Konami is making a "special announcement" on Tuesday

What do you honestly think it'll be? If it's a port of MGS 1-4 to PS4 I'd be happy but I honestly can't think of anything good coming from this.

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Probably a new Pachinko machine coming to the west

Kojima is going to commit sudoku live on stage for the disaster that is Death Stranding

All they can do is port MGS4 to PC. It's not like they're gonna try another new MGS game without Kojima. I'm pretty sure the reaction to Survive was bad enough to put a stop to that.

He works for sony now. Konami is almost not a gaming company at this point.

Survive has more story content than V, doesn't mean that it's good but I enjoyed the goofy side of Surivve more that the retarded side of V abysmal story.

>If it's a port of MGS 1-4 to PS4 I'd be happy but I honestly can't think of anything good coming from this.
Honestly I can't fathom why they didn't do this already, it's basically free money. Either way I am sure it will be an announcement of some kind of collection of older games and MGS makes the most sense. Of course there is always a chance of a new Castlevania game since the Netflix show is popular.

not him, but I understand that. The issue however is that the masses don't know that

who cares lol I still hope he dies

Having more of a story doesn't mean it's a good story or that the game is better.

If they re-release MGO 2 for pc or ps4 I will fucking shit myself with excitement.

That's exactly what my point was I advise you to learn to read properply.

Can anyone name one good Konami game that isn't MGS

Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.

Silent Hill 1-3

Zone of the Enders 3 announcement

CyGames have expressed interest within the last two years they would love to work with Konami on finally making the proposed third title because they are huge fans of the series.

Yoji Shinkawa had also expressed interest in return to the series designs because he claimed he had a few ideas in mind for new Orbital Frames.

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the revival of the suikoden franchise



Castlevania series

I told you yesterday. Be sure to tune in!

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some half assed remakes


Shut up Frodo you little shit.

I hope it's a new MGS and they hire my waifu Stephanie for it!
That'll spite Kojima-San!

Contra series
Rocket Knight Adventures

>that the retarded side of V abysmal story.

your opinion lost all validity there

Best case scenario would be an actually competent port of the good Silent Hill games to modern consoles and PC, so you don't have to fiddle around with emulation or imperfect ports that need fan fixes. After that, Metal Gear ports would be fine as well.
The most likely outcome is another Metal Gear Survive sort of game, or just another soccer game.

Adding to this: gematsu.com/2018/09/cygames-wants-to-make-a-new-zone-of-the-enders

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It's time.

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But he's right. The story and characters sucked in that game. The plot was a series of setpieces (hey Snake, check the mission screen, we've got a new contract!) that only eventually lead you to the big bad guy and then lead you back to mission ls you already completed. The characters didn't do shit once you had one mission with them and then brought them back to motherbase.

Hopefully it will be a proper ZOE game rather than what that piece of shit Kojima was going to turn it into

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Tuesday is also the Nintendo Direct.

Is our time finally come, CastleBros?

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That was the last good thing Kojima was involved in, in any capacity

hope they will execute kojima juts for fun

>They're not gonna try another new mgs game without Kojima
I don't get this meme. The writing and story, not to mention the Fox engine is all there. They would have to try to fuck up a remake of the early games/

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It’s going to be Castlevania related. Either a new entry or a second collection with the GBA/DS titled

A real SH HD collection with the first four games

He's wrong because he's insinuating that Survive was a better game. MGSV might have been half baked, but Survive was an always online cash grab that severely misinterpreted what MGS fans wanted.

So they have no good games then

It wouldn't have even existed to begin with if it wasn't for Kojima. He was the creative producer that had to convince Konami's asshole execs to even make it.

Clearly now with CyGames having shit tons of money has them convinced to make another at some point.

>we live in a world where people are happily asking for fucking ports

what the fuck went wrong?

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>relaunched the official Suikoden website recently
>released a new Suikoden album on December 2018 last year

Suikoden VI.

Attached: suikoden-heroes.jpg (800x919, 106K)

>remake of the early games
>new mgs game

What went wrong was Konami shitting on their entire legacy and hating video games so that they could make dumb slot machines for fat old yakuza members

I don't trust konami to competently make sequels to the franchises I love

But it is.
The mechanics and open world ARE better.

It's all about opinion isn't it though mate. I'm sure you like stuff I would think is shit.

Survive doubled down on a lot of what sucked about MGSV and it doesn't give me much confidence in any future Metal Gear games

Kojima kultists need to be hunted down and exterminated, God I hate that Westaboo piece of shit and his followers

He was going to turn it into a Souls-clone, I'm glad that never got made

Why do you retards keeping expecting this? The game was built around the cell. It literally CANNOT run on any other system.

Can't wait to see Jeane

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Post some proof of this being the case, Uncharted 2 was partially coded in assembly and in general was "built around the cell", and that didn't stop that from being ported to PS4. MGS/Kojima fans love to keep saying this about MGS4, but I really have to wonder if they even know what they're talking about.

V has come to...

Zone of the Enders
Turtles in Time
Buster Busts Loose

Suikoden I, II, III and V.

it's football you eedeeot. they spent a lot of time on january or whatever doing a bunch of presentations on their focus on esport for their football game because of next year's japan olympics

mgs is dead and they want you to feel it

A new Silent Hill to redeem the shame brought upon the series?

