Hey boys :), SMOOOOOOOCH

hey boys :), SMOOOOOOOCH

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I love kots but should at least pretend it’s vidya related

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i'm so alone.

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cats fucking suck

>piss and shit everywhere
>aren't even pets, always run away when you try to pet them
>kill small animals and leave them laying around the house

fucking assholes

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>piss and shit everywhere
>aren't even pets, always run away when you try to pet them
Have you had a cat yourself? These don't happen unless you treat it like shit

t. rat

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cmon now

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>always run away
that’s not true at all user

>they piss and shit in the litterbox
>stop scaring animals and they won't run from you
>why do you have small animals running around your house?

im with you user!

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is anything worse than a dogfag?

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>>piss and shit everywhere
It takes less than a week for them to learn where to pee for their entire 15 to 20 year lives.
>>aren't even pets, always run away when you try to pet them
They want to play when they do that you mong. Or maybe they are afraid of you. Depends on the body language.
>>kill small animals and leave them laying around the house
Because you are a bad hunter and they want to provide for you.

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A man who owns a cat is the most attractive trait he can have.

Hang in there brother, we're all going to make it.

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What the fuck did it mean by this?

Post more kots dammit!

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>I love kots but should at least pretend it’s vidya related

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Never greentext again.

Reddit users

Do you think he slides it inside?

Reminder that there is no such thing as an outside cat and all at large cats should be caught.

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that guy must be in pain, cheetah tongues are very very rough
Cute otherwise

My cat watches me play vidya

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>Who are you quoting?

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you always say that but my life stays the same

>enemy uses cheap mechanics that were never seen before this point

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I miss my cats and would like to get a new one, but feeding a cat morally is hard and expensive.
I read some about vegan cat diets, but they sound a bit risky.

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C'mon, I adopted two small kittens, only a few weeks old, and it took them all of 5 minutes to figure out the litterbox. And they only run away when they hate something (like me giving them heartworm medicine). Also, clean your fucking house if you got pests around.

I wonder if he got a semi

Imagine defending a dog that eats children and being tone deaf to any evidence that they're cunts.

I'm not even mad at you for thinking these things, you probably just knew a shitty cat growing up because I'd estimate that 2 out of 3 cat owners do not know how to raise a goddamn cat.

If they don't know how to use a litterbox, have a terrible temperament, are skittish, hiss/scratch/bite out of self defense, or are ever let outside without a harness, then they aren't being raised correctly.

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My cat always sits with me on the chair when I play vidya.

I want to catch a tiger.

this is the gayest shit i've ever read.
cats need to eat meat, the end.

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Cats absolutely cannot be vegan user. The phrase is "obligate carnivore".

I think you're baiting, but in case you aren't, don't force your dietary choices on your pets.

>vegan cat diets
they are fucking carnivores

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nice bait

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>vegan diet
>for animals
This should be considered abuse. Animals aren't retarded like humans.

Is that how noodles is made?

>1000 insight

maybe try raising the dog right, not the dogs fault when owner can't raise them

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Unexpected things can happen at any time, user.

why is it always Yea Forums that has the comfiest threads
why not /bant/ or Yea Forums where this is allowed

I am that cat.

Maybe if its poorly disciplined it would act like that. My cat didn't.
>Would know from a very young age to not to poo/pee in the house in the wrong place because he'd get his face put in it.
>Loved cuddles so much we had a game where i lie my hand down and he'd plop his fluffy purry head down onto it so i could scratch his ears and his chin
>Would put up with being carried like a baby despite not really liking it all that much because he was eager to please me
>Killed the odd bird or mouse but always left it outside for my dad to throw away because he knew he'd get shit if he brought it indoors
Sometimes he would ignore me when I called him because he wanted his alone time, sometimes we fought rough, or he'd pull a prank or sneak some food away he knew he shouldn't, but then sometimes at night he'd sneak into my room to give me a big old sloppy purry cuddle.
You can't stop a cat from being mischievous but you can deter them by just giving them care and attention and getting their respect.
Dogs give their friendship freely, but with cats it has to be earned on both sides.

she probably wanted the D bro

>Cats wiping out native bird and lizard populations.
All outdoor cats should be considered feral and run over/shot on sight.

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>piss and shit everywhere
My cat will only go to the toilet outside. One time i forgot to bring the litterbox in when he was a kitten and he went to the toilet in the shower instead.
>aren't even pets, always run away when you try to pet them
Maybe you're just a cunt. Mine always purrs and smooches me when i pick him up unless he's in a hyperactive mood.
>kill small animals and leave them laying around the house
It was merely a prank bro. Small animals are fags anyway.

