ITT : Best RPG released on its system

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looks like you meant to post SMT SJ.

I put way to many hours into this when I was younger, shame that a ton of content is now locked due to the WiFi systems being dead.

*Blocks your path*

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I think this one's gonna be pretty unanimous

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Yea, because its competition is like, Quest 64.

I was really excited for this pre-release, and I've tried to get into it so many times, but I just can't get past its writing and everything about the way it looks.

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i wanna start a new game but it'd lose that shit forever im mad

Emulate it.

inb4 bravely fags

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Yep. Same

not the same
i wont feel like i did back then
i never will...
but hey im excited for 11 on the switch

You can access them again by changing DNS now. Someone made a private server(?) that hosted the data.

I bought a copy just because of this. Really hoping squeenix doesn't pull some bullshit and make them take it down.

Link to server?

It's a toss up between this and FFIX but I'm slightly more nostalgic of Legend of Dragoon.

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that's a real fucking funny way to spell inside story

look nigga

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Genesis has some pretty cool ones, but I think PSIV takes it.

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>*laughs in Kaneko*

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It's even the best looking version of the game (though missing some content), shame they ported the PS2 version to PC.
TTYD is a close second.

I haven't played 'bating Kaitos or Fire Emblem Path of Radiance because they didn't look that interesting

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Legend of Dragoon is a terrible game. Slow, shitty music, awful graphics that did not stand the test of time, and very clunky combat animations. If you never played the game as a child you would see all this.

*blocks your paths*

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Hope so.

>best anything
oh man.

Not whbd Tactics Ogre exists on the system. Paper Mario is way too shallow to be considered a good rpg.

if it was so good, why doesn't it get any follow up game?

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You're so wrong that you don't even know it

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You seem to have posted an image from the beta of Fantasy Life by accident instead of DQV

I played it for the first time a few years ago, and while it didn't age as well as say Chrono Cross, it was still a fun little adventure

it had the best quality of life improvements its time

*blocks your path*

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I like LoD more than most but it's a mess of a game.

look I love DQIX
but that isn't TWEWY
Or DQ Monsters Joker 2 Pro
Or FF Tactics A2
Or Inazuma Eleven 3
Or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2
the DS had a bunch of great JRPGs didn't it?

This board is for those age 18 or older.

>mfw i renember when we tought they were going to drop turn-based

uncertain times those.

It has the best mini stories for each town, aside from X and XI (since I haven't played them yet).

Even 2 of the 3 Tales of on DS are top tier.

Sequel never ever.

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The gameplay in SJ is not good, what's with the recent rise in SJfags?

>Inazuma Eleven 3
Sorry bud, that was a 3DS game over here

Yeah, but it has madness hero so your point is moot.

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flashcarts exist
but you can pretend I said 2 if it makes you happier

Yes, recent. It didn't get this much praise this commonly until recently.

No honestly as soon as I posted that I knew that was going to be your reply. I'm sorry if I have ruined your day.

No, it definitely did. I haven't noticed any increase in the amount of people liking it
But to answer your question it might be because of the remake

you now that there's a Dragon Quest LITERALLY built on towns mini stories right?

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You're just showing how much of a newfag you are. Embarrassing, really

shame the 3ds port sucks

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user SJ is regarded as the best SMT alongside with Nocturne.

Demon co-op is dogshit but everything else is a 10/10.

and the remake even when in some aspects did it far more easier it made it better.

Fuck, I actually meant VII

>I'm sorry if I have ruined your day.
not really I like talking about IE
I knew I forgot something

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There are DS Tales games?


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It really is a sort of love it or hate it type of game. It's the first JRPG I ever played to completion so I'm inherently biased towards liking it. I do know some people that have played it for the first time as an adult and loved it. (Famously Cryaotic and HCBailey)

Yep, Innocence, Hearts and we don't talk about the other.

The third one's that bad?

I played it a lot, but you can't get a lot of stuff without meeting other people which is hard in flyover Hamburgistan. Maybe it would have worked better with 3DS' Street pass.

No when terranigma exists.

both get remake on vita and we don't talk about tempest here.

Prove me wrong

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Actually is the first, and you have no idea.

I can hear the music in my head.

No, I can't. For some reason I just got the Tetris 99 menu music in my head and I can't think of what the Reaper Review track sounded like.

Didn't the original NES release force the party auto attack on you or something? Isn't the fucking phone port the best version?

i actuallly cant think of very many gba rpgs anyways

forgot image like a mongoloid

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Pokémon? You stupid idiot

Yes and Kiryl had an AI bug where the only offensive spell he would use was Beat/Thwack. But if you aren't using the AI in dragon quest you aren't playing it right.

