Why are vidya developers the biggest hacks? Why do they never try something different? Setting it in Middle East, Mesoamerica, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China would be far more interesting than yet another Europe
Seriously, another fucking European setting with European mythology?
Miyazaki likes western fantasy literature
What the fuck? E3 hasn't even started, why are there so many new games?
Also fuck yeah, I knew Sekiro was handed off to the B-team while the real guys made a proper Soulsgame.
European mythology is exotic for the japs
who cares about america culture?
What the fuck is "European" mythology?
Greek/Roman pantheon? Norse asatro? Celtic druidism? Irish mythology? Slavic nonsense? All of the above?
Fuck, I really want a game with Mesoamerican mythology. That shit is dope as fuck.
kill yourself cuck/sub-human, european setting and european mythology>all
You can't care about something that doesn't exist.
No one fucking cares, Tanner
Feel free to do something different yourself.
European mythologies are what sells the best.
Which conference would they reveal it?
Based pleb
Microsoft, it's in 6 hours
How do you know? Other settings haven't been tried.
it's just a baseless leak
also Elden Ring, why would anyone go with such a normie title is this fuckin hobbit or some shit
America has culture?
No one's stupid enough to make a game that resembles terrorist propaganda. Except Firaxis.
They just made a japanese game
Where else could they make the game?
It's very possible it's inspired by Celtic mythology, if that's true then it's not such a generic setting.
They've already made 3 European settings. Europe and Japan aren't the only regions with interesting history and culture
>not directed by Miyazaki since he just finished Sekiro
Who cares? It's gonna be shit
Please... someone... make a game set in SEA... i FUCKING HAVE NO GAME REPRESENTATION
Doesn't Zelda use Celtic mythology?
Fuck sandniggers, chinks, spics, japs, wops, and most of all, fuck NIGGERS. They have shit boring cultures that never even became advanced enough to invent plate armor.
Europe and european culture and history are so much more vastly interesting than any sort of shit created by any number of bug eyed subhuman shitskins. There is a reason all the greatest artistic and scientific achievements have all been achieved by europeans. European culture is the playable character, while everything else is some manner of NPC culture/race that's just a bunch of copypasted background assets. Not even skyrim level NPCs, more like Witcher 3 or hitman copypasted crowds.
Other cultures aren't interesting and if you want to see more of them you can suck my dick.
Man, Yea Forums really is a one trick pony isn't it?
*AHEM* Fuck ALL human cultures. Your cultures are garbage and vastly inferior to that of the Elven race. This Elden Ring game is obviously a game about our superior culture and from our perspective for a change. You Europeans are just as worthless as your multicolored brethren. Being a more evolved form of trash is nothing to brag about, mon'keigh.
Name one (1)(one) culture that invented plate armor other than europeans. Go ahead, I'm waiting. If you're so pathetic you can't even invent PLATE armor then you don't deserve kino fantasy settings.
>gay ass knife eared goblins
Elves are only good for rape.
Because Europeans are obsessed themselves.
As a European I totally agree
>implying any other species would fuck your kind willingly
Also get it straight, WE rape YOU, not the other way around.
A game about hamburgers and shooting dark-skinned people would unironically be tons of fun.
they just like the smell of their own farts, I wouldn't call that obsession. More like an appreciation of natural aromas.
They should finally make a modern game about Europe, with Cologne rapefests and trucks of peace.
Other cultures are still so unevolved and primitive culturally they barely can even make their own media.
Japs are the only ones that come close, just look at all the complete garbage korean and chink games. So yeah, world culture is dominated by the west and until all the other retard ass cultures get their shit together we're going to keep making european fantasy. Hell we're so much in charge we're even going to make YOU japs make OUR european fantasy.
>I wouldn't even rape an elf
>t.applebees waiter
What else is there in the world, china
I think it would be kino if there was a game where you play a fat donut cop who has to come up with increasingly absurd justifications for shooting niggers.
how's that galaxy-wide empire holding up, xenos? Oh it's all gone? Reduced to a few craftworlds and a BDSM city that doesn't even exist in realspace? How unfortunate.
Different user but I really do enjoy the aesthetic in samurai armor alot more lately. I think the amount of European armor being shoved alot started to wear off the novelty for me, not bad but tiring to see.
