Game gets a soul skin

>game gets a soul skin

Attached: starcrafts.jpg (2000x1080, 316K)

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I missed the finals, was it good/

it was fairly uninteresting even for a pvp. really one sided

Mini had another Shuttle fuck-up

Attached: mini agony.png (1053x586, 1.22M)

They're going to charge as much as the base game, aren't they?

Attached: minishuttle.png (318x436, 98K)

post zerglings

nu-blizz just can't help but shit all over SC1 fans


Attached: rip flash.gif (436x344, 1.02M)

Lame. I'm one game in and I can't say I care to watch Rain demolish Mini. Mini is a good boy.

Thats fucking hideous

ASL is starting up on June 30, so there's that to look forward to.

is this real? can someone link?

Good. There's even a little GSL to watch in the meantime.

Coming out in July.

is it bad that I kind of like it? reminds me of old 2000s flash games

Attached: 1468088553902.gif (221x196, 410K)

With the confirmed Scout kills in that game, it's almost better than the finals.

I don't see why it would be bad to like it. I really like how mass lings look.

That's exceedingly depressing.

I like Cutecraft as well.
>That's exceedingly depressing.
Well, KSL was dissapointing overall. Let's see in a few years if Blizzard learns you need to spend money to make money on something like this.

>those Zerglings
wtf I'm a Zerg player now

Have they only shown one game? I want to see the Terran

Attached: 9150fc73443f6d6743f053145e8b36ff.png (1267x676, 602K)

>is it bad that I kind of like it? reminds me of old 2000s flash games
It looks pretty nice and clean.

>the dark templar makes fucking flips when it attacks

looks like Alien Hominid

What Newgrounds flash game is this?

Is that carbot?
They always pushed the guy for being the only HotS related fan-content creator but this is taking it to a new level, in a good way though

It's him.

The playable build they were using for the showmatch doesn't have Terran yet, but the trailer they showed gives you a glimpse:

When the fuck are they nerfing Terran?

I fucking hate his "style"

Its okay, they kinda pushed him a bit too much, but this reskin is still brilliant

Are you talking about Brood War?

cute CUTE

>marines are cute

Is Flash retiring a nerf?

shit taste

looking at the reskinned gameplay makes me want to play brood war for the first time in my life. art looks fresh as fuck and i love the designs

i've always wondered why the different parts on a unit/building turn from green to red

does it actually mean anything or is it just a neat little graphic to show you how fucked something is strictly for flavor?