why are todays gamers so lazy?
Why are todays gamers so lazy?
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>said the TV personality who gets paid obscene amounts of money to compliment people working real jobs for substantially less income while in front of a camera
I mean let's be honest, who'd want to go to work when you can lay on your ass all day
Mike Rowe is anti union and safety regulations for workers, He's a corporate shill
In the history of mankind, all the most succesful people were those that exploited the labor of other, dumber people.
And they did this by fooling them into thinking that heavy, dirty, or otherwise mind numbing tasks should be approached with pride and that doing such tasks makes you feel fullfilled and give your life purpose.
They've told them this while sitting on their expensive padded chairs, wearing expensive suits, burning cigars with dollar bills.
They keep the common worker busy, sweating their ass off, living in miserable conditions, pushing onto them some sort of pseudo philosophical mumbo jumbo about how hard works builds characters and the whole spiel.
Ultimately, the smartest individuals in our race always try the easiest solution, the path of least resistance, with the minimum amount of personal effort, and that ultimately involves making other people that aren't as smart, do tasks for them.
How you accomplish this, from using the whip to sugar coating why said worker is performing the task, doesn't matter.
It's all aimed at the same and result: i sit over here scratching my balls, while you work your ass off for me.
This is the true core of human society, and how we're divided in what is essentially two approaches.
And this is the only truth on the matter, everything else is lies and manipulation.
Reminder to sage and hide bait threads.
Ambition for what?
>a generation of poorly educated people
according to whom? the boyz in the bar every saturday? there is undeniable proof that people are becoming more and more educated worldwide every year
>no skill
speak for yourself, "thats gross" tv man
>no ambition
nice anecdote
>no guidance
now the blame shifts onto the older generations, apparently
>no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work
the fuck is that even supposed to mean, did he have a stroke halfway through this sentence? work expectations, you mean doing stuff and getting paid?
I love these tv "personalities" that turn into pseudointellectuals
The modern society (in which we live) has many achievable states that allow a person to live in relative comfort with minimal to zero work required. What can genuinely making an effort at work possibly do for me except ruin and take me away from a lifestyle I already love?
When there's less jobs than employee candidates - and that's certainly the case with blue collar stuff around me - then no amount of "work harder!" will squeeze more blood from that stone. If someone gets that position, someone else does not.
Damn, would I fuck this Daddy hard.
>Waaa why can't people shovel shit like i am to see how it feels and GODDAMN IT JUST PAY ME $30 AN HOUR ALREADY, FUCKING TRUUUUUUUUUMP
We'll just import more workers so we can sit around like boomers, it's fine.
its not gamers, its EVERYONE in this generation since 1980
Hes unironically right. Anyone under the age of 28 is a lazy shit that is near useless in the workplace. Especially women, looking for any reason or excuse to call off.
Post the S.W.E.A.T. pledge already.
btw, he’s sponsored by koch industries
also look at discovery channel CEO and tell me his ethnicity
Workers unions only benefit shit workers.
cope harder
and there is nothing absolutely NOTHING stopping you from playing the high league except yourself
Because they can get away with it.
The same attitude that insists women and minorities should get respect without having to actually do anything productive or useful is also present in game developers.
As a result, consumers can enjoy games without having to do anything skilled or dedicated. Consumers are willing to pay for this too - even if it includes DLC, games as service, lootboxes, or microtransactions.
So as long as someone's willing to make it, and someone's willing to buy it, it will be made, and it will be bought.
because I was told I was special and gifted while growing up and believed it
didn't have to put in any effort before highschool and now I don't know how or where to put in effort
t. huffs his own farts, loves it
>get worthless degree in communications, but land comfy job doing a TV show where you aggrandize people who actually work hard for a few hours at a time and pretend that you work hard, earn millions of dollars from your show and book deals while the people who shovel pig shit from farm sewage drains still earn barely above minimum wage
This is why it's always better to work smart, not hard. And by that, I mean craftiness. Intelligence on esoteric and arcane matters mean nothing, but intelligence on humans and their psychology, as well as a bit of luck, is everything.
t. 28-year-old
>tfw working $16 an hour at a laboratory assistant full time
>tfw it's extremely easy because of my background experience my uncles and family friends allowed me to help with like inventory and carrying shit
>tfw i took off this week so i can watch E3
t. employee of the month
I bet the bossman loves you.
Why do boomers complain when they didn't have to get past the insane expectations for entry level jobs these days
>This is why it's always better to work smart, not hard
It's better not to work at all.
Our entire ruling class is entirely based off the idea "i never want to work one day in my life ever again".
