Is it true?
Can the Left win over gamers?
Is it true?
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name one good game created under socialism
Better idea: we find God and force him to delete the universe.
All you have to do is explain to someone the difference between labor and capital and they'll see that many of their qualms (microtransactions, shit dlc, pre-order shit, rushed games, etc) fall on the capital side.
As if. They already tarnished the industry enough, The right doesn't want to use video games as a political platform, But the left does.
Lol Jacobin bought twitter followers for money
Why you faggots fixate on the vehicle of trade always confounds me.
It's a ticket that represents value to facilitate exchange. It's that or a barter system faggot.
How fucking cute I'd find this thread on here
Protip to all you fucking retards out there complaining about muh /pol/ invading its not us its (You) now every mentally ill tranny loser who complains about /pol/ neck yourself including you stupid fucking kike op
Games and true gamers are NatSoc.
Don't bother, They are absolute cretins who haven't thought it through.
Proof that Leftists are brain damaged
If by win them over they mean inject as much cash as possible into their shit tier video game propaganda then yeah, it will eventually work
I wonder how long you spent making this "trap", I bet you thought
>I am so smart people will totally fall for it
Tetris was created under communism, not socalism
>we totally would have made all of this shit and made it profitable without millions of dollars to back up operations
I'm on the right BECAUSE the left shit all over gaming, and continues to do so.
>many of their qualms (microtransactions, shit dlc, pre-order shit, rushed games, etc) fall on the capital side.
And yet if stupid consumers didn’t purchase any of that, the concept would cease to exist and developers would have to actually make quality products to draw people in. There’s nothing wrong with the free market; we need to instead teach people not to waste so much fucking money on these scams.
Not an argument :^)
Holy shit lmao
Once moot left this website got sold out to shills who wish to destabilize us and turn us into fucking commies
>we need the magic paper!
Capitalism is like a religion but dumber.
I was born in Venezuela and had to rely on answering paid surveys to buy a Wii U, a 3DS and a PS3, I couldn't do it with a normal wage, so I had to setup 5 accounts with 5 different profiles and names and stories to fill out those surveys.
I would've love to have a part time job and buy my shit, instead I had to learn how to play the system in order to buy something as basic as a videogame console.
Also, I did buy important shit like clothes, food, helped around the house, but I wanted vidya
It's literally the opposite though.
Everything about vidya incites group formation, building your own city/country, confrontation, competition, violence, guns, and the absence of compromise because who fucking plays negociation and trading games where you can reach a compromise and cooperate?
They don't understand vidya.
Ok retard.
>inverse polarity
>everyone believes in god and opposes immigration
Way to prove a point.
Every time.
>Can we take this thing that exists because of capitalism and use it to push socialism?
These faggots know nothing but to TAKE.
Gamers are generally very weak will and weak minded people. You can get them to do anything if you dangle their pathetic games in front of them and give them an image of hope to preserve their state of arrested development. Fuck communists and fuck OP
venezuela would be just as much of a shithole if it were capitalist
You still gonna keep this thread up pussy lips?
Stop posting garbage on our board
Everyone was left when it was religious right regards trying to censor gaming.
Now its the left.
If it ever swings the other way gamers will predictably be left again.
that shit worked? all i got was a bunch of scams and spam emails
>venezuela would be just as much of a shithole if it were capitalist
Lol, yeah, because Colombia, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico and Argentina are so much worse than Venezuela right now
Get a load of this guy
>hurr i wish pol wud weave us aredy!!!
>also Yea Forums
the left won years ago
We were mostly centrists, Didn't give a shit about politics until they dragged us into it
The magnets disable parts of the brain, proving definitively that people with left wing views are brain damaged.
>A parasitic lifestyle will somehow preserve video games or society.
hello fellow gommunists :DDDDD
>It's what happens when you let the profit incentive dictate game design
is he wrong though? it seems like most problems with the current state of the industry feeds back into this and how people play it safe so they keep making sales
GlobalTestMarket was the first one I knew about, then I went to Pinecone research (3 bucks for 40 minutes surveys, 4 surveys a week)
After trying out Pinecone Research, I setup 5 accounts at GTM and PR, but only the former gave me lots of surveys a week. With enough practice, you could get 200 dollars a month, which was a lot of fucking money there in 2012. I was able to pay for my college semester (Arturo Michelena U in San Diego) and pay for my rent while also helping my mom, buying vidya and buying food. Now I'm in Mexico working my ass off for 1500 USD a month
The reason gaming breeds dumb alt-righters is that it implants an idea of personal exceptionalism and power of action in people. A game is a challenge that is made to be solved with the tools made available to you. This fits with the libertarian view of the world that individuals are capable and responsible of and for everything (and as we know, libertarians are just dumb conservatives in some semantic denial). Reality is however not like a video game. You can't win alone and you probably can't win at all if you follow the rules as it were. That's what socialism solves when all of us would-be losers work together. But the gamer instinct is to work to get ahead and that means to play into the hand of the capitalists. If you think winning is to become the employee of the month and maybe even become the foreman one day, you've become a pawn. Because you can't beat the capitalists at their own game.
best thing about being in a war with marxists is you just wait 10 years and they all die of starvation
Henlo fello gaymers a fine dey for gommunism iddnt it :DDD
based leaf
Sanhedrin 59a
>To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Go away Rabbi
You need a helicopter ride.
>Everyone was left when it was religious right regards trying to censor gaming.
Don't think this is what triggered a massive political shift.
We were left because we had a unity, we were a family. It's even okay to be communist with your family you know. But when too many foreigners come, when immigration blows up, when our unity, our family, is broken, we don't feel like being communists anymore.
Gamers will fundamentally remain racialists and liberals, not egalitarians.
the fuck is a cishet? Some kind of kebab?
The thing about the jewish conspiracy that's so annoying is that you retards have almost figured it out except you fumble on the finish line. It's not the dumb jews that's the problem but the fucking capitalists.
We weren't anything, We play vidya for ESCAPISM, That's why you will never win.
I'll go with whatever system of governance allows me to become obscenely wealthy. Don't know or care what that is because I'm currently a happy little wageslave/trustfund kid
Communism is a Jewsih ideology, The communist party was majority Jewish. Marx was a self hating Jew, It's a fools game, Fuck off
>You can't win alone
>That's what socialism solves when all of us would-be losers work together
And you're literally twelve.
The right isn't about being "alone", this is the most retarded vision of the right by a leftist, ever. The right is about the freedom of choosing your friends, your side, your allegiances, and what you're part of, precisely because the left is about forcing everyone to be equal and part of the same thing.
This is the reason why the left, despite being all about "uniting people", opposes family values, despite being the smallest social structure, families are groups that oppose the globalism and universalism of the left. The right supports the idea of a FAMILY, and the left doesn't, get that through your thick communist skull.
>da joos are 1%!!
>da joos are commies O_o
It's almost as if it's not whether you're a jew that matters but what you do. Fucking retard.
I wish the left/right dichotomia never existed. It ruins so much things
Also night photoshop skills retard
>jews are the rich cabal of billionaires
>also jews want to guillotine the billionaires and redistribute their wealth
>shut up this makes perfect sense
not videogames
Watch how they recoil in fear.
The family unit (as fetishised by your kind) is just another manifestation of toxic individualism, dummy.
Imagine my shock
I have been saying this for while now but its clear that the people making the anti trans and gay threads larp as poltards to make sure that everyone here who disagrees with identity politics will get labeled a poltard.
