If I'm planning on getting 100% in pic-related...

If I'm planning on getting 100% in pic-related, should I save all the side-quests for NG+ or do them in my first playthrough?

Xenoblade thread

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If you want to get 100% completion and also enjoy the game then do them in your first playthrough.
If you want to get 100% as quickly as possible and don't really care about the fact that you'll obliterate most sidequests with no effort then do them in NG+.


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As far as I'm aware NG+ doesn't change anything apart from being able to unlevel, and being able to pull the Torna blades

Do whatever
I finished almost all by the time I ended the game. Then shortly after finished the post game ones.

No need to care about side quests man, this game doesn't lock out anything. You can quick travel out during story dungeons, no problem. Just play it at your own pace.

>If I'm planning on getting 100%

Why not plan a suicide instead?

The part which takes the longest is getting Ursula to S+. And while you do it, you can do most of everything else.

Monolith's games are notoriously completionists nightmares, user. I wouldn't advise to do it, because you'll end up in a psychiatric hospital.

Also newdrivers pasta for our newbros:
-Screencap tutorials because there isn't a reasonable way to view them again.
-Rex automatically gets fantastic blades so you don't need to give him much Blades from the gacha (but give him 2 or 3 good Blades)
-Use Pouch Items as much as possible, especially the ones that lets you recharge your Arts faster. Makes the flow of the battle better.
-On skill trees, you will see an ability unlock "Cancel a driver art with another driver art". It's imperative that you unlock this ASAP because it boosts the flow of battle tremendously.
-Also get the 3 skills that lets you start a battle with the Art already charged on the X, Y and B buttons
-Understand the Attack Cancelling mechanic, as it makes the flow of the battle better by recharging Arts quickly
-Swapping blades refills their arts palette.
-You can combo into and out of swapping blades.
-Most enemies will aggro you if you aren't 8 levels above them. And look at your environment before taking a step in the wild, or you could get your ass raped by a Gorilla 80 levels over you. But the game don't punish you for exploring, so don't be afraid to do it.
-Don't use too much bonus XP at inns unless you really need to because it can completely trivialize the game.
-Focus on the Driver Combo of Break > Topple > Launch > Smash when they will be introduced. The sooner you can understand this set up, the better.
-Besides battles and h2h, you can raise trust between a Driver and their Blade by repeatedly using pouch items over and over again.
-Raising trust with your Blade is needed to unlock the Blade's skill tree in most cases.
-Don't waste protocol overdrives on common blades. The game only gives you a few.
-DON'T kill the little Arduran in Torigoth until you feed it to Lv.99. He'll become the best Legendary Cores farming spot.

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Not again this shitty game

>"lol no on talks about this dead game anymore!"
>"Fuck, stop talking about this game!"

Kill yourself.

It's not that bad my friend autistically 100%'d the game

If you're answering questions, I'm trying to farm the legendary Arduran, but he's level 99 and destroys me. I'm like level 90. What monster should I farm for exp til I can beat him? I was farming those fuckhueg T-rexs in temperantia but it's too slow now.

It lets you use experience to buy shit you would normally have to grind for.

IIRC you're not far off, I think at Lv.9 or 92 you should be able to hit him 100% of the time, and the rest will be you making him defy gravity by performing full Driver combos over and over to make Legendary Core rain. I used to train against the Lv.104 Reeking Douglas (he's easier to beat than Arudran despite being on a higher level), but the T-Rex should be fine.

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You'll have to redo them in NG+ anyway so up to you.

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>the game don't punish you for exploring
No but it discourages you immensly early on by putting locks on everything that require blade skills you can't have yet to unlock.

I usually hit him just fine, the problem seems at some point he gets into a "rage mode" and starts 1 or 2HKO'ing Morag, which is nuts since she is a specced as a dodge tank. It just goes down hill from there with me no longer being able activate Chain attacks because just when I'm about to be able to Morag or Zeke will go down again.

I can understand what they were trying to do by making progress feel rewarding but letting you unlock areas you couldn't before but I think XBC1 already had it perfect by swarming secret areas with level 80+ enemies that will murder you if you're not ready

Morag is kinda shit, desu
Tora is better as a tank

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What's your full setup?
And not just this user, I wish more people would post their teams

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Is Rex a likable character?

The game does have a bit of tonal whiplash.

As long as you shut the game off at this instant and never look back

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I'm too much of a brainlet to understand the community shit in Torna. Someone dumb it down for me.

Imagine being a Niafag

I can't imagine not being one

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The ending of Torna is why you had to do all that.

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Precisely why I never finished it


Theory (sometimes swapped for Perceval)

Herald (sometimes Pandora)

So my usual routine is Morag holds aggro and dodges, Zeke lays down DPS, and Rex is either healing or setting up driver combos/chains but that Arduran just seems to punish me for trying that. I have every blade available except the Torna ones. I went and looked and every character is level 95.

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So there's no benefits in-game?

No no, for the love of god no.
It's a horrible game to 100%. It's disgustingly horrible. Don't ever bother.
If you still decide to brutalize your time with this shit of a game - do it in NG+. It introduces very few shortcuts to shit game mechanics

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can you even 100% the game without ng+ ? some abilities from driver skill trees are exclusive to ng+

Well the benefit is the ending makes sense.

