Where does the "most video game players are women" myth come from? Is it inflated from shit from mobile games like candy crush?
Where does the "most video game players are women" myth come from...
>Is it inflated from shit from mobile games like candy crush?
It is inflated by mobile games, yeah.
Take them out of the equation and you're reaching 10%. Even someone like Nintendo who you would suspect to have above average amount of women players from their focus on pretty universal genres rather than male interest like shooters or racing are at like, 10% female or so from both a Wii U & Switch report
Not even that, it is just "research".
>Where does the "most video game players are women" myth come from?
Myth. Mobile shit isn't on the same level as "hardcore" stuff I don't even consider them games.
Theres literally nothing wrong with being a jew... try again
Why is California cucking the gaming industry so hard? They literally just voted to give illegal aliens medicaid. Why force women into video games?
it's like saying most video game players are 60+ because they like to play solitaire on their PCs
Semantic issues regarding the word "gamer". For people doing the research a "gamer" is someone who've touched a game at least once the past week. This includes mobile games.
Hence media is reporting shit like "more than half of gamers are female, but the industry doesn't know" tripe.
>Is it inflated from shit from mobile games like candy crush?
t. flyover cuck
Being flyover is based. I got everything you fags have but without everyone shitting on the streets everywhere.
Your state is devolving into a shithole and the tech industry will find a new home base once the state can no longer support its needs.
After the tech industry leaves you'll have Detroit 2.0.
It's inflated by mobile games and those that cite it don't separate mobile games from console games from PC games.
Anyone claiming or putting forth a statistic must define the qualifying criteria to the most basic deconstruction, then justify that definition
Anyone reporting on the above must state the above definition
because games 'journalism' and gender issues are a joke, this isn't done so gamer means the broadest range you can conjure
(((journalists))) who repeat this shit deserve to die desu
That's cuz you have no streets lmao
keep dreaming haha
Jealous of those of us living close to nature instead of in a literal cyberpunk dystopia?
Based. Tranny journalists' reactions will be priceless when the bubble bursts and silicon valley implodes on itself.
>Majority of women play games
If you add in casual stuff like phone games and Candy crush, and basic easy shit for easy views and money for the gurl gamer charade then yes Females are the majority. But otherwise if it is PC, Console and other games it's mostly men. About 98% men.
>he doesn't know California has all the biomes
Exactly. That's how they skew and manipulate the data.
So what conditions would Yea Forums set for someone to be considered a gamer?
Look above than ask questions faggot.
It's really contrived. They go out of their way to ask mostly women and they don't ask them if they're gamers. They ask something like "have you ever played angry birds or candy crush?" or something like that. Everyone who answers "yes" is a gamer by their metric.
They don't do logical things like count the user accounts for consoles or PC launchers. For whatever reason, the real gaming systems aren't where they look for their so-called gamers.
Plays games as a hobby rather than simple timewasters
It's a shame such a nice piece of land has become infested with the awful vermin known as Californians
phone games don't count
literally anything else is fine
I mean, "rather than simply doing it to waste time"
is there a minimum time/period or frequency required for it to be considered a hobby?
>Plays games as a hobby
>Microsoft pajeets using company money to see something they only dreamed about sleeping on the shit filled street: a white girl
This. There’s a reason why Trump loves them so much.
>plays game for 30 minutes once every month
>Yes I'm totally a gamer teehee, don't hit on me guys
Anyone that call themselves a gamer is a retard
He is President of the United States.
I live on the east coast.
Spends $200 a year on vidya
DLC, kikeboxes, and P2W browser game shit doesnt count.
Mixture of time played and products bought. Not saying you must score highly at both, but if you are either dedicating a huge amount of time to it and/or playing a large breadth of games regularly it is a hobby. If you just play candy crush for 5 minutes on the bus to work that isn't much interaction.
If you were planning to make a long ass RPG then the second group aren't really your target. If you are looking to make a basic cash grab puzzle game then the first lot aren't who you are looking for.
That's an over simplification. Not every phone game is candy crush. Not even uncommon to see ports of old real games.
And he was married to a jew
Ivanka is a jew too
what about pirate fags
Why would dancing girls be problematic? Are SJWs all puritans or something
Yes. They literally are rallying around the hijab, a item of female oppression, as a symbol of feminism.
I dont think they give a fuck whether or not you call them a gamer or not.
They just want to play videogames
Need to actually have some kind of interest in them, need to have a minimum of at the VERY least like 5-6 hours per week spent playing games. Mobile games do not count at all, 99.9% of people who play games on their phone are just normies for whom playing a few levels of candycrush or whatever while on break is just the modern equivalent of doing todays crossword in the paper. That's what always makes these statistics retardedly wonky, if you define "gamer" as "someone who touches an electronically presented game once a week".
Well it's not a myth but it counts browser games and mobile games.
No. Hobbies are defined by their relation to the one doing them, not by time or knowledge of. A hobby is an activity/interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation. The "pursued" element is what parses it from people who frequent timewasters. They aren't pursuing the activity but rather defaulting to it to pass time with/between their actual activity.
>nothing wrong with being a jew
Now that's funny
Women who play casually would see it and think this is a space not for them. The complaint deals with making an atmosphere that are accommodating to both sexes.
>Mobile games do not count at all
That's may be true for the west. But there's a reason why mobile gaming has completely come to dominate the eastern market. They spend almost all their time at work and commuting. They flat out don't have 5-6h to spend at home if they want to sleep before the next shift.
It's sadly not one of the things that are strictly defined. Frequency or length of time are also not very good measures. If I pull up a sudoku on my phone every time I'm on a bus, but I have to travel around the city for my job, I probably play videogames more often and for a longer period of time than a lot of posters on Yea Forums.
But generally the hobbyist designation comes into play with 'involvement', so to speak. A hobby is not a habit of opportunity (you do it because it is available and you have the time). You involve yourself with it, spend resources on it (time and/or money) instead of other activities, you improve your tools, your skills, your materials, the hobby is the end, not the means. Someone playing a videogame to stave off boredom is fundamentally different than someone playing a videogame to, for example, become better at it. If you want a few indicators though, I'd say if you've ever replaced parts of your computer to make it a better videogame platform, you're probably a hobbyist (particularly a PC videogame enthusiast). And I think this definition also encompasses some 'undesirables', women playing candy crush on their phones being called gamers might seem ill-fitting, but they may be quite the hobbyists as well if, for example, they upgrade their phones, seek to beat the leaderboard and improve their skills, etc. Someone doing it because it is merely entertaining as a matter of convenience is fundamentally different from this 'candy crush enthusiast', and I'd say this person is definitely a gamer.
It's from the Farmville days when you used to get full time mommies endlessly playing Facebook games
Only retarded studios will be making triple AAA console games for women. Industry knows who plays console/PC games.
This, but the east and west are different markets. I don't know why companies can't understand that.
SJWs would throw a bitchfest if they saw that the mobile games popular over there were popular over here.
Maybe they should ask for a man dancing in the corner, then.
Yes, it is.
However, I don't consider fifa a real game either, so in total, maybe 10% are real female gaming enthusiasts (even playing shit like Mario is enough to be a part of it) and maybe 15% to 20% males