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Other urls found in this thread:


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Thumbs up if you get it


Attached: open the mayor.jpg (533x960, 72K)

forgot pic

Attached: 1559412537696.png (500x564, 385K)

That last one is literally what lootcrates are.

Attached: fuck.jpg (1200x1960, 353K)

haha imagine being a human being working at sony and getting pooed on by a bird every day haha do you think the bird is embarassed when he poos in front of yoshida haha

we like, so lost our innocence with the advent of the cell phone

Yeah man, why can't we just go back to the days of innocent kids wanting balloons at carnivals? It's tragic, kids these days, they're missing out.

Attached: john-wayne-gacy.jpg (432x679, 46K)


Attached: 4321432.jpg (640x442, 56K)

Yeah, how many gigabytes of RAM does a ballon have you stupid bitch, get fucking real for a change lady a balloon doesn't need memory it needs helium shit

They can still have that here in poland
God bless Christianity!

Attached: 1438207981297198562.gif (400x297, 1.61M)

is that bikecuck?

Fuck man... Where is the world going?

Attached: tiger good.jpg (640x532, 103K)


>floating tablet
I've been living my life wrong this whole time

he went off to the deep end huh

Are you blind user?

They forgot paid online.

Attached: 1459617799822.gif (300x351, 61K)

DUMB anime

Why would he be googling crummy abe lincoln when he could be googling water!

Attached: 1559403221582.png (672x673, 220K)

>being a pay pig cuck.

Attached: 2000px-The_Pirate_Bay_logo.svg.png (2000x2265, 782K)

zoomers grew up on videogame tutorials and have a compulsive need to have things explained to them in detail

I love water !

Attached: 9RXWAt1.jpg (728x488, 112K)

Attached: 806i0.jpg (530x873, 108K)

Kek that one is legitimately funny though


Calvin and Hobbes is peak redditcore

Attached: 4c0.jpg (809x1199, 247K)


>tfw your phone will never femdom you

Attached: 49791DB6-15AD-4AAA-B022-CB0D7FEC342A.jpg (1200x899, 168K)

>Jesus quotes his own book
What a douchebag

Fuck he's right...
This really deflated my ego

Say that to my face, rethuglican-trash.

Attached: IMG_0273.jpg (800x555, 149K)

What did he mean by this

>y-y-yes master
Is his cellphone a submissive loli?

Attached: 1491602180714.jpg (775x1125, 672K)

Attached: cartoon1.png (774x294, 27K)

>defending Disney
Is dobson physically unable to ever be right about anything?

Was this made by Dobson?
The last panel makes me think it's from him.

>top of phone forms a stern mouth
>speech bubbles come from that mouth
>goofy second mouth drawn in dick area above the already-unnecessary shoes

this edited?

Attached: 1469286993444.jpg (800x623, 159K)

The creator of this comic is right. People should stop watching Star Wars and following its fandom.

dude yo..
IS THAT A yooo.

Attached: cartoon2.png (774x294, 23K)

Attached: i love water.png (540x400, 221K)

>posting a edit

Attached: 1554081801755.jpg (680x530, 94K)

Attached: comic372.png (650x1809, 469K)


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Attached: 31_sfxac02.jpg (900x900, 94K)

>Pizza t-shirt
What did he mean by this?

Attached: cartoon3.png (774x294, 20K)

>George Lucas sold his franchise because making them wasnt fun anymore
Oh no, poor Lucas! What will that fat fuck do with just a few million dollars!
>acting as if Disney is some sort of moral instance

I'm not going to act like Disney didn't rape the Star Wars franchise.

Attached: SYAC-Sad.jpg (792x2659, 1.35M)

>*Gets banned from Twitter for death threats against Drumpf*

Attached: 1403058148793.png (393x391, 216K)

Attached: cartoon4.png (774x294, 34K)

>dislikes mayo
well I thought he was a sociopath before, but that confirms it.

Attached: dobson dnd.jpg (775x1126, 702K)

This is LITERALLY me haha

The way he draws Mickey makes me laugh for some reason

What's wrong with that?
He'll google it, and read up on what he needs to know. The internet is fucking magical in that way. It's made all forms of traditional learning totally obsolete, because now you can learn exactly what you need, when you need it without having to go through a school system. I learned how to code by just looking at some basic fucking starter guides I found on google whereas I would have had to go to college and learn how to use obfuscated garbage like java for 2 years before I could pick up a useful language.

