What are you hoping to see at E3 Yea Forums?

What are you hoping to see at E3 Yea Forums?
Are there any dream announcements you're holding out for?

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Nanachi in Smash!!

Uncencored Bravely default and second coming to the switch.
Bravely Third anunced.

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Snoy and Google BTFO

that Granblue RPG, Project Awakening and Nioh 2 open Alpha
I want to snuggle with Nanachi

What is the Made in Abyss of video games?

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People yelling insults and booing bathesta as soon their section starts.
At least one Jab or two against the fags becouse they buy less videogmas than the pirate crowd.
W101 port to the switch maybe tokio mirage sessions

I want an Ogre Battle 64 remake!

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more like hops and creams

Earthbound anything

Would you really want them to remake Earthbound?

Shut up vitagen.
What will you be playing today?

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Fata morgana!

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Halo release dates
>Metroid Prime 4 news
>SMTV news
>New Xbox reveal
>New From game
>Banjo and Rare in general
>Doom Eternal release date
>Smash reveals

E3 is looking promising so far, better than last years by a mile and a half.

>Banjo and Rare in general
Is there any indication?

Bethesda's statement on their recent games and business models being called out by a huge percentage of their consumers
More cyberpunk presentations


This is always a dumb comparison.

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Why is it dumb?
Same general artstyle. going up/down a huge dungeon with strange places, bosses spread throughout the map that may fuck your shit up at any moment, the fear of death is constant, controlling resources, potatoes, the main focus is going to the end of the dungeon with little distractions.

It's almost 1/1 Made in Abyss

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I love my wife Nanachi!

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I want a Nanachi game.

What's a better game then?

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An action-adventure similar to Ys8. Having a dumb turn-based dungeon crawler mechanic would ruin a lot of the aspects of MiA.

>Yes, I'd like one copy of Kirby Air Ride 2 please

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Nanachi babysitter game would be nice where you just cook stuff for her, wash her, brush her hair and tuck her into bed

Nintendo stuff, RPGs

Post more cute Nanachis

I want to sniff, eat and fuck Nanachi's asshole.
Also, those recent male Nanachi anal pics are super hot.

That would be kinda cute desu.

I hope Maa-san joins the party

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Is it okay to have a folder dedicated to Spike? I don't really care about MLP in general. What are your thoughts?

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Dark Cloud 3 is my dream announcement.


Don't lewd the bun

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JustPassingThrough really doesn't care because his pedophilic tendencies pretty much mean anyone who dissents with his opinions obviously deserves to be doxxed. Must suck not being able to like anything unless it specifically caters to your fetishes.

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now that would be great


Stop being a fucking contrarian, it's the closest thing.


Revved get the fuck out of the MiA threads

he sounds pretty based

Why are people so obsessed with that dude. I saw someone post an extremely long tirade about bumping his kiwifarms thread and how he's a pedophile argentinian or something based off of one person in the thread posting this image.
is this a new meme? a new barneyfag thing? what gives.

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btw where are the damm movies? I can't find the
movie blurays anywhere.

please only say nice things about my daughter.
thank you.

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based nanachiposter

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I want to see her get gangbanged by human men

where can I find GOOD porn of Nanachi

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t. pedophile


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There isn't much out there, unfortunately. As in "good" porn, that is.

Your daughter is very cute

I want to kiss her.

thanks dude

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What's going on in this thread guys?

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Where can I watch a version of Made in Abyss where they don't get hurt and just have fun and cuddle each other?

no way! she's not old enough!

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no shit

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Your daughter is hot as fuck and i want to pound her asshole into submission

glad too see kemono making a steady climb into anime, hopefully it continues

That's a good joke

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we're talking about videogames and fatherhood

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why do I keep seeing furry mitty

I wish it wasn't a joke :c

I thought Nanachi was at least a few years older than Riko? She's just physically stuck in whatever age she was when she tranformed.


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I should really read this.

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