Why are you reposting shit from months ago?
He's like Phil Fish minus success.
Those same people used to complain about how Steam is too exclusive and barrier of entry is too high, they got exactly what they wanted.
He should be grateful that somebody's actually putting effort into bringing attention to his shit.
>make shit game
>sperg out that society doesn't care
should have put it on Ebin Games
>woah wtf? why won't steam advertise my game for me??
>woah wtf? all of these games released after mine HAVE to be asset flips with no effort put into them because I AM the only game developer today!
>me! me! me!
Epic is only interested in games where the legwork for the advertisement and building a fanbase part has already been done.
this guy is a fucking retard.
sell it on your own fucking website if you dont like steam.
For anyone wondering, his game is an exact copy of Limbo, right down to child MC, mechanical spiders, and black/white soft art-style
Aw man, Orphan is such a great game
look at that logo. You can tell, it's a real experience!
If you want to say something retarded but don't want to deal with the consequences you just don't say it, keep it to yourself
Christ, you shills are not even trying anymore
Impressive he tricked 8 people to buy it and play it it once, unless those are just free review copies.
In a non clown world his 'game' would be a one time click and forget about it type of thing on a flash games website.
I don't know why he expected to make money out of it.
Does he have a devblog? A game twitter? A demo? An original concept?
I don't know about his game or who he is but I bet he missed these basic 4 ez steps in marketing
indie devs sound so whiny.
How angry do you get over so many people thinking your meme candidate is a retard that every time somebody famous makes fun of him you can't let it go
He got over 35 grand on Kickstarter for it. He's made a fucking mint on a shit little 2D Limbo clone
back in the day those flash websites would pay you to host your game and would pay you a percentage of the advertising revenue if lots of people played it
t. spent a summer making one of those "launch your character and see how far they go" games and got paid 100 bucks from games of gondor
Did some research
I was somewhat wrong
But he already got paid. 35k
>35 grand on Kickstarter
How poor (or NEET) do you have to be to think that's a lot of money?
4 years to copy/paste Limbo. Top fucking kek
This is exactly what gives game developers a bad rep among real developers, look at that entitlement, nobody owes you anything you humongous faggot.
lol i dont get angry at all. in fact it makes me laugh to see how triggered these hollywood retards get over a strong leader with morals and high testosterone
no one should be surprised
how do you release an indi game and not know before hand that is the fate of almost all of them
35 grand for a game that sells 8 copies is an astronomic amount of money
>indie dev has reasonable concerns
>indie dev doesn't want to be harassed
Not your personal army, OP
>strong leader with morals and high testosterone
this is what you get when you start handing out participation trophies
He has no concerns, he is an entitled little brat. No one forced him to put his game on steam. No one forced him to put it ONLY on steam. No one forced him to make a shitty game no one will care about.
He's just (you) farming. This picture (and this thread) were already made multiple times months ago
He should at least offer some sort of solutions to his problem instead of just going "fuck Steam" if he doesn't want to sound like a whiny crybaby.
why are you shilling for free?
never heard of this game, I'll chalk it up to shit marketing
he should consider paying people on twitch to shill it instead of praying people will just pick it out from the long list of games that come out on steam every day
what a greedy cunt, there's teams of Devs on steam who need to make games to support their families and he thinks he deserves attention for making a game on hobby level and get all the money for himself?
sorry for caps i didn't realize they were on and i don't want to go back and rewrite everything, also i have autism
Real talk, how do you go about making your game known ? Assume you have no friend in the industry, no partnership, but a small budget dedicaded to marketing.
Best option seems to be to pay mid-tier streamers for an hour of their time, give them keys to gift and hope for the best. I assume really popular streamers charge obscenes rates. But that only works once the game's been released. I guess being present in cons is also a plus.
>he has no concerns
The massive influx of cheap russian knock-offs and palette swaps on the Steam storefront is a serious issue that's been around for quite a long time.
Y'all are just looking for literally anything and anyone to be mad at.
>Real talk, how do you go about making your game known ?
You pay whichever marketplace you're on to feature the game or you go with traditional marketing
Of course, neither option is really affordable for an indie dev, which is the catch-22 of the whole situation. If you had the money to not get shuffled in with the palette swaps and scams constantly flooding Steam you probably wouldn't be an indie.
i'd have put two more quotes around """STORY-DRIVEN""" but otherwise spot on
Make a good trailer
I don't get it, is he supposed to get special treatment because he put his game out before the other devs did?
What about the other games that devs may have worked hard on? Can this guy not just market the game himself instead of relying on Steam to do that work for him?
>mid-tier streamers
Go for smaller streamers with niche but loyal followings.
