>advertised as an exciting adventure where you're an outcast fighting against freaky monstrous versions of corrupt authority figures
>the actual game is mostly just pressing X through poorly translated text boxes for hours
Don't play this game.
>advertised as an exciting adventure where you're an outcast fighting against freaky monstrous versions of corrupt authority figures
>the actual game is mostly just pressing X through poorly translated text boxes for hours
Don't play this game.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you want to start a really good bait thread just call it a dating sim. Weeshites drop all their lemons
not bait, pressing X for hours through poorly translated text boxes is what Persona 5 is, objectively.
sounds like you want Etrian Odyssey
Yeah it's a trash game, but many people on here would defend it like their life depended on it. Most of them immediately break down into the "cop not an argument" mindset pretty quickly. Probably because they're weak willed faggots who play japanese dating sims.
Turn based combat should have died back in the 90's.
You forgot the castrated version of classic SMT mechanics
so, the whole RPG genre summed up
Stop buying games based on verbal advertisement instead of looking at actual gameplay. Or you know, don't. Sounds like Atlus got your money already, based retard user.
>it's okay for Atlus to complete mislead their customers with trailers, style, and advertising,
>they already got your money so you lose LOL
This kinda shit is the reason why video games suck now.
They didn't mislead anyone but you user. Nobody on the planet but you expected Persona 5 to not be a visual novel for 80% of the game.
If you don't want visual novels play SMT.
>doesn't know what Persona is by the 5th entry
>still has the gall to complain
Go fly a kite, kid.
It's really a shame that Persona broke into the mainstream consciousness because fagslike OP exist.
Do you have any fucking Idea how a Persona game works?
I sincerely hope you fucking die. If you are baiting, I hope you fucking die. If you are sincere, I extra hope you fucking die. The fact that you thought this thread was worth making means that your mere presence on this earth is a net loss. Extract yourself from the gene pool immediately, you hapless fuckwit.
Persona breaking into the mainstream consciousness was no accident, and Atlus used the cool trailers and such in order to do so. And in those trailers, there was no indication that the you would be playing what is essentially a visual novel. They portrayed the game as a kick-ass, fast paced thing, which was a fucking lie.
cringe and bluepilled
>when Persona has been exactly like this for longer than you've been alive
You're the only one in the wrong here.
Why are you getting so hotheaded about a shitty visual novel, man?
SMT games are just generic as fuck JRPGs with demons. It’s a really shit series
You are a retard. You are so goddamn retarded. You actually just suggested that devs aren't allowed to make games look nice and polished because it will attract fucking dipshits like you. In doing so you admitted that you're a normie fuckwit who doesn't know anything about this franchise but blindly bought the fifth entry into it after seeing that Joker was in fucking Smash or some gay shit. I can't believe you are this stupid.
I would get hotheaded over this no matter what the fucking game is. You're a bumbling fucking idiot who read into the game wrong (any gameplay trailer shows you running around just talking with people), did zero research, and blamed Atlus for your own stupidity. If you do this with any product you are the underbelly of society and you don't deserve the privilege of life.
>has monkey brain
>gets tricked by advertising
>its their fault i'm stupid and fall for things easily
So you don't see anything wrong with a company presenting a game in one way, when the actual game is nothing like what they presented? You reckon the trailers showed walking around talking to people? Sure. What it didn't show is the actuality of Persona 5, which is that the fun, exciting things they showed in the trailers only makes up about 10% of the game at best. The rest is mashing X through shitty dialogue. And you wanna know why they didn't show that? Because it's boring as fuck and no one would buy that game.
woah dude... games have stories...
Sounds like every game ever.
user, everyone who knows what Persona is knows what Persona 5 was going to be like. You have absolutely no excuse for thinking it was going to be different from the previous titles. You are in fact a fool.
More than half of this trailer is just cutscenes or clicking through shit.