This sounds like the kind of pseudo-intellectual garbage a high school / college communist spouts. There is nothing inherently noble about dirty, physical labor, however it is a necessary job, and one that when properly compensated can be far more fulfilling for certain individuals than being a faceless desk-jockey for some conglomerate.
>The bigwigs are manipulating the working class
No fucking shit you limp-wristed commie fuck. Unless you ascend to that level, you will never truly break free of the system. Mental midgets like you focus on how much your work makes for other people rather than focusing on what YOU are getting out of it, which guarantees that no matter what you will never, EVER, be fucking happy because your weenie ass certainly doesn't have the chops.
this, if you're white and work in a union based job good luck to ya
How can you honestly say that in a period where "crunch time" got absolutely rekt and where bobo kotick amped up his anti union shilling
How is this bait retard?
>however it is a necessary job
Why is it a necessary job?
If you think about it for more than 5 minutes you'll realize it's not necessary at all.
Yes Goyim, join the union so we can tax your pay by %45 for services you'll never use
Construction jobs aren't necessary? Logging? M8 are you fucking stupid?
it's a jewy job but somebody has gotta do it
When does your summer break officially start buddy?
I'd work if someone would hire me lol
Ah yes, the american dream.
I truly wonder (((who would be behind these posts)))
i have a couple commie friends and like clockwork, they spew this shit every fucking time our circle gets together
hardcore diehard commies are cancer to society and humanity as a whole
Wanna know how I know you're a massive pussy?
and what would you do without work? playing games all day? lazed around in your mom basement? sound like fun eh
>implying unions aren't a jewish scheme
get a load of this goy
Get back to work shoving your hand up that cows ass, goy
Unions are meant for jobs with multiple workers in areas that would have bullshit happen, like a supermarket, factories, etc
Not all jobs need to be part of a union, that would be retarded.
because modern games are too easy and made for sheeple, how the fuck are us gamers supposed to rise in this society ?
Based. Civilization is built on slavery.
>poorly educated
Because your generation sat back and watched as Jewish feminists took over the education system in America. Thanks for that, Tom/Chip/Zack/Bill/Dennis.
>Interview for a level 2 IT position because its easy as fuck and a friend personally trained me for it
>Get rejected and offered a level 1 position instead because of """""lack of experience""""" despite willing to do it for bare minimum pay and having a background in computing
>Friend didnt even have experience when he got the job
>They moved some guy to that position
>He's already about to leave because they wouldnt pay him enough
This is why I lie on my resume's.
Boomers are fucking dumb, they complain about young people not working and not wanting to be wage slaves when they're the ones that sent all the jobs to other countries while they live off socialist policies.
>If you think about it for more than 5 minutes hard labour jobs are not necessary at all
... Who the fuck is going to maintain the sewer systems without hard dirty labour user?
>put in extra effort
>get nothing in return, just more work and more stress
yeah nah, you can suckle on my cockle
I'm about to start lying, telling the truth isn't getting me anywhere nor are any of these certifications.
Homosexual African Americans
Feces & Bundles of twigs
>however it is a necessary job
Doesn't mean I have to like it and work more than "necessary" either.
a piece of paper on the wall that says you're smarter than other people makes it so. thats just the way the world works
That's all fine and dandy. There's a line between working and being a wagecuck.
Not him but I'd say a great deal of these manual labor jobs including entry level service jobs will all go the way of the factory worker soon enough. Minimal staff, mostly just there to look after the machines doing the work. We're headed for a job shortage and unless the government has something in place like Finland a lot of low income people are gonna be in a world of shit when the job cuts start coming. This is why I lack ambition. I have no certainty in what I wanna go into. I've considered cooking but I'm afraid aside from having a life skill I'll be fucked unless I'm literally a top tier chef.
Name a worse generation
Honestly I agree with him but Mike Rowe, you are not a blue collar guy. You are as un-blue collar as they come.
I totally agree education is fucked though.
unions are only to the benefit of the union holders and the union administration, if you think otherwise you just expose yourself as a NEET who doesn't know anything but how to spew /pol/ memes
>this thread
Yikes! Sounds like some of you need to take the SWEAT pledge.
Good news is, now those exploitive people own the banks and are in control of the money supply. You don't even need to do do any manual labor for them to benefit from your work - they benefit from your work as long as you take loans for anything. Which you will have to do, of course, because everyone else taking loans drives the price of things up.
>but how do I get the money to pay back the loans
That's the best part - you don't! If you get a $400,000 loan, then that $400,000 is created out of thin air for you, and is destroyed and taken out of circulation when the loan is paid.
But you'll owe interest on the loan. Say you owe $20,000. Where do you get that money?