I have the script.

You're genuinely illiterate.

there is no way they are porting MGS4 to PS4 or PC because of the difficult architecture used in the PS3 cell processor, would be too much work

Metal Gear SurVive II

Metal Gear Solid VI. Set during WWII, you play as The Boss. All continuity with 3/Peace Walker/5 will be thrown out as more nanomachines and convoluted twists are thrown into the plot for shock value, just because.

MGS pachinko + beatmania IIDX 27

Nigga they ported MGS4 tech demo to PS Vita in real short time to demonstrate how development friendly Vita was.

You've said that twice now and it has become obvious that you were the one who didn't know how to convey his message properly.

It was literally my first post in this thread.

end yourself nigger

Special Announcement?

He's back bros!

Attached: images(20).jpg (180x280, 10K)

It's the Death Stranding killer, MGS6, we're finally here bros

what is it

I get the feeling if they ever did port MGS4, they will probably do it from the ground up or remake it in FOX engine. Wouldn't be the first time they did shit like that, the 3DS MGS3 port was more or less a port to the PW engine instead of using the resources from the Bluepoint port.

I just want more of the Metal Gear games on PC. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Also refute to
>Survive has more story content than V, doesn't mean that it's good but I enjoyed the goofy side of Surivve more that the retarded side of V abysmal story.
and point out the exact part where he said anything about Survive was better than MGSV.
Unless suddenly pointing out one thing better than in other game suddenly makes is a gotyay, but only a retard would come to that conclusion.

MGS HD collection for PC maybe?

wasn't that just a 1min clip?

I wish Konami would make fun video games again

Funny thing is, survive is unironically not only a great game but it's one of the best open world games out there. Going on exploration expeditions into the mist and seeing that lord of the dust towering over the land at 400 feet tall and a fucking entire mile long was so cool.

I fucking hate all the dumb nerds that shit on it because of "muh kojima"

>pls list good Konami games pls
>anons list good games
>n-not good unless I said so

All Metal Gears being released in the way MCC will be, fully remade in the new engine.

>suikino will never return

If it was running off the MGS4 engine, then that means the engine can be ported, contrary to what so many retarded MGS fans keep saying

Sure you did. Especially considering the following post.

You insinuated without realizing. Get over it, man.

Wow man, you thought a game was great because you could stand in some mist and look at a big thing. Good for you.

Titled what?

>Especially considering the following post.
Wow, I guess being a literate person is a rarity on this board.

Azure Dreams Remake!

>thought a game was great because you could stand in some mist and look at a big thing
That sounds like Kojimadrones marveling at his cock as they quietly ask, "What did he mean by this?"

>special announcement
Selling all their IPs to different companies.

It's happening.

Attached: metal gear e3 teaser.webm (842x480, 2.94M)

Being a contrarian doesn’t make you interesting

everyone go home

Please just tell me or not if it's Metal Gear related.

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No you dumb faggot, it's actually a really great system. Whenever you go into the mist your visibility is limited, you have to wear an oxygen mask with limited air supply and you lose access to the minimap.

So you have to navigate via landmarks and kill
zombies for resources to refill your oxygen tank while gathering resources for your base and also pushing forward to find the next safe zone. You also occasionally have to rescue humans and take them back to safe zones and they slowly choke and die in the mist so you gotta haul ass to get them to safety while being pursued by all sorts of horrible creatures.

The lord of the dust is also fucking shadow of the colossus type huge and he wanders the map, I don't know of any other open world game where there's a giant colossal monster just wandering the map. I just about shit my pants the first time I saw him lumbering by and basically causing mini earthquakes with each step.


>weve kept you waiting long enough
Boy you are dumb huh

Yup, same with being critical of anything. Gotta look at the bright side of things and learn to praise things. It's harder than hating.
People who are negative about everything are just people who don't have anything to contribute, but want to make themselves feel important.
If you talk with a person and the topic goes about shittalking others, it means you don't have much to talk about.

I still want ape escape but I don't have high hopes

MGS 1-4 on the Switch

well, it HAS to be metal gear related, considering the tweets Donna burke made about a new project she was working on withe the Hashtag #keptyouwaitinghuh

it would be nice, but theres 2 problems with that:
1.- MGS4 was designed 100% with the Ps3 in mind, it cannot be ported.
2.- theres shitload of product placement, and not only that, some of that product placement is or integral to the plot, or is presented in the form of items and features. and i dont think Konami has enough moolah to pay said rights again. meaning, Konami will cut said content making MGS4 an incpomplete game.

That isn't the biggest issue. The issue is that it's too much work to port for anyone to care (especially Konami), and has too many licenses like Apple, Triumph, etc for it to ever be re-released, plus a dedicated online server hosted by Konami that they've shut down. Not to mention the disdain Konami have for Kojima and his auteur games with his name plastered all over them.

Is it possible it will be in a playable state on emulator sometime soon? Yes. In fact, you can already install and boot it, but for now it will freeze after the first main menu frame.

Will it ever be released outside of PS3? Fuck no.