Do you watch trailers of movies and assume that the funniest jokes are just the whole movie? Or the coolest shots are the entire movie? Do you watch trailers of other games and assume that every battle is like the one presented in the trailer, or that every boss looks as cool as the one in the trailer?
You dense fucking nigger, trailer pique interest. Persona 5 trailers show you ingame combat and talking to people, so you know the game involves fighting enemies in turn based combat, and talking to people. If you blindly bought the game for the former, assuming the latter wouldn't be a problem, then you are the dipshit. Nobody mislead you.
Better than that clunky "souls like" mound of shit everyone jizzes over.
That trailer is not representative of what playing Persona 5 is actually like and you fucking know it. Have fun pressing x for 100 hours.
Please tell me that you’re baiting and that you’re not actually this retarded, right?
>run around increasing social links and grinding stats
>then go to the dungeon and use those links/stats to fuse personas and kill shadows
>watch story based cutscenes
That is literally the entire game. You're the faggot who assumed that there would be more combat than story/dialogue in a fucking RPG.
I already have for many, many times more than 100 hours.
I agree that's why I didn't fucking buy it.
A fool and their money are soon cucked
I know it's a common theme in jrpgs but it was really ridiculous in this one
Play P3 or P4 they have about half less cutscenes than P5
What about all the good adults and bad teenagers though?
Why do people buy games without looking into them or playing/seeing previous entries?
>this was user's takeaway
This is why I don't trust anything I read on this board about P5.
you forgot to mention that all of those things are a couple dozen of hours separated from each other where nothing happens, which is not how it is portrayed in that trailer.
seriously the translation is horrible but don't kid yourself - absolutely no one could have saved that script
>the actual game is mostly just pressing X through poorly translated text boxes for hours
Welcome to Persona.
Now multiply what you said by 10 and you have Persona 4.
Now multiply it again by 10, and you have Persona 3.
>you forgot to mention that all of those things are a couple dozen of hours separated from each other where nothing happens
What the actual fuck are you talking about? There is literally no point in this game that doesn't have either combat/persona fusing, dialogue, or grinding out social stats/confidant ranks.
Did you put the game on the menu screen for 12 hours straight to delude yourself this hard or are you just retarded?
The game is a total mess. What did this even have to do with the finished product?
>What did this even have to do with the finished product?
Literally everything? Goddamn it anons why do you guys struggle to grasp the themes of a game about japanese teenagers fighting demons.
>Being this fucking retarded when it's the 5th game of the series, and Youtube/Let's Play exists.
Want to see what a game is like? Watch it for a bit and see. Or just bait on Yea Forums for replies like a sperg.
persona 5 has the most handholding and forced cutscenes by far, you fucking retard. what planet are you living on?
P5 is 40 straight hours of pressing X when you're not dungeon crawling(mostly) while 3 and 4 are 20 hours at most and separated.
P3 and P4 have a way slower start, but the dungeon crawling is overall a larger chunk of the game since the dungeons are randomly generated and you can't clear them in one go as easily as you can in P5.
All of the games are pretty handholdy as far as the narrative goes though.
I'm not retarded.
In that trailer, it gives the impression that those gameplay elements are fast-paced and fun. When you play the game, they are not. It takes hours to do anything Persona. My beef is that Atlus mislead people into thinking all of those gameplay elements would be seamless and fast in order to trick people into playing their poorly translated stylish visual novel text adventure, which is what Persona 5 actually is. Me having this opinion doesn't make me retarded, you rude fuck.
>ryuji is chained down by everyone in school hating him
>ann is the same but she has to fake date kamoshida so her friend can succeed
>yusuke is chained down by madarame
>makoto is chained down by everyone wanting her to be perfect
>futaba is chained down to her thinking she killed her mother
>haru is chained down by her father forcing her to get married
You're an idiot and you only have yourself to blame for thinking Persona 5 was not going to be another Persona game.
Absolutely, 200% correct.
