Final Boss is some corrupted humanoid

>final Boss is some corrupted humanoid

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What's the name of this boss battle, Yea Forums?

>bosses are just reskinned generic enemies with special abilities

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Only Quads can stop gigga nigga

>I'd like a copy of.... (You)

giga nigga, is that you?

Where do I get pics of this meme

council of the three emperors

>there is no final boss.

only quints can defeat him...

left to right:
C-Wizzy, Chad Daddy, Big Papi
all have separate health bars but if you kill Chad Daddy without killing C-Wizzy or Big Papi first you get the achievement and a bonus cutscene

>kill this
>Achievement unlocked: One head is better than three

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do any JPRG / RPG do this?

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I was about to say "that looks like it could be an SMT boss" and then I remembered it already is

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only correct answers

>final boss is GOD

Attached: mike help.png (258x237, 120K)

>when you combine three Bionicle sets

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Ultimate Lifeform

>boss is a quick time event

>final boss is a cunnysseur

Attached: gigachad.png (500x485, 96K)

>final boss is a speech check
>final boss is a stealth section

>final boss is some evil deity or darkness itself that was never mentioned until the last 10 minutes before the battle
Fuck Final Fantasy

Attached: Wither.png (769x791, 15K)

>Bosses start out human
>They transform into scary monsters that require a specific method/s to take them down
>Final boss has the abilities of previous bosses on top of his own
>Every time you defeat him/her, he/she transforms into a superior form until finally, definitively defeated

What game has something like this?

Contra Hard Corps

>Dealing enough damage to the left and right Gigas severs them from the main body
>"Achievement Unlocked: Farewell To Arms"

Who wins?

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trigachad is a better fighter, but ultra giga nigga can keep regenerating his heads indefinitely

Giga chad.

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These are getting out of hand

>Achievement Unlocked: Brothers in Arms

Only the virgins lose as they acknowledge each other's power as Chads and team up to convert the virgins into lesser Chads

How does Doom 3 manage to look pre-rendered? Very non-gamey.

Ultra Giga Nigga is a being of pure destruction, not even thots can stop him from bringing the doomsday, chad might be stronger but he is soulless and thots delay him.