How do you fund your gaming habit?

How do you fund your gaming habit?

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I have a job.

I have a job.

I have a job and don't buy things at full price

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How many hours do you work a day?

job + parents

the same way I fund my film, tv show and music habit.

Wagies like fund me

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games are shit now so i dont have to fund it


I'm black, so white women pay me to rape them.

What's yang?

>tfw /pol/ always right

mommy bought me a gayman PC 5 years ago, ive pirated every single game ive ever played on it.
who else /NEET/ here

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Fuck off Zoomer

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About 8 hours a day. I work at a place that makes generators.


>What’s Yang?
The Jeb! of the Democratic Party.

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why is their hair green? What are they? IRISH?!

I do porn.

>How do you fund your gaming habit?
I help sell guns and meth.

>tfw you own land
>tfw you put your money in your land to make it auto-sufficient
>tfw you have a bailout option if everything goes to shit
>tfw NEETfriends are nothing without tax money

You should drop your tendies once in a while and come open up trails with me, it's good workout, it keeps you busy, you get energized by the great outdoors and we can end the day with a beer on my cabin's porch watching the stars or by grilling a steak on the bonfire.

I'd love to watch the stars with you, user.

Can we hunt feral cats?
I always wanted to go hunting feral cats.


I have a job and hack my handhelds for free games. I buy a game at most once a month.

Well paid IT job. 26 y/o.

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>he says as he completely relies on the gubmint for his funds

What's a game? haha

Adding lego Joker to the Joker lineup is the funniest shit ever

Same, people pay stupid amounts for mediocre scribbles if it involves their niche fetish.Mostly its just people obessed with this one specific scenario but with different characters.

take me hunting and let me do physical labor and sure

are you LOOKING to get doxxed?

can i kill myself with one of your rifles?

>actually working in a society that willfully takes your hard earned money and gives it to NEETS
You are the dumb generation boomer, behind that smug anime pic you have nothing and there is nothing you can do other than pay taxes for my amusement

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No you cannot. Only positive energies in my camp son.
I don't judge you though.

Full time jobs fucking suck.
There is no alternative for a talentless antisocial, cynical cunt like myself, life is truly unfair.

>reply to the suicidal faggot and not someone willing to work for free

Used to be a NEET for 1 1/2 years and it has been the absolute worst time of my life thus far.

You feel like an absolute worthless piece of shit. Spending all day in front of your computer, doing fuck all, neglecting your family and friendships... Honestly I was considering suicide once my funds would run dry.

This desu senpai.

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>t. pathetic chink incel

>mortgage a house near university
>rent out the individual rooms to rich chinese students
>whole thing pays for itself
>tfw NEET + disposable income

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my girlfriend funds me while i "work on my dreams"

how long til it's over lads?

>hotel shuttle driver in evenings
actually fairly comfy, above minimum wage in an area that's cheap to afford due to tornados every spring, and i have a promotion to doing 11pm-7am shift stuff soon that'll give me more $$. also my coworkers and managers are all easy to get along with
desu driving is comfy. you either talk to people or listen to music. if someone is pissed off at the hotel, they're gonna get pissed at the front desk and not me; the best i can do is soften them up before they get there

I work in winter and get all summer off to do whatever. Family is all dead, no rent, no debts, no subscriptions.

You'll never be this free.

>bragging about every family member being dead

the state of Yea Forums richfags