There's no reason for a kid to have to sit down at a desk and learn about fucking math and science. They're not going to remember it, kids don't remember 80% of the shit they "learn" in school anyway because they fucking hate going and goof off in class.

Attached: cartoon5.png (774x294, 27K)

>Putting an entire cavlin & hobbes strip in your shitty webcomic

Attached: 1512255056845.jpg (760x1002, 448K)



what a unique personality

Not just ordinary death threads, but really graphic drawings, even.

fuckin hell those are some pricey balloons.

>Power Chords
Gets me every fucking time

Attached: 1555617246761.gif (160x140, 1.05M)

But most of them are atheists and not Christians. Comic makes no sense


Attached: SYAC-Emasculated.jpg (620x1858, 396K)

Attached: cartoon6.png (774x294, 21K)

>sign says closed
>still walk in

He could have gone down a different path

I don’t know if this can cancel out him being bikecuck, but it’s at least a step in the right direction.

But its true. Gamers are fucking stupid.

Attached: 1518632438197.png (700x1400, 195K)



>clearly traced photographs
What do you think?

Holy shit man...

Judging by that comic it looks like the deep end went off on him mate

where are the new SYAC comics at?

Attached: cartoon7.png (774x294, 17K)

He's saying "brothers and sisters", meaning people of his race, not foreigners.

Was this really the best he could come up with?

Fucking based

Maybe if women didn't have such absolute shit taste in movies they wouldn't get so few movies

Attached: 1559498739051.jpg (715x997, 253K)

>I think Kylo Ren is an interesting villain because I picture all my enemies being him
What a fucking manbabby

>Dobson telling others to stop being whiny fanboys

Pot calling the kettle black

Attached: cartoon8.png (774x294, 41K)

Thankfully Trumo follows Jesus, and gave all those families jobs and permanent residence! BASEY

Attached: Men_Vs_Women.jpg (3517x5022, 3.61M)

wow u so smart come work with me at sony

You don't post funny ones

Attached: cartoon9.png (774x294, 19K)

What's most shocking about this image is how thin he drew himself.

Attached: answer already.jpg (640x640, 93K)

>Implying any those movies are good besides Toy Story
Also Toy Story 2 has Jessie or did the person making the comic forget

is this an analogy for female-on-male workplace harrassment?

racewar johnny

Kowalski analsys haha

Lmao made me laugh

Imagine trying to make a strawman comic, trying to make other people look bad, and only managing to look like a fucking loser that was on the wrong all along. It takes a lot to be as stupid as the son of Dob.

Attached: SYAC-NSFW_Context.jpg (620x2084, 716K)

Attached: cartoon10.png (774x294, 28K)

Attached: FAT KEVIN.jpg (293x236, 30K)

These comics are soulful as fuck

based and hydrated

Thanks user, just another reason for me to hate women

>Maybe you wouldn't feel so enmasculated if your mahood was rooted in something like being always patronized by women

Attached: cartoon11.png (774x294, 27K)

College professors do it all the time.

Attached: EphLDnuv-g1AaUYGmytmMxjOrno_byzD0ED5yRE_4sHhcvnGl7WfEXDBbhkC528h.jpg (620x835, 232K)

>Nearly committed suicide over backlash to Jar-Jar Binks
For real? Why?
Who gave a shit about him, he was a guy jumping around in a full body condom.
Why would anyone give a shit about him, or did he identify with his character so much and got depressed that everyone hated Jar-Jar?


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Attached: [Coalgirls]_White_Album_11_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[151786C8].mkv_snapshot_18.09_[2015.11.11_19.44. (487x968, 78K)

Attached: 79+890.jpg (640x826, 82K)


>having sex before getting to know each other


>fuck our audience
all they had to do was make some good movies, how hard is that

what's a mcdonalds night?


Attached: 1532605429005.png (300x300, 74K)

>Getting to know eachother inmediately after a quick fuck
What the fuck?


>our head (singular)

Attached: cartoon13.png (774x294, 29K)

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Attached: 1445683418309.png (537x626, 411K)

>went through all the proper channels

crossing the border is not proper channels. people who actually enter legally do not get deported.

why did he put quiet in the last panel? the context is that she's in a game for adults


The people that put up those starter guides on the internet had to learn to code without startup guides. All internet knowledge ultimately came from traditional teaching methods.

>mature stories are ones that treat violence, swearing, and R-rated sex with understanding and gravitas
>like Spogebob Squarepants does

Did he proofread this? Is that really what he meant to write? or has a panel been cut?