Go to forums/leddits/even fucking Yea Forums that are in-line with the genre of game you're making.
Study how to effectively advertise your shit or how to make trailers/promotional material. It goes a long way.
Don't act like a fucking retard.
Make sure your twitter is as neutral as possible, NEVER get dragged into a posse or circlejerk groups.
Essentially be as much as an attention whore you can possibly be without pushing it.
think about how you would encounter a new game title in the wild
in my case it'd either be a big con like E3, r/games, Yea Forums, a new twitch directory with a lot of viewers, or a suggested youtube video
it might be that your answer is that you can't influence any of these, and in that case it's a bit hard to market
>post game on steam
>everyone else post their game at the same time
>cry because your game isn’t given special treatment
You’re never gonna go anywhere in life if you keep acting like a bitch
If your game is somewhat unique, try to spread the word among the people that could be interested in this niche
If it's le ebin pixel platformer, then there is no hope, and that's a good thing
Why the hell did he expect steam to marker his small indie game for free?
He made a successful kickstarted campaing but couldn't create hype or expectations for 4 fucking years?
I'm still convinced word to mouth is enough to carry anything as long as you make something that's unique and worth playing. Most indie trash games are neither and usually just copies of other games that came before. Pretty ironic that the indie market is saturated with shitty pretentious atmospheric platformers and garbage early access randomly generated survival games just as much as AAA is saturated with battle royale trash now and awful CoD clones before.
because he kept smelling his own farts, and i'm sure he had a "supportive community" of faggots that told him his game is amazing because they're all of his same mentality
Shill it on Yea Forumseddit.
Every one I know never heard about this game or the kickstarter ect how would a normal person find it?
I feel a little bad for the guy
he should've tried threatening to murder gabe newell, worked out well for the paranautical activity guy
Maybe most of the games in that screenshot are asset flips but Witch's House is very good, probably much better than this guy's game.
You do what the marketing guy behind dead cells did, he saw everyone trying to get the big streamers, but most of them wanted 25-150k for playing their game. So instead he went to the small streamers, gave them the game for free. Big streamers saw how popular other streamers who played it was, begged for keys.
You play the game and dont be retarded, its that simple. Fucking morons.
i feel bad for him because he never learned what a good product/game is. but other than that, he deserved to fail hilariously because his game is fucking shit
So, it's steam's fault that the market has been oversaturated in the last four-five years? He's literally complaining that other people have been doing the exact same thing he's been doing. Sucks to be him, but game sales are equal-part determined by quality and by marketing.
I keep an eye out for good indie games, and I'm willing to spend enough money to regret my purchases 90% of the time, and yet I've never heard about either this guy or his game. So, it's either shit, or the guy doesn't know how to market his product. Going for pity-points after the release lends me to believe it's both.
>making games instead of just playing games.
4 year for that shit, what a wasted life.
shill it everywhere
reddit, twitter, instagram, tiktok, here
make sure its a gif with your most interesting gameplay thing (this is free)
free copies to youtubers that play new games in a 'let's try/review' format (you can do this for free probably with lower tier youtubers)
piggyback on every # on twitter that is related to games, gamedev etc.
make a thread here for us to shit on it because theres no such things as bad advertisement
anyway if the game is anything like that dude's in the OP there's not much you can do
Based and finance-pilled. You will make it far in the world, user.
This nigger in op's pic is obviously one of those "artists" who expects the world to bow under his feet simply because he graced us with his existence. he expected us to know about whatever bullshit game he made, and he's a special enough person who knows how to make games that, when he squatted on steam's store page and spread his asscheeks to release that stinky log of a game, every other dev will have the decency of not releasing any more games for our lord and savior to occupy the new releases page on his own, forever.
Fucking retards.
Play the game and stop being a bitch.
>games of Gondor
Fuck yeah buddy
fuck armor games
i'd like to see a time distribution breakdown for his work
4 years is ridiculous unless he cannot even manage himself and went through multiple reworks of the entire game
Probably spent a few weekends here and there at Starbucks with his MacBook.
>having another alpha friend is bad
Go dilate
>agora mesmo
So he was right about it all along
>make Limbo ripoff #1225356268
>complain when people dont buy it
Even though he is screeching like a child a bit, he is 100% right. Stupid fucking shit like "CRAZY HENTAI PUZZLE" gets added to the store 50 times a day and it just dilutes good content, because steam wants to make a buck from oily zoomers. I don't blame Steam for wanting to make money, but the guy in OP's pic isn't wrong either.
35k dollars is a lot of money
t. 3rd worlder
Somebody post the gameplay, if it's even anywhere.
