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Other urls found in this thread:



they're gonna 3d print one of tifa's tits live on stage!


>mfw they just show her legs

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>will be at the concert
So when the hell is the concert?


BTW would you buy the remake if it has the Asian Tifa again?

Attached: 1450100112731.jpg (1152x1026, 195K)

Right or left?

that's just how her face looks like in 3D

Attached: tifa43.jpg (850x1132, 112K)

Asian face, cup size no lower than a D, and I'll buy 3 copies and give 2 of them away.

In like 7 hours?

don't care that much, she should have red eyes tho

Tonight. Considering the KH3 DLC trailer leaked via fan recording it's effectively a given the same will happen with this.

Asians wish they looked like that.

yes, because asian Tifa is cute

As long as her eyes are red I don't care

Her reveal will be a shit show no matter what happens. Can't wait.

yes everything is bad abloo abloo
fuck off

Give her muscles and tits. Perfect compromise for musclefags and titfags

musclefags are gay so fuck that off

Aw come on you know exactly what's gonna happen.

this desu
they want to be fucked by men and don't know it yet

i do, a massive mountain of new fan art

Attached: tifa bag.jpg (1000x1000, 202K)

aranea has bigger tits than og tifa so not really

Attached: 1554613302755.jpg (7680x4320, 2.37M)

lulu was also bigger.

probably some shiva's too

please just fucking don't look like AC tifa


Odds on a release date or window? Q1/Q2 2020 seems fairly reasonable.

Attached: 40226197.png (500x707, 350K)

It's happening during Bethesda's conference. 6pm LA time.

6 p.m today.

Bets on how they'll divide it up?

Part 1 and Part 2? Or more smaller episodes with Midgar being its own episode?

She will look like how she did in Gbike which was made by CC2 in 2014 who were also making FF7R in 2014.

Attached: IMG_0218.png (1136x640, 763K)

2020 Window now
Date at Gamescom or TGS

Wasn't that model straight up just taken from Duodecim or something?

December 2019

Attached: Tomorrow.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Wasn't there a leak or something. A store kinda dropped a date something like 15th of May or something of a "SquareEnix" game.

>big tits
>red eyes
>dolphin tail intact
If only we could be so fortunate.

Attached: file.png (1136x640, 976K)


Tifa Gbike modsl was from Dissidia 012 but was touched up and some were from Crisis Core like Clouds too but also touched up
Others were created from scratch like Barret and Dyne and Yuffie and Cid

Attached: RyLEAxr.png (800x666, 796K)

That was Amazon I think. Keep in mind there are 2 other major SE titles that we know of without release dates, Avengers and Outriders, so it could be either of those or even something we don't know about.

Isn't Tifa in the new Dissidia? What does she look like there?

She's not in the new Dissidia, yet. She was datamined but they're waiting until her FF7R reveal to add her I guess.


He means the reaction, it's like you don't even know where you are, regardless of how Tifa is going to look like it is 100% guranteed there will people who won't like it and will voice their complaints in these threads to maybe shitposting levels.

Attached: 1379396309216.png (288x288, 5K)

>full trailer before their panel
Doesn't make sense.

Didn't they did the same thing with KH3?

It does if their conference tomorrow plans to show even more.


Tifa needs to be milked NOW

Why not? Pop the hardcore fans with the big reveal, then go out to the public with the trailer and whatever other details they have during the livestream. Seems sensible to me.


They revealed 7R at Sony's show in 2015 before their own show where they just reshowed the same trailer

>Seems sensible to me

Well fuck you.

who is this person

don't care what Tifa ends up looking like, I just want the remake to have gameplay that is more than Hold O to win.

"Legit" leaker, Zhugefag has gotten many shit right before, he focuses on leaking game conference events, anything else he doesn't comment upon or just doesn't get it right.

>Seeing individual button presses in the SoP trailer
Nomura's revengeance knows no bounds

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-161854.jpg (2190x1080, 914K)

Ultra gigantic oversized boobs or SE can put their game up their ass.

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-161913.jpg (2190x1080, 1.03M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-161920.jpg (2190x1080, 920K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-161926.jpg (2190x1080, 755K)

You have more buttons to press in XV than any KH

Attached: DGK_UGjU0AAlAp8.jpg (1200x675, 93K)

Owner of nugaf.

