so what does it mean Yea Forums?
Fake Smash Ball speculation thread
Why do smashniggers enjoy arguing about who is or isn't going to be in the game more than they actually like playing the game?
Biggest brain is actually correct. There’s absolutely no meaning, it’s just a funny ha ha at the prop
They have cash on it. Really if you aren't making at least $250 if Banjo isn't in tomorrow then you're wasting your time.
they don't, its just the vocal ones on here while the rest are playing
What the hell are you talking about
He's in.
I'm still shocked that someone actually managed to have a 450 post thread by photoshopping an image of Metal Gear Ray to look like the smash ball visual effects.
Remember the Sun at the end of King K Rool reveal?
Isaac confirmed right?
>Talk about Smash
>"Why do you talk about what characters are going to get in instead of actually playing it you faggot"
>tell him that I have played Smash every day (roughly) since it came out
>"Get a life faggot and stop playing a children's party game"
Fake Pikachu aka Jibunyan confirmed
Rosterfaggotry is one of the most cancerous things on this board, second only to console wars.
is it possible to do bets on stuff like this?
is there a site for this too? i need to make some good money
You guys remember when Nippon got hit by that earthquake and you faggots thought it was Sakurai teasing Issac?
that was the dumbest shit
remember Box theory?
I thought they were saying that Isaac's reveal got delayed by the earthquake... You're not lying on the internet, are you?
Remember folks, the chair meant jack shit, they were just chairs.
Its the same situation here it means nothing.
The first one just doesn't make sense. The second has a lot of great ideas and theories, I even agree with one of them. The third is most likely.
Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch, who lived just North of Whoville, did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
Seriously, these were nothing in comparison to Grinch Leak.
Box theory was true tho
I say nothing could reach the low point of Smash hype seasons that was the Grinch leak, but then again, that's seriously overestimating how stupid Yea Forums can be when riled up.
>these were nothing in comparison to Grinch Leak.
remember the imgur riddler leak?
the one that had mimikyu and geno+mallow in it?
that was pretty much the grinch before it happened
>muh heroes vs villains is real gais!!
You are becoming hysterical.
>He doesn't know about "that"
Why is this is still even a discussion?
Banjo's out.
Erdrick and Doomguy are in.
Excuse me?
What is the fake smash ball? I know it’s a false smash ball that creates an explosion when hit enough times and has the thick and thin lines in opposite places, but what does it have to do with the new character?
the "fake smash ball" isn't called "fake smash ball" in japan
holy fuck
there is no hint
>Fake Smash Balls explode into an X
>X... X as in Xbox?
>Banjo is Xbox... Banjo in Smash!..
... nah, in all seriousness, I think it's a prop that is going through an animation cycle and Sakurai thought it was funny.
>still trying to shill your shitty piggyback leak
Kill yourself
You guys are retarded. The fake smash ball doesn't mean a specific character it means that Soccer guy is lying because they're actually going to announce two or more new fighters, not just the next one.
Are you trying to bring up that "Pokemon leak" where the guy got info on an image on imgur that was posted by Sagi 9 hours before he posted it on Yea Forums and slapped random info on it...
Thanks. Though it’s probably just supposed to do that at different intervals, so everyone is probably freaking out over nothing it seems. I can understand what everyone is going on about at least, since it conveniently did it right as he mentioned working on the new fighter, but I still doubt that it’s anything greater than a mere coincidence
sorry doomtard, but that leak was piggybacked
meanwhile, the Spongebob leak didn't (which was a week before Rehydrated was announced)
he's in
you can lie on NDA
it means we've been playing a "fake" version of the game all this time, on Tuesday it will update to the "real" version which will force items on at all times.
>Banjo being leakbait for Master Chief
>Chief breaks the shitty >muh nintendo connections rule
i don't think roosterfags here will take it
Maybe it means he added a new smash ball that switches between the two types...
Box Theory was true
Wasn't Master Cheif Deconfirmed a while ago?
>he doesn't know about Japan time
i know even tho the box didn't have Kencineroar anyways
i brought it up because it was hilarious looking back at all the denial for it before Grinch happened
it was the only theory that was correct the entire time
i still think that the whole "heroes vs villains thing" happened because whoever leaked that saw the start of the krool trailer and thought that was what the next smash was going to be about
>reading comprehension
heh.. sorry bub but this is my invitation
you're talking about loz18
which Sabi confirmed he was an E3 employee looking to cause havoc
He's in
Reminder that the chairs were accurate, just that skull kid fags were looking at the wrong chair.
The couch and the pot plant in the direct were the ones in the mayor's office, teasing Isabelle. The final direct was in front of a breakfast bar/counter, similar to the Coffee Shop that Joker lives in.
I didn't watch the smash tourney what the fuck did I miss about this smash ball shit
>“Master Chief is not is Smash dlc”
>is not is
Seconding this. I have no clue what’s going on
the 2 chairs was Galeem and Dharkon, you doofus
read the thread