i love seeing mutts seething because slavs are the only ones making good games right now
I love seeing mutts seething because slavs are the only ones making good games right now
Other urls found in this thread:
>2077 California
>Mostly white people
>No trans people
Based poles
mutts are seething because it's now mandatory to have at least 1 tranny in western vidya
slavs are shit at making games, source: i'm slav
the real mvp in gamedev is japan, they are single handedly keeping this shit in place
from where are you?
I agree Japan is the goat but Poland & Czechia are basically shitting all over American devs right now.
how come ? withcer trilogy was boring shit, cyberpunk looks like shit, only remotely decent game from slavs was kingdom come deliverance.
typicall mutt. also cyberpunk will beat all estern releases again
>not overtaken by amerifats
ISIS defense was robbed for GOTY
CEO is still polish. also they are still opposing lefty bullshit
poland, and i think witcher 3 is steaming pile of shit and cyberpunk is just big walking zoomer and normie attractor
>game set in america
>with american characters
>speaking american english
but yeah, america btfo
oj nie pierdol że cała seria jest zjebana. jedynka była zajebista
jedynka była zajebista w chuj, chyba moja pierwsza gra którą ukończyłem dwa razy pod rząd
>suddenly a faint "kurwa spierdalaj" is heard in the background
mutts are smarter than purebreds
stop with that latin russian bullshit and translate
especialy ones crossed with niggers
yeah, poland loves america more than the rest of europe
witcher 1 was good
Based kurwa contrarian
yes, yes it was
only nps love kikemerica. most of us on Yea Forums know that you are just bunch of annoying retards
what's an nps? is that plumbing or logging related?
i ment npcs. also
CP77 is the only thing i wanna see this year, i have literally 0 hype for anything else at e3. And i normally have high hopes for Bethesda and just know there's no reason to even check it out this year, same for the whole expo. I just want info and hype for CP77 and thats it, i dont even care about the RD. Keep it, as soon as it releases its going to be yet another disillusioning flat experience so just keep it in production forever i enjoy it more this way.
speak english. this is an american website
So only the people who matter like America, got it
That's stupid.
in a world where people can get cybernetic augmentations and gene mods I don't think there would be trans people because they'd get close enough to a full conversion no one would know so it wouldn't be a thing. People might get sex changes just to go into hiding when they get in trouble. There might even be questlines about that in the game for all we know.
Besides, in a setting with a lot of transhumanist themes transexuals would just be background noise and far less controversial.
no tux, no bux
imagine being this obsessed with identity politics that you have to project it onto everything you talk about.
you don't have to imagine of course because we get this /pol/ nonsense non-stop.
cp2137 hahahaha john paul 2 raped little kids
When puritans will fuck off then vidya can be apolitical again
Yeah, being Cathocucks is the only bad thing about poland
I think you mean mediocre Vlad
Here is CPDR staff working hard on Cyberpunk 2077
Why do yanks hate mexicans so much? I think they are so funny with their funny words like pendayho and whatnot
Yeah, do people really think a bunch of young, artsy software developers are going to be right-wing, even if they're Polish?
Gamers Rise Up!
God you're such a joke with your edgy persecution complex.
>Be protcuck
>Start wars that destroy half of Europe over religious autism
>Invent (((capitalism)))
>When the morals become inconvenient in the modern world you abandon Christianity or double down and become a zio-slave
>Lack of moral fortitude and direction causes a loss of confidence, collapse birthrates and flood countries with foreigners
>Harrassing people who are enjoying themselves is okay, what are you worried about?
You're the same type of retarded faggot that would be for prohibition, witch burnings, etc. Same thing difference time & place. Can't leave people alone.
I don't, but it's super weird for a company's staff to go to a gay pride parade together. I live in a big left wing city, and can't picture that happening at any of the places I have worked over the years. Fuck, it's probably the gayest city outside of California, or at least not on a coast.