The regions listed in the OP
So what is it about? arthurian, germanic or norse?
European history is the paradigm of excellence and grace, grittiness coupled with artistic innovation that the world over admired then and continues to admire now.
No one wants to play as a sandnigger in the desert, or a mud monkey in MUH AFRICA. Chinese is gross as hell, and the only other setting of Japanese mythology has been played to hell and back.
I don't care about culture
Just make a good game
If it looks cool, I'll buy it
If you disagree with me you're a nigger
oh snap, got em!
Your kind can't even hold off the desert savages, how would you even hope to defend yourselves against our kind? We are your living nightmares.
all of the above
If they do anything other than those they'll have journos and their retard followers give them tons of abuse for not getting whatever nonsense about some mythology right
based and europilled, if any other cultures should be explored it's american cultures, and no I don't mean the """"natives""""
>tfw no soulslike set in the american frontier where you play as daniel boone taking on valley consumed by an ancient wendigo curse
>tfw no soulslike where you are cortez conquering the aztec shits
>tfw no defend the alamo game
>tfw no paul bunyan lumberjack sim
>tfw no wilderness exploration pioneer sim
At least when our empire fell, it was beautiful and glorious and even spawned a powerful being of Chaos. When a single one of our kind dies it's a tragedy. When one of your kind dies it's no different from a field mouse dying amidst a swarm of useless vermin.
>This is what Amerifats actually believe
It's european tradition to be enamored by exoticism. Ask the ancient greeks or romans what they thought about Egypt.
Cry moar brown boi European culture is the richest on earth
A bunch of dumb jungle niggers eating one another and sacrificing children? That wouldn't even be shown though because it's racist.
Japs don't care what journalists write
I’d love a colonial Africa game where you are a soldier of the British empire taking lands from savage poo hides
What a dumb statement. Most of this good European myth based shit it made by Jappers anyway and enjoyed by all, not just Eurofags.
Only settings worth exploring in human history are European or East Asian. Rest of the world is uninteresting garbage.
Imagine a Norse mythic soulslike.
>middle east
Look left: sand
Look right : sand
Look back: there is a guy fucking a goat
>south america
Look right forrest
Look left forrest
Look back there is a guy fucking a kid
>central america
Look right trees
Look left trees
Look back there is a guy eating a human heart
I agree this one would actualy work
>Setting it in Middle East, Mesoamerica, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China
all trash but I would have liked a pirate or native american themed souls
Seething shitskin
Your culture is irrelevant
>Look right forrest
>Look left forrest
>native american themed souls
Final boss:
La Creatura...
No one wants to play as sandniggers or chinks lmao. Boring setting. Celtic is the way to go. And hell it's From you know there's going to be tons of different areas that are all unique with their own twists and flavors.
And South Asia and China?
You know what pisses me off more than yet another medieval European setting?
The fucking overuse of variations of the word "elder". The damn Lovecraft hype makes everyone call everything elder, eldritch etc., even though "eldritch" is literally just an old word for scary/unnerving and has nothing to do with "old, ancient". So everytime you faggots call something an eldritch god or being, you're basically just calling it spoopy and nothing else.
You know what pisses me off more than yet another use of the word elder? The ongoing meme that Lovecraft was even good.
Even when they finally decided to go for a Japanese setting they made the protagonist look italian
>tfw used to play an MMO that literally had a class named Eldritch
It was the shit though, and the class actually had a connection to the original meaning of the world, meaning it took its powers from beyond the Veil.
OP has shit taste. Why am I not surprised.
>enter G.R.R.M.
Well, nobody actually has read Lovecraft. The universe he created is pretty cool, but that's about it. People just like their head canon.
They used elder because "Elder Ring" has a much better ring to it than "Senior Circle".
>Well, nobody actually has read Lovecraft
Are you joking? Lovecraft is literary popcorn
>nobody actually has read Lovecraft
I have. He's just not a very good writer. His worldbuilding and inventiveness is top notch, but he wouldn't know pacing if he got hit in the head with a metronome, and his plots are all over the place and rarely get a satisfying resolution, not to mention that all his characters are cardboard cutouts who never experience an iota of development.
