd.
degenerate balmung lizzard...
>needing to buy an entirely new console if he wants to upgrade anything
Fuck off dumb cat player
You won't be seeing it though, do you care what someone else sees on their screen? Just how fucking obsessive are you about others and their perceptions?
Yes, she was. You can literally go watch the scenes yourself and see the natural evolution of her character. Minfilia in ARR is on a downward spiral of self-doubt, relying on WoL and Hydaelyn to solve her problems while previously she was a strict, practical leader, and the story portrays her that way in ARR to be a human analogue of the beastmen.
If there's a point in Shadowbringers where Alphinaud summons Phoenix it'll be pure kino
I'm a primalchad, and is alliance coat or something of fending
IIRC Xbox was fine with crossplay, the thing holding it up is they wanted to gate it behind Xbox Live paid instead of it being free (like it is on PS4)
I do hunts daily A and S ranks with a good number of people.
>Femroe proportions
Those are definitely not Femroe proportions, they don't look strange as fuck
Femroe have the weirdest fucking proportions, if you want a more muscular female race just play Femlanders you fucking cumbrained degenerates.
Garleans are bitch niggers who spent centuries getting ass rammed by literally every other sentient race on the planet until a shadownigger propped them up.
>femroe proportions
She looks like a woman, not a man though?
There's no Ultimate Gunblade so I'm not sure if there'll be Savage Gunblades either.
All au ra look the same
Plus the consoles I buy have the games I want on them.
Embolden is the most useless fucking ability in the game
Much better than this shitty we Fall boss theme.
>your a
>desperate attempt to move the goal posts and appear like he's right
No one said Sony walking back being open to cross play was good or tried to give them a pass
I just called you a revisionist retard because you're being a massive faggot trying to shill that one company is the "good guys" while ignoring what really happened and how all the companies want to fuck you over, there are no good guys
Fucking retard
>can't even use magic
me too
They have the largest breasts.
They make weapons for raids one expansion before.
What’s some good gloves that go with this outfit ?
Aether and aether based lifeforms are shit and poison and are a mutation of the original design of the universe.
>limited character creator makes a lot of people have the same character
wOaH wHaT a ShOcK
But no one likes raid trannies. And Balance Discord is tryhard raid tranny central. They can't even post anything without
>"Hello this is X from *job* Balance Discord. I think blah blah"
>wOaH wHaT a ShOcK
Go back to twitter with this shit.
Decay is fucking stupid.
Undone by mortal will.
Wither now..?
That's not what proportions mean and they actually don't.
All they need to do is remove that stupid decay and RDM will see a lot more use.
DRK/GNB Boomer reporting in
>Added Asylum 10% healing bonus
>Ignore Sacred Soil 100 pot heal
stats =/= lore retard
Are you upset because said raid trannies are factually better players than you?
>just give them a better trick lmao
What an autismo. I would have not changed it and afked next to him in limsa all day just to make him rage in shout then report him for harassment
Divination on AST is 3% damage up to the whole party if you have 0 to 2 unique seals (the sun moon and earth icons above the card), 6% if you have 3 different seals (effect stacks with cards)
Because they have nothing now.
MCH is now the SAM/BLM of the ranged DPS
With twice the CD.
>can't use magic
>conquered 2 continents
>defeated Midgardsormr with just 1 legion
>Naturally intelligent
Don't need to rely on magic to do what they accomplished
I mean to be fair who the fuck else could deal with all the big problems the scions face besides the WoL?
Stream please and show us your fps. Vanilla PS4 barely can handle Ivalice raid. Fact.
10% more damage for 20 seconds every 120 seconds is better than 10% damage for 10 seconds every 60 seconds.
Imperium hasn’t been used yet, I think.
>weeb DLC
>bitch and whine when it has weeb themed stuff in it
This doesn't mean I am wrong about you being mad or bad.
user... I'm not even the original poster, but you know percentages are misleading.
and twice the duration. So the same uptime. Except 20s lines up better with every other job's burst windows so it's actually just better.
>see someone who looks exactly like me, right down to eye colour, glamour and everything
>/cheer at them and ask if they want to take some screenshots together as "twins"
>they seem utterly confused and log out
>see them later
>they've fanta'd to a different race and look completely different, different glamour too
Kill them with kindness, I guess?
Will at least they do comparable dps to blm/sam, or do we still don't know?
Why do ERP faggots refer as raid players as trannies?
SCH mains just want an excuse to complain so they lie about things to make their job seem worse than it is. They learned how to do it from WARs who successfully managed to be overbuffed every expansion so far just through the sheer power of whining
Nobody, and that's how she got on her downward spiral in the first place. Her original guild, the Path of the Twelve, was just a place for Echo users to gather and try to put their abilities to work gathering information and acting as intermediaries. She had zero interest in dangerous missions or battle unless absolutely necessary. Then Louisoix shoved off his 'save the world' mission onto Minfilia before he left for Carteneau and she crumbled because she and her people were not equipped for that burden.
We still don't know
They're projecting
Just need to rely on aether liches to hand you technology and proper military organization.
On Windy Meadows has been used a few times but is still criminally underutilized.
>main all tanks except PLD because I don't like having cast times, probably will pick up GNB
What does this make me?
>mental gymnastics
Vanilla ps4 runs the game at its high pre set smoothly, you're forgetting how old the game is man and all the "ps4 is holding the game back" cries forget that there are far more people playing the game on toaster laptops and thats what's holding the game back
because the word raidtranny is a funny word
I think it's in the Masked Carnivale.
Everyone her refers to anyone they don't like as tranny, regardless of context. Do you people believe there are thousands of trannies playing this game?
Does early access comes with every version of the game? Or does it need to be the collector's? Also, does it apply on steam versions?
wait what, what did she do
PLD get instant casts now my friend
raid players =/= raid trannies
>Man with $2 bragging that he has double the money of man with $1
Started a false flag and killed Minfilia's dad.
Have you played on ps4? Because it sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about.
How does this prove said players on the discord are bad players?
I was talking about JP percentages dumbass. Not NA percentages.
I wasn't a lizard at all. The degenerate part sure.
Yes No Yes
>use midlander face no one else bothers with
>mfw people are using it more now
I admit it was nice being the snowflake but at least there's more than the same 2 generic pretty faces with eyeshadow running around.
Female midlander only looks bad on a few classes. Most of them it looks fine. Hell, it's the absolute best run animation in the game for all the caster and healer classes, and will probably be great for Dancers too.
I just wish the game had 2-3 run cycles for everyone to swap between for some classes.
I don't get it.
You have to have base game, but you get HW+SB when ShB launches.
>Being this much of a raid tranny.
well it looked just like you and had the skirt/armor of the pic. Still was curious to know what was its name.
She got Minfilia's father, who was a spy carrying important information for Eorzea, killed by a false flag operation involving a rampaging goobbue
>All tanks
>Except PLD
So just DRK and WAR then. Maybe pick up PLD in ShB instead of GNB until they get buffed or you might be in for a bad time. No cast times in ShB to complain about either
Grey in healing is optimized. You want to do as little healing as possible to do max dps.
>hrothgar will never sit on your face
why live