>PS4 timed exclusive

Attached: 1504641704193.jpg (627x470, 35K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190609-161940.jpg (2190x1080, 793K)

Lay off the hentai, fag, This is canon Tifa by Nomura himself in 2014, anything bigger than these is headcanon.

Attached: Tifa_G-bike_.jpg (638x800, 81K)

fuck off

Industry analyst or something, has legit contacts though and has a very good track record with leaks. It's like him and Schreier tied for the 2 most reliably in-the-know guys.

Looks like shit. 7 design is much better.

Doubt it will be exclusive for more than 6 months, if it that "first on PS4" even remains still.

As hot as Toriyama's characters are, it always bothers me to see porn of them. I just can't do it.

If it was exclusive for only one month, it would still be painful. But at this point, who doesn't own a PS4?

>But at this point, who doesn't own a PS4?
I own a PS4, but I don't double dip. Fuck that shit. If a game will be on PC, I'll wait for the PC version. As you can imagine, I own very few PS4 games.

>actually excited for the SE conference



Actually just the Final Fantasy VII concert.


>concert is midday Aus time
>it's a fucking public holiday

Attached: 1560001698512.png (800x800, 828K)

So we get good gameplay, that is nice to know.

Is Uematsu going to be at the concert performing? Kinda lost track of him lately but wasn't he very sick sometime ago?

It's conjecture, but that'd the wish.

Don't jinx it. Square can go full retard at a drop of a needle.

Some characters are best lewd, and not nude.

No word on Uematsu but Kitase will be there, which is apparently very out of the ordinary. Uematsu seems better now, according to him it was burnout rather than a serious illness so he took some time off.

I'm curious to see if they make a human evolution sim from the shit they put together for that documentary

Attached: 1558372488539.png (326x320, 81K)

Uematsu hardly performs for FF concerts these days IIRC. They usually have the white man (not sure his name) to conduct most of FF concerts.

Dude, he passed away last week..


>Don't jinx it. Square can go full retard at a drop of a needle.

true but the gameplay is really the only thing that they can royally fuck up.

I mean this is a remake so the story is already there, so a bad story is not really going to be an issue, unless they add compilation shit.

FFVIIR has new arragements made by Uematsu though, so it could have been one of his few recent live appearances if possible.

Haha, remember when he suddenly lost like half his body weight? Haha


NHK-World contracted them to work on the cgi for a documentary about human evolution called out of the cradle

I hope the space the cutscene and gameplay better this time. KH3 was fucking horrendous at this. But, then again, VII's story is miles better than KH3.



No you.

Most of that stuff is just like things in XV

>Normal Attacks (Circle)
>Deals comparatively low damage on mid hits, higher damage on openers and finishers
>Builds break% on manual finishers
>Regular hitstun/stagger potential, differs on enemy size
>Risky open to taking damage when doing
>Compared to manual finishers, techs or warpstrikes does much less
>Crucial for dealing consistent reliable damage
>L stick directions+O for alternate attacks and inputs from sidesteps, charges, lunges, stingers, backflips with iframes etc
>Builds MP guage, Armiger guage and tech(ATB like bar) gauge with each hit

>Warp Attack (Triangle)
>Base triangle performs free warp which functions both as fast traversal or dash like evasion with iframes
>R1+Triangle performs warpstrike with hit stagger/hitstun potential
>Deals high damage with various effects depending on weapon type, from single target warpstrikes to AOE warpstrikes to multi hit warpstrikes to self buffing warpstrikes etc
>Builds Break% much higher and faster to vulnerable state enemies by breaking them and gaining their rare drop
>Consumes MP, depleting MP enters stasis during which no warps can be performed
>Very efficient
>Less risky due to iframes and cancelling normals through warps

>Blocking/Dodging (Square)
>Tap Square + L stick direction for dodge roll with iframes
>Hold to Phase which consumes MP to evade some regular attacks but not AOE, parryable or 1hko attacks, inefficient but useful against projectiles
>Perfect timing tap to Blink cancel normal attacks, can cancel any normals through blink
>When shield equipped press to hold up shield to deflect and block and reduce physical attacks
>Perfect time block incoming attacks to blockstun enemies
>When taken damage and knocked back you can do Impervious action by tapping Square exactly when knocked back to cancel the damage dealt and recover through a tech roll recovery
>Can parrycounter with a Square+O input on parryable atttacks


Attached: rULQDR1g0L2WM0gz.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

action RPG just doesn't work for final fantasy. idk why they've kept trying to reinvent the wheel ever since 12

>action RPG just doesn't work for final fantasy

this, there hasn't been a FF game with good action gameplay. Type 0 was close but was held back because each of the 14 characters has one gimmick

It works better than whatever ff12 did

you will never marry tabata, barry

I meant that 12 was the start of the weird times

Yes, the combat is varied but what purpose does it has when you can just hold circle and be done with approx 80% of the game's content. It's why I chose Hard Mode when they asked for feedbacks. But, old man hand Tabata doesn't want to do it. So, well, fuck that, fuck Tabata, fuck XV and fuck you XV-kun.