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You have to go back.

what is this
is he alright

It's just one of those things that once you open you just can't looks away.

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Cats don't work well where I live so I agree

>ever let outside without a harness
Fuck off nu-cat owner.

regular ocelot
>regular ocelot

Dry cat food says hello. But yes, animals need to not have to suffer stupid human diets.

rawr OwO *nuzzles u*

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absolutely based, fat cats are perfect

yeah he's fine, every cat has to do that every few hours or so.

Not this shit again

There is nothing magical about cat digestive system that prevents absorbing nutrients from plants.
They just need nutrients that are rare in plant tissues, that's literally all of it. If you can supply them with plant of bacteria derived substances, they will be just as healthy as on their usual diet of small animals.
And possibly healthier than on diet of cow and pig meat, since they don't eat those in nature.

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giving a cat a vegan diet is animal cruelty. It won't just make them weak and gaunt like humans it will actually kill them


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what an absolute fucking U N I T

I am a cat.
Miu mau :DDD

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whoa gato... cool down with the spaghetti...

But what's the point? Why not just feed it normal cat food + the occasional bit of meat so it gets the protein it needs?

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Letting cats outside is retarded. Unless you have a very nice, spacious property in a safe neighborhood, then they should not go outside.

Every instance of an injured or lost cat is because some fuckwit thought it would be a nice idea to let them out to get some air. It isn't.

nice b8

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Man I sure do love video games.

bait confirmed no human can be this stupid

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this is objectively false

taurine is an essential cat nutrient, which is only found in meat, it's actually illegal for cat food to not contain taurine

Ok, give it to me straight

Are those parasites or just some kind of weird poop

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I'm feeling a deep dark horror.

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That dog is defective

It looks like a 5 year old drew her and she became real


god, i really want to play with a big cat cub. its on my bucket list for sure

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just imagine the smell

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How do they get an ass like that

I want a khajiit gf

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This is pretty bigoted of you. There are places in which because of human activity, rats are rampant. In those places, communities of stray cats are actually a good thing.

Because it is immoral to support slavery and murder just for the comfort of having a pet.

Over half of taurine in modern cat food is literally synthetic.
You'd certainly know that trivial bit of information if you actually bothered to read about the shit you're pretending to know better than me.

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Holy fucking ass implants wow

I got two kittens, and I'm surprised at how different their behavior evolved from when I grabbed them from the side of the road.
One likes to run around like a fucking idiot, chases every shadow he sees, and makes major use of the toys I provided. He also likes being carried around, and likes belly rubs.
The other hates being picked up, but loves to climb on you and cuddle. He likes to have his face scratches, but will smack you if you try to go near the belly area. This one refuses to play with toys, no matter how much you try. He'll just stare at you like an idiot for dangling a toy in front of them.
For most of the day, they don't get along. One is always playing, the other one just watches from the distance. But for an hour or so every day, they are inseparable. They begin wrestling, sharing toys, share a meal, and end the day big cuddling up in their hammock and snoring the night away.

I love my babies. Sorry for the blog.


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It's worms, user. Cat was probably given some medicine to shit them out. Or there were so many that it naturally happened.

why is no one commenting on their fucking pet lions?

thats what happens when you feed your cat raw dough.

Parasites, look how they die when the fall out. Also look at its fur. You think that looks healthy? This is probably so infested they are falling out or the cat was given medication. Probably taken by someone who adopted cat or a shelter.


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>people raise dogs wrong
>use them for fights
>make them agressive
it's the peoples fault, if you raise them right nothing happens retard

>13 and 50 dog edition

thank u cat fren

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Keeping a cat inside is animal cruelty, they need space to explore and hunt. Mine would cry if I locked her cat flap. I know a few cats who spent their entire lives in tiny 1 bed apartments and they all became crazy and neurotic

I fucking lost it

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>Applying your own morals to your animal partners

based cat thread

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>this delusional shit again
it's literally genetic

what a dick

>Because it is immoral to support slavery and murder just for the comfort of having a pet.
based retard
how about helping the homeless and sick in your own country before worrying about farm animals like a typical leftie.

I sleep

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Average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is 3 years.
T. Outdoor cat owner with a 16yo cat


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Nice cats

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>they need space to explore and hunt
They only need to do this if you raise them to. Domestic cats do not "need" to hunt, they just like to do it. They're taught to go to humans for food within a week of their lives.
>I know a few cats who spent their entire lives in tiny 1 bed apartments and they all became crazy and neurotic
They were probably raised like shit. Give them a lot of toys that they can climb, and lots of boxes to crawl around in.

