Five points into Single player and Story, make sure they're perfectly interwoven, five points into Music/Audio, three into graphics, and two into multiplayer, Replay value gets free extra points due to Single player and Story integration.
just draw the picture dumbass
What happens if you don't put any points in single and multiplayer?
you have a movie
I spend all the points on android butts
movie game
How could a game with a fantastic single or multi player also have no replay value? Chart is retarded.
fuck I forgot to erase one from replay value
Game has amazing single player but no replay value??
I mean, ghost trick was one of the best games I’ve ever played, but I don’t ever really plan on replaying it.
Anything with a lot of puzzles centered around a mystery is a lot of fun the first time, and maybe a second, but past that...
Guess the franchise
dark souls
based boomer
cringe zoomer
guitar hero
I still don't understand this thing. How can you have a game that's 5/5 singleplayer and/or 5/5 multiplayer but has no replay value? If a game is fun you can replay it. Unless it's a puzzle game or something, so is your game forced into being a puzzle game if you don't put any points into replay value?
This is actually a high IQ choice.
Fuck you
I think it just means there won't be a lot of variety.
i.e. it is very linear.
You people are so retarded it is laughable.
>tfw I want gameplay
>SP: 4
>MP: 0
>Story: 4
>Graphics: 3
>Music: 5
>Replay Value: 4
How could a game with amazing single player, graphics, story and audio have zero replay value?
Story is subjective but Nier Automata was fun and I have absolutely no drive to play it more than once through.
the only correct allocation
What would a game with zero single player or multiplayer but 5 in everything else be?
Uhhhh user...
Why didnt you use the paint bucket tool? Da fuck are those weird lines?
A pure visual novel.