Have sex
Gamers can play video games while they wait in the bread lines. Remember to press X to not die of starvation.
>deciding who your friends are
>toxic individualism
This is the true cancer of the left. Communism never worked anyway, and it wasn't real communism, because communism can't be real.
>he doesnt know the dichotomy between zoinists (capitalists) v. internationalists (marxists)
>always in constant struggle with each other but always consistently against the gentile
China has made some good RPGs, but they're not localized
>win a bunch of fat, lazy jobless losers over
Marx wins again baybee
resetera is a perfect example of communist gamers: hypocritical pedophiles, losers and censor out all dissenting opinions because only glorious moderator leader's opinions matter
The thing about socialism isn't that you're supposed to like me or god forbid that I should like you. That's not going to happen. Point is merely to recognise the similarity in our positions and pull in the same direction to advance our shared interests. Then of course you're going to get to marry whoever the fuck you want, don't you worry.
Under socialism no, with socialist ideas on how to manage a developer studio, yes.
They've already inflitrated the gaming industry at all its levels, what more could leftists want?
A shitty bootleg, No doubt
no shit dude, a lot of people have already come to the false flag conclusion. It's why left of center shit is so unpopular, everyone already knows The Game.
Alright then, LISA
I agree. Feeding lazy CEOs and shareholders will lead us to death and destuction on a global scale.
Nah, there's a ton of completely original Wuxia games out there.
What you miss is that Hitler and Marx were talking about the same people
fuck off retard.
>Point is merely to recognise the similarity in our positions and pull in the same direction to advance our shared interests.
Why should I pull towards a political and economical idea that doesn't even work when put into practice?
Then how do you know they're good?
It's unsettling to think that anybody can be corrupted to being a total shill, so some people have to filter it through the idea it's only people of a certain race that can be bad.
why the fuck does either side need to 'win over' 'Gamers', fuck off ideologues.
Because you've been lied to and it's not that weird that you're a bit scared considering what you've been told. We're not talking about communism, and if some are they're just memeing. It's socialism that's going to save us.
Regardless, I wouldn't hold China as the Ideal country of communism/socialism, They are pretty fucked up in more ways than one, Then again maybe it is true communism.
Was that easier than farming for RMT in MMOs?
Not just Socialism, But National Socialism.
save you maybe, for the rest of us. The only other option is running somewhere else, wealth included.
Replace it with a goverment that doesn't care about you and you have the same results. The difference is that in a democracy, being able to fight back againt a capitalist corporation is completely possible by agreement and the power of vote, a authoritarian goverment like you fucking dumbasses always cheer for will tiannamen your faggot asshole. You dumbasses always forget that not a single communist/socialist country ever happened without a form of manipulation, coup, military opression or soviet influence, and the second you tried to reform, shit like Prague Spring happened.
This. These faggots are the cancer of this decade
Reminder that the "left" is not socialist but full-on capitalist and Marxism is only present on their politics. They are the biggest slaves of the system but think themselves revolutionaries
Socialism is based
if its right wing socialism
can't we just have fun? why do we need this shit in vidya?
To be honest most people in here have opinions that would fuck them over if applied, so one more is no surprise.
Because that's how democracy works. It's not about who has the best ideas or who can solve problems but who can sway enough dumb retards, and gaming provides a huge pool of dumb retards to fish in.
>Was that easier than farming for RMT in MMOs?
When I was doing that, farming in MMOs wasn't as widespread. But yeah, I'd say it was easier because all you had to do was memorize a pattern, usually survey items were spread in 5 different patters, so you could speed through 10 surveys in like 2 hours. You had a quota to fill, if you filled in in two weeks, you wouldn't get surveys for another two weeks, so it all worked in a way I was getting 50 bucks every week for "working" around 15 hours a week.
We don't need any political propaganda in vidya.
T. polnigger
>non-ironically supporting communism as a solution to crony capitalism rather than just separating the corporations/banks and the state by repealing citizens united
It's like trying to kill a spider with a nuclear bomb. You idiots really think you'd be in the ruling class? You're a fucking loser. The ruling class would be the same people in charge now but instead they'd have the right to put you against a wall and shoot you for party disloyalty
Is full blown EA shilling your idea of fun? That's the kind of trash that would be stomped out if the workers had power.
>Because you've been lied to
Nice lecturing you are giving a spic who sees first hand the venezuelan inmigrants since 2014 into Buenos Aires
>you're a bit scared considering what you've been told
Yeah it's not like ERP and Soviet backed guerillas existed, faggot
>We're not talking about communism, and if some are they're just memeing. It's socialism that's going to save us.
Socialism leads to communism according to your book. Fuck off dumbass, videogames
Most of you live in highly socialized European countries and places like Canada. Anyone who hates socialism but benefits from it is a hypocrite and should be seen as an incel.
have sex
BUT user,
>You idiots really think you'd be in the ruling class? You're a fucking loser.
Something something Commissar Cletus
Since I installed memeflag delouser, I came to HATE canadians and israelis. At least 90% of all shitpost, JIDF, or shill come from these two shitholes.
This post is about as clever as the people who try to disprove evolution by saying Darwin was a Christian. Yes, Marx was a pretty great guy and his book kicks ass but it's not a bible for any modern socialist.
Wait, hold on one minute. We've had poor niggers since the beginning of time. Why didn't the product get created before he came along?
>El ogre del americano
You don't know shit about Europe, Fool.
>Point is merely to recognise the similarity in our positions and pull in the same direction to advance our shared interests.
You're defining neither the left nor the right here. Both lead to that.
The key difference is, as I said, the right considers you should be free to side with whoever you want, while the left considers you HAVE TO share those interests, otherwise you are considered an enemy and go to gulag.
I don't even have to exaggerate things, that's literally how things are.
>'20 years in business'
>1 (ONE) game
>used to be a bigger team but failed
>founder admit that going beyond 15 people is not feasible
>currently only an 8 man team
It worked, but as you expect only on select few of their choosing.
people who play games are meritocratic by nature. socialists are objective failures.
you tell me who's going to follow who
This is not video games and literally only faggot culture warriors care about what some literally who "journalist" says about this.
>He says ironically while in reality you can already get un-personed due to wrongthink, perpetuated by leftism
lol no, I'm Venezuelan, fuck you
Partisan politics are utter garbage especially in this day and age. If some other faggot try to 'convert' me to his shitty ideology i'll bash his fucking skull
Imagine unironically shilling for tranny socialism
maybe people shouldn't go around saying "fuck niggers" and people won't think they're racist
You know, just a thought, sweetie. CX
the teachings of marx can't even keep food on the plates of workers, let alone fresh vidya on their hard drives
This is the plot of the new Tales game
Based and blown the fuck out, the absolute state of resetera.
No user don't you see? Capitalism is the root of all evil, and if you defend it, you are a lolbertarian licking corporate ass.
What's that? Corporations, bankers and government officials are the ones entering collusion to create degenerate capitalist practices? No more questions proletard, just eat bread and revolt.
>Point is merely to recognise the similarity in our positions and pull in the same direction to advance our shared interests.
Politics refer to how human societies, made of humans who realize they're stronger together, organize to further their goals.
If you think that's the definition of socialism, you've been memed. That's the fucking definition of politics.