XV plays better and avoided that issue by having 15+ different combat style for 1 characters instead of 14 characters with 1 style.

You will never marry nomura, kh kiddo

Because you cannot

Meanwhile you can just hold 1 button when in combat in all the turn based/ ATB FFs and win

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

>Holding O
>playing better

not in a million years.

I sorta kinda agree. But I STILL want an ARPG FF. They failed at XV, but I wanna see them try and finally succeed one day. And hey, at least Square had the balls to reinvent. What other japanese company dared to change their core mechanic of their series? It's why I like FFs, none of the games felt similar.

XV is more difficult than any FF or ARPG SE made ism

Attached: IMG_20190401_102349.jpg (3840x2160, 648K)

You literally can hold to auto attack in Type0

No they succeeded with XV

Of course you can. Wanna know why?

>able to heal yourself at 0 HP
>no limit on how many times you can do this

that is the total opposite of difficult

Possessor enemies and the magic half of fork tower at least block that.

Lightning returns is still the best combat SE has made. Too bad it doesn't really works with multiple party members.

Her Advent Children face is literally based on her Japanese voice actress

No it's because it was in turn based/ATB FFs as shown here and they added that as an optional thing for those turn based people, you can still tap to attack and always could and you benefit by doing so because of manual finishers which deal higher damage + break enemies and kill them faster so you can crit them more consistently and also obtain rare drops

holding is not that its just a basic loop of weak attacks that only a retard turn based kid would do because they dont know how to actually play

Attached: 1555748728756.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

You can heal yourself at 0 in every FF and there is no limit
You clearly never played XV

Attached: cor wrecks 1.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

>will be commuting while the conference is going on

>type 0
>turn based
you're huffing paint, barry

>Conveniently leaves out Dark Nation

What does Yea Forums think of Crisis Core?

it sucks

Nah XV is far superior since at least there you actually have positioning to factor in, proper combos, proper combat variety, proper action variety, proper action mechanics and systems and properly designed bosses and enenies

you can literally hold down 1 button in LR to auto input and she'll automatically run to and attack an enemy or automatically cast at an enemy

Are you illiterate?

Zack is based. Genesis is a fag.

Haha, no.

It has a better more upbeat Cloud than FF7 itself

hey barry, people are shitting on XV in the other thread!
quick, tell them the truth!

They did and its sales and popularity prove it

Zack > Cloud. Prove me wrong.

She is 1000% going to be Asian Tifa, to expect any different at this point is kind of daft

Still waiting for PC port. Jesus Christ my PS4 is collecting dust, I think I even played more on my 2DS for fuck sake...

How do you use summon in this game? I've played the game from start to finish, but I've only summoned like a few times. I even got Bahamut fury, but never got the chance to summon him. Oh and btw the 1000 grunt mission fuckin sucks.

looks like the samefagging ff13 shill who is a KH fag got btfo

I guess Pokemon or even fuckin Fifa has a better combat then XV.
No he didn't. Stop lying Barry.

when I played XV in 2016 I felt it was the best FF I had played since X. The combat was a ton of fun and the story while janky had a lot of emotional hits for me. Plus warp striking was fun.
Then they added episode gladiolus which had terrible writing and is a forced part of the canon now
Then they added episode prompto which was even cringier and ripped off MGS
Then they added episode ignis which was literal Shonen anime bullshit
Then they added Royal Edition which put a bunch of filler in Chapter 14 and added a retarded super boss that is zero fun to fight, that just one-hit kills your party so you’re constantly using potions

And then they added episode Arden and I knew why they cancelled XV...

It's not about the size, but the fabric of the shirt and how tight it is. That's what they need to nail imho.