Señor Círculo
I meant: None of the people who hype him now have read him. Same with George Orwell.
>his plots are all over the place and rarely get a satisfying resolution
Horror isn't about resolution
I've read most of his work
Geriatric Gyros
>look at this horrible thing
>it's so horrible
>let's leave and contemplate how horrible it is that such a thing can exist
Thankfully there isn't much of it.
Cranky Round sounds bretty gud.
Damn it, now I want Greek food.
>Holy fucking shit, it's a color that I've never seen before!
>You mean UV light?
>NOOOOOOOOOOO it's supernatural
Jap developers barely know anything about European myths. They've read a few wiki articles at most
Look left trees
look right trees
look back there is a guy scooping pig shit out of his yard and slopping onto the family-sized serving platter
wow that was hard
>ladyboy fucking simulator
images still bump the thread newfag
They said they weren't doing Souls for awhile, and if you think Elden Ring isn't just like Demon, Dark, Bloodborne, and Sekiro then you're insane.
Yeah it was called San Andreas and it was fun as fuck.
Where have u been? Miyazakis fav piece of media is European inspired fantasy. Theres references if not outright copies of it in all of his mainstream work for years now. Can u guess?
>ladyboy fucking simulator
why not
>Make a game in a place with no meaningful culture
Would be the most boring game of all time.
The reason we keep putting games in Europe is because CULTURE and actually source material to work off of.
because those settings are shit
Yea Forums would be all over it.
Miyazaki won't be directing this.
That hack that did Dark Souls 2 will.
Sekiro doesn't fit in with the rest. Part of why I hated it and would very much like to see another souls-like.
>it's a baseless leak
user... where you not here last night? It's literally the opposite of being baseless. The leak came from official an Bandai Namco website because Bamco has some security flaw. Their entire E3 line-up got leaked.
great, another thing to distract him from finishing the god damn books
>why do European developers make games about Europeans and their myths?
Old hoop
Just read about the war of the roses. Same shit.
Platinum is making a game set in Babylon
whites like you crying about their culture being celebrated are what makes my blood boil
that a fucking nip is more appreciative of your own culture is fucking depressing, kys
This. White culture should be praised for its superiority. Even non whites cant help but fall in love with European myth and fantasy universes.
Watch the trailer. It's Greek mythology
lmao, reminds me of their 200 year old buildings they advertise as "historic"
Wanting different settings doesn't mean I hate European culture. Fromsoftware has already made 5 European settings. We don't need another one
Based as fuck
We do. We need all games to be about Europeans. Fuck diversity
I would love to see something set in ancient Egypt/Nubia they would actually be able to work off of something with that setting
>Middle East
Could be cool, but worth the risk of getting religion of peace'd? I think not.
>South Asia
I can see it now: Trying to escape from a rapist, when you notice a little too late that you took a wrong turn down a DSS and slip on some poo. Then the entire village joins in on the celebration.
>Southeast Asia
Nobody gives a single fuck about SEA nor their history, not even the people living there.
More overrated of a setting than Europe. You know why China is used so much in games? It's to sell the game to the chinks by stroking their tiny dicks.
Also overrated as fuck, but it's less overdone. Only spics think anybody thinks Mesoshit is cool. Nobody else cares.
(You) dont speak on behalf of anyone else, retard
You don't see UV, you fucking crouton.
It's called the "spectrum of VISIBLE light" for a reason.
george fake name martin's taint is present, therefore this game will not be worth touching.
They could set it in pre-Islamic Middle East.
>Make a game in a place with no meaningful culture
we get games based on medieval europe all the time
>games like dead souls is an accurate representation of european culture because it has knight armor and big gay castles
what a retard
It's literally Souls with Samurai and a focus on parry/jump. Like BB is literally Souls with Eldritch Victorian with dash/guns.
>Slavic nonsense
>tfw no game based on Tsarevich Ivan
What do you want instead of Europe? Mudhuts? Banana-worhshippers? Pagodas 'n shit?
Your suggestions are shit
Give me a game based in Mongol/Turkic mythology and I'll play it
The worst part of Sekiro was the East Asian setting. Absolutely boring.