>boomer eager to throw away cash on garbage
>zoomer asks about the practicality of the purchase rather than wanting something just because it's being marketed
Meta comic

Attached: 1468219603355.jpg (555x526, 82K)

What the fuck? How do men not rate Tangled higher? Its prime disney princess pussy. Fucking love it.

Attached: cartoon14.png (774x294, 20K)

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1473273087631.jpg (1920x1200, 347K)

Remind me why people like Kylo and dislike Ultron?
They're both bitch-boys with daddy issues and a mess of complexes.

Attached: hard to swallow pills.jpg (464x464, 45K)

Thread theme:


Attached: d83ajd2-90ae22d6-db08-4945-bdca-91a251f67e32.png (1000x751, 53K)

Every time.

Attached: 1498511580802.jpg (600x878, 491K)

Funfact: coffee and caffeine are lethal to dogs.

at least the second ones plays vidya too...even if it is overwatch and bioware shit

>I like that she's strong and isn't sexualized

Who cares about depth and character? As long as the female is "strong" and not sexualized, that's all that's required of her to appeal to the left leaning masses as they're the new market.


Attached: Dhi9fIkU8AAi2Je.jpg (720x654, 67K)

Wait, there's such edit? I'm downloading it.

Attached: cartoon15.png (774x294, 18K)

>We don't smell bad

Attached: laughing soles.jpg (295x209, 15K)

I love these, but it's "GNU/Linux" not "Linux".

Why did she scream "sigh"?

Attached: subtle.jpg (900x247, 82K)

i secretly like the college humor comics, not because they're funny, but because the normal artists they used in the past have an entertaining youtube channel, and i can tell which did what comic

Attached: 1497711292059.jpg (1832x1336, 567K)


Attached: 1385171540347.png (429x295, 222K)

Attached: cartoon16.png (774x294, 29K)

This on the board that whines every time a female character isnt a scantily-clad slut.


>aren't sexist pigs
There must be a joke somewhere in there.

This image made me rise up


Attached: Lynchangriest.jpg (718x138, 29K)

Attached: 1497529930846.jpg (500x688, 133K)

The DnD player on the left has an absolute chad face.

>We are better than men in everything, you guys suck and smell too
>Also we're not sexist, lol
Love me some Dobson, the man who just can't make an argument for shit, but still tries.


Attached: 1560088183669.png (774x294, 30K)

Attached: cartoon17.png (774x294, 42K)

>Quiets context is good


Attached: It works on Several Levels.jpg (619x5170, 839K)

There's no evidence for the sequel cast's problems

Attached: bioshock.jpg (550x4767, 1.03M)

it's obviously edited

i don't watch drawfee anymore because i lost interest but i always liked julia

based legal GTA roleplayer

Why the fuck everyone likes clavin and hobbes?

>don't smell bad
Proof that Dob is a perma-virgin

Didnt she do that willingly though? which basically nullifies dobsons comic?


Attached: 1559753483693.jpg (600x384, 115K)

Wait, his roommate acts like the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil is a movie-reference, and eats chips while watching it?

This guy might be the most american american of them all.

silly setz

I dun get it. Dude shops, makes dinner for woman, fucks her and then plays video games and eats pizza?
Where's the joke?

Attached: cartoon18.png (774x294, 26K)


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Attached: pUHl2Vp.png (1547x726, 97K)

>little miss salt
that's pretty funny.

didn't the guy who made these used to work for Sesame Street?

And then everybody clapped

>cutting his steak with a chainsaw
What an Chad. How will libtards ever recover?

Look in the bottom left of the first panel

Attached: cartoon19.png (774x294, 41K)

That's not true, though. My girlfriend doesn't like women who are aggressive. It's cringy to her much more than it is to me.
A female protagonist that women actually like wouldn't win by fighting. She would win by being pretty, competent and conciliatory. She also wouldn't be wearing pants or have bulging muscles.
The female protagonists SJWs like are there for the men to be judged non-sexist, not to actually make female characters women like.

DLC is the digital form of Expansions. Think of your favorite expansions. They mostly consist of cut content.

Two scoops

Attached: 1559751083237.jpg (640x759, 110K)

Funny given that so many cosplayers love dressing as sluts.

I know when the proper usage of that is though. Yeah, Rey as a big tit slut would be a bad call, but they also made a bad call at making her a boring, blank slate that's good at everything. This is also the same board that has made many posts on how badly they handled her character as a protagonist by making her too much of a Mary Sue.

