DMC5 gush thread

Let's talk about how absolutely perfect DMC5 is.

Attached: DMC5 title screen.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

It's shit

It's not.


Name one thing wrong about it.
Protip: the things you'll list have more to do with the fact that you don't like action games than any actual merit.

It's maximum cringe.


It's the coolest characters in vidya acting cooler than ever. The cringiest thing might be the bird, but it rescues itself in Chapter 18.

I didnt like the boring samey visuals in the 2nd half of the game. And V is boring on replays. Other then that i dont have any problems.

5 has some minor problems but 5 is the best one.

i will play it again when they make it not imperative to play as V
it's fine apart from that

Oh and the storys pacing was bad. It felt rushed at the end, and lady and trish didnt do anything


The impact of the story is banking on your investment in the series. Either way, it's far better than having the big reveal happen in the middle of the story and the second half of missions just being everyone going through the Qlipoth again.

>Level design doesn't exist, this game may as well be bloody palace with a few procedurally generated walls
>The color pallet is gray on gray on random neon
>V is fucking terrible to play to the point that just mashing buttons is more effective, in both damage and style ranking, than actually trying to play him "correctly"
>No turbo mode
>Day 1 on disc DLC weapons
>No good costumes, just lazy pallet swaps
>No weapon skins
>Pre-order bonus
>3 characters, 1 of which is complete shit
>No Lady
>No Trish
>No Vergil
>Have to wait hours to play Dante, and once again he shows up with a weapon loadout that doesn't match DMC3's because we really fucking needed Rebellion and two Rebellion variants, but at least the fist weapon isn't shit this time
>Massive amount of stupid bloated cutscenes that they clearly blew a huge chunk of the budget on despite the writing being fucking terrible and the storyline going absolutely nowhere. If these dumbshits are going to blow money on face scans, retarded sentai mocap, voice acting and setpieces, at least make this shit passable
>Vergil's boss fight is basically DmC's fight, but slightly faster, sort of
>The bosses in general have not improved at all from DMC4's awful bosses
>Non-cutscene face models are some of the worst I have seen in years. Bad expressions, terrible hair quality, and dear god Dante randomly looks like he's channeling fuckin Cleric Beast or something
>Sin DTs look fucking terrible and are the most overdesigned trash I have ever seen
>Yet another DMC game where every character undergoes a complete visual redesign because Itsuno can't make up his mind on what the fuck he wants characters to look like, taking it a step farther and also changing how all the weapons look for absolutely no reason
>Nero continues to exist for no apparent reason, he is literally an annoying tween retard AGAIN, and his character development is crying over whatever AGAIN

Based. Vergil DLC tonight bros.


Attached: Screenshot_102.png (871x444, 609K)

Will he spill the beans?

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Is there a webm showing that concentration mechanic?

I have literally never wanted to fuck a video game character before Nero.

This feeling is weird and I’ve been really uncomfortable for the past several months about it. Idk what to do.

I rate it 9.2/10. Great game.

It’s not. Stop lying to yourselves

Capcops are being extra careful today.

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Anyone done all 100 stages of battle mode or whatever its called? Ive only lasted to maybe 25ish .

>that jaw

WTF. How?

>Level design doesn't exist, this game may as well be bloody palace with a few procedurally generated walls
The only DMC game that really featured any exploration was DMC1, and it was a wholly vestigial element carried over from RE
>The color pallet is gray on gray on random neon
Agree, at least 4 varied the themes of its locations.
>V is fucking terrible to play to the point that just mashing buttons is more effective, in both damage and style ranking, than actually trying to play him "correctly"
Agreed, but he grew on me as a character, and he's played in the least amount of missions.
>No turbo mode
>Day 1 on disc DLC weapons
Gay "industry is dead" shit. Agreed, but likely forced on devs by execs.
>No good costumes, just lazy pallet swaps
I don't even feel pressured to pay for the DLC costumes. Mods will likely produce better quality stuff. Agreed.
>No weapon skins
There's so fucking many, it hardly matters. And this wasn't exactly a feature in past games.
>Pre-order bonus
More gay industry shit. Agreed.
>3 characters, 1 of which is complete shit
Parroting your V point. Dunno how numbers plays into it.
>No Lady
>No Trish
>No Vergil

gfycat (.) com slash vigilantthriftyeyra

Attached: Screenshot_106.png (424x444, 408K)

Done it as V, he's quite easy since you mostly stay out of the fights

Made it quite far as Nero but I keep dying because I get more interested in messing around with breakers than actually surviving


