Wii U was best

How could this thing fail when it had Wii backwards compatibility?

It’s the ultimate Wii/Wii U console, 10 years from now i’ll still use mine.

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i question my sexuality everytime i turn on this console, it doesn't happen with other consoles so i don't trust it anymore.

you know what also plays wii games?
a fucking wii

god tier emu/hacking machine

and you don't have to fucking hack a wii to play gamecube games, even though the wii u is also 100% capable of playing them with the sole exception of not having a port for the original controllers. No though, I'm sure the sales of GC games on VC made up for removing a good feature that would have made the machine great before hacking.

Yes but not with native HDMI

The name

>no third party support
>babby first party games and ports
>released too late in the cycle, too weak compared to ps4 and xbox
>that gamepad

>that gamepad

Spoken like, many, who have never used it before. The controller is great.

>>that gamepad
what's wrong with it?
feels great in my hands
t. average 6ft man with average hands

It had garbage sticks and buttons. The bumpers were also way too far from the triggers.

>already underpowered upon release
>hardly any good first party exclusives, Switch topped the Wii U with just Odyssey and BOTW
>still anchored down by stupid Nintendo controller gimmicks
>too expensive

Really the only games worth playing on it were Smash and old Wii games. You might as well just forgo the console entirely and buy a used Wii for $50.

>>already underpowered upon release
It was more powerful than the PS3 & 360, but Nintendo fucked up waiting until midway through the generation to release comparable hardware.

Fake news.

>garbage sticks and buttons
garbage when compared to what
I can't think of anything wrong with the sticks, but the buttons maybe feel a bit cheaper than sony/microsoft contemporaries.
the absence of analog triggers kind of sucks, but I have no issues with the bumpers.

You definitely never used it lmao

No it's not, I resent every game that forces me to use it and go for the pro controller whenever possible.

>It was more powerful than the PS3 and 360

Not really, unfortunately. It had the same relative CPU power as the 360/PS3 and a slightly more powerful/newer GPU with some more RAM.

It was pretty shitty when it came to hardware to be honest.

>It had the same relative CPU power as the 360/PS3 and a slightly more powerful/newer GPU with some more RAM.
So it was more powerful. It was able to run modern multiplats for as long as developers actually supported it.

It was discussed many times before.
Terrible marketing decisions, mostly, and small third party support.
By the way I've bought mine one month ago for 65 euritos and so far loved it.

It was the Sega Saturn of our generation. An intimate, dedicated fanbase kept together by their love of non-conformist video games. I wish I had gotten one.

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