What AAA games have Chinese settings?
>accurate representation
>implying I ever said that
nice strawman faggot
It's literally Simon Says for 60$
Souls has depth.
Asura's Wrath was Hindu mythology in anime packaging and it was awesome, so yes? Tired of boring ass medieval europe inspired settings. been tired of them since like 2004 but that's what the autists like and change scares them.
Too easy, retard.
>it was awesum lul
>so yes?
>wypipo are boring
>lol you scared of change
t. redditor, go back
>Hindu mythology
So streetshitters? No, thanks.
it's because Europeans are less likely to get triggered over inaccurate representation of their culture or history
Shenmue, every mainline Dynasty Warriors game, Heavenly Sword, Sleeping Dogs. And this doesn't include the plethora of games with token Chink levels similar to
I don't mind medieval/gothic Europe, but Norse shit is the worst. Scandinavians have achieved nothing till date. Fucking wooden huts and shitty boats.
You seethe when you see POC and strong women in European settings
Only Shenmue is AAA
I wouldn't say all video game devs are hacks but it's clear there is a severe level of unoriginality in the industry. You do get games that take place in those regions e.g. Assassin's Creed but usually devs will take elements from those region's cultures and drop them in a different backdrop. JRPG's are notorious for this specifically with the lore of India and China.
I would say the core issue is most can't be bothered doing the necessary research to create games on settings like Mesoamerica or South Asia. So they will just copy settings that have already been done before in media and resell it as a different package. This is also an issue with Europe too as well since rarely do games explore settings of antiquities outside the Romans and Vikings or early middle ages (a lot of games just seem to cover late middle age material).
This is why we have indie devs to pick up the slack I guess.
Nobody wants to play as brown people, especially not in Japan
Here is your new souls setting anons.
What if they're just not passionate about your troglodyte culture?
I know for certain that if I were a game developer I wouldn't use a south American or SEA setting, not because doing research is hard but because I don't give a fuck about them. Most of the world doesn't.
You're confusing Europe for /pol/. An easy mistake, but one is a forum for taiwanese puppetry while the other's a continent.
It's a shame but they're just so fucking irrelevant. I'd do three quarters of Africa before touching SEA with a ten foot pole.
Hu hu hu, American """"CULTURE""""! LMAO! CULTURE? IN AMERICA???!? LOL! THere is NONE! 0! ZILCH! NADA!
The only thing people care about America is their games, their technology, their movies, their music, their President, their crime, their foreign policy, their cars, their celebrities, their cities, their tv shows, their message boards, their memes, and their food! THINGS THAT ARE DEFINITELY NOT CULTURE!
nightland game never :'{
What about AC:Origins and Odyssey, and that one about the indian nobody cared about
user I hope you know this is perfect kino, I fucking loved this book and it would make an excellent open world soulslike game.
Oh please. America hasn't made a halfway decent game since fucking Star Control 2.
Could be a Celtic setting. Which is barely used.
have you guys read awake in the night land? It's pretty good
I personally wish it was Ancient Greece, or Roman, which are THE most patrician settings.
Agreed. By far the most overrated setting
I would appreciate Celtic mythology getting some love.
Shut up
I have not user, I didn't even know it existed. Will read.
Well first I'm not even South American or SEA so it's technically no skin off my back. But in a industry with thousands of developers all of them doing the same settings gets old real fast and makes it difficult for them to stand out.
So if were a dev you may not want to do either of those cultures and that's fine. That's your prerogative, but you also risk not standing out and being pushed aside by devs with bigger pockets who can just out produce you with the same settings.
I don't know maybe it's just me but I can only stand so much of the same settings for so long.
The Milf hole
There's celtic mythology in the other Souls games
Thank god GoT bombed in the end and we'll get more games inspired by good Tolkien fantasy instead of that fat fuck George RR Martin's works.
real!Norse is full of awesome shit. hollywood!Norse is the worst. Where do you think Toliken stole all his shit from?
>look right: trees and mudhuts
>look left: trees and mudhuts
>look back: trees and mudhuts
It's a Israeli setting, because George R.R. (Rapist Rabbi) Martin is a Jewish pedophile dwarf
>mfw there is nearly nothing left of the slavish faith because Christians destroyed everything
I'm swedish and i approve of this message.