I am slav and I think Wither is absolute garbage liked only by Polish shills.
fuck off, enjoying witcher 3 is first sign of brain tumor
They need to believe that they aren't odd or crazy for being wildly right wing and having no off switch when it comes to politics. They see liberal leftist enemies in everything and need to be validated by someone under the age of 50.
When you're so radical that everyone right leaning moderate looks like a leftist then you get desperate for "heroes" on your side to worship.
Probably because it isn't as big an issue in the US now as it is in Poland.
Cheers for Croteam, the best slav developers on the market.
was tw3 on loonex?
Bro, I can't see the staff of any of my jobs going to a political rally of any sort together en masse. That's what's weird, it's not just the gay part.
>Be catholic
>Get raped as child
Wrong, it's Bohemia Interactive
It's just basic cultural differences. American businesses consider sick leave a privilege. They don't organize company events like that because everyone should be working hard at all times. Use your small number of vacation days for going to parades.
bohemia who? what's a good game they made in the past 5 years?
A company I used to work for asked us to go down and get a free rainbow cupcake because its gay pride day/week and because of under-attendance on its own. This is in Toronto
I don't eat sugary stuff anymore so I gave mine to a fat coworker and talked to the tranny in QA.
>Arma 3
>harassing people who are enjoying themsleves
That is so stupidly vague you could be talking about anything from SJW police breaking down you door while you're eating cheerios and watching anime, to someone prying a bloody knife from your hand because you were enjoying yourself too much.
You're talking about shit you assume is happening more than it is, or that is a bigger deal than it is. You're a big joke.
Buy our Trauma Team shirts goyim.
I'm so H&L
I should probably also note that California is far less liberal than the right in america portray it. I mean voting-wise they're more spitefully blue now as a result of that constant profiling as the evil liberal haven. If they hadn't used it as a boogeyman they could have flipped it red by now. They kind of shot themselves in the foot there because they actually believed their own bullshit.
user, there are moral panics that flare up occasionally and the same archetype of asshole tries to ruin everyone's fun and they succeed 100% of the time there's no resistance. You will notice this when you get older as long as you're not one of them. Its the same script, someone's doing something I don't like, I have to stop it, if they convince the right people nobody gets to enjoy that thing again.
Its why fireworks are banned most of the year where I live, its why there's a government liquor store where I live, it's why there's a government pot store where I live, it's why the government controls electricity, healthcare, education, it's why they banned gays and now force everyone to like gays, it's why they segregated women and minorities and now force integration of them.
Its fucking stupid, just FUCK OFF. Leave people to their own devices, 100% of people will be way happier.
Иди нa хyй pyccкaя cyкa
it was trash compared to 2, 3 and even thronebreaker
that game had soul
It's fun with mods
japan needs to resign from consoles and embrace pc
>user, there are moral panics that flare up occasionally and the same archetype of asshole tries to ruin everyone's fun
Super vague. What's the fun being ruined? People writing clickbait about how your favorite game is problematic, or servers banning you for saying slurs? Or did they take away you knife after you stabbed the cat?
Most of the bullshit you think is out there is manufactured and overplayed. You're not a victim, evil feminists aren't actually taking your games away.
>Its why fireworks are banned most of the year where I live,
Because of idiots in urban areas setting things on fire.
> its why there's a government liquor store where I live, it's why there's a government pot store where I live, it's why the government controls electricity, healthcare, education, it's why they banned gays and now force everyone to like gays, it's why they segregated women and minorities and now force integration of them.
You're actually exactly as much of a fucking looney toon as I was jokingly making you out to be. I was trying to mock you by treating you like this much of a paranoid schizo /pol/ tool, but you're actually that fucking stupid. It's like you believe everything they tell you.
>You will notice this when you get older
I got more conservative in college but turned nasty liberal once I was in the workforce. I'm just going to assume you're under 25 and think you're old and wise for suddenly discovering politics and getting told what to believe.
As I said from the beginning, you're a joke, and everyone outside of this site laughs at your expense as you follow threads about twitter screencaps from trolls and clickbait nobodies with cirlces and lines from ms paint showing how everything is connected in a leftist conspiracy.