Square does this with KH and final fantasy regularly, especially with concerts because that's stuff for their fans they want to cater to

Also it can make sense if the Avengers game is the real main event for their conference

she's gonna be asian even though only yuffie should be.
also i won't buy it
>full price for each episode
i'm not retarded.

Pokemon and Fifa arent FF or AA JRPGs
Fifa is a rehashed sports game aimed at normies and pokemon is a mid budget monster collection turn based RPG aimed at kids that has a stronghold because of the nature of pokemon itself, none of those are FF, fuck off with your "durr but these also sold well" false equivalence

Latest pokemon games havnt been selling better than older Pokemon either, XV is selling better than all FF games and os consistently ranked in top 5 best FFs

And yes you did.


>Fifa is a rehashed sports game aimed at normies
t.never played Fifa or a Real Madrid/Barcelona scum.


Attached: 1149399600841.gif (250x188, 86K)

Give me explanation for why FF7 is so much better than every FF that came after it.

Oh, you know what's funny, even fuckin Fifa uses more button than FFXV!!!

>>full price for each episode
>i'm not retarded.
That's what pirating is for.

But all those DLC are great and are consistent with things in the main game, ep ignis alone has better story content than most FFs

also FF is literally always shounen anime tier story, and the royal edition content were all great additions that reinforce the main theme of the game and beef up the end portion with more meaningful content, as does ep Ardyn which was kino

It was the first 3D one and the amount of money they invested necessitated it being a success.
But I think FFX is better.

How come I loved FF7 and Crisis Core but normally hate weeb shit?

Ep Ignis has some of the worst dialogue I’ve heard in Final Fantasy and the fact that it invalidates the ending of FFXV, literally the BEST PART of the original game, is unforgivable.

They literally reskinned Fifa between the years on the Wii version with just a newer boxart

That's literally a main plot point in the original game though.

Final Fantasy was better before they added voice acting. After they added voice acting it became too anime.

But it excels on all cylinders. Previous FFs accelerated from 5% - 90%

XV uses every button on the controller so unless you're saying Fifa also uses motion controls then no.


I'm sorry I dont get what you mean.

This pic is pretty dece. And the shape of the tits is pretty good. Shows that Nomura isn't a total dumbass. But I wish they were a little bigger.

I bet this is close to what we'll see tomorrow.

Ep Ignis has by far some of the best dialog in any FF and it literally doubles down on the main ending of the game by giving even more emotional scene at the camp between ignis and noctis

you're clearly full of shit and falseflagging pretending to be someone who liked XV but then hated it later just to shitpost, you're so fucking transparent.

This is the truth right here
The only voice acted FF that worked was FF12

Whats the point of giving you so many party members if you can only use 3 at a time? Why would I not just always use Cloud, Tifa and Barrett? They are the first 3 you get so why would I ever remove any of them?

It was always anime.

Attached: terra2.jpg (132x197, 7K)

Yes but it became TOO anime with the voice acting.

FF12 has terrible script and voice acting, and the localization butchered the JP script and changed the entire story.

It lets Noctis live. That ruins the ending.
Man Barry you ARE mentally ill

Would anyone else actually be ok with a modern final fantasy game not having voice acting?

No it didn't, it's as anime as it always was.

DBZ legacy of goku games is not any less "anime" because it has no voice acting

I'll take white Tifa with huge knockers, please.

I’m sorry what
It’s literally the best voice acting in the series aside from Van/Penelo
Go fuck yourself Basch, Balthier, Ashe are amazing

If they did it, they wouldn’t do it in the West. They still feel the need to have Dragon Quest XI voice-acted ONLY for the Western release.

No you idiot the alt timeline in ep ignis is a non canon what if story, it has no bearing on the canon, and in epiv2 the only difference is noctis delayed the starscourge by only temporally erasing it instead of killing ardyn for good

But the characters talk with anime voices. I hate it. Very offputting for someone like me who hates anime and weeb stuff. I loved 7 and 8 but hated 10 because the voice acting was so cringe anime.

only retards

When has there ever been a white tifa?

Nope, Tabata directly intended EpIgnis and the new ending bullshit with EpLuna and EpAranea to be the NEW correct ending

Imagine actually liking any non FF7 Final Fantasy games. Al the rest are pure shit games. FF8 has good soundtrack at least.

