Why are sony wojak posters being so smug about the PS4 announcements you do realize

Why are sony wojak posters being so smug about the PS4 announcements you do realize

>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Persona 5 the Royal
>Catherine Full Body
>Tales of Arise
>Granblue Versus

Are all getting censored right? Like there no way you guys think these games are going to make it out fine, right?

Attached: Persona-5-Royal-Box-Art.jpg (798x1000, 184K)

What was censored in Granblue Versus? I didn't get to play the beta test.

>Are all getting censored right
Not really, but keep telling yourself that if it helps to glue your broken feelings, Nincel.

>W-we didn't actually want it!
Switchkids on full damage control

Attached: 1822926714_jerry_seinfeld_21798_xlarge.jpg (250x271, 9K)

>posts a pic of Jew

This doesn't have to do with console wars anymore, you do realize how many japanese games sony fucked up the last year right?

There's nothing to censor in Persona 5, it's tame as fuck

Why Snoyfag always been proud their consoles getting another exclusive so others cannot play it? and not only at Yea Forums but almost at every gaming site too.
I find Nindies, MS & PCfag not as "crazy" as them when talk about their exclusives

Why did you reply to me? All I said was that there's nothing in Persona 5 to censor to begin with

phew doesn't cope get tedious after a while?

people are being smug about that game? damn i guess it's true what they say - onions boys really are tasteless niggers

>Romances with highschoolers
>Romances with cakes
>Romances with lolis
>Fanservice scenes with highschoolers
>There nothing to censor

Unless sega has some pull, there no way this game getting a free fucking pass.

onions onions


the big cope.

I wonder what happened with them when someday Sony decide to do Microsoft and making all their game playable at another.
Mass suicide more likely.


That's all considered fine as long as there isn't nudity, you're making the mistake of thinking that there's any actual logic involved with Sonyfornia's censorship policies

>Literally ignore most first party outside of naughty dog shit
>Charges sixty dollars for online with shit offers
>Has barely any exclusives now thanks to most of them going multiplat
>Literally banning and censoring alot of japanese games
>Shut down Gravity Rush 2 server after a year
>Treatment of the vita in general

Explain to me how anyone fucking can defend this company still after all the horrible shit they've done this gen

Attached: 1559806104680.jpg (600x450, 35K)

It feels good to not being delusional and moving on the playstation, I'm hanging with the good guys now.

Attached: 1559694622624.png (1224x674, 1.25M)

Because they're normies. What else could it be.

But it's true, every time I read someone rationally critique your beloved exclusive game, your guys always feel need to be defensive about it.

Xseed so yeah, it's fucked.
Just a shitty English script.
Already confirmed censored because traps are in it and that hurts feelings
Post Baba tales is gonna be safe as fuck anyways
Nah, Cygames has crazy amounts of money and are handling everything themselves. Xseed is just doing distribution. The most that'll happen is the Christian imagery gets taken out to appease SEAmonkeys because KMR likes how much money they spend, but he'll leave it in the JP copies.

I didn't really think about it since I already played P5 but isn't Akechi's pose kind of "revealing"