From someone else's loan? Then they have money they can't pay back. From money that was created without a loan? There isn't any. From someone who spent their money and went bankrupt? Good! The bank now owns their stuff.
Your only option is to borrow it from the future - using a loan you have to pay back in 5 years (or so), to pay back the money you owe now. But what happens if "The economy is bad" and the banks decide not to create as many loans as they did 5 years ago? Lots of bankruptcies from people who can't borrow new money to pay off old loans.
Defaulting on loans is the only thing that escapes the cycle of debt, and it's not really much of an escape.
It's genius really.
You don't even need to exploit dumber people's labor. Merely by existing in an economy, they are exploited.
I'm gonna start lying too. I have employment gaps in my CV because I fall into bouts of depression because I take things to heart way too easily. Now I get shit whenever I go looking for work.
>Huh, why are you missing a few months of employment here
Jesus christ. I'm trying to get back into work. Why do they give me shit? I actually had an interviewer tell me that I'd need to work a minimum of 2 years as a kitchen porter in their hotel before they'd "trust" I was interested enough.
>Essentially trip into comfy operating room job where I don't even have to work 40 hours a week, don't have to be on call, and don't work weekends
Feels good man.
originally unions were designed to work against corrupt bosses but now they're just a means for a shit employee to abuse the system so they can never get fired for being a deadweight
Certain skills will never be obsolete. Mechanical and electrical trades, plumbing, etc. are good jobs to get into that can earn you a solid chunk of change for what I consider fairly easy unga work while ensuring you'll never be out of the job because these things are never NOT useful. Cooking is also perfectly valid, by which I mean ACTUAL cooking and not being a McDonalds "burger chef", a good cook will never not be in-demand, and like any skill it is something anybody can be good at with enough work and ambition.
Don't be a doomer, if your dreams are financially viable then you need to pursue them.
>no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work
I think that simply means you lack experience and don't know what actually working hard means, but that's once again the case of everyone expecting you to have 10 years experience to do entry jobs.
Nah, you're too dismal.
>will all go the way of the factory worker soon enough
Ive been hearing this my whole life but when the fuck is it actually happening? Im desperate to lose my job to a machine. My wrists are strained, my feet are fucked and my back is that perfect blend of agonizing but functional enough to keep me from getting medically certified as not fit to do this job anymore.
I just want to sleep. Please send worker robots soon.
>dude you'll make more money XD
Yay $20 more
Agreed. I can't wait for robots to make my shitty job obsolete
True but what have any of this do with video games
>>no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work
>the fuck is that even supposed to mean
Pretty sure that means that a lot of the current generation thinks that jobs should be like the jobs on tv, where you either do something incredibly glamorous or you get paid white-collar money to do six hours of work a week, how i met your mother style.
A lot of people think that going to work is just showing up and dicking around on your cell phone or making social calls, rather than doing hard work. Most of life is soft, most of our generation expects soft work
>Certain skills will never be obsolete. Mechanical and electrical trades, plumbing, etc. are good jobs to get into that can earn you a solid chunk of change for what I consider fairly easy unga work while ensuring you'll never be out of the job because these things are never NOT useful. Cooking is also perfectly valid, by which I mean ACTUAL cooking and not being a McDonalds "burger chef", a good cook will never not be in-demand, and like any skill it is something anybody can be good at with enough work and ambition.
these skills will always be in demand but they're pretty shitty jobs. Being a cook for instance is a high stress, physically demanding, long hours job with very little pay for what you put into it
you are small time, the real trick is to pray for war to cleanse this earth of suffering with nuclear fire
give it to me daddy Putin, start the rectification of earth
I hope you get your worker bots soon.
>my back is that perfect blend of agonizing but functional enough to keep me from getting medically certified as not fit to do this job anymore.
I know this fucking feel. I'm 24 and my back is already in knots from doing shitty manual labour work without being trained how to do it safely. Jobs that require me to stand in one spot all day like cash registers are a fucking no no too. That kills my back.
I've considered getting into a community college course for some basic stuff. Then I was gonna work in some cafe or something until I get my hands on enough cash to go to an actual college. Irish third level education is extremely affordable. Like 4000 euros a year. I feel like it's something I need college for. I've considered trades too but I'm not certain I can work 60 hour weeks. I know an Electrician who's doing an apprenticeship and he says the hours are like that. Then again apparently chefs get rough as fuck hours too.
>I had the luck to live through one of the safest and most peaceful period of growth in human history where I could do some shitty low skill job for life and still make good bank and yet I have the guts to call modern youth lazy and unrealistic while my shitty generation completely fucked their future
god I hate boomers so much