The danger of the double edged sword that is restricting free speech and un-personing someone is always lost on the people of the left. They gladly advocate for it because to them it's the easy way even though it makes the fascists and tyrants themselves, foregoing human rights on a much larger scale and way harder than any edgy teen on the internet that yells nigger ever could.
There is a fuck ton of socialism in the politics of both America and Japan. What do you even think socialism is?
Why? Because they will be silenced by the fascist left and their capitalist cronies in power?
I will accept any meaningless label so long as I get UBI or educational support money and I won't have to work
Probably better than trading with cows or gold.
we'll just make him choke down every ounce of malevolence he afflicted our cool dragon friends with, and drown in it
Before Chávez Venezuela was Second to Chile in LatAm now they're starving, starve yourself commie shill
Nigger I say that shit all the time too. Too bad none of you fudd chudds would ever say "FUCK NIGGERS" in real life, since I'm black.
Yes, gulags. The first item on the agenda of anyone who isn't a good Trump voter. Snore.
Your scaremongering aside, what are you saying? That the belief in individualism leading to collective good isn't a defining factor of the modern right? That's both wrong and ironic since you round off the very same post by spewing some typical individualist crap. You, as a person on the right, suffer the delusion that individual choices lead to the best collective outcome despite all evidence to the contrary. It might, or rather most definitely do, help the minority of people in power and it offers a certain comfort to those who define their value by who they socially and financially outrank. Meanwhile, the left recognises that left to our own devices we don't make the best decisions. Not even for ourselves. It's simple game theory that very often what is the smart thing to do for ourselves is, when we don't work together, to fuck over those who should be our allies.
The bossman wants you to see your colleagues as rivals because that let's him control you. Our friend Marx wants you to see your colleagues as your allies because that is what makes the bossman sweat and the tide that lifts all our boats.
I'd fuck black girls though.
>implying there is anything wrong with being a racist
There i said it, What now?
Basically. There's no such thing as "forced equality" in games, people just win or lose, and in the base of their abilities alone, they get community recognition and in some cases even money.
For socialism to "take over games", those games would need to be heavily castrated so you can't compare each others abilities on it, like those shitty movie games. That's why lefties love then so much. BUT, the most played games around are multiplayer only, showing people simply like more to compete.
Me too bro. I'd go balls deep in that booty dead ass.
>left v right
Just gas k*kes, remove migrants and these problems solve themselves.
that explain why /v is full of commies and trannies commies who spam 24/7 this board
not everyone is EA user.
>asians are the most behaved
I always knew they were the master race.
Would egyptians have built the pyramids if the pharaos didnt bitchslap niggers into making them?
Would the great chink wall of bugland would have been built, if an emperor didnt say "fuck these raiders, am building a wall?"
99% of the people on earth are useless retards who are great at doing monotonous tasks over and over. Repeatedly manning a machine for the rest of their natural, and unnatural, lives. But they cant accomplish anything great without someone telling them what to do.
It's why history will always remember great leaders. No one remembers the millions of germans who fought for Hitler, but everyone sure knows hitler. No one remembers who made their iPhones, but everyone knows who Steve Jobs is.
Can you name 20 people off the latest Star Wars shitty movie? I bet the credits are 20 minutes long, but you will only remember a couple of actors and maybe the director.
The world does not care about who you are or what you can make. Only if you can people do great shit, will they remember you. It's human nature.
Hell, ask all these commies and socialists to name all these workers who made great sacrifices in those eras. They only remember Max and Lenin.
Fucking retards, all of you.
Now you, you're based. You can stay because you're original.
this. they want us fighting
Competition is the natural state of humans and competing with your co-workers and being friends with them is not mutually exclusive.
False friendships on the basis of getting along well to pursue some utopian dream conjured by a welfare leech some hundred years ago is destrucive and deceitful.
>Would egyptians have built the pyramids if the pharaos didnt bitchslap niggers into making them?
>Would the great chink wall of bugland would have been built, if an emperor didnt say "fuck these raiders, am building a wall?"
no but they would probably make more great libraries and build actually useful shit
leaves don't use memeflags and also actually shitpost normally
Israelis are straight up malevolent
Dumb rightoid. Socialism isn't about friendship or circlejerking but the very same selfishness you love so much. We merely recognise the better way to do it.
>Lol, yeah, because Colombia, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico
Brazilian here, we're bankrupt. Literally, economists are doom-mongering, the government will have to borrow (iirc) 250bi reais to pay this year's expenses.
>Is not the jews
>It's the capitalists
What the difference user
>being able to fight back against a capitalist corporation is completely possible by agreement and the power of vote,
Oh yes, we totally see people fighting back against corporations that pollute the atmosphere.
Oh wait we don't. But at least we're not using plastic straws anymore! That will totally prevent planet from fucking dying.
Capitalism = the strong try to keep the weak weak
Communism = The weak keep everyone just as weak as them
God damn, asians are neat.
>the only one where natives are on the red is liquor laws
KEK. I tought it was just a stereotype, but the stuff about natives being alcoholics is real.
>I've been found out
Losers like you will be losers not matter the system
Liberals are incapable of winning anyone over.
They think that the proper way to convince people to agree with them is to call everyone bigots, then they act surprised when Trump gets elected.
And in the three years since then they still haven't learned a damn thing.
>no mention of engineers, researchers, programmers, managers or analysts
Why do commies hate intellectual jobs so much? USSR literally genocided their own scientists.
a "thank you mr. white man for letting me live in your awesome countries playing all these cool video games" would be in normally be order
but seeing as we're just foregoing the exchange of pleasantries at this point; fuck you too, nigger.
look at the garbage mods leave up for hours but if you make a pepe meme or a "racist" thread it will get deleted instantly
Assuming you're not actually the 1% or even the 10% I'm pretty sure you're a loser too. making us losers fight each other for marginal advancement and relative status is how they control us.
You're really insane
Saw that one coming
Why do people think communism is the solution to gassing unethical CEOs? Like just do something to stop those guys from being weiner lickers instead of destroying our society. Capitalism is, ironically, the most well configured for a stable society. It ain't perfect, but it's better than the alternatives which would have people lined up and shot, instead of the preferred which is only the unethical and abusive lined up and shot.
Even, if it would solve most of the problems in game development. No.
Damn, they launched sputnik without any scientists? communism really is magic
and the creator was punished for it as it wasn't what he was supposed to be doing until he managed to get out of Russia.
>far right
What? I bet if modern lefties see past lefties they would think they're far right
You're wrong about capitalism. The strong keeping others weak is something entire different. Capitalism is about everyone having a chance at wealth and their own happiness. Making people weak willingly and removing that chance is not capitalism. It's call being evil.
Yeah and we have seen it work so well in:
North Korea, Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Venezuela, East Germany, Cuba, Vietnam and all the other states that managed to become glorious industrial powerhouses where none suffered, none were shot for different opinions, captured and tormented for trying to flee and which are still around and flourishing so beautifully.
>our shared interests
Literally none
Better idea
Let’s find god punch him in the face then retake the universe for ourselves
Wow, look at all these countries that were doing pretty good at the turn of the 20th century. Then what happened?
Oh yeah. Socialism.
I'm all for a revolution if only to shoot some capitalists but it's not really on the table. The modern return of socialism in the west is the Nordic model. Incremental changes that move us to the left, not some great upheaval.
>leftists will start beaming people's heads because they know their shit politics doesn't appeal to anyone but the brain damaged
You can also call it judaism
Crowder didnt say anything remotely close to that and got unpersoned by the leftist social credit system
Why does she dress like a harlot?