Glorified raids featuring naked doesnt make vikings cool in any media. Id rather they made a game based on the interactions vikings had with other cultures.
Literally who gives a shit about GoT. The game is about his novels/his writing expertise, which is a big success and hit.
Fromsoftware with GRRM's blessing is about to bomb the video game market with Elden Ring. Your shitty plethora of LOTR vaporware video games is gonna be blown out of the water and sink in the sea of obscurity.
Go back and play with your bubbles instead of finishing those books you fat fuck.
Seethe harder.
Its about the conversion of pagan Lithuania to christianity. You can screencap this, heres a rundown of the trailer:
involves a ritual in a forest with some guys wearing branches and bloody rags around their bodies, they are approached by 3 men who are wearing what looks like crusader armour(white with a knights helmet), there is narration but I dont remember what it says, something along the lines of "we came here to save the people" the 6 men around hte circle start to drop dead as the narration is happening and the fire dies down, in the center of their circle comes a hand that is like its climbing out of a pit, it cuts to black and someone says "the old world must die...it needs to die" when it cuts back one of the crusader guys is walking down a path with his sword dragging behind him and limping, he seems to be a zombie or tired, he is walking towards a giant leafless tree in the distance. I THINK he had markings like in the OP picture all over his body but I only saw the trailer once and it couldve just been some scratches.
If you love Tolkien then you must love the (((Great People from Under The Mountain))), the Dwarves, and George Martin is one of them.
There's nothing left because Slavic Pagans were illiterate
>George R.R. (Rapist Rabbi) Martin
i mean kyk
Why are the silent ones silent
It's all mumbo jumbo anyway, and most of it probably stolen from ur or babylon. Does it really matter whose stories are being told? It as so long ago.
I've read him; he's a fantastic author of short stories and creating a tense, dreadful atmosphere.
When does the trailer come out?
You should go ask them :^)
Ancient Egyptian ruling class was white. Slave class was dark.
Redneck or nigger are no culture, sorry for bad English, I’m not a filthy American
Because European culture is best culture, what subhumans do is entirely irrelevant and shit.
Stay the fuck away from them if you know what is good for you.
Dont know which presentation at E3 since I only saw it because someone was testing equipment, its like 30 seconds long cinematic trailer.
>This is what Amerifats actually believe
Byzantium and proto-Sweden constantly intermingled, so... Yeah?
I agree, but fundamentally Fantasy is based on European Middle Ages.
That doesn't mean Fantasy SHOULD be just that, like doing feudal Japan with magic would be interesting. But that's not how most Western Writers do it. I guess partially because they feel like they wouldn't "do it justice" and partially because they don't think about it.
kys weeb fag. Sekiro was okay but its replay value is shit compared to every souls game.
I'd prefer the fey souls/arthurian ludo but this sounds like fun as well
>tfw get to larp as a crusader killing filthy pagan shits
I'm in Asia and the Asian mythology is just a sack of boring farts. Medieval European is literally the best setting for video game.
European culture is all about getting fucked by the bull, be he Muslim, Jewish or African.
its using celtic lore instead of nordic
he's right though
Zeus was european, and you only got fucked by him once.
But they've got the only road
user E3 started three to two days ago m8
check out "global gladiators" for peak american """"culture""""
Look left: steppe
Look right : steppe
Look back: steppe
The Surge 2 is coming out so you can always play that.
Code Vein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any shit from FromSoftware that isn't Sekiro or Armored Core
Virgin was a great dev. I wonder what happened to them?
>really want a Lewis Carroll inspired fantasy souls game akin to American McGee's Alice and The Shivering Isles.
>will never ever get it.
Why is it called Elden Ring?
based we wuzzer
They were Meds. Meds are white
Fug that would be neat
I only watched it. I imagine the Elden Ring is the cult you are supposedly there to destroy, looked like pagan stuff.
Where are the Arthurian rumors coming from?
As much as I dislike Assassin's creed a game in the sort would be cool.
>play as an native from one of the neighboring tribes the during the Arrival of Cortez
>at some point you can choose to side with the Aztec to save the empire, or side with the Spanish to bring on the end of the aztec empire
Or some shit like that.
