Can we all agree that DmC was the better game, right?
Can we all agree that DmC was the better game, right?
not even close
this is now a RULES OF NATURE thread
>t. TheGamingBritShow
It had better environments and art style I guess.
Gameplay maybe also since its more varied.
But story, hype moments and excitement in general were off the charts in revengeance.
Rising > DMCV >>>>> DmC
DmC DE > Revengeance
Prove me wrong
I literally can't.
>Pft. Not in a million years.
Every single boss in DmC is absolute garbage-tier from a gameplay perspective except Vergil.
In Metal Gear Rising every single boss is fucking amazing from a gameplay perspective.
OP, just admit you want to talk about an e-celeb.
Those two games have nothing in common aside from some retarded british dude comparing them.
MGR is superior in every aspect.
Hell, the DmC reboot was so bad the original series was brought back
>two games in the same genre have nothing in common because some dude I don't like talked about them
The first boss is decent.
not metal gear excelsus
Fuck off reddit.
might as well compare DMC5 and Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae if you want to talk about 2 random games from the same genre.
have any of you actually played Revengeance in recent years? I recently bought it again for my ps3 and its just awful.
Plays and looks like dogshit.
Music is the only saving grace and even then its a little on the cringe side with some lyrics.
Better mechanics.
No repetitive slashing mini-game.
Actual combos instead of memorizing button presses.
Uncapped fps since PC release.
Actually fixed mistakes in re-release.
Aesthetically pleasing instead of le brow/grey mature look.
Good kind of edgy.
And above all, actual weapon switching.
No, it was absolute shit at launch and then DE managed to make it decent
The interesting thing about that GamingBrit video is that he misunderstands what gives games depth.
He skims over the fact that you have to actually apply yourself to beat enemies and bosses in MGR, since they're all aggressive, when that's exactly what makes it better as a game than DMC.
In DMC you can do more combos and be creative and mix stuff up etc. but none of that is actually necessary to beat enemies. It's necessary to get more points and buy more skills that aren't necessary to beat enemies.
MGR, with its much more basic combos and simplistic parry system, ends up a richer game simply because enemies are always some form of challenge, particularly bosses, and not just when you want to get a higher grade.
GamingBrit is based as fuck. DmC is simply superior in every aspect imaginable.
>Better mechanics.
Color coded enemies that can only take damage from one specific weapon is "better mechanics"?
Dude, you blew your bait on your first "argument"
he said MGR was better though.
Then he is Soi
how can you even say MGS is challenging? you can literally block 99% of the enemies just by spamming forward and block and you'll win eventually
did we even play the same game?
>DmC is simply superior in every aspect imaginable.
Lol, Charlie even shatted on DmC's story while he praised MGR's
The only reason he made that video was because how he feels bitter on not having a sequel for this great game while DmC fixed most if it's wrongs with the DE
Too dumb to do anything other than mash? lmao
I never got the butthurt over his videos. Did he step on some tranny discord's toes or something?
the amount of people who struggled with the dog says different
just because some people don't experiment with their toolset doesn't make the game challenging
MGR is a reddit meme game we liked only outbid spite
It was more charming in some ways, Rising's DUDE CRRRUUAAZZYY got old fast.
DmC wasn't as bad as people say it is, the gameplay is solid. The writing is pretty mediocre, but it honestly doesn't have much competition with the other DMCs in that regard.
While MGR's low brow writing is unga bunga tiers of shit and braindead, DmC on the other hand is intelligently written and strongly thought-provoking, a rarity for an action game.