The nordic model that is already failing? Good example.
Democracy only went bad when the state moved from upholding law and defending the realm to doing everything. Like all things it touches, socialism destroyed democracy.
>people trying to stop other people from saying racial slurs BAD
>people trying to create an ethnostate GOOD
look at this dude
>Soviet Union
>East Germany
Don't most people in those actually defend communism?
What happenes with the USSR ?
Yeah, he just made his platform on being a milquetoast alex jones.
are we already at the part of our daily politics thread where leftists false flag by acting like the only time socialism failed was due to interventionism? Because that's why those states failed.
Think you need to check your facts, sweetie. And by that I don't mean go to /pol/.
>Yes, gulags. The first item on the agenda of anyone who isn't a good Trump voter. Snore.
Nah, now it's worse, there's "social justice", anyone caught thinking wrong faces a social death. It's like you're not seeing it. Meanwhile, all you see on the right is ignorance and disdain.
>That the belief in individualism leading to collective good isn't a defining factor of the modern right?
I'm saying you don't know shit about politics, and you don't know shit about the right. "Individualism" by definition isn't "politics", it's the absence of politics. If you consider the right to be "individualistic", again, you've been memed.
The right is about the freedom to chose who you side with, the left is about forming one big group. Both are about forming groups. That's the fucking basics of politics.
Your idea of the "left" is quite on the right, you idea of the right is typical leftist bullshit. Sorry, you're been memed hard.
Well it won't because most of the pollution is from East Asia and imposing our will on them is imperialism but hey ho.
>b-but it's failing
Nice sources there, chief.
wasn't real communism xD
>not being able to say the n-word in class is worse than gulags
Maybe we actually need to bring them back to give you some perspective.
>which are still around and flourishing so beautifully.
user, the ones that aren't by any metrics are the ones we bombed the shit out of most of those countries and embargoed the rest. How is that the fault of socialist economics?
I was unaware crowder denied mass shootings and made claims about parallel dimension child molesting vampires, but however you faggots need to justify being exactly what you claim to hate. Fascist cunts
yes. the right wing """gamers"" don't actually play games. They just scour twitter for things to be mad at.
socialism is the economic arm of Communism. It was made in spite of Communism though. Not because of it, the USSR really fucked him out of the rights to the game and he used it as a jumping off point to go to America.
>make more great libraries
This is honestly sad at this point. I feel like am bullying a tard or some shit.
Mate, look at your average joe. Does he care about building libraries? Does he even fucking read? Every great achievement from mankind came from people with a vision, who made people without a vision work for them.
Commie ideals work on the assumption that all people are equal and the same. That went left to their own devices, everyone will individually advance mankind.
The sad truth is that if you take a thousand persons and give each of them a thousand bucks, most will blow it on food, crack and hookers, while a minority will invest it in a trade and, a thousand years later, you will end up with rich people and poor people again.
It's in human nature. There is a minority, that is hardworking, willing to learn how to lead and how to improve, with the goal of owning a big ass villa by the seashore. These guys will kill thesemlves working to get there.
Everyone else? They are fine with whatever you give them.
It's why in this age of free flowing knowledge, you still have people wageslaving and falling for get rich quick scams.
The stories of people getting rich from nothing are true. But people would rather ask for free handouts in a commie state than look at them, instead.
Communism/Socialism will insure that games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro get an easy mode. It will also give online game balancing for players who suck ass. Die 10 times in COD and you'll get the nuke to win the match.
>being exactly what you claim to hate
yeah can you tell me what I said that was in line with Crowder's shit, please?
There are no games under communism. Only work for glorious future of regime and crushing dissent.
We didn't even touch or sanction half of those countries, what are you talking about?
East Germany votes majorily right wing these days.
China only pretends to be communist/socialist but they are absolute turbo-capitalists.
Venezuella has riots and rebellion going on because they were starving and had to resort to eating their pets to survive, thanks due to a socialist president.
Cuba never, ever prospered under Guevara and Castro and only ever since they picked up business and trade with the USA things are starting to look up again.
Soviet Union collapsed and became Russia, Stalin for some reason still has a cult following but nobody wants to go back to either communism or socialism.
social policy =/= socialism unless you cite wikipedia as credible source brainlet
>dodging the arguments when you have none
Enjoy your gulag, even YOU aren't communist enough for them. You wrongly think they're your friends because you've been confused about politics, and the core differences between the left and the right, and you'll end up an enemy of the state like most people.
But on the flip side every game would get a very hard mode as well so what's the issue
Korolev, one of the lead scientists of USSR's space program was arrested, tortured and barely survived.
Scientists who worked in fields of genetics and cybernetics were opressed even more, google "Лыceнкoвщинa"
By definition it's not communist if the workers don't own the means of production. You can say they're communist, but that doesn't make it true.
You compared crowder to alex jones as justification for his deplatforming when he hasnt done anything remotely close to Alex Jones level.
Socalism is the self emancipation of the working class via changing our relationship to the means of production (and communication) from wage slaves to collective owners and dictators of our own destiny.
The government doing shit and spending money is not socalism. You fuck.
Workplace democracy, abolishment of the ownership class and international solidarity against all forms of oppression. That is socalism.
Does it feel weird to anyone else that almost everything on the Internet revolves around political fighting now? I feel like things weren't like this until about half a decade ago.
Your "argument" quite literally was that being called a bigot for being a bigot is worse than dying from exhaustion in a mine shaft. How can I take you serriously?
This. A good 90% of all voters are neolibs fighting for their preferred way to choke on capitalist cock. It's why most of the left acts like they're the champions of private rights now that they started to censor conservatives
Liberals get the bullet, too
Social safety Net ≠ socialism
When normal people decide they've had enough and take action to physically remove leftscum parasites, how are you weak, retarded insect-like bottom feeders going to stop them?
honestly cannot wait to enjoy the public executions and mass-graves filled with hillary-voting or otherwise left wing human waste
lol 10 years ago you'd be arguing with legit neonazis fresh out of a stint in prison. If anything it has mellowed
Yes but I asked for what I said that was in line with Crowder's shit.
No game would get made under comsoc
VA-11 HALL-A was Made in Venezuela.
I really want to fuck Jill and the Android prostitute
There are studies that show how social media have been radicalizing people politically since about 2014, when twitter got big.
Going both ways, by the way. Left and right. Moderates and centrists are slowly vanishing.
really makes you think
none of those fuckers would have even began to imagine the existence of something like the Iphone, like the sheep they are they simply follow the master
The Left cannot win over Gamers. However, the left can and has won over gamers.
think again nazi racist
>visual novel
My argument was that "individualism" is literally not politics, the right isn't individualist, but the freedom to form your own sovereign groups, and that it opposes the globalism and universalism of the left that aims to create the single biggest group in the world and force everyone to cooperate in it, erasing local, cultural differences in the process.
If you can't understand and admit that, we can't even begin to have a serious discussion.
Tetris was created despite socialism and the creator was pretty much fucked over by the USSR
But we're not starving like the venezuelans
Socialism will ruin your America or any country that decides to establish it.
>B-but user scandinavi...
Fuck off it is capitalism + high taxes. Medical workers and teachers don't work for free they get money through the government from taxes.
Shit I wish I could visit America before it will turn into leftist shithole.