Wrong, here you go:
1) Doesn't stick to Colder/Darker city environments despite that clearly being where the engine shines.
2) No Breaker Swapping. Not even after SoS.
3) DmC tier gravity and level design.
4) No co-op in BP despite being teased throughout the whole game
5) Incremental difficulties as opposed to modifiers.
6) Animations too jittery, stoic and slow to flow into one another well.
7) Tomboy's BreakAge doesn't fire off a Maximum Bet.
8) Blatant invisible walls in levels all about searching every nook and cranny.
9) V's Pets teleport to enemies instead of acting like actual weapons.
10) V's DT infusion makes him even more mind numbing.
11) Book isn't a taunt.
12) No real Boss Rush
13) Don't get to fight Geryon as other Characters
14) Wide bland BP styled arena with barely any meaningful toys.
15) Only Nero has enough Mobility to make traversal fun.
16) No reversals(Never used Inertia) despite it being in the demo
17) No Alternative SS inputing: Say put DT on Gun Cycle(and that one on D-Pad) and Make +Face the shifter.
18) No "wind currents" from red queen, thus missing the point.
19) Too low HP and Damage on Devil Hunter. Human might as well not exist since Frequent Gold Orbs are a better easy mode.
20) Super Nero should have made DBreakers free instead
(Story can have it's own category)

Sekiro was so much better

Don't respond to bait

>Have to wait hours to play Dante, and once again he shows up with a weapon loadout that doesn't match DMC3's because we really fucking needed Rebellion and two Rebellion variants, but at least the fist weapon isn't shit this time
Why does DMC3 need to be mimicked? And Dante has become increasingly complex with each iteration. he has to be held back for the sake of newer players. He's also a reward for seasoned players. It's a small hiccup that's par for the course with these kinds of games. I feel it's akin to complaining all the moves need to be purchased.
>Massive amount of stupid bloated cutscenes that they clearly blew a huge chunk of the budget on despite the writing being fucking terrible and the storyline going absolutely nowhere. If these dumbshits are going to blow money on face scans, retarded sentai mocap, voice acting and setpieces, at least make this shit passable
The scenes and story are the best in the series sans some of the cooler stuff in 3, and the storyline pushes the plot and character development further than anything since 3.
>Vergil's boss fight is basically DmC's fight, but slightly faster, sort of
I like that they paid homage. Say what you want about his character in DmC, but the progression of the music, his phases, the banter, and dynamic camera all made it a very good boss battle if a bit too easy. Moreover, I think people misremember DMC3 Vergil 3. When he DTed on higher difficulties, it was a solid minute of running around the battle field. The hyp and music were kino as fuck, but the final product left a lot to be desired.
>The bosses in general have not improved at all from DMC4's awful bosses
The quantity alone means if they have a similar quality, then it's hardly noticed. But I disagree, they're a step up and encourage different styles of approach without the silly gimmicks of 4's bosses.

>game crashes at the end of every load screen

Attached: what were they thinking.jpg (720x480, 80K)

Boring level and enemy design I think is a legitimate complaint. Also too many easy fights where you kill a couple dudes then have a cutscene, then kill a couple more and have another cutscene. Rinse and repeat. Also V gameplay isn't unplayable but is far inferior to Dante and that other little twink.

>Non-cutscene face models are some of the worst I have seen in years. Bad expressions, terrible hair quality, and dear god Dante randomly looks like he's channeling fuckin Cleric Beast or something
Yeah, they were off-putting to me when I first saw them. Nero actually doesn't look that bad. The rest are "meh."
>Sin DTs look fucking terrible and are the most overdesigned trash I have ever seen
Agreed. Was glad it didn't outright replace DT.
>Yet another DMC game where every character undergoes a complete visual redesign because Itsuno can't make up his mind on what the fuck he wants characters to look like, taking it a step farther and also changing how all the weapons look for absolutely no reason
I actually appreciate the redesigning from game to game. Keeps things fresh. It's one of those things game can get away with (mostly because graphical fidelity improves with each generation) that other media can't.
>Nero continues to exist for no apparent reason, he is literally an annoying tween retard AGAIN, and his character development is crying over whatever AGAIN
Go back and watch 4's cutscenes. Nero is vastly matured, and he matures even further. I like how his conflict resolution was just a wholesome call to his wife/gf.

I like the gravity in this game. It felt like you fell to the ground like a rock in DMC4. It makes stuff easier but it's fine.

What I don't like is JC having startup frames and a weird screenshake effect

Yea that's ass. Weaker gravity I would be cool if it was optional, but this stuff is just flat bad.

