do you listen to podcasts while gaming?
if so, which ones?
Do you listen to podcasts while gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pat and Woolie are the true best friends.
Matt is okay sometimes and in small doses.
Liam is a faggot who doesn't deserve to live.
why are extremely political people usually massive faggots?
Pat and Woolie both are great and both aren't too into politics
maybe there's something going on here?
what the FUCK
F-Fuck those niggers
I thought everyone had their moments, because they all brought something different to the interests and chemistry of the friend dynamic, which was the entire reason they were better than streamers and solo Let's Players shrieking into a face-cam for more subscriptions.
Don't know where the blood feud came from though.
by "left" do they mean politics?
I might give them a listen if not
No it's a play on a movie title. They cover killers aliens cryptids and other spooky stuff. They also are funny.
I unironically enjoy most of Matt's content on his personal channel. Wha Happun is good background noise.
its not a political podcast, they talk about aliens and serial killers and other occult/true crime stuff
A man of taste.
Their episode about the holocaust had so many painstaking apologies in it for not particularly offensive (or good) jokes that I have to conclude they're pussies and onions.
>why are extremely political people usually massive faggots?
because people that are as balls deep into their extremist ideologies as they are rarely have much going on in their lives.
They just don't wanna get cancelled. Henry and Ben have jobs outside of this and they DO make the jokes
Pat and Woolie were always the best friends among the group, since they were together (before the Machinima show) the longest. Matt and Pat probably became good friends, but Pat's unstoppable dickishness didn't gel well with Matt being as soft as a rotten banana. Liam probably just got sick of being the Ringo of the group and cut and ran.
I had a real soft spot for the Adventure Zone.
The early stuff anyhow.
before this turns into another best fags thread, I listen to The Dick Show and Big Think Dimension, the latter is worth checking out if you want a not shit version of CSB
Castle Super Beast sucks.
I'd gladly take Matt back if it meant for Pat/Woolie LPs but they're doing there own things now. I hate the streaming format and Woolie's friends are lame and boring and 18-20 mins episodes aren't worth it.
cum town
Minh is an absolute faggot. How can one man have so little taste?
Podcasts are not worth anyone’s time
I can sympathize with that, but it really makes the show worse. I watched the Giant Bombcast transition from a hilarious show that poked fun at everything to an incredibly boring and placid show that will only joke about easy targets that curry favor with the Twitter checkmark crowd. Being overly socially conscious outright neuters comedy. It's not that edgy jokes are important, but the idea of joke tellers frantically thinking about the social ramifications of a joke they want to tell instead of just being themselves fucking sucks.
Heck yeah, I love them because we see things the same. Like I don't believe in 99% of paranormal things, but I do believe that the 1% is incredible
Only when I'm doing some grinding.
Am I on bathsalts? I don't remember them doing a holocaust episode.
I liked it much more before griffin railroaded them to tell his story.
I think the one I'm thinking of was on Josef Mengele, not the holocaust in general.
Yes because Kingdoms of Amalur is fucking boring and I’m not sure why I’m playing it.
>Subverse the cuck game gets revealed as cuckshit
>The last thing did Matt did was call Pat a cuck
>Pat lowkey drops a Subverse update on the podcast
Hello watp/official podcast listener
I don't remember it being any different from any other episode. But they are left leaning people so I guess if that bothers you. I don't see why it would though.
>he listens to people talking about gaming
Serious hope.
I listened to those for a while on YouTube until the audio quality took a severe nosedive some time after the Rockport Express bit, is it worth going back to and when does it stop being worth listening to?
When did matt do that?
Mitwit shit.
You got me.
Cum Town is also left-leaning, they're just not gay about it.
Monday morning podcast or Joe rogan experience
surely you mean before travis started railroading everyone with his character choices and interactions
tryhard unfunny fags
Northernlion Live Super Show
great bants for 3 hours 3 days a week
All of Woolie's ESL friends are absolute personality black holes. He's constantly trying to bounce things off of them but there's nothing there to bounce back from.