>she's revealed and they kept her huge tits and stripper outfit
>huge shitstorm
>she's revealed and they redesigned her to fit "modern standards"
>huge shitstorm ensues
>she's revealed and her tits and outfit is moderate
>huge shitstorm
there's no winning this

Attached: 016.png (508x294, 152K)

it has the worst next to 13

stop confusing the heavy voice compression on the audio making it sound textured to the actual performance and delivery and script itself, it was terrible
Ashe and Balthier are the only good voice actors

DLC that takes place after ending of 7 to revive Aerith?

Then stop playing FF

Usually somewhere around the 8th page and on the final page of every japanese comic she is in.

Yes there is. Tifa is the only character that keep the low poly popeye model, while everyone else is HD.
Redditors think it's wacky.
Weebs think it's true to the original.
The tits are big.


Attached: 1557249960742.png (682x708, 483K)

No he didn't and ep ignis doesnt even connect to those, he literally said there were alternate timeline what if stories, they aren't canon, the actual end in the main game is the canon one and the main ending in ep ignis doubles down on that

based ff7 suprematist

What does Yea Forums think of Advent Children? Is it not canon anymore?

XV is the only good FF.

You can't go against canon.

Attached: ff7 advent canon.jpg (310x445, 27K)

my dick will be happy with one outcome so

Attached: win.jpg (1060x596, 314K)

FF8 has quistis.

I may be wrong but I think I recall reading interview where they said they would consider making this not canon if they feel like it for remake timeline or something

Tifa is cute however the fmv cutscenes were not made by square and are all off model, so if you're expecting bigger than her head you're gonna be disappointed. Look at her battle model instead, which is still pretty big, at least D cups - and that's with restraining under what has to be a sports bra

I tried to rewatch it. Even downloaded the director's cut 21gb version with the longer Omnislash. Safe to say, I deleted it after watching it once.

I'm convinced the whole reason they finally did remake was so they could cut Gackt out of the EU and regain control of their IP


Attached: MILKIE TANTRUM.jpg (418x498, 90K)

Quistis was trash, Rinoa was best girl.

Immortal vampire Gackt will never relinquish his iron grip over FF7.

Whats considered the best party?

Do you think they will add an extra party member to remake to replace Aerith after she dies?

>a literal Tifa clone without tits
heh. It's like someone who admits he's into scat porn.


Cloud + Cid + Cid

They are gonna ruin her, I know.

Goodbay legendary titties, perfect body

Attached: pepe-621x354.jpg (621x354, 58K)

Will they keep this canon?

Attached: DoClogo.PNG.png (1024x570, 476K)

Broken/glitch tier = Cait sith, Vincent, barret
Top tier = has a multi hit final limit break
Bottom tier = anyone that doesnt appear in either of the first two tiers

Does anyone really ever use Cait Sith? Also rank party members.

holy shit

Attached: (you).gif (294x233, 376K)

Stop asking this or I will slap your ass

>tfw you don't live in the timeline where they will get bigger and have physics more advanced than real physics.

Attached: 6805678057.jpg (1200x1144, 161K)


Attached: 4D43F9F3-D674-4BE7-A39D-E3E27B1B2B07.png (1668x2388, 730K)

that's right barry, tabata is a filthy redditor

>Immortal vampire Gackt
Didn't Gackt say he hates Genesis?

She needs to be at least this big

Attached: 6B3B4CB4-D79E-4ABB-BCA2-F5D68849B932.jpg (1642x2523, 428K)


Post Tifa cosplays that are not too lewd

Of course he does. Gackt is a pretentious faggot that always wants to seem perfect. So if everyone is shitting on Genesis, then so will Gackt.

Fucking retard

Attached: 1559657378523.jpg (480x640, 42K)

when is the concert? tell me hours left since i dont know the time zones shit

At least I'm not a weeb.

I still like his music


any chance for a pc release?

what time in UK

hisashiburi da na, kuroudo

Attached: hisashiburi.jpg (720x480, 30K)

For sure

I don't blame you.

mother of checked

no, thats fanart kys
it needs to be as big as canon art

Possible. They made it with UE4. I'm not sure whether it'll be EGS exclusive. I know Steam is still pretty popular in Japan, I don't know about EGS's popularity. So, yeah, don't have an opinion on that.

Does SE even do exclusives nowadays? What's the last exclusive they published?

come at me you fancy faggot

Attached: EvergreenRemorsefulAsiaticwildass-size_restricted.gif (445x250, 1.81M)

She's the thinking man's Tifa

Attached: whowouldwin.png (1024x600, 615K)

what time is this concert in bongland?