The gamers will sit down to eat their leftist drivel while the Gamers rise up against the Left.
trannies iffy uh
Name a worse generation
We literally wouldn't have games, or at least games that weren't propaganda, from socialism. So no, very much not the case.
>dude just keep making our games all about tolerance and accepting our specific values while forcing cancerous monetization schemes in them
>oh and expect people to take pitty on some pink-haired chicks revolting against their employers because someone had the audacity to joke with his colleagues privately about a subject that got them upset
I guess it could be worse it also could be a lot better though
>communism killed gorillions
>but when gorillions are left to die in the streets from preventable illnesses it's a feature of capitalism ;^)
>Soviet Union proxy wars
>Cuban embargoes
>Cambodian genocide, the Cambodian Campaign and civil war support
>North Korean economic sanctions
>The Vietnam fucking War
Okay, well, at least you're making it obvious.
You had two points in your post and I responded to the first one.
The rest is just boring Ayn Rand naivety. There is no such thing as an individualist society. What you are actually part of is a society where we prey on each other for our own benefit, and that's just greedy selfishness.
>"workers" seize the means of production
>turns out having 300 million people voting on how to use the means of production is really inefficient. Best elect or hire somebody to take charge..
>but it's ok because they won't be called the government this one totally represents me and the rest of the people
>well I guess if a representative of the proletariat really needs the extra rooms in my home it's ok
>well I mean I wasn't going to eat that food anyway
>well, one less meal a day to help out with the revolution isn't so bad
>I guess it would be a really bad time to have ANOTHER election, we can put it off for a while
>well, I AM consuming too much, and I'm sure I'll do a lot of good work for society in the camp. I'll come out a better person
>well, I did break the rules after all, can't say I didn't see the firing line coming
devs don't even like commies
Not deleting /pol/ before letting go of Yea Forums was Moot's biggest mistake.
>b-but free speech!
I am not saying you shouldn't be allowed to discuss /pol/ stuff though, but to do it here on Yea Forums, a hobby forum, is absolutely ludicrous.
>consumers voluntarily spend their money on stupid shit
More people have died because of the actions of capitalism nations than they have died under communism or fascism.
Cuba survived for decades while being neighbours to a hostile superpower, and despite mass blockades still managed to attain literacy and infant mortality levels, as well as a better healthcare system, than their American neighbours. Coming from a tiny communist shithole island, that's pretty impressive.
Why do people go full-on libtard genocide because of Article posted in a SOCIALIST NEWSPAPER? I mean of course a socialist says they'll use Video Games to promote socialism, the opening statement of the Article even says, that Steve Bannon claimed the EXACT SAME THING just for the other political side.
hm gee I wonder why all those took place
Social media reminds us how much we hate other people. It's unfiltered access to all the kinds of debauchery that exists on this Earth, and it's just way too much for most people to handle
I really wish they would just ban social media altogether so we can all go back to the glory days of IRC
because leftists arent human and need to be removed from the Earth
Wait, how can they be shocked after they are murdered?
I remember seeing less political stuff on the Internet in general back around the late 2000's and early 2010's. I started going on Yea Forums during the early 2010's, and I remember that Yea Forums back then cared more about "CHECKING THESE DOUBLES" than anything related to politics.
I think another thing is that there's a lot more people on the Internet these days, so politics and other real world stuff are leaking onto the Internet due to the sheer amount of people on the Internet now.
leave the site if you don't like the content, its not for you.
weak bait
Socialism will not improve the situation to losers
Da joos are BOTH idiot
>Ban or alienate everyone who has any opinion further right than outright socialism
>dude look, all these gamers are socialists!
>There is no individualist society so stop pursuing that ideal
>Instead let's keep chasing the ideology that has been proven to never work and has a death count in the hundreds of millions
Capitalism can't be blamed for natural occurrences like famines leading to death, brainlet
There's only one fucking thing that pisses gamers off more than microtransactions and that's SJW bullshit which socialism is built on.
The irony is that they've pushed me further and further right.
I was here long before /pol/ was ever a thing. I am not planning on leaving just like that.
Well most commies are underage idiots mad that they have to work to buy a new iPhone instead of getting it for free, so it's not surprise
Cuba is also more literate than the US. The wonders of socialist policies. Free market retards will never understand that it's more profitable to keep people stupid and uneducated so they buy your products than it is to build anything great. Capitalism only made useful innovations and strides for humanity when it had to compete against a serious communist nation.
>East Germany votes majorily right wing these days.
They have higher share for Die Linke and AfD, both of which milk their ostalgia.
>they are absolute turbo-capitalists
Nonsense, their largest companies are state-owned and economy is under tight leash of party.
>Venezuella has riots and rebellion going on
And yet despite USraeli best efforts they failed to defeat Maduro.
>Cuba never, ever prospered
Yet most of their people prefer this regime.
>Soviet Union collapsed and became Russia
And 50+% of Russians are "sad" about it.
>nobody wants to go back to either communism or socialism
I'm certain this is wrong, since in 2018 66% said they would vote against dissolution of USSR
You should indeed stop pursuing what is per definition impossible. For one it is pointless and in this case it's also detrimental to us all.
This is about as convincing as an American praising communism and badmouthing capitalism teebeeaych.
I'm not going to even bother
>hey what the fuck xuys and xirls we've just spent the last 7 years forcing ourselves into your hobby and demanding you cater to our politics, why the fuck do you guys suddenly care about politics??? incels...
This is why the democrats want to lower the voting age. Because only legit dumbass high schoolers buy their bullshit
>I really wish they would just ban social media altogether so we can all go back to the glory days of IRC
That and actual social interaction. You know, going out and talking face-to-face where you have to own up to what you said.
Well, why haven't you already started doing something against them, instead of complaining about it on an anonymous website?
everything from europe that is considered a good game.
Fuck off. I haven't been promoting any kind of politics on Yea Forums. Politics free means politics free.
>unionizing game workers and hamfisting even more politics into games
the former, gamers are completely indifferent to at best, and the latter gamers have universally rejected.
The left discourages me from playing
We have enough food and resources to feed and house everyone in the US, and even the world, and enough to do so in a way that wouldn't affect even 99.99% of the rest of the population financially. The only reason these things don't happen is because there's no financial incentive to do so because it's not profitable.
lmao are you serious right now
Commies kill it's own people
25 000 000 russians killed in Soviet Union.
Go ahead help yourself.
pol is the counteraction to the social media politic dogs. You should thank pol for existing to begin with or else you would be standing in line right now at your local Starve-A-Steve trying to get bread handouts from your current communist regime.
>You should indeed stop pursuing what is per definition impossible.
Glad you agree to drop socialism then.
>socialism is the economic arm of Communism
you are quite misinformed or maybe just stupid.
>we should be funding the idiots in africa who have 9 children in the midst of AIDS/famine
who owns that mine, assembly plant, warehouse, trucks and stores though?
>people still think neoliberal SJWs are "the left"
It was the greatest character assassination ever, convincing a bunch of starbucks sipping capitalists that they were commies. Not only do you prevent them from ever mobilizing or fighting against the system, you also make communism look bad to everyone else.
To be honest this is what got me voting.
You know the saying:
>If you're not socialist by 20 you have no heart. If you're still socialist by 40 you have no brains.
Already a Right-Accelerationist. Sayonara nerds
Look to the Nordics, future comrade.
