Who else is boycotting EA for their silence in online bullying up until now?

Who else is boycotting EA for their silence in online bullying up until now?

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>wahhhh give us money

this reminds me of the tranny who was yelling at notch and then asking him for money

>constantly struggling with funding
Didn't they get millions of dollars to do that video series and STILL never finish it?

This is how I read it.

wow the misogyny is real...


> non-profit

Jew tactics at its finest.

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as if you needed more proof this woman is a parasite

She ran a $25k kickstarter to make a discord channel. A fucking discord channel.

>we're struggling with funding
>this cant possibly be because our content is fucking shit and no one cares
>it must be PATRIARCHY

why does no one ever point out that this woman was a literal pyramid scheme pusher at conferences?

Not for YOUR profit lmao

how fucking dare a company donate money for a good cause, the nerve

Taking on the gamer patriarchy is haaaaaaaaard

Redpill me on gamergate bros

You reminded me that this bitch exist...Fuck you OP. From the bottom of my damn heart fuck you.


Transparent money grubbing kike nosed bitch.

Translating from kikespeak: EA SHOULD GIVE THAT MONEY TO ME.

This is the prime example of why universities should not just give out easy masters degrees to people who’ve written about something no one else ever cared to do.

>trying this hard to drum up controversy
Nobody cares about her anymore

Hoes gon b hoes

Trolls trolling trolls.

don't feed the twitter troll

>being bullied online
just turn the shit off

I support online bullying so nah. Noobs need to learn their place

MLM subhuman garbage to boot.

Ah, the parasites among parasites reemerges from her dirt nest..IF you've ever given this locust a penny hang yourself at the nearest lamppost.

>get it, cause it's as big a deal as Watergate

"gamers", trannies and feminists are a bunch of drama queens. Fuck the lot of you.

Didn't this bitch get invited to bioware when they were making anthem? And she still shit talks EA? EA should just blacklist her, I know they're the type to do that shit although they probably won't because anita is a professional victim. One day corporations will learn to not deal with people like this, they're beggars, they provide no value and their only purpose is to complain about everything.

some whore sucked dick for good reviews and they punished the gaming communities so hard that sony is making faggy games and gaming is a mental disorder now.

I watched a video today on youtube. A man did an interview with an expert on depression and anxiety. The video was asking, why, despite people having the best standards of living and life in human history, was depression and loneliness/isolation rising? He goes on to say that medication is not the solution, the internet and social media is to blame, money and pursuit of it is to blame, and he goes into great detail how to fix the problem.
But then when the interview ends (around 20 minutes long), the youtuber asks you to donate to their patreon to see the extra half of the interview.
This is when it hit me. People will exploit anything. Any situation, no matter how miserable, just to profit.
The only winning move is to die.

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Some journalists lied about how good/bad some indie game was in exchange for sex with the female game developer. Then, to save face after they got called out, those journalists doubled down with the bullshit and started going on about how women are oppressed in the video game industry etc. People in the loop knew it was bullshit and continued to call it out while people out of the loop defended the journos and these fictional "oppressed women" because they had no other context and didn't believe that journalists could flat out lie like that and get away with it. Turned into a war with journalists shitting on the game industry and game companies choosing to become more inclusive as a response lest they be condemned by the general public brainwashed by the media.

based lefties attacking their own

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Thanks you for your enlightened centrist take, user. I too, love not taking a stance on anything.

fuck you nigger

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noooooooooooo nononononono i'm not taking this bait again. fuck off

she is just a maggot crawling in the pile of shit that is modern gaming .dont give her any attention.

What an embarrassingly envious tweet.

Did she ever finish her series?

>proving his point

Who in the right state of mind still buys EA games anymore?

began as people legitimately concerned about paid reviews and corruption in games journalism, quickly devolved into neckbeards and sjws autistically screeching at eachother, and any legitimate discussion was drowned out

God I wish that cunt would just choke on her own vomit and die.

Why does everyone forget that shit all started with Zoe getting MeTood by her ex?