They could have gone with a different time period in Northern or Central Europe such as the Bronze Age and there is plenty of archaeology to help them as well as linguistic.
Also, I would love to see a game about the Neolithic period of the Danube civilization from over 6000 years ago.
The image is a frog-like swastika found in northern Bulgaria and dates back about 8000 years ago.
Imagine the final boss fight of American Souls.
>you're fighting the Old Burger King in the drive-thru of a McDonald's restaurant
>you have 0 stamina after walking up a nearby set of stairs
>your calories are low and you're all out of high fructose corn syrup
>if your calories drop to zero you lose half of the weight you've put on and have to return to the last fridge
>in a desperate last minute play you pull out your chocolate infused AR-15 which slowly restores your calories when you've got it equipped
>it's too late however, you get hit by a piece of lettuce the boss tossed at you and groan in pain and agony
>you fall to the ground and a message pops up on the screen
I'm from europe and think we're underrepresented. japanese devs are obsessed with their history and myths (I'm a huge fan of smt games) or american pop culture, american studios are shit and mostly use generic fantasy or space setting (star wars, mass effect) and we only have couple of games like gothic, witcher and stalker.
Bronze Age Middle East cooler
I notice you didn't say Africa
You answered yourself; they're hacks. That's why they're not in creative writing or film making. Fuck, even if they wanted to a olden European setting, look at how many eras these fucks have never used. Never seen a Charlemagne game. Mary Queen of Scots. William of Orange, etc. etc. Most of them suck creatively.
north african history is great and thousands of years older than europoid one.
I'd kill for a Babylonian Souls
Meds don't look anything like snow niggers.
Sad how underused ancient Mesopotamia is.
If it really is celtic/irish mythology, they better treat us to the proper Dullahan, corpse wagon and spine whip included.
And overused at the same time. Considering how much of civilzation is based on their culture. And goats.
>literally sheeting
>yfw you can fight cuculain
You may not have culture but you sure got a bug up your ass.
what are some highlights of African history in your opinion?
genuinely curious what your thoughts are
best I can think of is when Gaddafi got gadaffi'd
make em yourself
it's not that "we" don't have meaningful culture, westerners don't know how to write them
and "we" are too lazy to make videogames
Are there any big titles based on Celtic mythos?
are they announcing it in a few hours or am I retarded?
Stop seething. The leak said original world and didn't mention being based on anything.
>what are some highlights of African history in your opinion?
First Dynasty
Fourth Dynasty
Twenty-Fifth Dynasty
1st Punic War
Mercenary War
2nd and 3rd Punic wars
Almohad & Almoravid Caliphates
>Egyptian history
>african history
l m a o
kill yourself you nigger
Why is every recent Fromsoft related thread so shitty? Can't we just appreciate these games instead of arguing about every single little thing?
If Egypt, which is located in Africa, doesn't have African history then what kind of history does Egypt have?
Crossing my arms until your wh*Tey was pharaoh n sheit
Which leak?
-strained buzzing and whirring as his motorized chair struggles to remain functional- "Ah, ha ha, *munch, munch* ol' J.R.R., didn't, ah, see you come in! -burp- No please, please, [smack] sit down, sit down, there' something we, (pant) need to talk about. *farts* Heavens excuse me, oh ho! Well getting down to 'brass tacks' - or brass tax, I might say SNORT! - yes, well I was sitting, counting the money coming in from, slurp, my show - terribly taxing ah yes? - when the thought occurred me, watching that money from my award-winning show... [belch] from my, (siiippp) award, award, awar... sorry, I lost my breath, award-winning books, that I [chews] that I can't seem to recall you mentioning [more chewing] anything about Gondor's *blows nose* taxation policy. Surely I must have -releases one long wet smelly fart - missed it while glancing through the pages (cough). You did [scratches ballsack] say something about it, right? Sales tax? (sweats) Value-added tax? *licks lips* Don't just sta - oh my my heart - stand there my man, out with it! Surely the, the thought has crossed your mind?! -chuckles until accidental urination-"
Based seething minorities.
It's 100% going to be Norse.