Attached: cartoon20.png (774x294, 25K)

>A big company is calling you a bad guy
How to ruin a comic


>we trust each other more
>much more reliable
someone post the MM2 tournament coop part

Attached: sw - fact-check.jpg (2000x1554, 916K)

Make your pick Yea Forums

Attached: relationships.jpg (473x714, 53K)

You think that’s bad?

Attached: FE1B333A-BD19-406E-8986-490D4D2AD5BF.jpg (514x1059, 164K)


Attached: cartoon21.png (774x294, 27K)

I really want to have a personal in real life argument with Dobson, just to see how fast he falls apart.

it's like poetry

Attached: 1500369570899.png (728x5820, 603K)

they have heroin in them

What makes this even stupider is that he drew in the "store closed" sign which means he knew the sign was there and that the place was supposed to be closed, and he still went in despite that as is the people inside wouldn't judge him with disdain.

As someone that works at a place in which I manage to get everything set up literally minutes before opening, we fucking hate every one of you retards that tries to come in five minutes early as if you think you're so clever.

Attached: cartoon22.png (774x294, 29K)

>women don't smell bad
I hope he never goes camping with women. The smell of an all female crew on a ship must be horrendous

But Yea Forums's favourite female character is Totori and she isn't scantily-clad at all.

Attached: baby2.png (256x331, 8K)

Afaik Alyx Vance, Chell and Zoe are not dressed like scantily-clad sluts and people here love them
Even Lara's normal outfit is not that slutty considering you can see real women wear that kind of shit, jut with less cleavage.

>The Blind Side ranked high
Every fucking time.

Attached: laughing boat guy.gif (298x224, 3.56M)

LEGO is still fun (even if you're 32), It's great now that I have a niece and nephew and I can build stuff together with them

Attached: books good.jpg (640x438, 35K)

Attached: cartoon23.png (774x294, 45K)


> we also trust each other more

Probably the most telling sign this guy has never been around women.

Fucking hell

Attached: 8434eCJ.jpg (500x375, 37K)

Linux users are the niggers of software.

it's funny

Attached: 1559725642926.png (1000x500, 50K)

>trust each other
Has Dobson literally never met a woman in his life? Like not even his own mother?

>His own book

It's Matthiew's book though. He's quoting his mate quoting him.

Have you seen the reactions to the recent comic where Vader kills a crazy stalker lady. they are hilarious

>don't smell bad
I've been in the gym in high school while the soft ball team comes in to change, and they smelled fucking awful.

Attached: ohjoyfursuit.png (728x5490, 1.18M)

id agree a bit, but the new girl guest they get sometimes has been pretty funny

Attached: cartoon24.png (774x294, 21K)

Maybe he's schizophrenic?

>pope-out cd tray
Those were the times.

Attached: 1559789301688.png (1000x500, 55K)

Dorkly is getting painfully unfunny, their recent pokemon comic is extremely telling of that

Attached: 1546041797487.jpg (634x2662, 394K)

He be selling ballas'

Attached: cartoon25.png (774x294, 19K)


>not the edit

>I would argue that
>FAR more respect
Which ones, and in what way?
Why can't he make an actual argument?
Oh right, being an autistic manchild.

why do people "check-in" to places? do you get something for it?


Attached: pail.jpg (600x407, 87K)

Fuck that mouse, wysiwyg editors were the bane of my early dev days, good thing this trend stopped quickly

>take showers regularly
>plumbing on a ship


>He doesn't know about the Boomer Hivemind

Attached: cartoon26.png (774x294, 26K)

What the fuck is that last panel?

Attached: 1559966335584.jpg (780x800, 91K)

>Son of Dob

Attached: 1529428360020.jpg (752x1063, 137K)

Post channel

Attached: pail2.jpg (500x501, 72K)

Attached: cartoon27.png (774x294, 26K)

Attached: F107A35A-A7C8-4650-8279-A0E3602CD187.jpg (760x1002, 206K)

>deleted her instagram account
>deleted her instagram account
Such sacrifice! Such victimhood! How can they live now?

I know it's fake but fucking hell.

>burning a symbol of a country as a political protest
>burning a flag of a group of historically oppressed people to show how much you hate them
yup totally the same thing good job stonetoss you are truly a genius

Attached: 06D41BE4-15DE-4707-B138-D1D8D3BC4D56.gif (142x64, 8K)

>>aged 20 pass driving test
>he didn't start driving at 16

Attached: disgusting...png (588x531, 338K)

me and my gf on the bottom except she hides in the closet and tries to spank me

Attached: cartoon28.png (774x294, 24K)



Shit, and I was just thinking she was really qt

Which Zoe?