KH2 is still PS/Sony only. Ever since XIII they've been selling games everywhere. XII IIRC was a PS2 game until the Zodiac Age release.

I think if 8 gets remade the intro should actually be the beach landing in Dollet. Would be a much stronger start to the game.

FFVII wont ever outsales xv, keep seething losers.

Attached: xvwon.png (2344x1864, 762K)

>Le ff15-kun boogey man
>m-muh barry!
The state of this website. You people are worse than the SJWs with your purely baseless assumptions about every single post you interact with.
I will never understand the "how could i get btfo this hard? w-well that user must be THIS kind of person on the other end! Y-yeah! My obsession with Memes and e-celebs mean your opinion is invalid!" mentality. Even as a teenager i wasn't that big of a retard.
FF15 is LITERALLY an entry in a turn-based series that makes the turnbased combat seem full of action. It plays EXACTLY the same as every other ATB ff game except the ATB is usually instant and you have to be consious of where your character is standing. The tunnel vision and autism on this website are insane.

Hmm no, Squall fighting Seifer is too cool. Sorry bud

10 more hours. Just add the time shown in that link to your current bong time.

Oh sorry. Let me clarify. Yes that cutscene with Seifer could still happen. But after that cutscene skip ahead to the dollet mission or something. I dunno.

You need Rinoa in there too. And Dollet as a whole doesn't matter that much.

Ah, the part where I always stopped playing FF8 because lil' me played the game with Gameshark and just got bored with it.

Barry BTFO

Yeah, sure thing Barry you schizo fuck.

They were made by Square, they formed a CG division and while its renamed now it actually has a lot of the same people like Kazayuki Ikumori who now heads Visual Works

Are you illiterate? Did you even read what he said? He was playfully asking if people would like to see a very bad end or a very good end alt ending as whatif non canon stories just for fun, not a new ending to replace the actual canon ending you fucking retard

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't give a fuck about her tits size. They won't make her flat, so who cares? I bet a bunch of faggots already have their threads ready, no matter the outcome.

Well at least KH3 wont, FF7R has a good shot at matching XV especially since its almost double install base for 7r than when XV came out

This will be the outcome.

dont think ive forgotten about my promise to draw tifa 100 times if her reveal is lackluster

Who even cares? Best girl has been already shown.

Attached: Alice.jpg (296x170, 5K)


Attached: Barret.jpg (192x217, 6K)

But Yuffie or Shera haven't been shown yet

Where is Tifa 19 user?

>Tifa screenshot flood Yea Forums
>resetera and reddit complains

Anything smaller than this is non-canon

Attached: 335.gif (320x224, 2.07M)

we haven't seen elena yet

That's not cute and funny Marlene

but the game size itself looks nothing like that, she is 4 different sizes in 7

Attached: Tifa-portrait-viigb.png (292x454, 206K)

If she doesn't have these EXACT proportions we RIOT! Giant head! Tiny torso! Long legs! That's our Tifa!

Attached: Tifa_CG.png (336x646, 282K)

Kinda curious on how Scarlet would look like.

>those knees

Ferrari is most likely doing her new design

Attached: ara ara.gif (268x335, 1.95M)

The FMV's are the most detailed and accurate, ergo they are the official ones.

Attached: ffxv.png (1200x675, 497K)

FF7R is gonna suuuuuck

Attached: battle.jpg (1439x997, 289K)

If it worked for KH, why shouldn't it work for FF?

not FF7, the cast is too good

Will they show Mog House?

Attached: GIVE HIM THE NUT.jpg (480x360, 36K)

no, fuck that. Her dying is too iconic and too ingrained into the story. It's referenced in Smash, for fucks sake.

At least there you had to press directional button to move.
In FFXV you don't even have to do that!

Attached: ffxv2.png (613x97, 50K)

I don't think it's going to work for FF7 without them cutting content. Is there actually a JARPG that resembles FF7 in structure?

Team/party based system just don't work well with full on ARPG like KH unless they implement online multiplayer and I think Square knows this. Which is why I think the Remake will continue Square's pursuit of mixing elements of turn based and action.

With the advent of milkers culture, this would cement Tifa as video game's ultimate girl. Sadly, it wont happen.

The fuck are you talking about? It's as linear as any other jrpg from that generation.

I still can't figure out how to play this.

