The most boring sandbox of all time

>the most boring sandbox of all time
Proof budget cowboy GTA was a mistake

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game made for boomers to talk about with co workers for 2 weeks then forget

Yeah, but there are a few interesting side quests out there and its really the main story that holds the game together. Just beat arthurs part. Such a fucking classic

What did OP mean by this? The game had no budget. Rockstar throws money at their games and makes it all back in a single day

probably the most true statement in this thread

Why are zoomers so incompetent? Trolling on Yea Forums is the easiest shit ever and they can’t even manage to do that

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I've been having a ton of fun online with friends. Haven't touched the story mode yet.

spotted the zoomers with short attention spans who couldn't handle riding the horse between destinations

It's a good ass game and you're a fucking retard for calling it a budget game but R* needs to change their game design before the next release by adding more involved gameplay. The only problem I had with RD2 was every mission ultimately felt somewhat samey with mash a to run and shoot a bunch of enemies.

People say budget when something is a trash or lesser version of another greater product, in this case RDR being a trash GTA.

Gain height,Its the best rockstar sandbox to date

>most boring rockstar sandbox to date

wrong opinion

It started as a poor limited GTA clone, and it will end a poor limited GTA clone

I wanted legendary animals to be fun but they were gay and sucked. Same with legendary fishing, no challenge at all. Will the absolute brilliance of FFXV fishing ever be topped?

It will be forgotten when the next GTA drops just how it was for the first game.

I know youre wrong, i dont care about what you have to say

I think I realized this game sucked when I spent thirty mins breaking into a mansion and creeping around, only to find absolutely nothing to interact with

Can confirm it is pretty boring. Wish it wasn't so glitchy all the time too.


>Not a limited GTA
>RDR you can ride a horse and a chariot

Lol this exactly what happened in my office.

>being old enough to work
nice try sperg. your game is shit

says the zoomer with absolute shit taste in games

hit the weights and get a clue slapdick

they went way overboard with the size of the world
riding huge distances all the time gets boring
that said, the story, voice actors and especially Arthur Morgan are far better than any other media in recent years desu

enough with the "it has a good story" meme. it doesn't. its generic shit you're just fooled by the big budget production

it's not totally original, but they carried it out perfectly. and again, especially Arthur. best character ever written for a video game lad

I still play this, as do my friends. This is arguably the most comfy game out.

Not enough loot boxes for ya kiddy? Maybe if one of your twitch idols played it more you would have a different opinion hmmm?

no, the story is pretty shit and boring just like the game. arthur is fine but hardly the best character ever

Name a game more satisfying to kill NPCs.

The game gets better once you beat the story and can do whatever the fuck you want specially with cheats


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>the game gets better after 300 hours

>takes too long start walking
>takes too long to stop walking
>horse takes to long to react to commands
>forced to walk in certain areas for no reason
>worst shooting mechanics of any game released in the last 3 years
>hold x to pretend to have fun
Realism ruins video games. I’m here to have fun, not grind away st a simulator.
t-31 year old

I liked it the first play through, but I’m having a lot more fun on my second with no map, restricted aim and always in first person, it actually is pretty immersive if you want to go full autism. I’m also playing really evil this time round and am liking just how gruesome you can be if you want, just going around murdering and robbing farmers.

Its so weird.

>do I acknowledge that rdr2 is a great game
>do I acknowledge how in depth it is
>do I acknowledge how atmospheric it is
>do I acknowledge it has the biggest feeling production value of any game ive played
>do I acknowledge that I can feel the heart and soul of the work the developers put into this game


>do I acknowledge that I was bored out of my mind 70% of the time while playing rdr2

I hate saying it , but rdr2 is the only game I ever played thats a 9/10 game that feels like a 6/10.

It is for sure in the top ten games of all time

Game is too hard. Kept getting an erection looking at all these horses and couldn't focus on the gameplay.

Then play a game that's about fun and that doesn't try to be realistic. It's like going into Mario Kart and complaining about how unrealistic it is. It might be a shock to you user, but there are people who care about realism in video games. That's why there exist many different kinds of games.

seeing the sane group of people I killed respawn 10 minutes later ruined the evil run for me.

>just going around murdering and robbing farmers

Murdering people is just so fucking fun in this game

Good that way i dont have to waste 10 minutes going to find more people to brutally murder

I think RDR2 has much better fishing. FFXV's is good sure, but it's not that great

close to buying this shit that was on sale yesterday because friend says this is good but then I saw that disappointing combat and bought Sekiro instead

It's not even realistic. It's just boring. Real life is more fun than this game. I can complain about games not being fun

>realism ruins videogames
>it's not even realistic

Dear lord you pcpoors are never ever going to stop being salty over this one huh?

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I'm not that first poster, genius

>Imagine bying rdr2 for the guns combat

it's unbelievably boring, they just had to copy skyrim

add professions, purchasable houses, more abilities, side quests, etc

That's not BoTW.

You can have many complaints about the game. I haven't even played it. But I was specifically replying to the first user because he complained about it trying to be realistic, when it was clear that's what it was going for. You can complain about it being unfun, but you can't complain about it for trying to be realistic.

I'm not even planning on buying it for that, just that my friend said that it's the best game out of the newly out ones. Feels good that I double checked since it's just magic-less Skyrim

It's not realistic though. Play the game. It tries to be realistic and fails. It's not realistic to lose your weapons when you climb off a horse. It's not realistic to be forced to walk slowly at your home. The only realistic thing about the game is the physics, which is the least of my complaints

>Why are zoomers so incompetent? Trolling on Yea Forums is the easiest shit ever and they can’t even manage to do that
This I spotted this trolling bait a mile away

I don't know how else to explain it to you, user. Your complains are valid. The first user's complains weren't. I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the game.

It's missing someone.

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