That too.
BTD, the only gaming podcast for the modern gigabrain gamer?
He stuttered that Pat was a cuck in one SBFC episode, I forget which.
The voicemails are the best part of each episode bar none.
>no more E3 videos
>no more playing hilariously shitty games
>no more David Cage LPs
>no more Shitstorm
>they didn't even finish TWD
The stuff with Taako, Merle and Magnus are good.
The new one is garbage.
Is Woolie to blame for stubbornly refusing to accept that "his channel" cant stand on its own without Pat or is Pat to blame for being too lazy to do LPs anymore?
I think the first campaign, Adventure Zone Balance, is worth giving a go to the end at least. The final arc of it is definitely hit-and-miss though. It becomes less and less about DnD and the players having fun with their own choices, and more about the DM turning into an on-rails audio drama to wrap the whole thing up. Which is basically what the entire second campaign has become as far as I can tell.
More power to them for wanting to mix things up and do their own thing I guess, but I think the organic humor and chemistry that they started out with kind of tapered off for the sake of a more linear story as a result.
I just finished the first campaign. It's pretty comfy to listen to, and I like that they don't take the 5e rules too seriously.
Do you listen to any other DnD podcasts? I'm trying to get into Critical Role but it's a little overwhelming listening to a much larger party
you're fucking boring
Post the twitch chat of Liam imploding at the fact that Pat and Woolie got partnered with Rooster Teeth and hes a living pile of garbage playing games to 100 people
Big Think Dimension sounds good, The Dick Show not so much.
Is Chapo trap house good? I keep hearing about them.
I really don't get how Liam turned into such a cunt. Yeah I get it that he hates Pat by now, but I thought he was still at least somewhat friendly with Woolie, why be mad that Woolie has a shot at success?
>Liam imploding at the fact Pat and Woolie got partnered with Rooster Teeth
I need to see this.
Everything Travis related is just embarassing to listen to. His whole description of his character in whatever twin peaks/buffy arc they went with. I got 3 eps into it before I dropped Adventure Zone completely
>mfw everytime he starts talking about that stupid fucking rabbit
Only if you're into politics and left leaning. I am, so it's a good fit for me, but I could see most people here hating it.
it's /leftypol/ the podcast
Every moment of goss deserves my full attention so I can't play games while listening
Not as boring as gaming podcasts or podcasts about general internet memery.
>mfw everytime he starts talking about that stupid fucking rabbit
He completely forgets about the rabbit after a while and it's never brought up again, except for one quick mention explaining where it is. But yeah the character is incredibly obnoxious. Travis continues to be the most onions of the family.
Because Woolie chose the best friends over him in 2016, and Pat over him again in 2018. He doesn't understand how annoying and overbearing he can be and how disingenuous his attempts to play it cool are.
At least Pat is an open book in that regard, and once you know the method to his madness he's easier to get along with and do things with. Imagine being more insufferable than an annoying OCD neurotic clean freak albino who's never wrong even when he is.
>show me ur pepe lol
I like Critical Role when I have time to kill. But I end up listening to it on fast-forward just to abridge some of their slower sessions, rather than listen to them plan something mundane for two hours at a time.
I've heard that Blood on the Thames is good if you liked Vampire the Masquerade, but I haven't gotten very far into it yet. And I just started LA by Night as well, but I only really like the Nosferatu player so far.
This can't be true.
I don't think the podcast is all that bad (even if they have blase, shitty opinions), but their fans are the Rick & Morty fandom of politics.
It helps if you have no understanding of history and think communism is cool, though.
CSB is too long for its own good.
I'm left-wing and I think it's absolutely insufferable
I normally don't hate "roasties" or whatever, but that woman he has on his politics/trends podcast with Brentalfloss is one of the most annoying people I've ever had the misfortune to listen to. I've never heard someone so staunchly "IT WAS HER TURN!!" than Courtney Enlow.