>1) Doesn't stick to Colder/Darker city environments despite that clearly being where the engine shines.
That would have been nice.
>2) No Breaker Swapping. Not even after SoS.
They wanted to force consumption of certain Breakers so they can include a bunch of funky ones that the players would ignore (or only use for their bursts/escapes) if they weren't cornered into them. Not worth the trade-off imo.
>3) DmC tier gravity and level design.
I don't get this obsession with weight in these games. They're more fun if it's easier to stay off the ground.
>4) No co-op in BP despite being teased throughout the whole game
No idea why they implemented those features.
>5) Incremental difficulties as opposed to modifiers.
That's par for the course and not likely to change. Would be awesome if there were a mode where difficulty increased with style ranking a la God Hand.
>6) Animations too jittery, stoic and slow to flow into one another well.
A caveat of using more realistic visuals. I wouldn't use the negative terminology though. It's not a bad thing.
>7) Tomboy's BreakAge doesn't fire off a Maximum Bet.
Haven't used that Breaker to its fullest yet, so no idea what you're talking about.
>8) Blatant invisible walls in levels all about searching every nook and cranny.
hated this. No excuse. Only thing that really angers me about the game,e specially when there's ledges just at the tip of your height range, teasing you with a potential secret only to bounce you off of nothing.
>9) V's Pets teleport to enemies instead of acting like actual weapons.
That was their purpose., although I wish there were a way to maneuver them more freely. I hate how Shadow is useless against enemies at a different elevation. A tiny ledge can get him trapped unless you uses a specific set of moves to get him up there, which is a royal pain.

>the scenes and story are the best in the series
The plot started out okay but it all devolved in a huge mess of Vergil wanking, if I didn't like Vergil I feel like I would have outright hated it.
DMC3's was simpler but much more well-put together and with stronger themes.


>Only Nero has enough Mobility to make traversal fun
I'll argue that Dante has more mobility than Nero
Dante can jump 4 times while Nero can only jump 3 times
Dante has Trickster that gets a buff with formation while Nero only has Gerbera which he may not have at all times
But Nero is easier to traverse with I guess

>breaker swap
It breakes the game. I played CE tab ith DB switch
Breakers are too overpowerd

>10) V's DT infusion makes him even more mind numbing.
Overall problem with his design. I get what they were going for, and they achieved it. I just don't enjoy it that much. Once you get the hang of him, though, he's not exactly boring. It feels like you're playing as a boss.
>11) Book isn't a taunt.
Taunting wouldn't fit his character.
>12) No real Boss Rush
Eh, I guess not.
>13) Don't get to fight Geryon as other Characters
Can't fight Credo with others outside of BP either.
>14) Wide bland BP styled arena with barely any meaningful toys.
What are these interesting and exciting arenas past DMC games had? I certainly don't remember any.
>15) Only Nero has enough Mobility to make traversal fun.
What? Trickster? Magic Carpet Ride?
>16) No reversals(Never used Inertia) despite it being in the demo
This isn't a fighting game. Use English. And what's Inertia?
>17) No Alternative SS inputing: Say put DT on Gun Cycle(and that one on D-Pad) and Make +Face the shifter.
Losing me again.
>18) No "wind currents" from red queen, thus missing the point.
Reeeeeally scraping the bottom of the barrel. The whole point of RQ is Exceed.
>19) Too low HP and Damage on Devil Hunter. Human might as well not exist since Frequent Gold Orbs are a better easy mode.
You'd rather play NA launch DMC3?
>20) Super Nero should have made DBreakers free instead
Haven't unlocked it yet, but I was definitely expecting it to be a feature of the costume.
>(Story can have it's own category)
Oh please, tell us how it pales next to the backtrack-fests of the previous titles.

I think that was their reasoning for not giving Lady/Trish a Super in 4, but the thing is... Super Costumes ALREADY break the game. Why not let us have fun?

Why are you larping?

How come they STILL haven't added Turbo Mode as an update?

RE7 and RE2 got a ton of free stuff as updates including costumes. We get jack shit

>Can't fight Credo with others outside of BP either.
But you can't fight Geryon on Bloody Palace either, which makes no sense the boss doesn't really feel like he was designed to be a V only boss, and I would like to fight him as other characters

consoles cant handle turbo yet, let alone LDK

Download CE character swapper and fight him as Dante or Nero. You can't fight Nidhogg though

>enemy design
I didn't think they were too bad on the whole
>level design
This is the biggest issue. Far too many boring ass hallways. They needed more levels like nero's separate ways chapter.

This is likely the reason. Console hold us back. There may be mods put in later to bootleg the features in, but it won't be the same.

No way consoles can't handle turbo. At least the pro and scorpio should be able to . The fucking base PS4 runs this at 60 FPS most of the time

iirc turbo mode just increases the speed of the game but doesn't actually require more processing power or anything

The story is dogshit though