What do you consider meaningful gameplay?

What do you consider meaningful gameplay?

Attached: Image_167.png (859x745, 30K)

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what do you mean?

Wojak is not a replacement for making a point, and you only detract from any point you're making by using it. Communicate like a normal person.

>learning parry timings

>6 frame

Ad hominems are not a replacement for a counter argument. If you understand the post, you can communicate with an actual point.

Your criticism is invalidated by the fact you chose to focus on such an autistic detail instead of the actual point.

Whats wrong with parrying? If parrying is easy then its the game's responsibility to give more scenarios where you cant just spam parry to win.

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Maybe he doesn care about the main argument. hes right, wojak is cancer, get owned epic style faggot

Nobody is calling them bad though, the wojak simply values the gameplay that revolves dominantly around bruteforce memorisation through parrying more than actual decisionmaking and lateral thinking.
Rhythm/ActionCommand/QTEs can be fun mechanics but there seems to be a lot of lauding for them over actual interesting decisions.

Combat discussion always revolves down to "How good can you react and press the right buttons" over actual positioning/ environmental/tool consideration.

completely nonsensical buzzword

what meaning can gameplay hold beside the fun the player derives from it which is entirely subjective? what kind of turbo autist gets a better understanding of reality by playing vidya?

when a player can make a conscious decision that has repercussions on his future decisions, and is in no way limited by having a scarce decision tree to choose from.
Basically variety, but what can be chosen or not is a tactical decision, not because one is better than the other, but on personal preference to their playstyle
this is in no way limited to fighting games though

If you are unable to communicate in the first place without using wojack cancer then anything you have to say is worthless.

>Cant understand the image and reacted like a fish
Hook line and sinker

Have sex, sweetie.

Keep back peddling, whore.

>If you are unable to communicate in the first place without using wojack cancer then anything you have to say is worthless



Well, too fucking bad.

Attached: we will never go away.jpg (680x478, 112K)

>back peddling
Found the whiteboi

It gives you a lot of options that you have to put in work to make effective to dealing with the game's challenges.

Super Monkey Ball 1, for example, doesn't have a whole lot you can do with the ball, but the pathways you can take have tradeoffs that correlate to higher benefit for higher skill---risk-taking along with strategizing.

The OP image boils down to saying one playstyle is good and another playstyles is bad. Strategic skill and mechanical skill are appealing to different players, and they can be combined in certain games.

Attached: Sekiro - Corrupted Monk fight.webm (700x394, 2.91M)

Found the subhuman nigger

Fuck parrying players in this series. It is such a pain in the arse that the mechanic even exists. Me and my mate would be using great hammers and slamming some invader to death in a corner - and they'd have insane levels of health to tank it - and they'd just be spamming the parry animation over and over until it triggers, everyone rolls around for a bit after the animation and then we resume. It is so lame for it to be a valid strategy.

I just want some guy trying to 2 vs 1 to have to work for it harder than face-tanking and spamming parry. Not that it bothers me any more - probably will never play one of these games again till the next one comes out.

His point is that easy parries arent meaningful gameplay, how do you not get that?

Attached: level_design.png (1134x900, 90K)

>have to know the enemies moveset to parry properly
>need the right equipment for parrying and where to find it
>fuck up and eat damage or even get combo'd, and risk falling down
also forgot the most braindead option, circling the enemy and backstabbing him

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I get his point. I refuse to entertain discourse with someone who presents themselves or their point with Wojak.

Well too fucking bad, I refer you to this:

The fact that he's using a wojak means he doesn't even want to participate in a discussion and just wants to shitpost and incite console wars between fans of different series and/or styles of gameplay.

Discussion begets discussion, shitposting begets shitposting.

This is what /pol/ and /r9k/ does to your brain, if someone disagrees with you it means that person is a female nigger communist transsexual that watches Rick and Morty. Seek help.

Problem with parries is not their difficulty but the fact that they make everything else inefficient. You only need to parry to beat the game, nothing else.

Attached: 0478_a64a_960.jpg (960x540, 67K)

>post wojak or the reddit frog
>still expect me to read your post

t. called out on being a soiboi.
Anyone offended by soiboi wojak are all soibois.

Whats the top one supposed to be?

i don't think it's based on anything in particular. maybe old-school shooters like doom though.

Explain “meaningful gameplay”
Basic decision making does not sound meaningful

In my experience it's a guy waving his left arm over and over, like how kids in school used to say "My arm is a force field and I'm spinning it so fast you can't touch me. I'm going to walk forward and if you get hurt touching it, it is your fault."

And I'm just some innocent with a great hammer trying to find a good time to hit him. But it doesn't matter what time I swing because it's basically Chinese O'clock over where he is playing so I end up parried a second after I finish my swing anyway.

Is this a Sekiro vs Standard souls game debate? Sekiro was my first and I had fun beating it. Is Dark Souls better? If so, how come?

>all these asspained sekirunts


Attached: 1476064613849.gif (147x165, 731K)

>OP post has has memes in it (on Yea Forums)
>this is unacceptable, I refuse to cooperate!
>i'll still shit up the thread though

seriously, if you genuinely like reddit better then just go back there, we won't even judge you

If you spout your leftist horse shit and you aren't a dumb nigger or a woman, you are lower than both

dude check this out no wojak hahaha

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I thought it was a "PvP in Souls games" thread to disparage parry baiters.

In a pvp scenario, the former is better (assuming noone has insane ping) because otherwise you get a situation where both players just camp at each end of the bridge and the first one to get bored loses.

Do you consider having sex "leftist horse shit" my dear Anonymous?

Attached: wojak.png (859x745, 33K)

Hi Anonymous,

It doesn't even make sense now, put him back.

Peter Jebb


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Wojacks ARE ad hominem, you fucking faggot.

>Your criticism is invalidated by the fact you chose to focus on such an autistic detail instead of the actual point.
The entire comic boils down to "If you don't feel about this topic the way I do, you are a soi-boi".
There was never an argument to begin with.
How completely and utterly lacking in self-awareness? Do you even grasp how much of a sub-human you are?

Attached: yotsuba looks at the night sky.jpg (168x157, 6K)

>posting reddit memes is ok!
i think you need to leave, tourist.

Backstabs are the worst gameplay decision in the entire series, change my mind

>triggered by memes
>/pol/ boogeyman
>"have sex"

checklist complete, dilation in progress