I dropped them after they went for the 'lol random conversations' and completely missed the fucking point of their own show. is it any better now?
Someone needs to reign them in. Sometimes the insight into some fucked up anecdote or a genuinely interesting piece of trivia are good, but it's becoming ME YES ME the podcast.
fuck off I can barely enjoy PST podcast because of how fucking short it is
if you're gonna do it once a week then might as well be fucking worth it
this bit goes on forever. The longest 6 minuets I've had to sit through. Tell me they gets better because I wanted to like them and this was not doing it
Pretty comfy podcast
Matt's wha happened (cringe name) are just stolen jokes from the podcasts that he used to be on
>isn't too into politics
(cringe post)
>it's a Pat and Woolie drone on about Quebecker inside baseball shit for an hour episode
I'm surprised Paige outlived the Channel.
if he is then I can barely fucking notice it
>do you listen to podcasts while gaming?
CSB is great when they get going, but the month long GoT train has shit it up a bunch
I wish they'd make good content outside the podcast
>Matt makes actual content and it's fun sometimes with Wha Happun
>others, he's just talking out of his ass and being Matt
>Patt is best best friend but he just streams shit that I don't care about and never does any LPs
>Woolie is great and makes content but his co-players are meh at best
yeah he tries to keep it on the down low, but it slips out all the time. because he knows shit would ruin him.
wha happun is a joke he stole from woolie that woolie stole from opie and anthony
Caught Offside, The Rusillo Show, SVP & Rusillo, Football Daily, Caught Offside
Axr of the Blood God, Radio Free Nintendo, GoNintendo, Dead End Gaming,
Mobile Suit Breakdown, Dear Internet, Serial Killers, Cults, Intelligence Squared US Debates, 8 Bit Book Club, Up First, Not Another D&D Podcasts.
I've also got some Vampire The Masquerade and Horror fiction stuff queued up I need to get around to.
They really need to get some guests on. You can tell when they just don't give a fuck and are tired
Woolie the eternal other. Black people call him white. White people call him black. He's not fully Canadian. He's not fully Grenadian. Doomed to bear the invisible wall between the world and him.
Easy Allies Podcast is really good, but it relies on a lot of in-jokes and bizarre banter that might be alienating for anyone trying to start listening to them right now.
>try to listen to mega64 podcast
why does it gotta be like this
just talk about media news with funny intakes for fucks sake
Cum Town is just as bad
Since no one posted it and I can't find it its basically some guy in chat asking what he thought about Woolie getting partnered and Liam is like haha what a joke. Guy links him to a confirmation and he just breaks down like a loser saying he cant do this and can't stream anymore today and bails
Is Critical Role worth getting into at this point? I've listened to like the 10 first episodes and getting through all the episodes seems daunting.
I like the supermega podcast, CSB and PST(please stop talking) podcast
any recommendations for something like those? I like friends just having banter and telling stories or talking about recent events
the less SJWs and Alt-Right shit the better, I can't stand hearing viagra sponsors all the fucking time
I like the premise of Godsfall, but I hope they lay off the sound effects more as time goes on, because the first session sounds like a Looney Tunes gag reel.
recording or vod?
Huber and Jones and Damiani ruin the shit for me. Huber hyped everything like a mindless shill. Jones butts in with his "brand manager" bullshit too often and the both of them tend to excuse corporate bullshit way too often. Damiani just has shit opinions with a god awful voice to listen too.
I wish liam did more shit with woolie because good god does woolie need someone good at video games playing
I found it to be more
>ramble about your week
>sell a sponsor product
>overly long anecdote that is boring
>shill upcoming project
>okay done
Complete non-entity, and podcasts don't have a lot to live up to.
Rocco's vlog shit is a work of art, though.
Been Shapiro
Woolie Plague Reboot series commentary when?
>it's a Chris the kiwi episode
Here you go
>Let's Cortex
>My Gym Partner's a podcast
JRPG and mobage grinding are what finally got me started on them.
