Bring me a mammoth tusk
Bring me a mammoth tusk
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I don't want to help a drug dealer.
*unzip my mammoth tusk* uwu
bring me tusks of mannoroth
I want to bring this mommy my tusk
there's like 30 mammoths in the entirety of skyrim and this bitch wants to support the mammoth ivory trade
At what point do modders go too far?
There is no similarity with the original character at all.
*unzips dick*
I dont have a mammoth tusk m'lady, but I have another large bone you may examine.
Yeah, I don't know what modders are thinking.
tusks are teeth not bones you mongoloid
>mod the entire game too look nothing like the original
>actually sit down and play it
>immediately remember it's skyrim with its garbage gameplay
no mod in the world can fix that
Thats why you install sex mods and fap
Who cares? Only a small handful of characters are distinct and worth keeping faithful. Keep in mind the basegame is ugly and sucks dick
Unironically looks good to me.
>not a big tiddy Orc gf
80% of the vanilla characters look the same. The only thing unique about Ysolda is her hair color.
Who cares, the original Skyrim females are fucking abominations with barely any distinct personality and they all share the same 4 voice actors. What value is there in keeping faithful?
I don't know if I've just played too much Oblivion but I find the Skyrim vanilla character models ok enough to never bother modding them.
I would say that the mod OP's screenshot is from is actually pretty good in that regard. It's the same one you see posted here a lot with Delphine. Obviously they look way different, but you can still recognise which character they are as the author made each one individually and tried to represent the originals. A lot of these beautify mods make everyone look like generic anime waifus though.
damn ysolda looks like THAT?
Bijin's mod jobs are fine. What isn't fine is the people who do this and just make everyone a barbie doll with gratuitous shine and makeup
This thread making me actually want to try Skyrim again after having not played it since 2011.
Ok what mods?
Seriously I need help
And that's a good thing!
TBD body, I presume? I've always wanted to use it, but I actually PLAY Skyrim and there's no conversion for Immersive Armors. :(
>change brow
>change mouth
>throw someone else's skin and makeup texture on there
Wow, what talent.
That's literally just Bijin and CBBE.
>kind, innocent-looking qt is a drug dealer who loves mammoth tusks
holy shit, Skyrim looks like this now? What's it look like in motion? Anyone have a vid?
Bijin wives/Bijin warmaidens if you want girls that look like the OP. Alternatively BTRH Waifu is another popular NPC beautification mod. For Serana there's Seranaholic which has a ton of versions.
ENB of your choice
Everything else is up to you but generally stay away from town overhauls, anything that adds a ton of useless NPCs you're never going to interact with (Interesting NPCs for instance is entirely boring after the first few run ins with them and just become clutter)
If you want sex you'll need a female body replacer, sexlab and schlongs of skyrim. Or OSEX.
If you want sex quests/romance there's Amorous Adventures
But if you specifically wanted to know about the OP appearance it's just Bijin Wives Ysolda + the CBBE body type which is the one that makes the women more curvy. Most people use UNP variations now though since there's more armor support for that body type.
>"Playing" Skyrim
Bruh, it's purely for sex mods and stealth archery.
Not OP, but this is pretty much peak graphics quality (though aesthetic/style can vary):
How on earth can a model look that high res with just one mod?
I reinstalled Skyrim just two days ago and even with very high resolution textures, ENB and the jazz nothing looks nearly as high-res as the screenshots people post, both my own character and NPCs.
clearly this is your first, and only, ES game. lol
how's about muh dik?
That means penis
Bijin includes textures, hair, and heavily edited faces for the NPCs it alters. It also only edits NPCs, so you'd have to look in its description to find and install those mods separately such that they may affect you and NPCs that aren't included.
Looks too unnatural. Left looks like something that could at least work a farm.
Very impressive. I haven't played Skyrim in like 6 years. I always wanted to go back to it when I could make the game look this good, and there are some rather large content mods like beyond skyrim that look fun. When I build a new PC I will finally do it.
There's always a bit of ENB trickery for most mod screen captures (The ones the modders take to advertise them). You can play with settings like that but it's not optimal for gameplay. Basically you crank the depth of field to focus extremely tightly on the characters in the screenshot and get them at maximum detail with their 4K texture skins and other shit but the background will suffer.