They're the same ones posting "Kamoshida did nothing wrong! Adachi did nothing wrong!" threads constantly. Not exactly an intellectual powerhouse crowd. Not that they'd need to be, but they can't even manage that low a bar.
>wahh why can’t I just go into the palace immediately?? fuck story!
>I'm not retarded.
Sure buddy.
>In that trailer, it gives the impression that those gameplay elements are fast-paced and fun.
Goddamn you're actually so stupid. Every shot they have of dialogue is held for a few seconds and they don't even progress THROUGH the dialogue. Their presentation of it is slower than it is ingame. You were fooled by the hype music, and if you legitimately are mad at a company for putting music in a trailer, then you probably have a room full of garbage that was "falsely advertised" to you. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you're homeless because you spend all of your money on tickets for movies that you assume are great because the music in the trailer is cool.
>Me having this opinion doesn't make me retarded, you rude fuck.
Don't play the victim fuckwit. Not every opinion is a valid one. Yours is not. You made a mistake as a consumer and you're blaming the company for it and at least half a dozen different people are calling you out for it. You're wrong. Accept it and move on.
>School seat with chains
Try explaining in depth how the game represents that without grasping at straws.
Ok what's it about, genius?
Your abusive teacher throws stuff at you and you can't dodge because you're stuck in place.
And commercials for lottery tickets and casinos always show tons of people winning! I expected to win every play! I bought Axe body spray, and expected hot chicks to be dripping off my dick!
Of all the games, Persona is a very known commodity. Literally everyone but you knew what this was going to be.
That's pretty weak. You could make the same argument for the characters in P4 being chained by society even when the game isn't about that.
See Every character in the main cast, the MC included, has been dealt a bad hand by society. Either they were mislabeled, were born into a family that demands a future that they do not wish to fulfill, or they were raised without a mother/father figure.
They all have insecurities and feelings of helplessness due to how their lives have gone up to this point, and the whole point of the game is that they all rebel against the society that dealt them this shit hand by contacting their Personas and donning their Phantom Thief attire (which is explained ingame as the manifestation of that person's personal view of what a rebel/vigilante looks like).
Thus, by becoming Phantom Thieves, they are rebelling and breaking free of their shackles so that they can pave their own future, destroying the pressures or damaged reputations that they deal with in the real world.
See above.
They only whine about adults being assholes in the first half of the game, which is deliberately written to mislead the player into thinking that the game is about teenagers kicking ass and taking names. When you get to the end, you have to work together with Sae and Sojiro, who both start out as cold and unpleasant adult characters, in order to accomplish your goals. Furthermore, one of your three main villains is also a teenager. Through these endgame events the player is supposed to recognize that the game has nothing to do with age disparity.
>all you do is press X
>turn based combat should have died
And yet the highest selling media franchise in existence is based on............a turn based JRPG (pic related). If you think turn based RPGs are obsolete you're retarded.
The difference being that charachters in p5 are chained by outside sources they need to rebel against while the charachters of p4 are chained down by their own incapacity of facing their demons and moving forward as individuals.
To be fair user, Pokemon is more of a mass media than anything else. The game part isn't even where the most money comes from.
>Y-yeah guys no one cares about turn based RPGS THEY DON'T SELL!
>Look mom I posted it again!!
And yet Pokemon easily sells more than all of your shitty shooting games.
>poorly translated
How do you know? Did you read and then cross reference the Japanese script?
Convince me that you aren't the same person.
In P5 you need to break the chains holding you down. In P4 you need to REACH OUT TO THE TRUTH
so you admit that Atlus are fucking scammers that present one thing in the trailers, when the actual product is in fact, not that?
Once again, this is why video games are shit now. Enjoy your cinematic trailers, dickhead.
It's because most of Japan can't do action RPGs worth a damn
>you're an outcast fighting against freaky monstrous versions of corrupt authority figures
You literally do that, though
user, posting FFXV is not a good example of the entirety of ARPGs. Though FFXV is shitty, I’ll agree with you there.
We are both named user so we are the same person smart one.
