JUST what is nintendo scheming this year

>JUST what is nintendo scheming this year

their presentations were always the most comfy af and memorable ones. So what can we expect this time?

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more of middle's chest please

>those milkers

I expect more of them

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>comfy af
global rule 2

animal crossing hopefully ://///

who was left girl again? she's for marriage.

>big chest but gross feet
Why was she cursed like that

>caring about nintendo
this board is 18+

Unless the bitch without sleeves shows her tits it isn't worth watching.

girl in the middle looks like she prefers sexual intercourse with gentleman of african descent

Her feet are fine, she's just extremely skinny from the waist down which makes her feet look out of proportion. Easier access any ways when you've got her on her back in missionary.



She was better as a blonde.

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Post the guy taking a cheeky peek at their thighs

I have good news for you.

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from left to right
3 > 2 > 1

how can one man be so wrong?

marry kill fuck

Okay, now tell her to also go back to a modest-sized chest and continue to wear cute skirts.

why do you guys like the threehouse whores, you know they're the ones who censored our games right?

Based Jose. Hopefully he gets to make Metroid 5 soon.

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>super saiyan

Treehouse has truly lost their way.

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>bleached hair
Yikes, she better put her chesticles on display more than usual to compensate for this injustice.

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Oh shit it's Alison Rapp, remember her?

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hm is Nintendo taking care of any Harvest Moon stuff? a new one would be nice


The brunette on the left is the cutest.

how do they end up with those jobs?


God damn she’s hideous. Leave it to nintendo cultists to obsess over an ugly bitch just because she has big tits. They’re fake, by the way.
Acquire taste and seek intimacy

Theresa is a qtpie and there was another girl who seemed to know her shit but was hardly on and I can't remember her name

My waifu on the fart right

>They’re fake, by the way.
If you can touch and suck them they are real. Low test btw.

Based and breastpilled

>asking how some woman that are not chubby and have decent T&A end up with a certain job


can i get a close up on dem toes

Loser nigger faggot contrarian fucking kys