>I miss my cats
Got a chuckle out of me, have a (you)

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is this soldier front??

You can keep a cat sane in a small apartment, but you have to bring in/rotate toys and other things for them to check out. sorta like you do with smarter birds.

it isn't
stop spoting your epic maymays

>no arguments

>t. npc programmed by government to post this picture

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>Ass implants
Fucking disgusting

fuck off /an/, you're just a bunch of city dwelling soi bois

Based and actually red pilled

Useless lazy schizophrenic predatory selfish ego driven assholes, all cats are.

Dogs on the other hand are man's best friend for a damn reason.

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>cats naturally do things that would be immoral for a human
>so humans are exempt from responsibility for the cat they own
Don't ever have children.

Supporting slavery and murder doesn't become moral just because you do it for a being that doesn't understand morality.
If one makes a decision to raise a being, they have to accept responsibility for all consequences of this, even those that the being does out of ignorance.

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I cleaned my cat's litter yesterday and I don't want to see cats again for another month

How old are they? Have you checked their gender? Boys are naturally more playful than girls, and girls can be total divas when you pamper them. If that's the case, then be sure to neuter and spay them before one of their wrestling sessions turns into a baby-making one.

Fuck cats

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>3 years
In what neighbourhood? In a pit bull infested ghetto sure.
My last cat was 24 and spent every summer lying around outside in my garden

>t. spic who ignores facts

That's just how cats are. No two cats are the same.
There's a cat in my neighbourhood that would literally approach anyone. Not even for food. She just loves attention and kids playing with her.
Then there's a cat I knew that was just plain mistrustful of anyone that wasn't its owner. Like you wouldn't see this cat because it would be in and out the room at lightning speed. Anyone came to my Nan's house it would just hide upstairs. It was never abused or anything, it just didn't like anyone that wasn't my nan.

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Remember not to reply to """dogfag""" falseflags.
Actual dogfags and catfags don't mind each other and are often same people.

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Do you think mods haven’t noticed this thread yet or they just let us have some fun

End your life

>haha le ebin racism xD
>d-do I fit in now?

Based kot

Based cat knows their true nature and doesn't fuck around.

*bender takes a picture.gif*

>Cat mauled Seven pitbulls
Holy shit, was that really a cat or a lion?

>Its like half way through the door before it mimics
I get it, if the human does something like that. The cat is thinking "maybe I should do what they did cause maybe they see something I dont" But come on, half way?

based cato destroying shitbulls


Go dilate.

Now I'm getting MAD

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Simply epic my friend have an upboat

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>I thought i heard some dogs talkin' shit

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mods left 5+ identical rosterfaggotry threads up last night while actual threads with discussion happening in them were deleted, they're probably out playing frisbee

Reminder that catfags are infected with toxoplasmosis and cant be trusted. Remember to sic your dogs at the heathen on sight.

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i've seen some shit that i just can't walk away from

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rent free

I also support the slavery and murder of moralfags like you

Smol but eat big

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wow this obese cat sure can intimidate dogs

Fucking based. Fuck shitbulls.

Imagine being so insecure about your morality that you react with extreme anger whenever someone is more moral than you.

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>cat fags have to have their thread while dog chads sleep


we also have the best DEX builds available, such a versatile species

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>Equating animal partners to children.
user I...
Cats are carnivorous, they don't have a moral obligation not to eat meat that they don't even have to hunt nowadays if you go to a meat shop. Even if you raise it vegan it will still want to kill smaller animals because it is written into their DNA and will leave them as offerings to the shit hunter you are (or eat them if they feel they are malnourished). But you will probably imprison and enslave him 24/7 in your house to prevent that from happening.

It's a racial feature of west African baboon creatures

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>tfw caturday part 2

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Cute catto user, lemme look closer

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>Yea Forums suddenly hates doggos
what happened?


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Not him, I personally don't think veganism is a bad thing at all but there's something that's always bothered me about it. A lot of vegans online just come across as really smug, very toxic people. What's up with that?

Please never have children

>retard dogfag can't even save a proper resolution picture of my waifu


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He didn't relax, that is the secret, that is how you beat them.


This is a cat thread. Dogfags need not apply.

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"Bad owners raising them wrong" is the epic meme you renob.

>they don't have a moral obligation not to eat meat
But the owner has, you dummy.
If you own a being that is not responsible for its actions, you are responsible for them now.

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