What the... Fuck

Attached: 1553205131771.png (761x761, 763K)

imagine being so fat you look at at-shirt and see food

>parent won't actually drive kid to library

god society is fucked these days...

Attached: db9rsku-9d65badc-7cf4-4621-85d6-5041a8a1de29.jpg (395x385, 18K)

god katrinas such a slut

Not a single stonetoss comic was posted before your nazi ass came here. Begone, alt-right, begone!

LEGO is serious business.
I have a friend that collects Star Wars Lego and the prices are insane, especially for the builders versions of the models that have hundreds if not thousands of little pieces.
He showed me a few other cheaper pieces of Lego sets he also picked up and let me tell you if you don't think the Magic Kingdom Castle set isn't the coolest shit then you have no taste whatsoever. (It is full of little tiny details from various classic Disney movies)
I picked up a couple Brickhedz myself to put on a shelf from Marvel movies. Some of them are pretty nice and they are cheap. Why better than those awful POP figures that seem to invade peoples homes.

Attached: Zenpencils_Average.jpg (980x4016, 952K)

Attached: cartoon29.png (774x294, 14K)

Guns are terribly against skeletons
Most of the bullets will just pass harmlessly through their ribcage!

Attached: power_grill.jpg (549x383, 95K)

I though this was some kind of otherkin/furry bullshit when I saw the Dalmatian guy news, somehow this is even worse at least some furries draw how females and fursuits can be used as tactical armor

Attached: B48B55FB-88AF-42BA-B29C-D98F41D51CCE.jpg (342x1024, 99K)


>Women's top movies are mostly after 2000
>Men's top movies are mostly before 2000

What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1260531737273.jpg (447x380, 31K)

underrated edit


Palpatine didn't have to because he already was ruling the galaxy for a couple of decades and the way the Empire acts IS his plan. Rule through fear via overwhelming power is what the Empire was all about. Is that what Snoke's plan was? No clue because we never learn what he wanted. He mentioned how the Empire's way of doing things is what lead to their defeat so it wasn't gonna be how they did things, obviously. Johnson is just a mediocre writer propped up as being a great one.

Attached: cartoon30.png (774x294, 13K)

American tradition

Zoey* from l4d

this one

Attached: bc15b8d1317d05b0230d16d3e7e5ee03.jpg (850x1204, 270K)

>272 posts, 100 images replied
>no one hearts water

What the fuck are you supposed to do if the library's missing a book in the series you're trying to read? I've never understood this whole "phone bad library good" argument, especially when it's so much easier to just fucking download a whole series at once and read them on your phone

Attached: gamer_bf.png (1046x1031, 778K)

Attached: cartoon31.png (774x294, 13K)

Attached: my-body-my-choice-comic[1].png (1500x500, 68K)

How long till busted?

I'm happy the blond guy finally recognized the other one as the genius he is.

They look like a fucking sperg made them.

This is fucking funny
Why cant hacks like katie make this tier funny

>mfw dobson made a comic I agree with
brb offing myself

>has no dialogue
>'can you read it to me?'

Attached: bird.jpg (987x700, 148K)

This mouse is too based for his own good

>marriage is between a man and a woman
That's literally what it is.

Attached: cartoon32.png (774x294, 15K)

Note that this isn't strictly the movies women like vs the movies men like, it's specifically the movies women like that men hate and vice versa

There are far better ones :)
Someone post the pissing or cuckoldry piece


Attached: 1559146176187.png (665x598, 139K)


Good, it means she's not insane.

Attached: cartoon33.png (774x294, 14K)

It's "free software", not "open source".
Also you CAN sell free software, the free stands for freedom, not price.

this did not age well

I fuckin hate zenpencils so much. Cunt obviously never had an original thought pass through his head.

Attached: cartoon34.png (774x294, 30K)

Shut up, there's no such thing as lemon ice cream.

hey bud, you stupid or somethin?

