ITT: God tier sequels

ITT: God tier sequels.

Attached: thief2fallout2.jpg (401x220, 37K)

>Fallout 2

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Fuck off mutie scum

Fallout 2 sucks. Every 5 steps you take the game shoves some le wacky meme at you.

>I've never played this game but Yea Forums says this about it all the time so it must be true

You haven't actually played Fallout 2

Attached: doom2poster.jpg (750x1125, 222K)

>If you don't like the constant memeing in Fallout 2 that means you haven't played it
It's a legitimately unfunny game and is nothing like Fallout 1 in terms of atmosphere and writing.
The devs even admit this, and said that it's largely due to the fact that development of the game was more spread out amongst different teams and people.

Attached: 9A4D2125-D447-4D73-943F-45D22F718529.jpg (616x353, 39K)

>Fallout 2 has shit atmospher-

Attached: Fo2_Ghost_Farm.png (2558x1583, 1.49M)

The Sims 2

That was intimidating for all of 5 seconds until they reveal it's a ruse. And then you run into more wacky 90's memes.

Man. I loved all first cities.

Later game cities sucks.

>It's a legitimately unfunny game
It has Juan Cruz and Nikki Goldman what more do you want?

Attached: t-tom-cruise-nicole-kidman.jpg (1440x960, 343K)

Attached: swkotor2_2014-12-31_17-05-12-24.png (669x678, 437K)

Red Alert 2/Tiberian Sun

Final Fantasy VII

the GOAT answer

New Reno is the best city in the entire game.

Attached: CK6zghqUsAIGYux.jpg (712x1024, 126K)

KOTOR II, The Fall of Max Payne and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.




I have played the game and it's exactly as user describes
Fallout 2 is worse than Fallout 3 and a disappointment compared to the original. fight me