I'm surprised how not-awful Paige usually is
probably because she and Pat are the same flavor of bonkers
I'm watching pat's plague tale re-stream. You just skip or fast forward the beginning and breaks so you don't have to sit through all the donations and resubs. Pat is good in this regard to not read that stuff too much mid stream
I don't listen to podcasts because it's just opinions and when you really dig into it all your favorite internet celebs have terrible fucking taste and shit fucking opinions. Hearing Pat and Woolie talking about their shit opinions in the most tired tone makes for terrible background noise, I'd rather never have listened to it at all. Unfortunately the world's most tasteful opinions probably belong to people with no charisma, which is why we will never ever have a good podcast. Except for educational/sciency ones, those are fine.
woollie and pat don't have any real personality
>do you listen to podcasts while gaming?
-uhh yeah dude
-matt and shane's secret podcast
Damn, being Woolie is suffering. He might be a bandwagoner, but he's the only one of the four who's tried to still be friends with everyone. Poor Woolie.
Honestly now that you mention it, this would fix both of their situations. They already have an established chemistry (or did) and Woolie needs someone who's a bit more decent at playing games. Shame Liam apparently hates his guts or whatever though. I liked their weird playthroughs like Astro-Boy.
This show is legitimately good, with all the actual research and citations and everything, but Matt is still a weird guy
You have to be left leaning with a shitty sense of humor to enjoy it. I enjoy it but its not for everyone.
>I like friends just having banter and telling stories or talking about recent events
The Mega64 Podcast and The Dick Show. Fair warning, The Dick Show is absolutely not an alt-right show, but it's not unfair to call it alt-right adjacent, because the host isn't afraid to have guests like Mike Cernovich, Sam Hyde, and RooshV call in occasionally.
>Here it cummmss. Jim Penistown, Im gonna shoot these orbs all over your back you dirty airforce bitch
oh this isn't fun at all actually. I thought he would be flipping his lid, not whatever this reaction was
I'm fine with that, I lost my sides when oneyplays did an episode with shadman
I Just don't like it when they shove it in your fucking face for no reason
this was during a stream by him? Holy shit
Matt's edited content is great, Liam has some fun streams. Ain't feeling too hard with CSB though. Pat's streams feel less organized but when paige shows up its neat. I hate Woolie's friends, they are boring as fuck.
I wish things could go back to being how they were bros.
dang, anxiety is weird
has he streamed since?
Probably feeling that existential dread
>be part of a very popular group
>jump ship for reasons
>nowhere near as popular as them
>group implodes
>still not a fraction as popular as the fractured group
>'i don't know why but this makes me feel really nervous'
This is how you know you've lost the plot. Imagine just saying something like that in public, and assuming people wouldn't be able to see through you. Is it really a mystery to him why he's upset? Is it a lack of self-awareness? This guy is really immature.
Mopping up all the collectable shit in Assassin's Creed Unity was done to the dulcet sounds of the Ricky Gervais Show. Top tier podcasting/radio.
Nigga the research is base level at most and he even has someone else edit it all together for him l, using other people's footage
please acquire taste
Pat's streams are boring trash filled with too much donation reading. It's a shame he's fallen so far and stopped making even slightly interested content. He is a bottom tier streamer
Fucking hilarious.
I listen to the Georg Rockall Schmidt show, and WallerFM
rip liam
It's ironic, because in their desire to make the second campaign characters more distinct and serious from the get-go, I ended up finding them much less memorable. Half of the appeal of the first campaign came from them completely winging it and having fun not taking it too seriously, so the characters and humor developed in a more natural way.
One of my favorite back-and-forths was them just giving Griffin shit for five minutes over a goofy voice that he gave a random character.
But the second campaign doesn't really have any goofy NPCs like that beyond another iteration of Garfield the deals warlock.
Wow you're the first person I've ever seen say anything good about Liam and Matt while decrying Pat and Woolie on here.
