Which one should I play first?

Which one should I play first?

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They’re both very different so it doesn’t matter
I played the remake first though

Play the right one first and the left one not at all. Every RE game released before 4 is total dogshit and not worth playing, even for the story.

Actually it's the opposite


1 obviously you retard

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left if you want survival horror and the requirement that you have at least a couple functioning brain cells that you can use
right if you want call of duty in third person meant to appeal to lobotomized teenagers

should I play 7 or RE2make first?

Gee, I sure love
> Fixed camera angles
> Tank controls
> 6 or 8 inventory slots
> Ink ribbons
> Door animations that take up 25% of the time you spend in game
If you think ANY of this is good game design, you are a senile old boomer that belongs in a retirement home.


Only Resident Evil games worth playing are Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 2 Remake

Don't even @me boomers

whichever you want, both great games, don't listen to or they're both retarded

5 and 7 are good as well

This but unironically. Only REs worth playing are 4, 5, 7 and RE2 remake.

Remake if you have more than 10 braincells
Re4 if you have less

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Dunno OP probably the ONE THAT COMES FIRST

Resident Evil 1 is worth playing if you're interested in the history of video games because of it's overall significance in the gaming landscape.
But Resident Evil 1 is not a good game to play.
Repeat - Resident Evil 1 is not a good game to play.

don't listen to this mentally dysfunctional user, 4 is a passable game but absolutely terrible in the RE franchise, and I don't just mean "it doesn't play like a classic RE game with a fixed camera!", it has trash tier survival horror elements, the horror of it in general is weak as fuck and it's incredibly clunky. it's legitimately painful to play. at least the other ones have the age excuse for being clunky and sort of use that to their advantage, and their survival horror elements are 10/10


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>Gee, I sure love
> Fixed camera angles
> Tank controls
> 6 or 8 inventory slots
> Ink ribbons
> Door animations that take up 25% of the time you spend in game

yes...? Imagine thinking RE4 is modern game design these days. Get some self awareness.

Based and true if we're talking about main series. Haven't tried all the spinoffs, maybe some of them could be worthwhile

>repeat- i am being controversial for attention

Bitch, RE4 basically invented the modern on rails third person shooter formula. It's a million times more modern than any RE game that came before it.

git gud
it's not perfect and could be improved but it can be mastered, it's like god hand in that way, sure, it would have been better to get a lock on and better movement and camera system, but the game can be mastered if you're willing

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the original 3 aged like ass. they arent fun and just a chore to play
>inb4 zoomer

Resident Evil 4 hasn't aged well either. The tank controls play like shit today.

Play RE2make.

>the absolute state of 4fags ITT

Why is RE aparently the only series on Yea Forums where people who dont like the games feel the need to come into that franchises threads and tell everyone they dont like the games? Fuck off retards.

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> Not playing on PC with FOV adjust mod
Jesus, I forgot how awful the default FOV was in this game

the tight fov is intentional to limit your vision and add tension, removing it takes a lot away from the game

OP asked for an opinion and he's getting it. RE4 was revolutionary and the reason why people actually still give a fuck about Resident Evil today. All the games before it aged like the piss jugs sitting under your desk


so? 2005 was 14 years ago grandpa, and its controls are also a relic now. The fact that you reply "thats how the game is built though on purpose" while calling anyone who likes REmake shit is fucking hilariously without self awareness. Do 4fags even realise they have become the stubborn classicfags they used to mock? You guys are peak nostalgiafaggot and i say that as someone who bought RE4 day one and STILL play it today.


> Muh developer's vision
Cry me a river, devs can make retarded decisions and this is one of them. I played with at least double the default FOV and enjoyed the game a lot more than I would have with literal 50° fov

Because even with all the ways it's aged, 4 is still far, far more modern than REmake.

WAS revolutionary, WAS user. Key word." Just like how RE was ALREADY a blockbuster money printing franchise BEFORE RE4 was a thing. And an actual better word was "more accesable. If RE4 was "so revelotionary then why has everything that emulated bar fucking Dead Space, one fucking other game, been reffered to as "generic OTS TPS" ever since?

thats like saying REmake is more modern than 2D side scrollers. Fucking duh. You cant just hand wave how inferior controls in RE4 are to games like REmake 2 if you are going to make retarded absolutists arguments like you are about what ages and what doesn't.