1. No.
2. Yes you clearly have been as you felt the need to participate in this political vidya thread and spew your shit
3. Nowhere, anywhere, does it say that this site is politics free, feel free to head back to your various content-controlled subreddits whenever you'd like.
>but when gorillions are left to die in the streets from preventable illnesses it's a feature of capitalism ;^)
Let me stop you right there, commie. No matter what goodness you believe in your heart, your virtue signaling does not make you a better man. In fact, what you're saying is that we should force people to live the way you want them to live, which is socialism and is taking away people's right to do what they want. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people enjoy being lazy bums and snorting up coke.
The American right prefer infight than off the left
>What you are actually part of is a society where we prey on each other for our own benefit
Because the left solves this problem by killing anyone posing a problem. Fucking literally. People can't be forced into cooperating, so you kill them, and that's why people are wary of the left's beautiful unity, because it's literally preying on others.
And then they still prey on the strong, the brave, by forcing them to share with the rest, because "boo hoo we're not equal". It used to work, but they've opposed the family values and the local cultures, that kept people close with REAL bonds, and replaced them with forced, artificial bonds, so now people are forced to work hard for people they don't know, never reaping the fruit of their hard labor.
Because obviously, any difference implies a hierarchy, and any hierarchy implies the oppression of a group by the other.
You don't even understand the basics of politics user. Go read a book.
Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe this.
You mean the country that had 13 years of leftists ruling (more if you count the softer left) and has tons of structural failures fron authoritarian rule?
The country with like, 5 communist parties?
You will be ground up into paste to feed my rich children. Sayonara. The far right is worth less than vermin.
a mongrel race of debt slaves
Socialism would make life a lot easier for NEETs
That's not a good thing and i'm sure it's not natural. The ruling class did this to make the population insane
>Soviet Union collapsed and became Russia
>And 50+% of Russians are "sad" about it.
It has nothing to do with wanting communism, though. People want upsides of USSR, because currently the country is going to shit and people are nostalgic about it being a little bit better.
t. russian
But he's right. It's damn sure not capitalism.
They tried with gamergate. They failed miserably.
>and demanding you cater to our politics
I'm , and I'm not really political either way. I guess I just miss how the Internet used to be, before everything started being about political stuff.
seethe more tranny
>nooo the brown people ;_;
How does capitalism protect you from those exactly? America seems to have plenty.
Get that cancer away from people.
The free market depends way too much on the assumption that most people aren't idiots.
If Lula was never elected
But if nobody buys DLCs, then that would mean ...
Can agree with that statement. Noone except 40+ years old people want communism back in Russia. We do understand that communism is evil.
there's a difference between "disagreeing" with idpol/not wanting to discuss it, and posting incelfrog memes about tranny suicide while constantly autistically screeching about tranny discord conspiracies and other /pol/ boogeymen.
>In fact, what you're saying is that we should force people to live the way you want them to live,
Freedom was a mistake, so yes. The minute we gave people the freedom to choose their own education and live their own lives, things started collapsing. Your "freedom" has given us a society of drug addicts chasing their highs, because humans are emotional creatures and not logical ones. Whether it's crack, the newest DLC skinner box game, or gorging yourself on McBurgers like some fat pig, it's all the same. Just a society of worthless druggies.
The nordic states are not socialist, even according to their own leaders.
Stop spreading that bullshit.
Unfortunately i think people are just fucking pissed off about being corralled and told that they belong to one group of people who have a particular way of thinking when they very much are not.
It's infuriating.
People often forget that groups of people are made up of individuals who have their own thoughts and lives and beliefs.
It's like saying anyone who likes anime is a pedo. The ones who actually are pedos and are confident enough to not care about some random opinion say nothing and dont care, but everyone who doesn't want to be seen as a pedo and likes anime is going to be vocal and tell you to fuck right off, making it look like there are a tons of defensive people.
Basically if nobody ever shoved their political view down anyone else's throat and told them they belonged to a group that they don't belong to, nobody would care about these websites/articles.
That the free market fixes itself.
>convincing a bunch of starbucks sipping capitalists that they were commies.
Wasn't it Occupy Wall Street when this shit started?
>It has nothing to do with wanting communism, though.
It has to do precisely with it. The economic system, the pride of being a superpower, the relative lack of social pathology etc.
No it doesnt you fucking ignorant commie tard.
It functions by people operating in their own self-interest, which is humanity's default position. It's a way to harness the evil side of humanity for good
I never mentioned capitalism.
>3. Nowhere, anywhere, does it say that this site is politics free
I never said that this is said anywhere. I did however point towards how the site used to be largely politics free and how the sentiment of how the site should be politics free was pretty damn strong back then. It was always a hobby forum after all. An anime/japan hobby forum at that.
And no. Joining a thread to say that politics in a hobby forum is shit, is not taking a political stance. Fuck off.
> I guess I just miss how the Internet used to be, before everything started being about political stuff.
We all do, and thats why a lot of us need to be political now ironically
I didn't give a shit either but they're forcing everyone to take sides pretty quickly, which I guess is the point.
Sad state of things tbqh
from the perspective of people who actually like making money, it relies almost entirely on the assumption that most people are in fact idiots.
based brown "people"
Why wondeful socialism would need to trade with the capitalism Satan?
They are mixed-market with a strong emphasis on having a welfare state. They're moving more towards socialism than away from it.
>The far right is worth less than vermin.
Unless you're their puppetmaster.
Then they're good useful idiots to serve as political cannon fodder.
>Noone except 40+ years old people
The people who remember it?
Capitalism is a cancer. Socialism is the answer.
Literally every problem hypergamy, poor jobs, poor health, poor salary, poor opportunities is because corporations are bleeding everyone dry
it literally never was not political, Yea Forums has been memed as an "evil hacker" by the MSM since the early 2000s for a reason.
stop talking out your ass because its obvious you haven't been here very long
Guess what. The moment socialism/ communism takes over, everyone becomes drug addicts cause you just took away your entire society's will to live how they want. This is why commies are the least humanitarian people to exist and why they were always shot in the heyday.
>Socialism is the answer.
Tell that to all the people who died under benevolent socialism. So benevolent that they had to use force to keep it going for a few years before it all collapses.
>our last 3 (três, trois, さん) presidents are corrupt
It's a miracle the country's still standing to be frank.
Hilarious how you people can watch companies like EA rise to dominance and gobble up everything while hordes of people throw money at them to encourage this behaviour and still arrive at the conclusion that the free market is a good thing. Every shitty thing about gaming corporations has the free market to blame, the only way to stop it is to scale it back but that would require strict regulations which you brainlets screech about.
>Socialism is the answer.
American style socialism wont work with our demographics. It would just end up being a more extreme version of putting a harness on whitey so he can funnel money to pablo and shaneequa
people with dementia and lead poisoning
is this a troll post
>Literally every problem hypergamy, poor jobs, poor health, poor salary, poor opportunities is because corporations are bleeding everyone dry
>another guy who doesnt understand capitalism.
Life under communism is hard mode
>Cuba is more literate
The entire developed world and some poorer nations have about the same literacy rate, and without needing an authoritarian regime.
You guys always tout the "cuban achievements" which usually just involve not being as shitty as the other third world nations assailed by dictatorships and strife. Well yeah, the stable authoritarian regime does better than the other regimes, no fucking shit Sherlock.
>and enough to do so in a way that wouldn't affect even 99.99% of the rest of the population financially
Citation needed. You should have stopped before that.