Yea, for most of the game I've used her and she's done pretty okay, she dodges most enemies most of the time. But it's starting to look like end game tier enemies just have insane accuracy. I've never really specced out Tora or any of the poppis but I did play that minigame for a while to unlock some stuff for them at least.

Well you can't get Torna blades so you have to go to NG+ to get those, and then fill out their affinity charts.

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That's actually not all that terrible. Not sure what to make of your struggles. Have you maxed their affinity charts?

aren't they the same height in game?

Only Mythra, Agate, and Aegaeon are fully maxed. The rest are varying levels of almost done, down to Theory who hasn't even reached the outter ring yet.
Maybe I will have to try again. It's not really DPS that fucks me (usually I get it down to half or 1/3rd before it wipes my party) but that things rage mode which starts shredding through my party. Maybe i'll try some HP buffing foods or some shit.

Morag's formal uniform is the best outfit in the game.

A maxed Nia should make you borderline immortal unless you're getting oneshotted

Best end game sword for Mythra? Currently using Mirror Matter Chips for the 52% critical, but is there a better one for her?

Moon Matter or Tachyon but both are obtained from Super bosses

I'll work on maxing out her chart, then. She still has 3 skills not maxed, including redeeming strike that's only level 2. So I'm thinking my healslut is not pulling her weight.

I would highly recommend waiting for NG+. It's just easier that way.

What you most want maxed is her passive party regen at max affinity

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Why is rex so sad bros

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>People always bitch about AI party members switching blades
>mfw I stick World Tree Drops on them
Why is an easy 250% damage boost a bad thing?

When are we gonna reached 2 million units

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>tfw no t_rex outfit

For me the problem isn't party members switching too often, it's usually Nia or Morag getting stuck on a single blade for ages and refusing to switch because of Blade combos.

That's why I like using Zeke and Tora. Each of them has a Driver combo art so they'll reliably switch between all of their blades when needed

Nice man you have there

Stop making loud lewd noises!

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it's nice, but I would kill for actual alt costumes, not just swimsuits and palette swaps

Now this guy is talented

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It also lets you buy useful items. And lets Nia join Rex's harem.

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Save all the side quests for NG+ and go through a lot of them with a guide or wiki open, some of them are kind of obtuse.
Doing it on your first playthrough will really fuck up what little pacing the story has since you get new side quests as late as Chapter 10, which is absolute nonsense story-wise


I really like Nomura's designs when he stays away from beltzipper shit and comically big shoes

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Not OP, but on a related note, how long does it typically take to 100% Torna:TGC? I wanna get as much as I can out of it before I bounce back to base XC2 and start doing all the Blade quests and DLC stuff I never touched.

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Best Game I had on Switch before I sold it with 15 other Games. Seriously the only one I remember, like often.. It was just good in the end, something about the whole game sticks with you. Positively, almost like FF7 did as a kid.

>Seperating Pandy from her prince

You get a picture.

you get some sweet lore about how Addam fucked his wife

Pyra/Mythra (self explanatory)
Patroka (Absurd buffs to elemental damage and crit)
Perun (Good for emergencies if part of the party wipes)

I had a similar experience
It's really rough and half baked in a lot of places, but the package as a whole really comes together

I'm also working on a theory about what your style says about your personality. In my case, my use of all 8 elements and so many different weapons speaks to my tendency to do a little bit of everything rather than specialize in anyone thing. I also like balance between offense and defense with Mythra and Nia making an effective sword and Shield

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Does the separation of game and story become less jarring at any point? I'm very early on and every time I beat a boss it's usually pretty easy, but then the cutscene starts and my party is just sucking ass constantly while the villains go "tch" and mock us.
Am I just playing the wrong game? It's like a shitty, generic anime.

Is this unironically your first JRPG ever? Jesus christ kid.

I just use whoever I feel like at the time. The only real constants on my team are Obrona on Nia and Elma on Morag or Zeke (mostly Morag because I control her the most and like having a heal and a dodge available on one character).
It never becomes less jarring, it's one of those games that really doesn't give much of a fuck about ludonarrative dissonance.

Nice eceleb talking points user.

Not him, but this is the worst I've come across. I'm used to winning the fight and losing the cutscene but I can't believe how bad Siren is in gameplay as opposed to the cutscenes.

It's a cliché meme at this point that most JRPGs do it. Who fucking cares, it's a video game.

But Siren is so cool that I want it to be good.

My first was Lost Odyssey and I don't remember any of this rubbish happening.
Okay, thanks.
What the fuck does that even mean?

I took a break from this for a while.
I feel like I've heard they changed up the tiger tiger stuff.
Is that still the only way to level poppi?

In NG+ you can buy pretty much everything you need to level her up with bonus exp, but on your first playthrough Tiger Tiger is still the only option, and it still sucks.

You can trade Bonus EXP in NG+ for anything you need from Tiger Tiger

they added an easy mode where you don't take damage from the walls, which from what i've seen is retarded since it clips you through the wall if it would crush between the edge of the screen and the wall.
don't know if anything else is changed on easy.

>Thought I did well with my set-up because I defeated the final boss




>A few shuffling around tells me Nia is garbo-tier
Am I supposed to Multi-class or something?

What prior Xeno games aside from the extremely obvious of XC1 does it make sense to go into XC2 having already played in order to get the fullest experience out of it?

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