Just found it

just found it
this isn't fake, right?

Attached: D8lLDpFXUAA3tr8.jpg (1200x900, 114K)

totally real, dude

It's a fake

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

I wouldn't call Xenogears a classic

it is

Shaky off screen picture? Of course it is real.

The fuck is a classic for you then? Games is 20 years old and loved by many.

I hope it's real but it's fake

If this is real I will jizz continuously for 10 minutes.

just the iso ran in an emulator

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Xeno series owned by Monolith and Nintendo by extension, or just Monolith as a company?

Take a (You) for making a fake leak directly pandered to my tastes.

fake as fuck
SE is however preparing a parasite eve remake with more focus on horror

You're wrong.

That's fair

Square still owns Gears, I believe, hence why we'll never get the proper seven episodes. That and the fact that no one but turbo autists like me would want all 7.

Huge if it's for gauging interest before an eventual remake.

I want to believe, holy crap. Xenogears and PE are probably my favorite RPGs of all time.

Xeno isn't really a series and every Xeno-something ownrd by a different company.

not blurry enough

Xenosaga remake WHEN???!!!

OP you retard don't play with my heart!!!

In 10+ years after FFXVI and KH4

Square will never do anything with Xenogears.

Attached: 1387949647283.jpg (2000x1406, 742K)

Who cares even if it is real, stop being a pleb and just buy a physical copy and play it on your PS1/PS2/PS3 fat. we don't need any more rereleases or remakes

Today's generation has grown up watching and playing nothing but remakes, ports, remasters, retelling, reimaginings, re-whatever the fucks. Creativity is dead.

>believing blurry image """leaks"""
realistically, a xenogears remake would be a waste of time unless takahashi actually finished the game this time. even then, i doubt he'd be able to resist adding xenocringe 2's atrocious combat system.

The game was never properly finished and so it is deserving of a remake, more so than FF7. And that latter remake is just a tech demo at this point with so much faffing about the graphics and redoing the whole gameplay aspect for no good reason.

A Xenogears remake would grant it the justice it deserves and allow a new generation to experience it along with us old men.

Xenogears actually does need a remake, though. The game is unfinished.

How do you guys rate Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2, and X from best to worst?

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Attached: a1109321126_16.jpg (700x700, 65K)

be a remake, don't be a remaster!
be a remake, don't be a remaster!
be a remake, don't be a remaster!
no one need a remaster!
be a remake, don't be a remaster!
be a remake, don't be a remaster!

Attached: Elly_miang_concept_draw_xenogears_project_proyecto_noah_xenosaga_3d_model_character_remake_xenogears (768x427, 190K)

being "unfinished" makes it cooler because it's postmodern and shit. Yall probably think Eva eps 25 and 26 are "unfinished" too...

1 > 2 = X

Its fake cause its on platforms other than switch


It's fake.

this but the opposite

Imagine how many games Xenogears would need to be split into considering a 35-hour JRPG (FF7) is having to be released episodically. Xenogears is 60 hours as is, not including everything that was cut out of it and the fact that episodes 2-4 were condensed into backstory for it.
A proper remake would be financial suicide, and no one wants anything but a proper remake. Save it for your fantasies.

Man XBC1 was so good, why did they have to go full kawaii animu uguu moe trash with 2

Xeno is three different series.
>Xenogears is the original, made by Monolith, owned by Square Enix
>Xenosaga is the first successor, made by Monolith, owned by Bandai Namco
>Xenoblade is the second successor, made by Monolith, owned by Monolith and therefore Nintendo by extension

remake is not possible and remaster is not a good idea
Just let gears rest in peace

Attached: deep.jpg (960x720, 177K)

The only reason FF7 remake is episodic is so they can milk more money out of it, it has nothing to do with the length or amount of content

>it is deserving of a remake
>A Xenogears remake would grant it the justice it deserves
fucking DIE you faggot queer Bitch NIGGGER


Attached: file.png (858x536, 1.13M)

Fake, no way this shit gets released on basedstation 4
Maybe on pc and switch

did they ever properly restore that painting?

Dumb zoomer.

the whole second half of the original game is a "cinematic experience" because they ran out of time to actually finish the game. it's not cool, it's an overpretentious slog.

>draw thing on paper
>smear 10 tons of liquid shit on top of it to restore it
>"did they ever properly restore that painting"

Attached: Getter Robo Armageddon 10 BDRip Dual Audio [1440x1080].mkv_snapshot_02.08_[2019.05.03_14.46.37].png (1440x1080, 1.66M)

daily reminder that a woman did this

You're overexcessively stupid.

if it is real then all hope is lost

Attached: 1505605102187.gif (300x300, 2M)

No, they actually ran out of time and money because of FF eating everything

based as fuck

but the jaw

Attached: 20130723_zaf_e26_085.jpg (2000x2752, 1.01M)

They ran out of time because Takahashi is bad at time management, FF has nothing to do with it. He did the same thing with Xenosaga

>The classic returns

you gotta be an pr retard to promote your game with that title

someone will try to dispute this by using takahashi's words, but it's because they have zero clue how humble japanese culture is

yeah this retard

Stop playing with my feelings, user.

Attached: 1559666960070m.jpg (1024x640, 56K)

I've been preaching this since before Takahashi said that, because the "FF8 STOLE Xenogears's money!" meme was never anything but idiots online spreading bullshit. The two games Takahashi has ever directed alone (Gears and Saga episode 1) were both unfinished and he's never directed a game alone since then. Just blame FF!

Xenoblade X is Xenogears Episode 1


The chair had its charm but it overstayed its welcome. Balancing it out with more gameplay segments would be just fine for a remake to do, no need to completely upend the whole segment.

Tetsuya Takahashi here.
Yes I can confirm it's real

1 > 2 > X

Dude do you have any fucking clue how huge FF7 would be with today's technical standards?
Splitting it up is absolutely mandatory, unless what you want is just a glorified summary.


It's fake but I would love it if it got an up-port. Not even a remake or w/e, just a bare ass port. Let me play it without emulating. Pls.