Based, stay mad SEETHING weebs, only slavs can make actual kino these days.
>What's the fun being ruined?
Playing and enjoying video games based on the dev's artistic vision rather than what they were pressured to produce by outrage mobs. If a feminist wants to make a feminist video game, fine. If someone else wants to make something else they should be free to do it without facing boycotts and lobbying and general outrage from puritanical, dogma-fueled assholes.
>Because of idiots in urban areas setting things on fire.
Wrong, they're banned because one kid blew up his hand with a pack of m-80s
>You're actually exactly as much of a fucking looney toon as I was jokingly making you out to be. I was trying to mock you by treating you like this much of a paranoid schizo /pol/ tool, but you're actually that fucking stupid. It's like you believe everything they tell you.
Moral panics are how Canada turned into a shitty country.
>I got more conservative in college but turned nasty liberal once I was in the workforce. I'm just going to assume you're under 25 and think you're old and wise for suddenly discovering politics and getting told what to believe.
Lmao name one contemporary conservative and liberal philosopher so I can laugh at your make pretend universe.
mutts are too dumb to apriciate slav games
>Playing and enjoying video games based on the dev's artistic vision rather than what they were pressured to produce by outrage mobs.
Vague. No specific examples even. You just have this general belief that this happens and that it happens for specific reasons and not just the usual corporate bullshit. Someone tells you on this site that a game was going to be different but was changed because feminists, you believe them. You won't consider any other reason it changed, or that it might have not been changed at all, or that such changes might have been the dev's decision, they have no agency apparently. Everyone is a slave to the evil feminist mob and what they demand. Ah, it must still be 2014 in your world, gamergate just starting, all this bullshit seeming so real and personal. And then you just kept on believing it.
>If a feminist wants to make a feminist video game, fine. If someone else wants to make something else they should be free to do it
They have and did and some might have been good most were bad, then the topic died down as people moved to other things to be overly political about. You really are trapped in 2014.
>Wrong, they're banned because one kid blew up his hand with a pack of m-80s
And that's a bad reason to place restrictions on explosives intended for entertainment? Are you going to complain about how you have to wear a seatbelt while riding in a car as well.
>Moral panics are how Canada turned into a shitty country.
And not because of China spreading their property bubble crisis over to you or any shitty trade deals. Oh no it's all because of liberals telling bossing you around. You're hilarious. A conservative canadian think they've got it bad and dreaming of a country where liberals don't rule. Well I got bad news for you about those kinds of countries buddy. They're in worse shape.
>Lmao name one contemporary conservative and liberal philosopher so I can laugh at your make pretend universe.
Philosopher? Oh god my sides.
>Vague. No specific examples even. You just have this general belief that this happens and that it happens for specific reasons and not just the usual corporate bullshit. Someone tells you on this site that a game was going to be different but was changed because feminists, you believe them. You won't consider any other reason it changed, or that it might have not been changed at all, or that such changes might have been the dev's decision, they have no agency apparently. Everyone is a slave to the evil feminist mob and what they demand. Ah, it must still be 2014 in your world, gamergate just starting, all this bullshit seeming so real and personal. And then you just kept on believing it.
>And that's a bad reason to place restrictions on explosives intended for entertainment? Are you going to complain about how you have to wear a seatbelt while riding in a car as well.
Yes it is and yes you should not be forced to wear a seltbelt, it's your own life at stake you should be free to risk or end it at will.
>And not because of China spreading their property bubble crisis over to you or any shitty trade deals. Oh no it's all because of liberals telling bossing you around. You're hilarious. A conservative canadian think they've got it bad and dreaming of a country where liberals don't rule. Well I got bad news for you about those kinds of countries buddy. They're in worse shape.
The property bubble is itself caused by government policy of inflating housing prices so baby boomer assets won't be insolvent because they failed to invest properly because of initial government interventions. All management failures by the state.
>Philosopher? Oh god my sides.
lmao at your entire existence you can't even figure out where to find that information.