Man I love how you are completely ignoring the many posts that prove you are wrong. The only way I think you are being sincere is if you have never ever played a Persona game or even a jrpg, which in general are known to be long. You have exactly what you were advertised and paid for.
>the whole point of the game is that they all rebel against the society that dealt them this shit hand
Fucking no one in the cast is dealt a shit hand by society. Maybe that was their intent and the game just handled it poorly.
Rate the Arcs
>God tier
>Great Tier
>Good tier
Sae (her dungeon was the best, everything else was....okay.)
Holy Grail
>Ok tier
>Fucking no one in the cast is dealt a shit hand by society
Joker literally lives in a society.
user, I'm XCOM.
>burger king so bad it's not even on the list
Are you an Atlus shill? How much are they paying you?
My only point was that the way Persona 5 is advertised is not representative of what the the actual game is, and Atlus knows this. Persona 5 is not fun fast-paced rock 'n' roll adventure, it's mash x through hours of text boxes. So it is complete BS that Atlus advertises the game in that misleading way. Maybe you just don't get what my beef is?
I'm convinced, good shit.
>Fucking no one in the cast is dealt a shit hand by society.
Nigger are you fucking joking me?
His life is literally ruined because he pushed a big politician who had ties with the police. Even though he didn't do anything wrong, he is stuck with the label of an assailant and a thug.
Just a normal kid without a dad who everyone thinks is a thug because Kamoshida spread a rumor that he was a punk.
Mixed race person living in Japan. By default, this makes you an outcast. Her hair, behavior, and style of dress inform everyone that she's loose. Kamoshida preying on her spurs on the kids to spread rumors that she's fucking a teacher.
Didn't have a dad, his mom died when he was a kid, he was raised by a legal guardian who turned out to be a scumbag who raised him to be an artist from a young age, before he could possibly know what he actually wanted to be when he grew up. He lives his entire life in servitude to Madarame.
Pressured by her family's history of law enforcement to get fantastic grades and go into the same field as her father and sister. Repeatedly badgered about not being as smart or successful as her sister. Repeatedly badgered for not being a good student council president.
No dad at all, her mother is killed and she was framed for it so people around her always talked like she was the reason her mother "committed suicide" which damaged her psyche.
Literally being sold off into marriage so her dad can gain a political foothold.
I can't tell if you're baiting, but if you are, I hope you're proud that you tricked me into typing this novel.
Wow. I totally forgot about that arc and Haru.
Yeah I'd put it down in shit tier. My expectations for that part where they start doubting what they do is right was pretty fucking sloppy
Remember when you thought everyone was going to be a real delinquent and shujin academy was a reform school.
Yeah that would've been pretty cool.
>being this mad that you bought a turn-based JRPG in a series that’s known to be long and mix together social sim elements combined with dungeon crawling
Not even him but holy shit, you’re retarded. You couldn’t even have looked up basic ass gameplay footage?
>god tier
>great tier
Kamoshida, Kaneshiro, Futaba.
>good tier
Shido, Madarame, Holy Grail.
>meh tier
Okumura (could have been so much better).
>bad tier
The weird thing about this game is there are more interesting older waifus than the ones your age.
Good girls your age:
Good girls above your age:
makoto just seems like a friend, same with futaba, same with haru.
>thinking makoto only acts like a friend
This bitch gets 90% of Joker's attention in the story cutscenes. I'm pretty sure Atlus initially wrote her to be the canon love interest but stopped halfway through the story so that people wouldn't get mad that [enter waifu here] got less attention than her.
>same with haru.
Oh, also, absolutely not this. As far as story interactions go, you're right, but Haru is legit on the verge of tears when you tell her you're just friends.
Futaba is the only girl in the main cast that seems to truly have no romantic interest in Joker, and if you let her down she's none the wiser because she doesn't even realize she likes you.
she comes off as "friendly" while ann is the one showing more interest (and getting flustered when you compliment her)
ann seems like the "main" interest, makoto seems to be the one more interested in school than dating.