Though to be fair I think a good amount of people are coming around on Matt's edited content, it's good. I still enjoy CSB too.
Woolie's LPs (besides Katamari) aren't that great, and Liam and Pat's streams aren't too good either. It's a shame to see Liam and Woolie struggle. I used to like all the friends pretty staunchly, but at the very least as of now- Liam kind of deserves it for being a rude bitch.
Nothing he says is anything that isn't being said elsewhere. So you are just watching for Matt's comedy and general dialogue and I am absolutely not interested in that.
Is CSB being partnered with Rooster Teeth a good thing or a bad thing
> that pic of Liam and matt with eye patch wolf
Liam is Fucking balding lmao
He looks like James may in the 90s but somehow manages to look older than may
That's why you watch him on YouTube
I checked and he had around a 3 week break until a few days ago. I don't watch him so it may be unrelated though
great because they're financially secure now.
You're legitimately better off watching Internet Historian
Not a podcast but I like listen to old recordings of Coast to Coast AM. I feel a bit guilty since a lot of it is crackpot stuff, but it gets legitimately spooky at times
Why can't he admit he's insecure the group he left is doing pretty well? He's 27 or 28, isn't he? At that age you really ought to just admit where you stand with things and why they piss you off. Like, how do you get to that age without being able to say things like 'I'm extremely anxious I make less then my old coworkers' or 'I live like a recluse now because of workplace trauma, so hearing that the guy I left over is making new business deals really fucking pisses me off'. Just be an adult, admit your shit. It's cool and impressive to know your own score, actually, even if it's bad.
I started listening to the first ep and was honestly kinda lost, found it hard to tell who's who and remember all their backstories.
I mean don't get me wrong I kinda generally like everyone, when they were together I absolutely adored it. Pat & Woolie still provide the flavor, just not as consistently for me I guess.
I can't give Woolie's friends a pass though, I don't mean to be rude but fuck man they just sap away any kind of interest.
I didn't know about Liam's breakdown posted earlier, I was wondering why there hasn't been any streams lately. It does come off weird/rude, I hope he talks about it.
i find this both absolutely hilarious and incredibly sad, back in the day he was my favourite from the group, kinda sad to see him become such a pathetic back stabbing, virtue signaling weasel, but i suppose that's what happen when you stay locked away in your hug box for too long
Plague needs to come on and bully Pat some more.
Saw that too and immediately thought the same thing. Feels rude to say it now though. He sort of gives me a Brendan Fraiser vibe.
Who are pat and wooly and why is everyone on Yea Forums obsessed with them?
I like the tpb podcast and the flop house
I'm so fucking lonely
I can't fucking stand people irl, like I try to get intrested in shit they say but after a while I'm just trying to bail/go back to browisng korean bomb manufacturing forum
I've said this before in similar threads, but Matt's strongest points have always been his pre-scripted stuff, never his improv. Him breaking off and making a channel where he has to pre-script has done wonders for my opinion of him.
I used to like liam when he was part of it even a little after before I realized woolie fucking carried him and since I stayed away from drama I didn't care but seeing this God damm that little bitch can't deal they are already doing 100x better than him
they receive money and more exposure to a new audience
an audience that isn't "people who knew them when they where better and more organized"
and maybe they'll be bothered into making better content
Hasn't been the same since the weebs blasted his ass out.
What are good podcasts with useful info (history, political commentary, science, etc)? If I'm going to spend hours grinding for virtual items/stats, I might as well try to better myself on the side
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History is pretty okay
Dead Rabbit Radio is pretty good, he's from /x/
I enjoy the idea of banter, but most people are just painfully boring. Health problems, family issues, poorly told anecdotes and vacation stories are like a sledgehammer to any semblance of interest I have.
My approach these days is just to find people, throw jokes at them, and then fuck off before they can waste my time with gossip.