This is what most ENBs that are designed for gameplay look like in comparison (Screen from my own game). Even if you're running the most amazing computer possible from NASA you're probably never going to get skyrim in motion looking like it does in most screenshots because the game actually can't handle having an ENB stacked onto it and still running well even if you have a 1080 + some over qualified processor working with it.
How do I get an ENB that lights up the face enough to show details?
just get facelight or whatever it's called
Hey! Guess I'm retarded. i already had that installed, I just hadn't cast the facelight spell
That looks like my cat
I miss him
Same actually
Teeth are bones
Tips on improving Skyrim character?
I wanted something more unique and less anime.
And that's -- and I say this unironically -- a good thing!
looks fine to me, change up the hair maybe
that was his point
To what? Somehow I have like 500 styles.
Bring mammaries?
Something that emphasizes the forehead
On the contrary, how do i animeify my skyrim
This is incorrect. Cbbe has waaaaaaaay more armors. That said everything from the past 3 years or so is on uunp.
As for TBD, just use uunp (unified unp) and bodyslide, make any shape you want. There’s hundreds of tutorials on this. Immersive armors has a uunp replacement
Alright, I'll look into it thanks.
>make any shape you want
Really? It's that detailed? I was under the impression that TBD > CBBE > UNP in terms of detail on SSE.
bring me a bat credit card
Have you played skyrim? Everybody looks like clones of each other.
I'm considering doing an install but I'm still unconvinced that the sex mods are actually going to create interesting gameplay and will probably just be akward and janky.
JH people. It’s included in all-in-one_animated_pussy_3.6 (install it that way, it’s the least painful way). It will make every girl in the game look like anime.
Note, if you do install it, your going to need to hunt down some hard to find files, but they are out there. To get the full list, google JH people and scroll down to the requirements. There’s a ks-hairdo (ithink) old version that’s required to for JH people, but the link is dead. Search around google and you’ll find it eventually. I found it like a month ago. Godspeed
Oh. My bad dude. I haven’t ever played SSE. I’m actually building a new computer for it right now (I never had a good computer to handle high textures mods). Not 100% on what’s out there yet
Amorous Adventures is the only sex mod that doesn't feel crazily hamfisted or janky IMO unless you want ones where you get raped by creatures and shit and play female
You say that yet you can recognise who it is
I can't because I managed to purge most of skyrim from my mind
Does anyone have those old pics of the modded Skyrim sweaty Orc muscle girls?
One of them was holding Volendrung, iirc. have no idea how far down the modding rabbit hole goes
Should I get it with Sexlab or OSex? Or can I do both somehow?
is this really what female bretons are supposed to look like?
lol fr.imagine being this inoncent. Ive seen some shit, most have who have been on LL
Stop bullying old ladies.
what would it be like to have an orc gf...
Get the Sexlab version because it's the only one that supports the last few quests.
Then download OSEX on the side because it has way better animations and is much better for intimate screenshots of stuff like kissing/embracing.
You mean these?
Arngoto senpia
Afraid not.Fairly sure they were among the very first batch of nude mods.
I love Bijin's Jenassa
I consider all bijin mods canon at this point.
The game is still horseshit in terms of quests, but the setting carries it.
And 300plus meshed mods.
And my cum inflate my companions regularly.
teeth are not bones
This to be honest. I actually forgot what vanilla Camilla and Jordis looked like because almost everyone plays with Bijin
ok Yea Forums which version of skyrim should i get
To be honest they are all very well done. And not overly done.
Mjoll look great.
Just don't use the gook ay lmao replacers.
We can all expect ugly shit for the current Zeitgeist in 6.
They are bones
I use BTRH waifu for Lydia, it's a more anime look than Bijin's stuff but I like BTRH for a few characters.
How did Skyrim even become a critical acclaim?
It's legitimately not a good game.
Bring me your naked ass titties
teeth are dentine and enamel
teeth don't have marrow
bones are made of collagen an shit and do have marrow
I honestly think Skyrim took too much shit once it became a hit. If it was not a hit people would look at it with more perspective.
Bethesda did the impossible in shitty consoles with no ram, making a game with schedules npc cycles, and a engine glued together with jizz in papyrus.
I honestly think they gave up and did not give it more time in the oven, and just made it ultra modded friendly. And isn't that an achievement?
Can you tell me a game except sims\maybe Doom and Thief that has the same mod potential after all these years?
That has to count for something. If only the game had the same staying power has the mirak quest.