Anyway it's hardly the only NES RPG with problems.

yeah but that wouldnt ever be a contender for best rpg of any system lmao

The battle network series
Tales of Phantasia a horrible mess but still
Tales of the world
Summon night Momogatari
Pokemon Rescue team
Mario and Luigi

You aren't looking hard enough

There was Golden Sun and Shining Soul 1-2,


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quality > quantity

>Split the 1·2·3 compilation, all versions of the 3rd game sell at full price anyways
>Re-release 1 on the eshop but never 2
>The sprites are upscaled to shit and the transparency looks like a white line instead
>despite the upscale characters in-game are actually smaller leading to problems in gameplay
>fix all the problems in the final version of 3 never update the other games back
>act like none of this happened and release GO 4 months later
>pull te plug 2 years later halfway through the life cycle of GO2
>Mecha Mark, Layton cameo, Yokai Watch cameo, LBX cameo NEVER ever
>Galaxy NEVER ever
why did the 3ds treat Inazuma so bad, the future was looking bright
They could've just released the compilation or the DS versions, bump the release of GO a bit further and everything would've been fine

yes, and this has BOTH.

this shit could have been fixed if nintendo just added ds to the 3ds virtual console
why wasnt that a thing again?

Dumb meme game that/v/ drools over for some reason. It's like fallout new vegas or planetscape torment where people just pretend to like it just to fit in.

Look at the Switch, they coud cash in mad dosh by making a GBA VC on it and yey we only have crappy NES games.

This is the only DQ I ever played. Isn't the characterless player-created companion system markedly worse than the companions of other games? I always thought it felt soulless, but nobody ever mentions it.

One of the few games I actually bought two physical copies of.

I mean, yes. But when I played it as like a 13 year old lad self inserting myself and my friends made it amazing.

I played it as an eleven year old and I did love the game, but the characters were just...empty. Sure, I gave 'em their own personalities, but it was hollow and I knew it.

I was just wondering whether the presence of actual companions in the other DQ games changed the experience or not.

Nah, the only memorable VII's town was the rain village where the villagers got stoned. IX had the spider doll town, the plague professor, and Leviathan.


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Any examples, or would that be taboo?

Inazuma Eleven was good. But I made a mistake of marathoning the anime after I finished the first game. Not only did I get burnt out of the anime when I hadn't finished them yet, I burnt out of the game too because of the anime.

personal taste m8.

Honestly the only reason why people even mention IX is because it has like a zillion of quests but the base game is boring bland and forgettable, hell is the shortest (again not taking in account the zillion mini quests.)

Step aside, plebs.

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Agreed that the main story was kind of weak compared to the other games. But also maybe I am kind of biased since I was big on MMO back when the game was out, and DQIX sure did feel like one.

this I agree with only because I never got to play the original 3
aphrodi best boy

Pokemon yellow still the best RPG ever, tho.

I need to buy a used Xbox 360 just for that game. It's still sitting somewhere on my bookshelf, and I never finished it. It was fucking awesome, and the difficulty settings were just right.

The Last Stort (Wii)
SMT Nocturne (PS2)

That's all I got

Was it really that good? I only played a bit of it at a friend's house. Seems like the stories played out more or less the same.
>A man visits during a festival or something
>"Hi there, do you know why we have this festival or something?"
>"A man's wife / daughter / friend died horribly, and we have the festival or something to remember them."
>"I know it very well."

Aphrodi is good , but Shawn is better

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Honestly I can see why this series would be tiring
well, since we are favourites pic related is based as fuck
>Last character in the contacts list
>High stats
>Fucking badass Pirate
>Gets The Earth
>Shows up in every game after
>His kid is recruitable in GO too

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>>His kid is recruitable in GO too
my bad its actually his little brother
still based tho

Team Ogre Attacks is the best, FFI saga is the best and is the one that has more content, the tournaments make it practically infinite.
I will never understand why you all consider that 2 is the best.

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Fucking this. I love this game. Honestly should have had moogles, chocobos, summoning, and been branded FFXIII. Then it would have gotten the attention and praise it deserves.

God damn do I wish we could get a suikoden 6.

I'm still mad

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DQIV beats FF1 out of the water on NES. The best game on the system, IMO.

she ends with Ichinose, the only one who deserved the endoubowl was natsumi, she was the one who reunited him with his grandfather

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It seems you gay boys don’t know about the actual best DS jrpg

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Never played it. How is it?


looks like another spectrobes shit

I loved it as a kid but haven’t played it since so I couldn’t tell ya. Worth an emulate though

SJR happened, you got a bunch of SJ purists shit-talking SJR too and I guess both sides pretending that the game didn't used to be considered a novel idea with flawed execution.

>Dragon Quest

Baten Kaitos is fucking great. Both the first and the sequel are absolute gems I'd recommend to any Gamecube owner.

It got more popular to be a fan of it after IVA disappointed people, don't let Yea Forums tell you otherwise
people here do the same thing with Bloodborne, insisting that it was always well-liked and not that everyone here constantly shat on it until the DLC came along and fixed it

>want to call you both underage
>DQIX came out ten fucking years ago
kill me pete

The future is now, old man.
Having said that, when people get nostalgic for shit like Modern Warfare even I feel the sands of time passing by me.

You're not gettin' out of it that easy, user.

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dragon quest 9 was held down by the custom characters, they just bogged down the game with how lifeless they were. great game otherwise.

>she was the one who reunited him with his grandfather
She only tell him his grandfather is on the island
Maybe it's different in the anime but idk

Tempest is so bad that it was demoted to a spin off after originally being a mainline game.

she investigated and found that he was alive, she even went to Africa for him and got a sunstroke. both in the game and in the series.