Both george and fromsoft have hard ons for norse myths, there are so many references to them in ASOIAF and DS, why would they collab otherwise?
>country located in Africa has African history
Yes, this is a correct statement. Pointing it out again was uncalled for however.
Calm down kangz, it's semite history.
That would be extremely disappointing
Why did you seethe over Egyptians but not Carthaganians, who have heavy phonecian semite roots, language and religion?
Surely user isn't a pop-history faggot who hasn't ever read a book in his life, is he?
Insider said that it isn't Norse
>there are so many references to them in ASOIAF
Retarded take. GRRM draws very loosely from "norse"mythology, which is a very loose term, to draw the ancient lore of the 7 kingdoms, which mirrors real English history (the setting he bases ASOIAF on). Why would that mean he's more likely to tell them to use that for a video game when his main profession is high medieval writing? are you retarded or something
Post examples of Norse references in ASOIAF
pretty sure he means the first men and the invasion by the andals, which basically mirrors the Saxon immigration to England.
Though that's literally about it when it comes to "norse mythology references". I could stand to be wrong if the children of the forest are based off the Norse, though.
As long as they do something interesting with it I'm down. I really don't get why you people harp so much on the window dressing when it's the substance that matters.
>Dude but Aztecs and China and Djinn and all the other mythology!
So? What doe they inherently bring that you can get from European mythology? Novelty? That's all we care about if something is novel or not?
Aztec/Incan/etc shit is the most based setting that is so underutilized
It hurts
Shut up pseud, go back to your /his/ african architecture bait threads.
Also to answer your question, it's because kangz like to we wuz about Egypt more than Carthage. I see it as my god given mission to rename north african empires something else, so africans wouldn't be able to we wuz about it.
you seem literally obsessed with niggers
I'll take back the benefit of doubt, you really are retarded. And i'll allow you a reminder that no matter how much you try to tell niggers that egyptian history isn't theirs, that history won't be yours, either. You'll never become an "honorary"egyptian.
t. actual, ethnic egyptian. Mo9 zoby ya khwwal.
t. pseud forum historian who doesn't know Carthaginians are Semites
you're really pathetic, read a fucking history book lmao.
Children of the Forest are based on Celtic mythology
know whats funny? All it took was Ni-oH, Sekiro and Ghost to make most of Yea Forums say "UGH. IM SO DONE WITH SAMURAI JAPPON." As if they were even the same games. But no, medieaval Europe is always just fine and the default even. Like "duh? Of course? What other setting? Its this or mass effect style sci fi shit."
Can you elaborate? I want to learn further
Also Celts are not Norse.
Literally all of the fantasy elements are Norse inspired.
>No souls game set during the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
>Hostile fauna - jaguars, snakes, etc
>Great armour design
>Cities full of ritual sacrifice, streets running with blood
>Disease running rampant to make some nightmare fuel districts
Why can't it be made? Bums me out.
jesus christ it you guys sound like ACfags
List them.
Get fucked, Slavniggers
>The others (but undead)
>children of the forest
>the long night
>powers of the wargs
>the word warg
>the wyvern look of the dragons
>wolf and raven imagery (but crows)
Japan only cares about raping white women and making white men their cucks.
Tagged wrong I'm retarded
Assassin's Creed Origins does fantasy Egypt
Guild Wars does Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Arabic and Sub-Saharan African
Guild Wars 2 does Persian, Arabic and Sub-Saharan African fantasy.
Post the Norse myths they're based on.
You joke, but I'd be legitimately interested to see how they'd pull off the warp spasm shenanigans.
>word for big wolf
>loki, odin, ragnarok
Look left: huns
Look right : huns
Look back: there is attila fucking your wife and daughters
pocs btfo once again
Knock it the fuck off, Attila!
Attila raped Europe
Because all of those cultures SUCK.
You say that vidya devs should make games based off of those cultures simply because they exist, as if simply existing is a feat worthy of attention. It's not, and if those cultures were interesting to anybody except salty autists then people would already be using them for influence, the proof is in the fact that medievil Europe IS a foreign culture to the game devs. It's just an interesting one.
>Because all of those cultures SUCK.
Fuck off back to /pol/, faggot.