How did we go from this

How did we go from this

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Attached: Mary_Jane_Watson_(Earth-1048)_from_Marvel's_Spider-Man_(video_game)_001.jpg (681x768, 202K)


Attached: WOOLOO.png (600x600, 167K)

sjw devs.


Attached: spidey.jpg (1008x1600, 389K)

comic books gay


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Western company and SJW shit, that's how. No big western game studios put big tits or cute girls in their games

t-shirts don't wrap themselves around boobs like that

I really hope they cut out the civilian stealth portions in Spider-Man 2. Her and Mile's sections were the absolute worst and brought everything to a screeching halt.

>peter looks exactly the same
>but MJ has to be turned into a goblin so it doesnt trigger snoys
We like in the darkest timeline

>your intestines will sate my hunger

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im fucking scared

Oh shit, it's actually Mephisto!

She's cute other than the weird way they rendered her teeth.

whooaaa we got uselves a detective here


who will play her in the inevitable MCU biopic?

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What's wrong with this exactly? She looks cute if a bit uncanny valleyish


She's cute, faggot.

What’s wrong

that depends on the boobs

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push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice

Does this actually work?

I think she looks really cute
Model rip when?

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is this the same artist for that comic about supermen and the MC getting raped by a superwoman?

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what about her size?

No real human has that big of tits that are that perky, so we'll never know.

gravity is one hell of a drug

Yes, both are drawn by Ryan Ottley.

to this?

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My gf is better looking. This is fucking pathetic.

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Invincible? Sure looks like it. I liked him on Invincible though.

she qt tho



100x gravity situps

have you never heard about push up bras?
also mj is a supermodel so it makes sense that she wears stuff like that

Take away the hair in her face, user.
Instantly 95% less cute.

Yes, that's the one! Did it finish?

What's the deal with this Spidey anyway? Last I read was when MJ was dating a spic firefighter or something.

years of feminist/liberal agenda pushing making devs afraid of putting attractive women into games

Yes, yes there are.
hard to find but there's some insane stuff out there.

>i-it's okay if it's not according to the source material if she's a qt!
no it's not

Dios mio... la chica de la proxima puerta...

>yes there are

She's the kind of girl I'd have a crush on.

Especially since she's super smart


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>supposed to be a super model
>looks like shit in the game
Thanks, Snoy.
Good to see all the snoyboys in this thread defending that shit too.

white women are disgusting

Not actually MJ desu

Probably because one's a stylised comic and the other is a hyperrealistic video game, retard.

Most are fake tits or arent that perky.

Yes. And wrapped anything slightly interesting up to disappointment.

why is she a niggress in the new movies?

she's literally called MJ in the movies

Zendaya is a cunt.

This is what redheads will look like in a hundred years.

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In my opinion, she would be the perfect Ironheath actress for the incoming capeshit movies.

I'd still smash her

substantiate your claims


>let me infiltrate a private military base that will shoot me on sight then get mad when I have to be saved by my super human ex bf

Step aside, red cunt. Best girl is here

Attached: gwen-stacy-the-spectacular-spider-man-6.75.jpg (210x240, 20K)

You just know theyre saving her for Miles in the sequel


Have sex

To be fair if they followed the source exactly MJ would spend all her time at home leaving Peter bitch text messages about how much time he spends as Spider-man. It's a problem they've had for a long time as good as their relationship is it's hard to write stories that incorporate her in any interesting way as supermodel/actresses don't have a lot of overlap with street level superheroes. It's why a lot of super hero girlfriends tend to work in Journalism. Easier to write story involving both of them. No excuse for how ugly she is though.

And her name is literally not Mary Jane Watson in the credits either

>bring back Pete's dead girlfriend and give it to some random black kid
Are you retarded?
>inb4 muh spiderverse

>reee it is SJW to not do a 1:1 translation of looks from a comic!
you do realize even in comics it has differed?

Why is mark wearing a Spider-Man suit

This bitch was insufferable in the movie, how do people put up with marvel dialogue.

How's your sexlife


That's some comic book bimbo
Spectacular Gwen is pure

How else can they convince themselves their world is under attack? Bad enough they lack perspective on reality, but expecting them to be honest about things, too?

Decent enough, no complaints.

thats a gypsy

She cute
I have a ponytail fetish