>be poor and starving nation
>gets free food
>population increases thanks to that
>need more food
>cannot buy more food because you don't produce anything worthwhile
>back to starving again
The reason people starve in Africa or Venezuela is pretty much socialism: goverment closing barriers and not letting the population develop.
>Would egyptians have built the pyramids if the pharaos didnt bitchslap niggers into making them?
They didn't bitchslap anyone, historical researches showed that workers at the time were treated fairly well.
And they didn't really had the choice here. Only men were able to build anything in ancient egypt.
That's a pretty bad example desu.
>people with dementia and lead poisoning
Said the zoomer which stares at computer 12 hours a day.
>They are mixed-market with a strong emphasis on having a welfare state.
Exactly, they support private ownership and have some of the world's lowest corporate tax rate.
Also, Capitalism and Socialism don't exist on a continuum. You either support private property or not. You are completely misinformed.
The people who were raised in communism and do not understand how capitalism work.
they're not moving towards socialism nearly as fast as you're moving your goalposts.
Communism turned a tsarist-ruled shithole into a world superpower that went to space. People need purpose in their lives, and it is the state's duty to give it to them instead of just letting them rot in the streets.
Why do you think religion is so popular? People are desperate for meaning in their lives. Something real, something tangible. We can design a system that gives it to them.
>make communism look bad
How do masked communists look good in anyway? They are defending venezuela's 1000+ percent inflation as we speak. How do you make that pig look good?
If they had money they'd have more to do than have sex.
National socialism maybe
Don't worry guys, I got this.
>under communism, you are forced to buy what the government deems the only government sponsored goods
>under capitalism, you are free to choose what to buy or to buy nothing at all.
How can you sit there and say the former is better than the latter.
quit making shit up
You can run the numbers yourself, it's not hard. 0.00006% of US makes over 2 trillion in income alone every single year.
The fact that you think we SHOULD or SHOULDN'T is irrelevant to the fact that we CAN but we don't because it's not profitable to do so, which is the point.
>They didn't bitchslap anyone, historical researches showed that workers at the time were treated fairly well.
Hey guess what. Egyptians still had slaves and they worked on their temples and pyramids too. Good for the workers they were treated well. But the slaves were still slaves.
Cool. Are you suggesting we purge our nation so we can have an overabundance of resources with low population density?
Yeah! So it seems to me that socialism is NOT the answer - as any sane person would conclude - but sane humans making sane decisions.
Ahh Bezmenovs work with brainwashing americans was successful I see.
Russian Revolution was a beautiful spark that went to shit rather quickily because getting out of WW1 cost Russia immense amounts of economic value, and then the civil war happened which allowed Stalin and new beucrstic class to seize complete power. The Soviet Union was meant to be run by soviets (literal translation workers council), Lenin litterally declared “all power to the soviets” and then they btfo the Provisional Government. But during 20’s the Soviets were hollowed out and all true power was consolidated into the Communist Party State infrastructure.
Sadly after this USSR basically had a monopoly on the ideas of Socalism, (unless you were a Colonel Sanders look-alike shitposting in Mexico), and communist parties around the world were stuck with complete support for Stalin because they were stuck in a position of opposing Capitalism and thus must support Socalism as it exists. No one wanted to admit Russian Revolution had been defeated, even Trotsky defended it and never fully denounced it. Even after Hungary in 1956 leftists around the world were still defending something that was blatantly the opposite of every ideal they held. People got kicked out of communist parties for reporting on what they saw in Hungary.
Socalism is SELF IMMPANICPATION of working class. You can’t just have a military coup or invasion and setup socalism, the working class becomes fit to rule itself via proving it can do so. “Liberators” from above just swap out the exploiters for new flavour of oppressors.
1989 revolutions were the most Socalist thing to happen since 1920, but western Liberalism and “free market capitalism” were very eager to intervene and turned all the eastern bloc countries into Oligarchal shitholes because all the state owned assets got sold at 5% value to people with connections.
Witcher 2 and 3.
Another thing I find weird is how fast everything's changed. My memories of the Internet from around 2010 and 2011 are already completely different from the current Internet.
>Communism turned a tsarist-ruled shithole into a world superpower that went to space
Look at this retard and laugh.
Do you even know what Russia was like before communism? Let me define it for you: there were no jews.
Under communism, EA is the state mandated choice.
I want /Pol/ and /leftypol/ to fuck off with their subversibe tactics
believing capitalist propaganda
>alt rightisms
you do know whites benefit the most from welfare you dumb retard
>commodifying humans and treating them like tools to be used
>not leading exactly to that soulless culture
EA rises to dominance because their games make the normie masses happy you retard. You and I may personally hate them, but society on the whole values what they produce and rewards them with a profit.
>video games are a good indicator of the strength of the free market
Isnt EA one of the most hated companies for this exact reason?
flappy bird
>Polish dev
To anyone who unironically thinks this;
Perhaps the corporations are to blame then, and not a fucking economic concept.
Maybe you should be focused on simply not giving those evil fucking giants all your money, like i know you do every god damn day?
ok kiddo
If you weren't aware, those old political threads actually got banned and were not actually approved. The threads just happened anyway. None of it changes how the site was largely apolitical and people would tell others to fuck off when they got too political.
I hope you don't bitch about EA then, because you support a system that fuels their dominance.
>the most disgusting penny pinching business tactics in any entertainment medium
>we can turn gamers into marxists
I don't get it
But capitalism only furthers demand. If nobody would buy this stuff, we wouldn' t have these kinds of problems.
>and do not understand how capitalism work.
maybe because it doesn't work without western gibs?
You can also legally buy a nailgun and put it up to your head and pull the trigger, but that doesnt mean you SHOULD do that
>some people choose to live a life of laziness and gluttony under entertainment
Not my problem.
>believing capitalist propaganda
Just like the six million are propaganda too?
Implying they're the same thing lol
I'm not even a zoomer but how are you trying to use someone with an access to information as an insult comparable to literally being retarded due to metal poisoning or mental degradation
>Yeah I spent my whole career making up bullshit and lying to people, I'm a natural at it
>but you can believe me now lol I'm not lying to you at this moment haha promise :)
>b-but its not real communism.
Literally they excuse every time. "Real" communism exists for all of 3 seconds before those who take over get that rush from having power.
if venezuala had no sanctions on it it would still fucking die
>It has to do precisely with it. The economic system
I mean if you straight up ask people on streets: "do you want communism?" and "do you want to come back to USSR?", many people from old generation will probably reply "yes". Because as i said, people want upsides of USSR, while forgetting about downsides. They want to have secured job and house for their kids after they graduate university.
They don't want to remember food stamps, having to go to neighbour city to buy meat, or basic home appliance being rarity that only select few had access to.
>the pride of being a superpower
But people here STILL think we are some super powerful country, lmao.
>yeah they totally didn't exist man and if they did exist they SURELY weren't supposed to!!!
yikes, horrible cope tbqhwy.
>Yea Forums has been memed as an "evil hacker" by the MSM since the early 2000s for a reason.
Because Yea Forums did raids and shit all of the damn time and boomers use terms like "hacking" to describe any sort of internet tomfoolery. Deflecting with that doesn't work when Yea Forums's one of the most popular message boards on the internet and old people call in to right wing talk shows and mention shit like "clown world".
Nice non sequitur retard.
>Let me define it for you: there were no jews.
There was five millions of them. After Nazis there were two millions, when communism fell there was 300k.
