Clear Sky is the worst game of the trilo-

>Clear Sky is the worst game of the trilo-

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>STALKER games are too easy because you can find health, ammo, and money everywh-

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>Master difficulty in STALKER trilogy actually makes the game easier for y-

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>the only spooky parts of STALKER games are there underground la-

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>Clear Sky was bad because the swamps were ba-

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Why did you take a picture of your monitor?

Was it autism?

>3 posters

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the fag thinks he's being retarded ironically.

Eбaный гoвнoeд

so that faggots can go and point it out and the thread never dies

>there are no interesting characters in Clear Sky

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>photo of monitor

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>there are no intense firefights in Clear Sk-

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>Clear Sky has no comfy momen-

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>there are barely any artifacts in Clear Sk-

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If only they polished the faction wars so you didn't have to babysit the camps. The point you leave almost always get captured back. If you could somehow reinforce the camp, like set up a machinegun nest and give your boys better guns, it would have been great

The fuck is wrong with you?

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>the detectors introduced in Call of Pripyat make anomalies trivia-

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I wish Stalker was big enough for /out/
Even CoC doesn't do it

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U MAD??????

>idiots don't know how to fin-

That’s only a complaint in the first area (the swamps), where you’re constantly being pounded by Renegades and the game wants to teach you about the faction mechanics. Once you beat that part there’s not many other places like that except Lake Yantar where zombies are swarming but you’re canonically supposed to lose to the zombies there.

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I remember this being the case for garbage as well, probably some other maps but i forgot

I'm not the retard that forgot to scrub his exif data.

Am I the only one thinking that taking pictures of your monitor looks cooler than taking a screenshot? It reminds me of old e3 pictures when the PS3 and xbox360 were about to be available and game journalists used to take pictures of things on screen during the e3 show to put it in theirs magazines and it was completely SOULFULL.

Go for it

Red Forest and Swamps are one of the best levels in STALKER. Right next to the Chernobyl NPP and Pripyat levels (from previous games).

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Limansk is the most beautiful area in the entire series, fite me

>Red Forest and Swamps
terrible taste, wold not stalk with

I’m about to get there in my current playthrough

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It's linear as fuck, but the environments are spectacular

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Yes, it does look like scanned magazine prints. You can also see the screendoor effect with op monitor pixels. Adds analog soul to pictures

Oh shit here I cum

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hurr we should put mesh over our screens to increase the SOUL factor

it's okay to not share opinions with strangers on taiwanese cartoon forum

They’re right though. Pics of screens are cooler looking than screenshots. Maybe it’s the nostalgia factor from the console wars of the first next gen, or maybe there really is something to it.

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I played all 3 games and enjoyed all three for slightly different reasons.
But the way you are going about this is bound to draw some ire.

you are factually wrong and also probably retarded

Ire shmire. Let the plebs have their rabble, naah meen?

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Probably because it looks like a lost recording from a war journalist. Something like that

Do you feel in charge?

It might be the worst one of the trilogy but that doesn't mean that it isn't a good game

literally the ds2 of stalker series

I personally feel that while Call of Pripyat is fun and commendable for trying new things, was the worst one of the trilogy. Its story was severely lacking in motivation and cohesiveness, and the characters felt NPC as hell, without motivation and sort of just doing things. The highlight of the game was artifact hunting and the road to Pripyat. The ending itself is severely underwhelming and overall the game feels like a chore list you have to complete.

Whereas Clear Sky sticks to Shadow of Chernobyl’s formula of a more linear progression of levels which you can still traverse back and forth through and has a tighter and more intriguing story, while also taking some of the stuff that worked in CoP (like detectors, fast travel guides, and upgrades). The game really shines towards the end once you get to the Dark Valley to Limansk. And it has a really higher difficulty at the start which is why it puts a lot of people off. I personally think it’s the second best of the series.

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cringe, have sex loser

what other memes are you familiar with

Did you join any faction? Im doing my first playthrough too, still neutral, the faction war is just annoying for me, the ai handles it in a stupid way, although it seems SRP changed the way the ai behaves in the faction war.

>bullet makes a 90 degree turn when bullet leaves barrel

when are they going to mod this game from Wanted(2008) to Stalker.

cope seething tranny incel, go dilate

Thanks, i'm trying to keep up

I only did the Clear Sky faction wars in the Swamps and helped Scientists in Yantar. I did Freedom’s and Duty’s side missions but I didn’t join either of them because I didn’t want them to become hostile. Clear Sky is also the only STALKER game where you can join the bandits. They also have the best music in the Garbage.

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Just upgrade it bro. I love sniping people with the dart or slug ammo. It’s so accurate and powerful. So satisfying too.

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here's a diagram

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I believe unironically and literally that SoC is the worst one of the trilogy


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I like the swamp area

Bugs, mostly. Also the mechanics are kind of unfun.
At least the gunplay is pretty good.

Good taste.

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Oh, it's that annoying faggot from Yea Forums's Chernobyl general.
Don't reply to his threads without sage

The mechanics are the same as every other STALKER, just no fast travel which will be the hardest part to cope with. Other than that it has the best story and the best levels like X6 and X8 and Brain Scorcher and Chernobyl NPP. Also the Wild Territory and Arena near Duty base are fun as hell. I wish they brought back the arena in the later games.

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This is the most interesting thread on Yea Forums

Thanks bro!

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just report him he does this on other boards too

Here have some commie propaganda

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