For me, is Natsumi.

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why is he made out of confederate flag

>The battle network series
I wouldnt consider that an rpg, but on closer inspection I have no idea how to classify them.

Not seeing how it doesn't qualify as an RPG to be honest

aww shit yes gba diablo 2

bravely fucking blows, why would anyone put that as best?

Endou knew that his grandfather was still alive before the match with the Koreans , because he sent him a letter

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BUT if we're counting anything, then....

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is it really? I have the physical copy I found on the sidewalk a few years ago and haven't given it more than an hour

I'm not good at basketball but thanks for the offer

>Violent sexual slavery in a children's game
How did Enix get away with it?

not anymore really since the entirety of the postgame was free dlc

I want to breed and have a family with Biance to corrupt those perfect white genes

Also best game in the series

I bought a copy of DQ9 at a yard sale for $7, and whoever was playing it had put 401 hours into the game and had done damn near everything. I almost don't want to start a new game because of it


This series is so wholesome
Is DQ Heroes any good? Seems like a pure fanservice type of game

fucking post it

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it's action RPG my dude

the only good thing about this game is that spacesuit design

Well, it does not matter, actually you and I know who should have won the endobowl

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A lot of the other DQs are better on a technical level honestly, 5's just so charming though

>not playing it on xbone
No disc swapping, better res, better frame rate.

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>all these ds rpgs
not bad of course, but you forgot to post the #1. don't worry though lads, i've come to help out.

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How can one system have so much fucking kino?

Atlus rpg's are all the same

Didn't they remake it for the 3ds?

because portable consoles are just that much better than everything else

yeah that's the definitive version [and coincidentally the best jrpg on 3ds as well]

Were Lost Magic, Luminous Arc and Sands of Destruction any good? I vaguely remember seeing them in Nintendo Power and thinking they sounded cool, but never say them in stores.

The DS was perfect for role-playing games. Can have a clear view of the battle while having touchscreen menuing.

Wow that's REALLY cool. I have a sealed DWIX cart for years because I thought the only way to get this metric ton kn extra content was through an action replay hacking my cart but with this I mkght actually pick the game up now.

i havent played it but my friend says sands of destruction is the worst jrpg he's ever played. kind of surprising since masato kato, yasunori mitsuda, among others, worked on the game.

i've heard good things about luminous arc though.

based as fuck

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Since underpowered handhelds couldn't focus on "muh graphics" they actually had to make good games.
Even early on the DS life they realized touchscreen gimmicks wouldn't carry the system

Endou..please...fuck my daughter...

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>Luminous Arc
Know Stella Glow? Luminous Arc 2 is that game's prototype. Luminous Arc 1 is a bit rough on the edge as its the 1st one in the series, has a quite cliched plot but good enough.
>Sands of Destruction
Played it, a bad one. Gameplay is easy to break but its not good overall.

Fudou is so high tier

>Just found my DQ9 cart
>Want to restart because it's been so long since I touched it
>Have too many memories tied to it and the time frame I played it in to delete the save file
Single save files are the stupidest fucking decisions a dev can make for a game, I could emulate it but it just won't be the same

>>Have too many memories tied to it and the time frame I played it in to delete the save file
can relate

endou is busy playing sakka but do not worry dude, I'll take care of your daughter

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Extremely based

The old art is really better than the Perfect Chronology version.

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New art increased the princess' hair length so it wins by default.


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>game already is more than 10 years old
why was DQ9 not very popular?

It did well in Japan. Guess it just isn't appealing to Western markets even with tv ads.

Radiant Historia is a massive drag of a game. Seriously... it has an unbalanced party, dull maps, many boring battles, I will never understand what is there to like about this game. I can concede that the political fiction plot is decent, but that's it.

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Stella Glow is bad though. Even if it hadn't had idolshit as its main gimmick the whole thing with Hilda is just extremely retarded.

I like it, but there a good chance most will hate it.

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Never heard of this, any good?

Ye it's fucking amazing. The Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle series is the franchise that was made by the team that made Final Fantasy Tactics before they got bought by Square

>Inazuma Eleven 3

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oh I get it. It's effective contraceptive because little girls can't get pregnant.

>Currently doesn´t have a competitive scene


Etrian Odyssey is shit with a shit fanbase

"A tope, tú!"

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>not even the best SMT game on its own system

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No u

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based español speaker


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Sex has a competitive scene, and white boys are losing hard.


Atrocious game. What was the point of SRPG grid if the battles are turn-based? Terrain and movement don't mean much, it just slows the game down.

ds would've been kino if it didn't try to be a strategy game and focussed on good old dungeon crawling instead


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lately you talk a lot about inazuma, can it be that at last Yea Forums has acquired patrician taste perhaps?

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Ares looks shiiiit and is also never coming out

>football shit
no thanks
Maradona > Pele

>Ares comes out and its shit
>Ares doesn't come out
truly the worst timeline

Which ds emulator actually works fine in android so I can play all these games?

>galaxy doesn´t come out either
worst timeline indeed

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DraStic is the best ds emulator period, even better than anything currently on pc