>Areiff gets shown
>no one cares
>tranny man face
>people only care about Tifa

you give him nuts until he makes a happy noise, 5 times the first round, 3 times the second round, you won
jesus christ user, get medical help

>talk with anime voices
what does that even mean

why do people always post this awful looking mod?

Well you can't blame me for quiting that shitty minigame.

>literally have to be talented in music to figure out how to get her final limit break

Attached: 002.png (412x715, 515K)

It's free 30GP

Name one ARPG with the same amount of backtracking as FF7.

OG FFVII has literally sold more than FFXV and is currently the best selling game in the series. Keep seething.

Secret of Mana

alright so how much DLC you think we're starting with? Vincent will probably be DLC, but I think Yuffie will probably just be in the base game.

Nah. She's a busty wench from Nibelheim who likes to dress as a cowboy and works in a texan themed slum bar. Yuffie should be the only Asian character. It's a little like the attack on titan live action movies making everyone Japanese when Mikasa being the only one was a key part of her backstory.


Square has done that a lot recently. Honestly I'm pretty excited for the panel.
>VIIR news, hopefully a demo
>KH3 DLC talk

Attached: tifa2.webm (480x550, 197K)

Terrible nose, no filtrum

gameplay demonstration tomorrow fagget

DQ characters have good porn.

tbf sony paid a lot of money for that

redesign cloud still doesn't look quite right. reveal trailer cloud was better

Attached: cloud reveal vs final.jpg (554x297, 35K)


Attached: Cloudcomparison.png (960x2160, 2.76M)

guys what if we get pic related??

Attached: 1555986117658.png (650x900, 1.18M)

>no one cares
sure I guess that's why we had Yea Forums literally flooded with Aeris threads for days
>tranny man face
implying Tifa (who had tranny man face even in original artwork) will be any better

>you give him nuts until he makes a happy noise, 5 times the first round, 3 times the second round, you won
Why does this sound so lewd

Attached: nut.jpg (1080x1072, 87K)

They'll continue to tamper with main character designs till late in development, user. Be confident in Nomura's autism.

>Asians wish they looked like that.
Asians wish they looked like a completely bland pair of walking boobs?

the real winners are the waifufags like me who will accept whatever slop SE shovels in their mouths

Unironically, yes.

I love this fight because shotgun is listed like it's a spell.

Rinoa is one of the worst characters in FF history, female or not.

the absolute state of zoomers

we need more porn of this tifa

Imagine all of the shit posting if all of FF7's missables and secrets are maintained.

Imagine the shitposting if there's only 20 enemy skills, and only 2 of them are useful

That's unironically a big improvement

Well as long as big guard is still good.

old is worse, panders to CCfags when right is believably toned without being a gigachad like Barret or something

big guard was ridiculously good for something only a few enemies had

It's bullshit, Cloud just came out a mako container in nibelheim couple of days prior, why would he be toned

I'm not letting the thread fall for this again.

Who the fuck would put a shitty tamagotchi minigame in a fucking arcade. In my head back then, tamagotchi=Digimon. So I expected more from that shitty minigame outside of just feeding the fucker.

big guard was broken as shit

I regret ever getting clued into enemy skill desu, shit breaks the game. Even matra magic being able to clear entire enemy comps in Mythril Mines is ridiculous, even if it enables limit farming

You can clear Mythril Mines with just an All materia and a basic skill, though.

Maybe you should play the game, it's not like you need muscles to be a shinra grunt

Attached: zack and cloud escape nibelheim.jpg (640x447, 36K)

Square Enix doesn't really do gameplay demonstrations

sure but its still telling of what potential shit is out there for you to get. one brief backtrack after getting cait sith to junon and you have enough healing set for the game.

you only really need white wind

>21 year old shinra grunt
He probably passed all sorts of fitness shit and can haul a sword, Mako doesn't wither you away into nothing, thats why the focus was on his eyes.

>turn Tifa into some ugly ass AYY
no thanks

I'm doing a playthrough right now, just got to disc 3. Cloud has been out of the tank for at least a couple of weeks when Tifa finds him.

He's like level 5 at the beginning of the game
You only need to be able to hold an automatic gun as a grunt

am i tripping or did crisis core display this scene with cloud already in the soldier outfit

that's not enough time to get toned

She dies nigga

Do you think Shinra doesn't have a boot camp? Even then, Cloud was trying to move up in the world so he was probably training on his own, too.