You're wrong, and it's easily proved: Europe has some strict false advertising laws. There's been none brought against Atlus for P5. Objective proof you're dumber than the lowest of European idiots. The fact that literally everyone in this thread can realize the truth and you can't should cause you to re-think your claims, but we all know it won't. You're wrong, stupid, and proud to announce that fact, and will vigorously defend your stupidity to the end.
Enjoy your drool puddle, moron.
Seriously user..
Me personally I knew what Persona is, and what it's like, before I played Persona 5. That isnt' the issue. What I'm talking about is how in the marketing campaign Atlus tried to make Persona 5 look like something that isn't Persona, so it had all this exciting stuff in the trailers to trick people into buying the game. Is this really such a hard thing to get your head around? A lot of people that bought the game bought it thinking it would be some fast-paced action game, because that is what Atlus portrayed in the trailers! Fuuuuuck..
>poorly translated text boxes
You'll never be a real woman.
well haru is nice and I felt for her situation (like futaba) but after what they went through it seemed awkward to go for the dating route as they seem more like friends, not romantic interests.
Your beef is that you assume that what they advertised to you is somehow what you got, my argument is that you are being disingenous because I can watch the trailer right now and say without a doubt that thats what you received. Even worse the fact that Persona 5 has one of the fastest paced combat systems I know in rpgs, battles can last less than 1 minute with the right combination of personas and charachters, so while being a subjective point whether you like it or not, it objectively is a "fast-paced rock 'n' roll adventure". Persona since 3 has always been advertised as part rpg, part life sim, part visual novel, and Atlus showed that in their trailers, I have no idea how they could advertise in their main trailer that it has hours upon hours of narrative heavy content other than showing charachters doing just that, talking, and they showed it, this argument you are giving could be applied to pretty much all jrpgs and several action games with your logic, its not disingenous from the company, its stupidity on the viewer's part to assume it was different, so im throwing out a bone for you here, and assume you are just shitposting and being disingenous instead of actually stupid.
>Makoto seems like a friend
>Haru seems like a friend
Either you're a retard or this is really good bait.
>Maybe you just don't get what my beef is?
That you're stupid? That's the underlying problem, for sure.
but incineroar is ps4 exclusive.
Your cope doesn't change the fact it's acclaimed as RPG of generation. Stay mad Xenocringers, Nintendorks and SMTrannies.
>fast-paced action game
Im samefagging this other post , DUDE, how can you thing its a fast paced action game when all games are turn based rpgs, how could you even think it was action when trailers show turn based combat.
>fast-paced action game
Holy shit.
Lol who acclaims it as the RPG of the generation
It’s not even the best in the persona series
>makoto seems to be the one more interested in school than dating.
Are you talking about the social link, or what? In her social link, she starts getting flustered at the suggestion of pretending to be boyfriend/girlfriend around rank 5 iirc.
Haru does take a while to come around, then out of nowhere jumps on your dick at rank 9. Her social link isn't super well paced.
I felt the same way as far as the story goes, which is why I felt like her latching onto you in her confidant felt kind of off. I don't think she's the "intended" female interest but she's definitely interested in Joker, if you're into her.
Futaba, by contrast, has no reaction to you calling her a friend. Same with Hifumi. Those two go beyond not being the canon love interest, they aren't interested at all.
makoto is the thinker of the group, and focused on her studies
haru is coming off an arranged marriage and was harassed by her asshole dad
ann is the only one who obviously likes you as she gets embarrassed at any compliment.
What the fuck? Did that scene of Makoto clinging to your leg just escape your brain? Or when you friend zone Haru she’s one of the only ones that’s truly heartbroken?
>when your whole entire game is literally a Joker WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY shitpost
real meta, 11/10 i'm with Atlus now
makoto is tsundere I guess, she hides how she really feels whereas ann is more easy to see what she feels like.
