Yea Forums sings "Life Will Change" P5OST

>What is it?
People record their singing and it will all be mashed up together

>How do I participate?
Record yourself singing the specified song, some example programs to do so: Audacity, Win 10 Audio Recorder, Vocaroo
You can listen to the song here: and lyrics here:
Zip with the song and lyrics:
Post your submission in this thread or send them directly to: [email protected]

If this ever sees the light of day, what song would you like to see a Yea Forums sings of?
If you have suggestions, questions or just an interest in this, leave a post in this thread.

Attached: 59592831.jpg (641x765, 259K)

Other urls found in this thread:

more like life will cringe lol


>Hes still trying
Nigga, everybody is waiting for E3 nobodys wants to fucking sing right now, try again the next 2 months or something.

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Kys you tripcode faggot

>everybody is waiting for E3
>no sony

really nigga

Nothing convinces me more that Yea Forums is a dead board than people shitting on OP for propagating classic Yea Forums culture.

Sorry OP

It's fine, I'm slowly getting to a sizable amount of vocals.

I'd shit out a paragraph on why you're a delusional redditor with his head up his own ass, but it's honestly way too fucking hot outside to function so whatever

Yea Forums sings has always been and will always be a fucking cringefest done solely by autists.

I don't think most people on Yea Forums have an issue with Sings threads but the board is moments away from being flooded with E3 threads, you should know it isn't the most optimal time to be posting this thread here.
If OP really wants his thread to gain more exposure, he should either wait after E3 or go to /vg/ or something.

Life will strange is a shitty song and too difficult for some user to sing, try reddit

>sings threads are specifically Yea Forums culture
have you ever been on another board, user? Regardless this is the worst time to host a Yea Forums sings, it should be hosted after E3, this just shows that the OP trying to host this is a fucking idiot.


Wait until it's not E3 and you'll get a lot more attention.

>lol reddit!
You're one of the newfags I'm talking about.
Revisionist shit.
What's sad is you're right. /vg/ is the new Yea Forums.
It's not specifically Yea Forums culture, but it is Yea Forums culture.

And I know this isn't the best timing for OP but he's been trying to get this project rolling for a while now and this response happens in every thread. Yea Forums has no culture or sense of fun anymore, it's just political bait and people getting angry. It's been dead since 2016 at least. Sad.

>Not doing this after Jokers reveal in Smash

I'd wait till after E3 user

Shut the fuck up and stop crying.

Yea Forums has never been a good board user. Posting a picture of a PS3 last gen was enough to get everyone at each other's throats. Stop wearing rose tinted glasses, stop whining, and stop acting like Yea Forums is a single person.

>it was never good!
This is always true and it's always irrelevant to complaints about Yea Forums being dead. It's not that it used to be good, it's that it used to be somewhat redeemable. You can't tell me you don't think it's gotten worse, especially over the past few years. Gamergate and the election legitimately killed the spirit of this board, 50% of the threads you see aren't even about vidya.

How many have contributed now?

He chose a shit song. Should have been never see it coming or wake up get out there.

>he's been trying to get this project rolling for a while now
How long are we talking?

for like over 2 months

Can't have been that dedicated an effort, this is the first I'm seeing of it.

>using a trip when these are supposed to be anonymous collaborations
>probably doing it for attention
>plebsona 5 shit
Not during E3, jiggabboo.

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Why not Rivers? My computers too much noise to contribute anyways.


since April

If I post them too frequently, they are going to be considered spam

Someone tried impersonating me for some reason so I'm using a trip for these threads only

mods are very trigger happy lately and archive everything. These threads pop up almost every day but are removed as quickly as they appear.

Look at the archives and see how often Yea Forums sings appears throughout the last 2 months.

shit song choice and shit timing desu

It's E3. I'm not singing today. Try later next week or something.

>These threads pop up almost every day but are removed as quickly as they appear
>are removed as quickly as they appear
Found the problem.