>Matt originally wanted Woolie for their first videos, but Woolie wanted to watch fighting game streams, so he picks this guy Woolie knows that he barely met Pat
>Matt takes one of Woolie's old coworkers, puts him on the show, and spends years pushing him and trying to make him work, only for him to leave
How come Matt just randomly picks business partners out of nothing? Maybe you wouldn't have to dissolve and restructure all the time if you just made your business out of people you know and trust?
the biggest problem in the universe has a lot of stats, might be interesting for you
Only audio kino for me, thank you.
>Rachet20 being completely upbeat and happy for them all
>That realisation they've caused Liam to seethe
>im soery guys i cant do this today
When muh depression is acting up I'll listen to castle super beast and pretend I have friends but lately I listen to crime junkie
CSB is fucking insufferable to listen to. Wishing for a Matt-less podcast was a total monkey's paw wish as it somehow turned out even worse.
the what now
Shut up liam
What are the chances liam banned the dude
Excellent taste.
This is probably the only podcast matthewmatosis will ever agree to be on.
It's definitely a bloated time-sink at times. I feel like I've been listening to it for ages, but I haven't even caught up on the first campaign yet.
I do feel like it's a unique experience, simply because they don't shy away from all the build-up, and world-building, and juggling of characters before bringing things to a climactic head. But like anything that relies on hundreds of hours of improv and RNG, it's going to have its ups and downs based on who does what. I think Matt Mercer has a lot of talent, trying to give everyone their share of focus, but some players do more with the roleplaying then others.
They did just have a big kickstarter to animate one of their earlier and more popular story arcs. Which may or may not be an introduction for a lot of people, if you're waiting on something a bit easier to swallow.
fuck no
watch internet historian or somthing
onions cucks
It's why he stopped really talking about anime on the podcast.
I'm always hoping that one day someone just takes it upon themselves to edit their damn podcasts and streams into watchable, decent material and not pure unending dreck that most unedited things are.
Hell yea dude
Anyone got some good war podcasts? Cold war era and onwars
Pat is an insufferable faggot who tries to play the loveable asshole but faila because he's just an asshole. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to have your girlfriend actually manage to be more funny than you for christ sake
so he just got shit on for his bad taste?
*blocks your path*
Pretty much and for when he sperged out about that New Game anime.
I don't think it's as complicated as all that. He just made a machinima video with an acquaintance, not expecting it to get the popularity it did. Then decided to make their own gaming channel and brought a few other friends on board.
>*sound of hosts reeing like autists whenever anything related to Xtianity is mentioned*
I still can't believe they're back
Eh, once Stamper fell into uselessness and the reigns passed to the only competent person, Mick, to carry that shit, it was engulfed by his absolute charisma void.
This! Their podcast is shit their streams are shit all they were good at was doing Lps.
Yeah. I can agree with this take. Matt's issue is that there never seems to be genuine love for the things he likes. Its all ironic and laced with this level of "OMG SO BAD ITS GOOD" shit that i've come to fucking abhor. Liam is just whatever tbqh.
They aren't they'll post like 2 more episodes over the next 2 years then it will be finished
That late night paranormal talk show atmosphere is pure kino.
I think it's hard to recognize who's voicing who at first, but you get used to telling everyone apart before long. And the characters aren't super deep starting out, beyond being the aggressive fighter, the eccentric wizard, and the sacrilegious cleric.
They go into their backstories more later.
Cum Town is the only podcast I have an interest in anymore.
I should give the Dick show another go, but him leaning on being ultra ironic kind of annoyed me last time.
Absolutely the most based podcast. Could not tell you how much i listen to their episodes in high school.
I honestly think that people should be slower to judge people and friend dynamics that they never actually interacted with.
It's the same with fans acting like they personally know and have the right to judge celebrities just because they watch their twitter accounts and listened to a few of their out-of-context interview statements.
>watch some of his vtm:b stream
>gets carried the entire time
>0 commentary, besides occasionally looking at the screen with a dumb face
>makes dumb decisions only to quick load the game and go for the optimal choice
I hate twitch so much, how do zoomers like this shit? It's just people getting carried by their chat.
have sex
>go back to browisng korean bomb manufacturing forum
I watched a VtM:B stream to try and give Pat streams another shot, but you summarized why I said fuck it. Especially the zero commentary shit.
huge oof here
Specially the bit about Liam.