>makoto is the thinker of the group, and focused on her studies
A thought: what if you played Joker to 5 knowledge immediately?
I always max knowledge first in Persona games, so the waifu that likes smarts always feels like the natural choice to me. Also Makoto has the leg-clinging scene and then there's the scene where Joker tackles her to save her during Futaba's dungeon.
Makoto is legit autistic so it's no surprise that she doesn't pick up on compliments much.
>haru is coming off an arranged marriage and was harassed by her asshole dad
I think it's mentioned that you're a foil to her arranged marriage, for what that's worth. That's kind of an incentive to romance her; she's never met a boy she actually likes and she's hot off the heels of an arranged marriage with someone she hates, so a charming nice guy like Joker is perfect for her mental/emotional health.
Although it could be argued that catching someone on the rebound like that is questionable, which is why I didn't do it. She's a wish fulfillment waifu though; save the cute, timid girl from the arranged marriage and show her what a real gentleman acts like. Shame that this is probably the line of thinking most people have when they romance her because I like her little story of wanting to start a small coffee shop, it's cute.
Unfortunately P5 started development before that meme existed, but we can dream.
>not linking the opencritic score
Japan can fo action-rpgs way better than the West.
Cherrypicking one of the worst ones won't change that
Its a bait thread, what do you think?
OP here. Not a bait thread. All you do in Persona 5 is press X to go through dialogue boxes and occasionally switch to hit a weak spot when the game let's you actually play it. I'm sorry that you don't see that.
Ann is the clear winner, she has a bubbly personality and was noble enough to try and save her friend by putting up with her asshole teacher.
I'm glad I didn't pay money for this game.
>she has a bubbly personality
Into the trash it goes.
Towards the end the mountain of text gets to be a bit much. The whole game kind of feels like reading a huge book, but with occasional RPG elements.
>The whole game kind of feels like reading a huge book
Nigga half of the game is voice acted. Come on.
The thing is that it unironically is a dating sim.
That, alongside the novelty of it being a playable generic high school anime, is the only reason people like this series.
>poorly translated text boxes
Keep trying Connor, Atlus sempai will totally notice and hire you on of these days.
wtf, my pic didn't go trough for some reason.
>game includes time management mechanics
>managing your time optimally destroys all pacing and has you play in the most boring way possible
Good game.
I loved Persona 5, but this was a huge problem I had with it. Unlike 3 and 4, where dungeons take a lot of time and are difficult to clear without leaving and coming back, 5's dungeons are can be blitzed through in two days tops. Then you amass Phansite requests and do five of them in one Mementos run. The dungeon crawling is too spaced out from the IRL sim stuff as a result.
There's no organic solution here. P3 and P4's dungeons were fucking garbage compared to P5's, but P5's are too easy/too short which has downsides of its own in the grand scheme of things.
The best thing I could think of is bringing back the exhaustion system, and setting it up so that spending more than one real-life hour in battles forces you to stop crawling for the night. That would probably feel frustrating to most players though, so idk.
its funny because the only part they actually talk about is the dating sim and
>game is easily exploitable
>dude just don't exploit it play on Merciless lmao
>Merciless is easily exploitable
Nobody would ever, ever, ever suggest Merciless as a solution to the game's dungeons going by too quickly. Literally everybody knows that it makes the game go by faster.
Is it not like p4? I liked p4 a lot
based OP
this game is a SLOG
Give players the option to level social stats by doing certain tasks in dungeons. So you can do part of the current dungeon until you got the points and then you have to decide between continue exploring but no additional stat gains or leaving the dungeon and coming back to get more points.
>difficulty is called Merciless
>is easier than normal
>Pick up Persona 5 after having dropped P3 in December
>mfw the dungeon crawling is just as terrible as always and the character's personalities and "arcs" are as predictable as Fire Emblem's
why are there so many actual retards in this thread holy shit.
It's not "easier", it's just faster. You win fast, you die fast. If you don't have a deflect/null phys Persona then you're fucked. That's why it's fucking garbage.