The problem is that the quests are absolute shit compared to even Oblivion. Everything is reduced to going somewhere and killing some Draugr and then getting the insert leveled loot from the designated loot chest shit. It's really fucking bad to the point where every guild/questline suffers from this same design outside of a handful of shit that can probably be counted on your hands.
Not to mention the few quests with actually interesting elements like your spouse being kidnapped are radiant shit instead of something fleshed out.
I remember finding the Oblivion NPCs weirdly attractive, which is odd since everyone else agrees they're the most hideous things in the series.
I think it was the way the camera zoomed all the way in. It felt very...intimate.
I guess I don't get a lot of that in real life.
I don't even use an ENB for SE or Fallout 4 unless screenshotting. Weather mods are good enough.
oh okay
Absolutely the quests are awful I just play it like Mount and blade I make my own shit in my head with my custom companions. The setting is still cool. And looks gorgeous with enb.
Also some quests are fine.
The only thing I'll bring to you is a stab from the Ebony Blade
I remember I thought Syl was pretty attractive as far as Oblivion characters go
>tried getting into Skyrim like 10 different times since 2011,full of mods,few mods,story,no story and full random dungeon crawler,guild focus,porn,no porn,mage,archer,everything and it all sucked
>REALLY tried to force it this last time,a few years ago,following /tesg/'s mod guide
>the blacksmithing overhaul mods which apparently were compatible had an item you could craft and resell for infinite free gold and XP and I didn't even realize I was abusing this error until 10 levels later
>will to play just disappeared
I think it's just not meant to be.
download amorous adventures and defeat. AA adds some quest to vanilla npc in an organic way also adding voiced dialogue that sound alright by cutting and mixing game's sound clips.
Defeat is a death alternative mod where you could get raped/rape your foes instead of killing them.
Both need Sexlab.
I'd also add flower girls, which adds prostitutes in several town of Skyrim, altough it uses its own framework for the animations.
Honestly, no matter how much you mod Skyrim, the game is fundamentally shit, and there is no fixing that.
I had a blast playing with Frostfall, or whatever that mod was, and going to the first dungeon with an extremely basic tent, camping and collecting firewood in the freezing colds to make a camp while my character was starving and dying of thirst.
That was extremely challenging and it made the game fun as hell...
But then an hour later I had enough food and the best tent and a waterskin and so that wasn't a challenge anymore.
I didnt even have any other mountaintops to go to for a while because the world wasnt designed with exploration and comfy camping in mind. It was designed for fast travel, so there was no point in making the world interesting.
This pic for example looks absolutely fun and comfy. Imagine being a sexy femorc traveling the frozen lands, trying to build a secure camp somewhere, on the path of your next quest. But you're running out of food and supplies and the closest settlement is two hours walk away so you gotta make do with what you can forage. That's fun and challenging, but you can't do that in skyrim because settlements are a 5 minutes walk apart.
My only problem with AA
>Elisif already has the most extensive questline of all the AA characters outside of Serana
>AA guy is retiring, basically does contest where the winner can choose one last NPC to get a questline
>Winner chooses fucking Elisif
I would never recommend people using shit like defeat, Sexlab should only be used when you want to fuck and fap to a companion.
Sexlab is finicky and buggy as shit.
I'll bring you my mammoth dick, bitch
>Play total moralfag MC
>Marry the drug dealer because Bijin's mod just makes her too cute
>Imagine being a sexy femorc traveling the frozen lands
Opinion fucking discarded. I bet you like futa trannies as well.
Also that pic looks like garbage. That said the game has some okay quests and more environmental storytelling in dungeons that I never see people telling.
Lots of dungeons in Skyrim have nice details for when it was made.
I'd pay for a torremt/download of the game with all the best sexmods working.
The hassle is too much.
for the exploration, use mods that drains your stamina while jogging so you have to walk. Skyrim is indeed the comfiest walking simulator, making the journey rather than the destination, the most enjoyable part of it
I think that's almost impossible with how modding works. It took me months to have a stable game in oldrim, because special edition never really took off, although it has some shit now.
But its true its years of learning shit, I only started modding some eyars ago and I still learn shit today, even when you start editing stuff in nifskope.
It just isn't worth the effort.
I hate the stock NPCs
what's the easiest way to make them all not look like garbage
Maybe depends. But I understand your position for sure.