Drawfee. they just draw stupid shit, usually from prompts given in their comments/twitter/whatever other stuff. just funny stuff, games, or weeb shit. the last person they have draw most of the time (julia) does some great weird shit usually

Attached: gay-molestation-comic.png (1500x500, 74K)

Men are boomers, women are zoomers

Attached: E07F02A5-DEBE-43F7-A509-B8CD6C73A646.jpg (1000x500, 151K)

Attached: cartoon35.png (774x294, 14K)

a broken clock is right twice a day

thats because they dont. all of their comics are based on other peoples stories or quotes

People were sending him death threats and degrading messages because he played Jar-Jar. Fans were the ones unable to separate the actor from the character. He was being harassed to no end because whiny Star Wars fans didn't the character George Lucas created.

Attached: 1555932642262.png (1211x1005, 2.06M)

Shalom fellow gaymers!

Attached: open-borders-for-israel-comic.png (1000x500, 70K)


>burning a flag of a great country you live in, protesting for the inside while being a leech
>burning the flag of an """opressed"" identity group that has the side of literally every big group and name with no ulterior motives guys trust me

dobson is really blowing this whole star wars thing out of proportion. no reason to get a big head

source or artist name?

Attached: cartoon36.png (774x294, 19K)

man, she didnt have to make such a big STINK about it

Attached: keklmao.jpg (251x242, 10K)

That's the joke

Editing "gay" to "trans" would make it more accurate.

Needs a second panel with the kid saying "Yeah, but this has access to every book ever written in any language, no worry of a copy not being there or the hassle of needing to return it by a specific date. Just because I'm getting my information from this tablet, doesn't mean you're smarter because you're using an older form of media to get the same information. In fact, I'm the smarter one for having the device that out performs the library in every way, shape and form."


Attached: tumblr_ot4q1eOVF41tzue9go1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 311K)

You know the comic is meant to point out the hypocrisy, right?

Lurk more, normalfag.

Attached: cartoon37.png (774x294, 13K)

>six Harry Potter movies
At each passing day I feel more comfortable on saying I unironically hate women

Attached: 541468173.jpg (556x720, 129K)

Attached: transgender-suicide-comic[1].png (1000x500, 51K)

>America is a concept
>Gays are a group of people
Do you see the difference now?

Attached: 5.png (212x236, 7K)

man i just entered elementary school when these comics came out...

i don’t get it. is because gay people are rapist or what?

>free speech is only free in some circumstances
Then it's not really free is it?

>Burning a flag to show disrespect because you're an edgy faggot

>t. trump cuck

Lol who cares nerd

Attached: cartoon38.png (774x294, 19K)

What country is the third one?

>Doing normal things that only benefit you is being oppressed by your phone

Maybe you shouldn't have overstayed your visa then, you little shit.


Attached: cartoon39.png (774x294, 20K)

Attached: video games.png (1153x2712, 943K)

>Slitting his throat without making him unconcious
Didn't know ayylmaos were Jewish

>great country
this is what amerifats actually believe

Attached: CiPccNy.png (397x400, 227K)

Are you by any chance American?

>The maam who sold the world

Attached: fbi-infiltration-comic-1.png (1500x500, 76K)

Attached: 66.png (1200x603, 984K)

ROC, Taiwan.

Attached: cartoon40.png (774x294, 21K)

taiwan. AKA still china

>Americans are a group of people
>Homosexuality is a concept
Do you see the difference now?

Attached: 1560090342701.png (212x236, 6K)

this is extremely based

idc i just make edit of shitty comics

Attached: xuq5fssd1d3wii6avapf.jpg (1200x675, 153K)

Elaborate, I'm curious

Fuck me man.

>being such a beta that you dwell on lost opportunities from fucking elementary school
holy shit

Attached: 1471320444885.png (1600x900, 2.09M)

A true sub human

Attached: cartoon41.png (774x294, 15K)

Freedom is never free.

Attached: 1499510916178.jpg (596x699, 157K)

what the.................

bros..... when are we gonna rise up?


>buy 2 houses
>years later start earning 40k a year


Attached: 1559661535253.png (604x630, 353K)

Is this loss?

>ytmnd taught us to be creative
Unironic yikes, that explains a lot

come back when you kill a prisoner against my orders

I've never heard of whatever site that is between /pol/ and 9chan

Holy Based

>literally gamer fuel

This comic is ahead of it's time

Attached: 1438527966997.jpg (604x503, 67K)


Attached: Electric+retard+4_c4ec64_3984886.jpg (640x3786, 357K)

Attached: cartoon42.png (774x294, 18K)

>have not seen a single movie on the dude side
If it makes you feel better, I also have not seen anything on the chick side either. I only really watch trashy sci fi.

that's actually kinda funny, in a that-one-newspaper-comic-you-actually-read kinda way

But being American has benefited more people than being gay.