You remember the retard that was shilling La Mulana here all the time? Few retards caught on and bought it. Somehow like that.
He's right about Steam being full of shit games but he's a self-important little brat for assuming his game should automatically get more recognition than any other game on the platform just because he worked hard on it. That's the fucking internet, get used to it. I've wasted hundreds of hours on my life making animations for youtube that got sub 1k views, that's just reality. Fucking cry to someone else.
>for an indie game
>on Steam, where you can get better indie (or regular) games for a fraction of the price
>without promoting it in any way
>without innovating/having an interesting concept that has never been done before
I agree, but they're pretty easy to filter out.
It means that you're probably not going to get free advertising at being on the "New Release" section, which honestly doesn't hold much weight even without the trash filling it up.
It's on the developer to market their own game, not the storefront.
I also feel like this guy would also be complaining if Steam had stricter guides about accepting games, saying it's "stifling creativity" or some such.
It's not steams job to advertise for you. Do your own marketing you dumb cunts and stop relying on being one of the 10 games on the front page new release list, it's your own fault.
The amount of idiots that think they don't need to do ANY marketing at all is mental
honestly this is just what happens when you give out participation trophies
putting in effort doesn't entitle you to anything, no matter how much you worked on your Limbo rip-off no sales are owed to you
My Steam defaults to "Popular upcoming" instead of "All upcoming titles" finding decent stuff has gotten a lot easier since they added the "popular" tabs.
Well stuff like "generic limbo clone" is clogging things up and hiding my good indie game
My horrible VN got plays than that.
yikes, you think he's gonna an hero?
>It's not steams job to advertise for you
I never said it was. But steam clearly has a shovelware dilution problem. The "new release" page may as well not be there because if something decent appears on it, it's gone pretty quickly because another 20 chinese asset flip "Ultimate zombie survival blockcraft" decided to take its place. Shitty limbo clone or not, one is actually an indie game - the other is a clear and outright cash grab with no quality control at all.
You got any links, hombre?
CTRL+F "curator"
It's really sad how nobody knows the real power of curators. Steam introduced them ust for this reason.
Just find all the small curators that are specialized on your particular type of game (the big ones are swamped with game keys to test) and give them copies of your games. They will start a small but steady stream of people to your game and your game will slowly rise in popularity.
You can't expect a fast success with no budget for marketing
based adviceposter
I find that people like yourself are the same just on the other end of the horseshoe. I call you consumer apologist. You do nothing but defend entitled twats all day and try to make a case about how they should be sheltered when they damn well knew what they were doing. I'm really tired of seeing these people cry about their shovel ware not standing out in a sea of shovel ware. They just expect to release digital slop and get praised for it. This guy blew his lid, had a tantrum and got wrecked. He knew the risk and did it anyway, he even got funding to do it. No one owes him anything.
when Erdoğan allows for it
Nice. I've been using curators for a while now and they're great for niche shit.
There are a fair bit of small curators that devs can definitely approach on steam.
Do you have a good list of curators?
I thought that system was inundated with meme shit?
The game's also a shitty limbo clone that lasts just a hair longer than the refund cutoff.
there's a billion curators and a lot of them are shit meme curators or too big or too generic to be interesting.
The best way I found to find curators is to go on a game page for a game you like and click on the curator reviews link (just before player reviews).
Then go down the list of curator and you might find a couple that click with your taste
>an exact copy of Limbo, right down to child MC, mechanical spiders, and black/white soft art-style
This shit is what he's sperging about? And he's complaining about asset flips? The gall of this boy.
Steam profiles you and will recommend you games you might like, it will also recommend games that are turning into a hit. This is only a problem if like a true smooth brain, you use New Releases tab to shop in an online store like some brainlet going into a shopping mall and perusing every shit that just dropped from a truck that day.
Thanks lad. Just tried that tip out and it seems to work.
Gonna have to take an hour or two of my day off to sort this shit out and find relatively active curators that fit my taste. Valve should fucking have a tutorial of this shit because it seems like it's the perfect discoverability fix. Can't believe such an important system is glossed over.
don't hesitate to filter out the shit ones and the meme ones it will make it a lot easier
>Valve should fucking have a tutorial of this shit because it seems like it's the perfect discoverability fix. Can't believe such an important system is glossed over.
That's most of steam's features in a nutshell.
i'm really looking for a jrpg with character customization/custom character creation on switch/pc
Meow, Meow never changes.
Meanwhile the developers of Scavenger SV-4 and Children of a dead earth just made a game without almost no publicity and for people to have fun and never complained like this idiot.
So exactly like Phil Fish then?