>having a home is shooting yourself in the head with a nailgun
why even bother posting
Poland is run by a conservative party, that's why the EU hates them.
Nice NPC responses.
>Guy literally explained what will happen soon
>30 years later it is happenin in the US
>Lol he is lying
Holy shit you are retarded.
Let me clarify. There were no jews pushing shit in power. But it just goes to show that a small trinket of jews in comparison to christians is like adding poison to a healthy system and watching it destroy it slowly.
>it's still up
good job jannies; really earning your pay today
Gaming and socialism don't mix; it's a hobby that offers little except for entertainment to the buyer. Everytime I spent $59.99 (plus tip) on a game, I'm aware that money could be used to help the homeless, the starving, the veterans, etc. but in the end I don't care about them and would rather spend my resources on me, and solely me.
Leftists aren't even human, just like niggers, spics, mudslimes and women.
>access to information
user, you only have access to internet, but there are people who literally experienced the era. That's incomparable to internet even if you add your nonsense.
gee its almost as if there's a huge fucking problem and this is one of the only places you can even discuss it without being immediately censored or banned...
what could have possibly caused this!??!
really makes you think...
Reminder that the far-right hates communism so much solely because they were defeated by communists in WW2. The eternal cope is real.
The core guiding principle of socialism is "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his need." At it's core, this means that everyone is expected to put in their maximum effort but all be rewarded/paid/compensated/however you'd like to call it the same. This is fundamentally against the mindset of a gamer. "I performed better, I should be getting a higher score."
Communism will always appeal to those bellow the average and be rejected by those above the average. It is understood by both as a means by which the incompetent can rob the exceptional of their value.
>let me plug my fingers into my ears and hope I can go back to posting about more dlc filled games
So is Britain at the moment but that's collapsing.
>guy picks up on the societal trends of the time that were already well underway and rapidly approaching mainstream status
>effectively just says what anybody who isn't a shut-in mong already knows
>dude holy shit it's like he's a prophet so legit omg
You're a retard.
lol retard socialists don't redistribute their own money to the poor, only other peoples'.
You literally have no reading comprehension
If you cannot "make it" in a first world capitalist nation then you are at least one of the following:
>You've compounded too many bad decisions and now you are fucked.
>You simply don't want to "make it" bad enough. You choose to not "make it" because you want your shitty non-lucrative passion to somehow support your lifestyle. Either that or you won't do what it takes to "make it", instead you complain that life isn't fair.
They do it for free, user.
>You don't get to complain about communism until you, personally, have starved because of it!
wow holy based, thanks commies!
Seethe harder about the thread not going your way, leftist subhuman. Day of the rope is coming.
>"I performed better, I should be getting a higher score."
I've been studing solo queue ranked systems for video games and realized why most psychologically hate that system. It shows that video game design has been infilitrated by communist thinking. Think about it, you have to do well in a team but your success is dependent upon everyone and not yourself and you are given a score if your team won or not. Now imagine this in a random place where you never know who your team will be.
Because of the old saying
>Socialism works until you run out of other people's money
I remember that there used to be way more off-topic stuff on Yea Forums years ago, but it was usually just silly shit like pizza tipping threads.
Don't forget that this approach also stagnates the economy. Why the fuck on earth would a high skilled worker work more when he gets paid as much as a shitty worker?
>thinking it's impossible
Iphone socialists
>tfw the sweden negro got into hot weather because he had said that he doesn't think nigger is a bad word and was annoyed with how people weren't allowed to say it
Of course, he was corrected and denounced by whites.
>There were no jews pushing shit in power.
First chairman of Russian imperial bank was from Jewish family.
>But it just goes to show that a small trinket of jews in comparison to christians is like adding poison to a healthy system and watching it destroy it slowly.
Yet what happened in USSR was the opposite. The "poison" was removed from the body within twenty, thirty years.
Yeah, just give all your money to the right leaning tech company...oh wait.
All the commies i've met were drug addicts who thought that everyone should get everything for free.
based. At their core everyone's mindset is GG my team. They are fundamentally opposed to boosting retards.
Unironically yes.
Socialism favors the unproductive lazy and stupid.
based boomer
>Israel flag
How do first world leftists even intend to carry out their revolution? It’s all blue haired tumblrinas and open-mouthed “men” who think microaggresions are real. You’re not Ivan nor Chang, and the two would purge you if you went on about how you change genders like a chameleon.
>he thinks Marx will save vidya
>Marx system only created one well known vidya which was later on sold in America due to commies not liking the fact one of their citizens was able to not make his life shit
If anything, shit vidya would become the norm due to the state dictating whats in them, imagine unironically wanting the state to infest the already shit industry just to milk you. This is your brain on communism.
I need to print out something like this.
The allies storming the beaches of normandy all had the beliefs of the current "far right"
None of those workers invested anything for the machinery, transport, etc. or has the liability for the company failing.
>I know better than people who actually lived there, because I browse usraeli media!
based zoomerino
No, they'll not win over gamers. They're just going to kill the industry.
Hi I'm trans and how is this thread videogames
>Wanting governments to reign in businesses to prevent shitty monopolies means you want a communist dictatorship
2016 really brought in all the retards didnt it
I just want to play video games.
I truly believe when the banks were present, shit got real bad real quickly. Religious banking, not the jewish kind, was always the best version of money banking. No interests, and you're paid for what the worth of your labor was.
they couldnt fucking read, why would they make libraries?
Which systems offer a compromise between both? Like, reward those who perform best, but at the same time offer consolation prizes even if your score was 0?
>Me itt
Retard, Venezuela was on course to be the wealthiest Latin American country before they adopted Socialism.
Kill yourself, or at least learn some fucking history you retard.
Goiym knows, shut it down
>got unpersoned by the left
>youtube still refuses to take his profile down despite him selling merchandise with homophobic slurs on them and convincing his fans to stalk and harass some gay writer that he shits on every episode
>still makes money off what is supposedly one of the biggest leftist conglomerates off the planet
What did he mean by this
Leftism is an ideology built for and supported by complete failures. They can't compete in life so they want to take away all the hard-earned wealth of people who actually made something of their lives and give it to themselves and their fellow failures. Meritocracy is a dirty word to them. Outside of trend-hopping and otherwise apolitical celebrities, every leftist you'll ever meet is a sad, jealous, miserable and pathetic excuse for a human being. Most are mentally ill to boot. We need another Hitler.
Then go play them and stop complaining about wanting to play games on Yea Forums on a shitpost thread.
The world is unfair and there are people who spit in the face of how you think "winning at life" should be.
I like to think that you earn becoming wealthy and independent through hardwork, that you deserve it for becoming a skilled person providing something of value to the world. This doesn't mean you have to be the best, just doing anything that enriches the lives of others.
Then there's nepotism and people with phony-bologna jobs getting paid for being worthless sacks of shit and this is where Socialists try to win you over. They hypothetically want everybody to like this at the cost of freedom and huge government.
tl;dr: life is hard, I know the "doomer" mantra, but you have the internet at your fingertips, you can learn to do anything and you can learn it all without spending a dime.
>No interests, and you're paid for what the worth of your labor was
...but that's socialism
By 80s there were no "shut-in mongs already knows" stuff. You are making that up to defend your point. There also were no Internet where piece of shit like you could share their left view on normal people. You are not a retard I see you are a commie.
how the fuck has the tranny jannies not removed this?