I wish these faggots made more. I can honestly re-listen to the series every year and still laugh.
I know they only planned to make 30 for season 2 but they should just keep making some everytime they get together.
>SBFP was one of the only things that made me happy in high school
>Been watching their lps since the og shitstorm
>Cried for hours when they announced the channel was ending because it happened at one of the shittiest points in my life
matt vdieos are overly produce crap trying too hard, style over substance kinda thing...he sucks.
>Cum Town
How does anyone listen to dog shit communist propagandacasts? That trash and the other one that's just Twitter communists that somehow are at the top of Patreon confound me.
What about Andrew Schulz?
I've gotten some great laughs from this. 10/10 all year long podcast
is Schultz on anything other than brilliant idiots(other than westerbros and flagrant 2)? I discovered him from that because I'm a fan of Charlemagne. I'm happy for his success with comedy recently
CSB is quickly becoming irritating as fuck to listen to because of the circle jerking.
Bombcast is ok if something political hasn't gone down recently and if Jason isn't on.
EZA Podcast is ok if Huber isn't on.
Mostly listening to audio books these days.
>ever listening to that controlled opposition anti-white kike
>you have to actually pay to listen to previous podcasts in their twitch channel
Man with this they've lost a lot of points with me. I never expected them to be this jewish.
>paying for even telling something to Woolie
Yeah, that's why people love Cum Town, the leftist rhetoric. Not the songs about sucking cocks and asking what if Doug was gay.
It's ok.
Everybody yelling over each other is annoying as fuck and Ben and Nate are dumb as fuck.
>you have to actually pay to listen to previous podcasts in their twitch channel
you mean WATCHING previous podcasts? because you can listen to any podcast you want retard
Leftiecucks are insufferable. You can't listen to a leftiecuck podcast without it being interrupted by their autism every few minutes.
There are some leftiecucks that can actually keep it in their pants but they're pretty rare. The only ones I can think of are Lawrence and James on Funhaus if they count as a podcast.
>CSB is quickly becoming irritating as fuck to listen to because of the circle jerking.
You hit the nail on the head on why I dislike it. It's usually just Pat or Woolie saying X and the other one repeating that he also thinks X and even if he disagrees he just says that actually I think Y but I know why you think X and now that say it X seems better. Podcasts needs more than two guys circle jerking each other, it just lacks intensity and potential for funny jokes.
That surprise episode out of nowhere was aces.
You're listening to one guy with years of experience being a comedian try to work with someone who has zero, that's the problem. Pat is almost insane enough to bounce off of himself, but Woolie needs someone to work against his straight-man routine.
Same shit.
If anything it makes it worse:
>pay for WATCHING them talk
They went full jew and lazy.
>tfw no shitstorm this year
I stopped watching lp's years ago but I'd always tune in during October.
>Listens to people who actively attempt to make you poor for their own benefit
Guess what you don't have to do it faggot
Why haven't they started a show yet? I'd listen too it
Who else /autistic about planes/ here?
When I hear opinions I don't like on podcasts I get SO mad!
Bombcast is unlistenable trash. The sooner that website dies, the better
It's for the best, last years shitstorm was absolutely terrible.
You could always jump into the second campaign if you're not digging the first. Still a good chunk of episodes to catch up on, but not in the triple digits.
I don't wanna go to work today...
Wanna stay home and play...
All my vidya games....
it still hurts
>tfw no shitstorm this year
Oh shit i forgot all about the shitstorm even if the newer ones really weren't that great it's still unfortunate that it's gone
I mock the left for being easily offended snowflakes but also drop media the moment I get a whiff of anything even slightly left wing. I want all my media to be "apolitical"
>Chris laughed for years of videos of autistic children
>Tells a recent story about how he was trapped on a broken roller coaster in the direct sun for over an hour next to an extremely autistic girl
>back in the day he was my favourite from the group
You had and probably still have shit taste.