Cripplechanners need to purged, what cringe shit. DA is older than any of those shit sites posted, newgrounds was only good for porn and flash games. Something awful was always shit and what the fuck is ytmnd?

Attached: 1520321012712.jpg (235x325, 41K)

>I don't want to fuck that
That's how you know it was made by a retard


This is why the bible is a joke, they made it vague on purpose so anyone can think they 'get' it.

Does this artist support the gay pride movement? If so he has no place talking about pornographic content being shown to children.

If only the devs weren't pussies we could've gotten prime time camel toe right there.

based as fuck

Attached: mayo.gif (478x468, 1.64M)

Attached: cartoon43.png (774x294, 17K)

People are usually gay because of repressed childhood sexual trauma.

Helium is in high demand and is running out. We want to waste a precious resource on a fucking floating rubber ball?

>random evil guy throw in

Now this is an early 00s webcomic

Is this one of the only sane boards on Yea Forums?

what does it mean?

>Cripplechanners need to purged
Non-/pol/ cripplechanners blend in, it's just the /pol/ everyone who acts like this.

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Attached: 1556832253957.jpg (1280x2160, 319K)

I fear no thief, no rapist, no murderer.
THIS is why I lock my door.

>trashy sci fi
reddit as fuck

Attached: cartoon44.png (774x294, 13K)

THIS. Old people like this are so bitter and honestly, a bunch o faggots.

Some primo comedy there

Attached: 1541923244866.jpg (517x328, 16K)

Get back under your bridge, Dobson.

The difference is that video games actually make a lot of dumb kids very real bigots (proof: Yea while few gamers assault or kill anyone.

I still don't get what Dorkly was thinking with their E3 2014 comic. It's literally just a giant shitpost in the year Nintendo actually did well.

Attached: dorkly.png (602x888, 466K)

based and redpilled


Attached: 1556581377298.png (261x102, 69K)

my nigga. Rapunzel is fucking hot

source? legit curious to see if that's true

Attached: cartoon45.png (774x294, 16K)

And we're clearly past that at this point.

>Electric retard
Ahh... takes me back

I understand that I'm supposed to react with anger
But this is too far removed from reality for me to have any emotional attachment to it whatsoever.

>killing americans bad
haha lmao

If I ever kill myself I'm going to cite this image as the reason

oh god, I used to work at a software company for 4 years and all of the intranet servers were called after star wars characters too

Attached: 1426192466670.png (1137x2331, 2.08M)

Literally who?

>women dodn't smell bad
I guess dobson has never hanged out with any women

Attached: cartoon46.png (774x294, 15K)

Sweet Guy

why did he draw spongebob like this

Attached: spong.png (80x127, 19K)

Attached: D81A3F85-70B6-4158-9089-DE415EA0E43A.jpg (1000x500, 111K)

>being American is a choice
>being Gay isn't
Do you see the difference now?

Attached: 4.png (300x248, 7K)

Attached: 74.png (264x1608, 68K)

>move to a different country BY CHOICE
>gets offended by the people living there
Fuck this planet.

Look at those veiny tits

i cannot even tell if the specs are actually good for the time or not oh

>We are better than men in everything, you guys suck and smell too
>Also we're more mature and modest

Attached: cartoon47.png (774x294, 15K)

Attached: 1437083236605.jpg (600x600, 76K)

They wanna take guns away so we can't fight off ayylmaos.

Basically this. A woman who is superior than it's peers wouldn't raise it's fists when an aggressive person appeared, she would use her charm and personality to fool him into leaving his aggressive stage, and if she had the time, even fool him into doing her commands just with talk and charm, basically transforming him into a puppet.

Only the dumbest women, and I say this comparing then to most women, react aggressively do situations. They don't need to.

I once read this book from my country when I was younger, and there was a scene where some dude stormed into a house wanting to kill another guy, and only his wife was there. As the dialogue went on, she didn't just made him give up on killing her husband, when the husband finally arrived at his home, his "killer" was helping her making the dinner, and along the book he eventually developed a platonic connection with her. That character was, in a sense, the superior women. Not a woman in men's pants, but a woman who got the best of her womanhood.

Attached: 1548847474982.jpg (640x426, 50K)

>Being american is a choice
>But so many americans who hate america refuse to leave
I guess they don't really hate america

That last one has been happening since video game merchandise has existed. Look at fucking Funko Pop

it took two people to make this?