Play remake 2

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Fuck you the coop is kino and sheva is a goddess

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If you are new to the franchise, I would at least recommend trying out REmake/original, RE2, and RE3 first. Yes, they have not aged well in some aspects, but they have a lot of charm and survival horror aspects that are discarded nowadays for action elements. At the very least, I would play through REmake.

RE4 is a terrific game and among the best in the series as far as 3rd person action goes. I also think it does a OK job of still capturing some of the eerie feeling of the first few games while doing its own thing, but it is still much more action oriented.

As far as other games go:
>REmake 2 is really good and is the second best in the series for 3rd person stuff, but I would highly recommend playing or at least watching RE2 before playing it.
>Code Veronica is the hardest of the fixed camera angle games and can be a bit of a pain sometimes. Would recommend only if you enjoyed the other fixed camera angle games. Its decent.
>RE0 is...eh. Only play if you really liked REmake or finished the other FCA games.
>RE5 is decent, but defiantly more action oriented then 4 and doesn't have the atmosphere or charm. Kind of important plot wise though for tying up some stuff.
>RE6 can be a hard sit. The worst of the RE titles and one of the longest. Its quality fluctuates depending on who you are playing as and if you have a competent co-op partner.
>RE7 is pretty decent, but a very different game. Brings back a lot of survivor horror elements, but has kind of crappy combat and the story is a bit eeeeh. Wasn't a huge fan of the early game.

These arguments are fucking hilarious when you consider that most RE4fags ignore the same statements used to defend the earlier games fixed camera angles.

Its so weird that people like this think RE4 hasn't aged.

Oh yeah, and the Revelations games are hit or miss. Revelations 1 is all over the place quality wise, and Revelations 2 is better but feels a bit cheap at times (Both production and balancing wise). It feels like they were trying to bring back some of the horror elements the earlier games had, but couldn't quite to do it like REmake 2 eventually did.

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who the fuck is talking about 5
sheva is a qt, 5 actually improved on 4's shit tier gameplay and made it tolerable
completely dropped the horror elements though which was incredibly gay

wojak posters should get the rope

I didn't say it hasn't aged. I agree REmake 2 is better than RE4. But RE4 is infinitely more playable as a classic game than REmake.

Wut? To be fair, the biggest issue with RE4 is the controls can be a bit awkward at times (Something that RE5 did better) and some of the later parts is when the game starts to lose some steam, especially when you get to the island. That, and some of the visuals can be a bit muddy.

I do overall think it has aged fairly well though, especially compared to some of the other entries.


Offer an example of a good game to play and state why without using words like good

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Left side is totally sexist that Zombie is raping her!!!

Re4 is trash, it ruined the series for 15 years

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All i ever get from these threads is that RE4 fans are unable to look at their nostalgic game with anything but rose tints. They mock REmake but then use all the defences that they disregard when classicfags say it
>its a design choice
>it builds tension
>it was revolutionary at the time
>you are just a zoomer

Seriously, i love RE4 but i recommended it to my younger online friends who are now only just 20 and they were ALL dissapointed with RE4. They all said the same things: "the controls suck, i cant move and shoot, i cant strafe, its full of QTE's, its repetitive, the enemy a.i is garbage, tank controls suck ass, pressing a fucking button to run sucks ass, this game is dated now." And how can i blame them? They didn't grow up with these more archaic design choices.

>cant move and shoot
>cant strafe

Its weird. Its dated.

>"the controls suck, i cant move and shoot, i cant strafe, its full of QTE's, its repetitive, the enemy a.i is garbage, tank controls suck ass, pressing a fucking button to run sucks ass, this game is dated now."
I played it for the first time a few weeks ago and I can confirm this is all correct

I played RE4 first, loved it, and ended up playing and enjoying all the classic RE games. Just play whichever seems more fun to you.

I do love all those things, yes. Especially the first two.

I've played REmake two times in the past and was stuck halfway through it (or even a bit earlier).
Those puzzles and resource management sure is difficult haha