He certainly didnt get the "believe women" treatment

I don't need to boycott EA because I'm not a AAA buying sucker.
I haven't touched a single game they published since ME3.

The same people who buy the yearly sports games

Not really - because even that is letting that culture determine and dominate your (non)existence. It's better to simply disengage emotionally and intellectually. Which isn't isolating yourself or rebelling (because in both instances you're still shaping yourself against that culture) but is simply shrugging it off and being unbothered whenever your run across it.

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>online bullying
there's no such thing. grow a pair or log out of the internet once in a while

Zoe is 5 years overdue on Rebel Game Jam.

we need a gamergate2

I'm glad her 15 minutes of fame are over.

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Shitstorm kicked up by kneejerk reaction to colluding liberal media trying desperately to bury a story on every site and forum, followed by increasingly dishonest explanations and justifications from both sides to vilify opponents and excuse their own behavior.

it was a free game lol

no one in this thread has any right to be mad at this image, how many games are in your own backlogs you fake gamers?

i thought so

and she still sucked the dick for it, even worse

>she was always a snakeoil salesman and scammer
not surprising considering she's armenian

Have a pity (you)

discord channel was a milestone reward for something being crowdfunded (Anita was very much involved, don't know if she was leading it)

It all started when cause a dev sucked some dick for good reviews. Im totally not kidding.

How is it that her followers didn't call her shit on that and call her a fucking scammer?

that's a pretty good summery, it just got worse from there.

I bet she didn't play a single one, and they're either rotting away or got traded in to a gamestop.

Mayority of EA gamers are retard americans and bongs with FIFA i didnt play a single EA title since the simcity deable and never will play a single game from them , garbage ass company

Depression quest was not a game and she lied about donations going to some depression therapy association

>work with the headphones on all the time
>run out of the podcasts to listen to
>boot up femfreq since nothing else comes to mind
>it's so fucking boring and about literally NOTHING
>one of them says some shit and two thats left say ye ye ye ye ye
no fucking shit she can't get any money, the boring cunt

Something something misogyny

Actually it started with her EX MeTooing her after she got famous, and all of the feminists and soys jumped on him to shut him up. Her sleeping with 5 journalists was just an aspect of that.

Funny how those same people would go on to become the metoo crowd after that fact.

when was she last relevant?

the absolute state of sjw gutter slut entitlement. pathetic

>hears EA is donating money to people
>immediately tries to pressure them into giving her money
Wait a second, that nose...

this is the desperate squawking of a grifter trying to remain relevant and keep that money train moving and you idiots are going to feed into it and give her money - again.

Some hipster shit blogged about her whore of a gf fucking around and then pretending to be the victim of the relationship. Suddenly all game "journalist" sites along with reddit started mass banning the mentions of the blog everywhere, triggering a huge Streisand effect. Game "journos" responded by becoming a collective of Jack Thompsons and openly hating the audience they were supposed to write for, just so they could better masturbate each other in their leftist hipster circles.

Everyone in here is calling her out for that tho. I dont think a thread on Yea Forums matters.

I'm not a centrist and my stance is that you're all stupid cunts and I'd kill all of you if I could

>my shit product that doesn't make a profit is a "non-profit"
When will this cunt vanish?

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>dont think a thread on Yea Forums matters.
true. It don't matter. None of this matters.

Stop giving free publicity to this forgotten fucking nobody, nobody gives a shit about her. You are such a faggot, OP.

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>When will this cunt vanish?
She has. This is her desperate attempt at becoming a victim again so she can keep the $$$ train going

Yeah. Gane reviewers were getting paid off and that's all it was. Then, the media tried to pretend they were the victims because they were getting (rightly) harassed.

Participating in or instigating a flame war.

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>"lol look at all the games im gonna play"
>ends up using footage stolen from Letsplays on youtube

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Don't forget a few dipshits were actually being sexist despite everyone telling them to stfu. Of course they didn't and jorno's lached onto that and here we are.

it's good that it happened