Attached: 2084FA11-0AD1-4156-8E55-50132B9A7443.jpg (1500x500, 184K)

Attached: cartoon48.png (774x294, 19K)

No its someone who's pen name is Matthew and they wrote the book based off of word of mouth. jesus was already dead for 30 something years

How can a mascot be this punchable?

They did, I'm not disputing that it was useful when there was no massive infrastructure of knowledge available, but even then it was still gatekept for no real reason behind worthless subjects irrelevant to the topic people were actually interested in. Nowadays, there's no reason someone who wants to code, should have to go to college to do so. And thankfully they don't. But they still do for a lot of things. I'm thankful college exists for proper engineering courses, I think it serves it's purpose greatly in providing a real classroom and hands on experience and teaching. But something like history, as important as it is, be real, if someone's not interested in it, forcing them to learn it does nothing. Schooling is a fucking joke the world over. China is filled with legalized cheating where test observers turn a blind eye to cheating because it keeps the school's results high and gets them government funding. Japan has cram schools where kids are forced to go to school essentially 15 hours a day. Korea teaches kids that if they don't go to school they end up working in sewers and will never get anywhere in life, leading to insanely high suicide and depression rates.

The western world has it's own problems but I'm not as familiar with them to speak confidently. I can say though, that teaching someone something they don't care about is a surefire way to make them hate all learning in general.

>being Gay is a choice
>being American isn't
Do you see the difference now?

Attached: 1560090898379.png (300x248, 5K)

These are true boomer comics, and not the Yea Forums meme boomer. Out of touch old people complaining about kids these days and their newfangled computers and whatsits.

I don't get it.

Oh boy

Attached: tumblr_psecujkjtC1r7r8ub_1280.jpg (1242x1142, 314K)

And yet he later used McDonald's as the bad guy in his mac defense comic
Wonder if dobbo is gonna buy the 1000 dollar monitor stand

Attached: cartoon49.png (774x294, 24K)

I just want to play videogames and talk about them


>Be proud american
>Leave your country instead of fixing it when something goes wrong

>look kids are so disconnected with the real world
>I don't even know the price of a balloon
I fucking hate those peoples

Attached: 1415937827426.jpg (1162x1020, 309K)

>we unironially have gays in my country campaigning to donate blood
>any requirements straight people don't have to meet are homophobic

Attached: gay-blood-donation-comic1[1].png (1000x500, 45K)

The problem is google is being used for everything to the point that people are beginning to no longer form their own oppinions based on their own personal knowledge but instead what google tells them to think.

Attached: cartoon50.png (774x294, 18K)

Hello! As a dog, I would just like to say... I am enjoying these comics with the dog in them, very much! Please continue to post them in this thread... they're making me howl with laughter!

Attached: 1404075119330.jpg (400x543, 231K)

Nigga you can go aways from
burgerland but you can’t away from being a faggot

not sure if you're talking about the muslims or the russians desu senpai

That girl has some terrible taste

This thread is supposed to have only bad comics

this is alarmingly accurate


Attached: cartoon51.png (774x294, 24K)

I came as soon as I heard

Attached: 1556931128514.png (750x574, 501K)

>Anime reaction pic
>Hate women
Kek. Looking forward for your suicide in a few years

>Straight people can’t have VIH

i dont get it bros

Basically Vivec

Hes a filthy Presbyterian
He follows cucks like Luther, not jesus

The comical thing about Dobson is that he never has any moral compass of his own, no mores, no code. Everything he believes in is contemporary. In the early 2000s he was the typical ANGRY NERD that hated all jocks, and ruminated over his own incompetence with omphaloskepsis so powerful that it'd put Ira Glass to shame. Now he's staunchly against all that (only because it's timely). A true snake.

Attached: cuming of christ.png (1195x979, 602K)

needs an edit where 2012 Yea Forums looks at 2018 Yea Forums and balks at all the şoyjak edits

But the straight people also have to meet that criteria in the blood donation case. "Don't be an at-risk group", people with blood-diseases can't donate blood either.

I feel yellow finnish hands "purest white genes in Europe" made this image

She got to know the guys favorite movies after and disliked them therefore it was rape.

Attached: cartoon52.png (774x294, 20K)

Why is that a problem? Are they trying to do it while suffering from a disease?

The art for this didn't improve much in the 3 years it ran for.
Mayo is gay and so are you

Mint chocolate chip > all