Bombcast/Beastcast for friend simulator
538 Politics
Politico daily news
Fareed Zakaria on sundays
Every so often I'll try listening to a audiobook as well. Carved my way through both Ron Chernow's Washington & Grant biographies while playing Skyrim.
>podcast locked behind a paywall
oh no! now we'll ONLY have literally every other video maker/streamer also doing a month of horror games, the way they do every single year and will continue doing forever
adventure zone is too sad to think about. it started so fucking great, and fell so so far
mecha is the best boy and the only youtuber who deserves the support so I'm cool with it
I wish Pat didn't stream such boring games. He's always playing some RPG where he spends 90% of the time in menus. His streams are only tolerable with Paige and she hasn't streamed in a month.
You can always go back and watch them, at least for now.
Shitstorms (from best to worst)
Shitstorm 3: Shittribution
Matt’s and Pat’s Shitstorm of Scariness!
Shitstorm 4: Matt’s and Pat’s Scariness Marathon
Shitstorm 2: the Shittening
Shitstorm V: Shitsurrection
Shitstorm 7
Shitstorm VI
God the second one they're doing is so fucking bad, using the FATE system or whatever they call it where rolls are just bad, okay or good without taking into account the situation takes all the fun out of things and it's just an excuse for Griffin to push the story along. I'm going to stop listening after the latest episode.
>Hey you're full health and there's a monster about to hit some people. What do you do?
>I'm going to try and tackle it. I rolled a 7.
>Okay that's a mixed success. Okay so now I'm going to let you choose; do you get hit by a bullet or does the monster?
>Uh.. okay, I get hit by the bullet
>Cool your character's dead now, now you get to say your goodbyes all dramatic and cool
They're not even fucking trying to hide the fact that it's just an excuse for them to tell a story Griffin concocted (and not even a really great one at that).
Podcasts I'm listening to now:
>The Dick Show
>Castle Superbeast
>Biggest Problem in the Universe Uncucked
>Cool Games Inc.
I'll genuinely miss the shitstorm tradition, but on the bright side I think they already did a one-shot of pretty much every horror game that they wanted to cover.
Fuck TWD, I was ready for the common nutting over Riku's Devil Trigger or Ansem's stand. I have seldom felt this deprived.
The Shadow Over Innsmouth section of Dark Corners of the Earth was so good.
It makes me sad how the game devolved into just another shooter in the end.
Shitstorm was different man it was special
>pat and woolie start going Fedora super hard and theres no one to stop them
>They start discussing how nero and his bitch are fedora now after the events of 4 and 5
im starting to miss SBFP policies in what to talk and what not to
I can't post images anymore without the errors up the ass, whats up with that
Big Think Dimension.
I'm a bit upset they never got to KH2 and got to see all the crazy shit in that game.
it stop being special after the first 3
big oof there
His GF is a sperg, its only 'funny' because shes a girl.
They don't have a show because Chugga spends most of his free time working on videos or hanging out with his friends, and Jon is too busy pretending he has stuff to do. Tim has free time though.
It's not a political podcast, though Ben can't help himself sometimes.
>But the second campaign doesn't really have any goofy NPCs like that beyond another iteration of Garfield the deals warlock.
Yeah, that's what I thought, they've started taking it waaaaay too seriously.
I'll wait for the animation then, thanks
I agree with most of the mixed responses to the second game they're running, the story and setting are a bit stiff, and the jokes behind the three new characters only really worked for their introductions, (i.e. a "Chosen One" who completely ignores his obvious destiny, and a stage magician and tourist trap conman who fervently don't believe in the magic they profit off of) but I was happy that the first game still ended well enough.
It's a charming standalone campaign, even if it got a bit railroady at the end, I still enjoyed the humor of the characters and how they turned out.