But for high poly bikini armor there is no alternative and probably wont be for a long time. Unless those pie in the sky patreon games get made.
My biggest regret is not getting in the mod scene early. I cant bring myself to learn how to do anything right now as the scene is pretty much dead and the game is nearing 10 years old now.
The announcement of TES6 isnt giving me any hype though. Beth keep[s dumbing down every game in the series, all while pushing harder and harder for the CancerClub shit.
TES6 will probably be a bitch to mod AND have paid mods to boot.
No thanks.
Download one of the mods that overhauls huge swathes of NPCs like the ordinary women or equivalents
>because special edition never really took off, although it has some shit now.
Special Edition literally has everything working now, including sex lab and all the mods are ported.
I switched to SE because of improved stability, physics, and loading, on top of loading up way more/better textures.
I know it has lot of stuff now, but the difference between both is not that big. I tried trust me.
Maybe if I boot it up again seriously which I prob wont I will try SE.
more tanlines
what differences are you talking about? stability? I have over 600 mods and have not had a single CTD with SE.
I I could not say the same with LE
Also, if you dont want to got through the hassle of checking out compatibility between mods, there are several mod list out there to help you build your list. I can vouch for Lexy's, it is very detailed on the step by step building of your mod list
Sure I just don't want to start up another game.
Maybe if people making animations for sexlab and the loader were better. They are better these days but not worth it.
I dont play it much these days anyway.
I know there are already a couple of good armor replacers converted, combat mods, special cbbe with vajayjay, I know how to convert stuff in studio etc etc.
I just dont give a fuck.
>playing through Enderal
>this entire game is leagues better than base Skyrim and only furthers my anger at Todd and his sheer incompetence at building an interesting world
>the entire Rhelata quest line
>the awesome as fuck main quest
>the trade faction war
>the cultist island
>all the areas have their own lore
>the secret monsters you can hunt down across the world
>the main city and its undercity puts Skyrim to shame
>all the fun character interactions and dialogue
>companion characters that are actually cool
>but everyone stopped talking about it a couple months ago
Where would I even put them?
Damn, my Switch version doesn't look anything like this...
Does Enderal work on SE?
ass tanlines need to encompass all of her cheeks not just a small g string line
No clue, but it's on Steam. I just needed regular Skyrim for it.
I'll give you a mammoths TUSK ohohoho
Don't you already have one??
Btw that lexy list guide gave me anxiety like when I started modding for the first time in MO.
Fuck it I would only boot it up again if sexlab animations were at least best 3d porn tier imaginable.
>tfw more spooked by a fucking Skyrim mod than any horror game in recent memory
>the entire finale of the Undercity arc
>fucking Aged Man's Manor and the implications in the main story
>that dreary fucking music in the ruins of Thalgard
Even the fucking desert spooked me a couple times, fuck those lizard men
there's a few good quests, like "discerning the transmundane", these seem to be written by actual lorefags
Can I play as a Khajiit girl and become a brood mother for human-khajiit offspring?
how long does it take to complete?
I'm about halfway through the main quest but I did more or less every single side quest since, got most of the magical symbols, and traveled the entire world and back a few times.
I want to see the booty
>companion and wife mods that make them prettier
>but no mods to actually change them up and actually give them more practical usage, voice lines, and actual personality
I got a mammoth tusk for you
Hey I'm sorry to post this but I'm at the end of my wits. My game crashes semi-randomly on fast travel (as in it enters loading screen for one second and then crashes), does this on cleaned saves, new characters, etc. I disabled all my town overhauls mods and it still does it. Has anyone else experienced something like this, all the stuff I can find on google hasn't helped.
>those journals of the apothecary in Gravespath slowly going insane
>the Thorn King being a massive skeleton sitting on a throne that says he's the last of his kind, but the only reference to his species is in a obscure book of Pyrean mythology which implies he's from an even older cycle
I don't know why but I love shit like this, the implications of the world dealing with the remnants of an older civilization to fix an impending calamity and accidentally finding stuff even older than they.
>no mod in the world can fix that
wrong, which is how I know you havent even modded it at all
99% of mods for Skyrim consists of just putting lipstick on a pig.
Ill bring you 20, will you marry me?
>install game after a couple of months
>spend hours modding skyrim
>spends hours inching and finally blowing my load
>repeat cycle
why do I keep doing this
are you really good at modding or something? Because it sounds like you are.
that's amazing, honestly.