The worst part is it halves your exp/money, so it kills the pace of battle AND the progression of your characters. It's just poorly designed, definitely just a bad afterthought because they thought Hard might still be too easy (it is).
That would be an interesting feature, although the legwork they would need to actually implement it would probably be considered too excessive given the returns. You'd have to come up with unique dialogue, models, and animations for every single dungeon in the game.
The dungeon crawling is pretty much objectively better, user. Unless you really, really hate puzzles there's no reason to think otherwise.
It is literally like P4.
Yea Forums literally cannot talk about Persona without going full retard. You'll either get newfags who only know about it through Smash, or oldfags who think they're better than everyone else because they started playing the series when 3 came out.
>Yea Forums literally cannot talk about Persona without going full retard.
Quoted the wrong post.
>youre not allowed to enjoy other styles of combat
Seethe nintendie, thanks for the free advertisement in your shit smash game kek
>90% of the attention
idk maybe because she's the brain of the operations?
>You'd have to come up with unique dialogue, models, and animations for every single dungeon in the game.
Or you can just add to existing systems. Simplest way would be something like successful demon negotiations for a bit of charm, fighting stronger shadows alone or with an underleveled party for guts, many backstab attacks for proficiency. Solving puzzles quickly or without help for knowledge. Crawling with only one party member and leaving the dungeons gives you some cut to black flavor text like when they aren't ready to rank up for some kindness.
I don't see what being the brains of the operations has to do with her clutching your leg when you break into Sojiro's place.
>How do you know?
I'm not an ESL, thus I'm able to understand the basic rules of English and how to speak or write it.
>Or you can just add to existing systems
Fuck no P5 is the most overdesigned game I've played this gen. The only thing that could fix it would be a complete removal of the calendar system.
I see what you mean now. I like these ideas, although I have to admit that I would personally still blitz through the dungeons in just a few days. Maxing confidants is just too important to pass up. Regardless, it would at least add a little bit of strategic decision making, so I'm into it.
What the fuck is overdesigned about P5? It's so streamlined.
Yeah, but they don't have at least 60 hours of visual novels in them with extremely poor writing - that's Persona 5.
>Why does rpg have story?
Jesus if you didn't like the genre than why buy the game fucknuts?
That's literally every JRPG known to man.
they should have added more speech checks for social stats, outside of some random ones at the start which require ng+ to see and confidant requirements they're useless.
Literally the last game I was excited for. I've been abroad and without my consoles for almost a year so I bought a Switch and I'm just not excited for any games. It's just I'm bored so I guess I'll play BotW.
>Maxing confidants is just too important
I agree, but there are times where you have nothing better to do than to level your social stats and then it would be nice to have the option between watching Joker eat some burger or actually going back into a palace and making some progress there without feeling like the game punishes me for playing it.
let me fix that for you
>advertised as both an exciting adventure where you're an outcast fighting against freaky monstrous versions of corrupt authority figures
and mostly just pressing X through text boxes for hours
Let's not kid ourselves here. everyone knew what was gonna happen to persona 5. It's a persona game ffs. At least they brought back a bit of the conversing system (where you can talk to the shadows for negotiation) like previous persona before 3. Now we can hope persona 6 will be better than 5 and back to the roots of persona 1 and 2.
The problem isn't what they've done. Persona 5 follows the same formula as P3 or 4, only with a different theme. The problem with 5 is that the quality of writing fell insanely low due to this being Hashino's first Persona game he's written himself. It doesn't know whether it's Persona 5 or Persona 4 at parts. The characters barely have any development and their past traumas are quickly forgotten and don't define them as people. Most of the character conversations are about Wikipedia-level villains for plot purposes. There is barely any drama inside the party and god know what even keeps them together. The entire game is unnatural and insincere due to absolutely terrible writing.
And don't get me started on the villains themselves. Never have I seen worse in a JRPG and I am not kidding or exaggerating one bit.
it really makes you wonder how atlus can go from the absolutely kino writing in smtiv to this shit with the gangsta guys at top not being all like "yo wtf" before release
>they brought back a bit of the conversing system (where you can talk to the shadows for negotiation) like previous persona before 3
Stop talking about this like it was a good thing. You literally just looked at their personality in the top left corner of the screen and gave the answer from the tutorial. It's not a "conversing" system, it's not even a minigame. It's just a menu layer that's there for style reasons.
I passionately disagree with literally any assertion that the writing in this game is bad, let alone worse than P3's or P4's. That shit is rose tinted goggles to the extreme.
>new dungeons functionally no different from P3/4 except they're longer
>new confidant bonuses just break the balancing
>three times more cutscenes than the previous game plus text messages. Just a repeat of shit you already know.
>extremely repetative dungeon of the month structure which was already bad in P4
The only improvements to the formula I'd say were graphics, music and free roaming.
You're passionately disagree without having any counterargument like every other p5nigger.
yet at the very least it's consistent and has pacing
p5 is a collection of really fucking dumb ideas showing up in almost a saturday morning cartoon way where your actions really have no weight on the overall story and literally everything is a disjointed exploration of some random theme that never gets fully explored, much less expanded upon
character dialogue is terrible, social links are weak as fuck and their resolutions are outright embarrassing if not even insulting, like at least p3 and 4 knew what they wanted to be and executed their shit properly
p5 is just a complete mess, like the game was outright rewritten less than a year before release and no one bothered to edit the script or speak up for shit that went wrong
Damn this.
>>new dungeons functionally no different from P3/4 except they're longer
Not only that but they give you fewer options to avoid enemies
>three times more cutscenes than the previous game plus text messages. Just a repeat of shit you already know.
This. No drama, no insight. The vast majority of Persona 5 conversations is yapping about paper thin villains and how shitty they are. It's simply not compelling to watch
>>new dungeons functionally no different from P3/4 except they're longer
No joke, are you seriously retarded or did you just not actually play these games? P3 and P4's dungeons are literally randomly generated. P5's are not. P5's have puzzles while P3 and P4's do not. P5's enemies have pathing that you can exploit so you can hide and avoid fighting them, while P3's and P4's just have narrow hallways and random pathing that's almost impossible to dodge.
>>new confidant bonuses just break the balancing
What does that have to do with being overdesigned? Every new bonus is passive and straightforward. A lot of them aren't even good.
>>three times more cutscenes than the previous game plus text messages. Just a repeat of shit you already know.
That's not overdesigned, it's overwritten if anything.
>>extremely repetative dungeon of the month structure which was already bad in P4
Irrelevant to your point.
I've learned my lesson about defending P5's writing on this shit board. I've spent more time than I'd like to admit arguing with faggots over this shit and they never buckle. It's just nonstop goalpost shifting. Not worth my time.
P4 is the last example you should give of a game that has good pacing.
I would say some Social Links are really good and fit the theme of the game better than the main plot does (at the very least they have no terrible villains in them).
Agree on everything else. Persona 5 just does not manage to say anything meaningful about its chosen theme unlike the previous games.
>P4 is the last example you should give of a game that has good pacing.
P4 is the atlus equivalent of a slice of life show that's supposed to be boring and meaningless
it's LITERALLY all about /comfy/ life on the countryside
I agree. I really like Persona 4. I fucking love all of the Persona games, the whole franchise appeals to me a lot.
I just hate tryhard faggots who act like P5 is the only one that isn't well written. They are all equally mediocre. They all have good spots, they all have bad spots. No Persona game is truly well written from start to finish but everyone acts like 2 and 3 are narrative gifts from god himself and 5 ruined the franchise.
No. It's all anime trope-laden shit. It's a glorified VN. It's not that deep. I love the franchise but goddamn, call a spade a spade.
Jack is so FFFUCKING HEE-HOT (he's actually cold)