Attached: Aerithlewd.jpg (655x1061, 462K)

Not much longer now until they officially announce a turn based/ATB mode, and thus save the remake.

When I really think about it, I've never been more scared of a character reveal in my life.

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I disagree. If they kept her outfit and huge tits, the justification would be about remaining faithful to the original character designs. Only the insecure roasties and some of their orbiters would bitch.

Actually it was more like a few months, Zack had enough time to road trip across the continent and knock out extra missions before the endgame in the outskirts of Midgar. Play CC fren INFINITE IN MYSTERY IS THE GIFT OF THE GODDESS...

Yes, Tifa will have smaller tits. But to make up for that, she now has 3 tits. And if you beat the rock-paper-scissors game in Gold Saucer, you will unlock her 4th tit.

Attached: Tetsuya-nomura.jpg (400x495, 155K)

yes tomorrow they'll finally be on the right side of history

Attached: reeetardera.jpg (1512x537, 580K)

FF7 Not Canon Core

looked pretty good with emo/ff hair for a 50yo man

I haven't played CC yet, I'll probably start it once I finish up this playthrough.


Tell them if she's not busty, then she's not accessible to busty women then. Why are you being so big-tit phobic and bigoted?

iirc this pic was from 2000

play on ppsspp with either the fxaa or videoAA shaders, looks incredible for a psp game


Attached: 1560101772306.png (1512x537, 441K)

These are bullshots right? PS4 doesn't actually graphially look this good.

Well, for a 30+ y/o men. I've yet seen anyone at that age range rockin an emo hairstyle.

....... It's a cutscene, user.

FF15 combat looks absurd sine you're all these casually dressed pretty boys swinging swords around yet they're effortlesslly killing tons of dudes. They don't sell that these characters are strong at all.

Gladio seems pretty strong to me.

Exactly. Good point.

Attached: 1535758975728.gif (367x265, 565K)

You're a retard, thats the comrades button inputs and spell is L2+O for offensive magic and L2+Triangle for curative magic
Thanks for proving you can't even read while also making shit up and pretending you dont need to block

Zack became one of my favorite FF protags. Was full of retarded shit like Genesis but it was also fun seeing Sephiroth before he went totally crazy. Easy to see why people looked up to him since he was actually pretty bro-tier while being worth every bit of his reputation as the best SOLDIER alive.

>he doesnt know what anime voices are
you live under a rock?


Are you retarded? You press directional buttons to move and have to in order to control the direction you're sprinting in

Holy fuck you're braindead

you cant even fucking freely move in combat in ff1-10 you dumb cunt

Yeah its pretty wild. Can't imagine how SE must feel. Which group of people do they piss off? Which question do they wanted to be hounded about for years?

FFXV sold 8.4m in 2 years
FF7 sold 6.57m in 2 years
XV is outpacing FF7 sales by over 2 million and with a 3 year lead.

The first FF to hit 8.1m was FF8 which did so after 4 years, FF7 took longer than 4 years to hit 8.1m

XV is the best selling while 7 is only currently the highest selling, most of its sales after that 6.57m were sold under $15 and as cheap as $6 too, XV even made more money on steam in 1 month than FF7 did in 5 years

And FF7 also cost more than XV, XV budget was confirmed to be under $140 because it was officially confirmed XV cost less than Destiny's budget which was confirmed as $140, FF7 budget is $146m to $220, thus FF7 cost more than XV but sold less in the same timespan as XV.

>Too bad it doesn't really works with multiple party members.
Why wouldn't it? Just spread each of the three Schemas with party members. Just make them move in a way that I have your back is literally happening like in many books. Just have them twirl into the front, when chosen.

It's nothing like as bad as you might think.
Cidney in XV was the major beauty showcase, but Aranea had bigger tits. Hell, I think Aranea has the biggest tits of any FF girl, even Lulu.
Though yes, that's smaller than the one FMV of Tifa, Tifa that size wouldn't be terribly controversial because it already exists and went under the radar.

Gonna need you to back that up with facts.

Attached: ayumi-ito-5.67.jpg (210x240, 20K)

The opening shot of aerith is CGI by visual works

>casually dressed pretty boys swinging swords
so like every ff or jrpg

Kill yourself XV-kun

The worst of the Compilation entry, that did nothing but harm, except for rewriting Cissnei/Shuriken. I hope against hope, that nothing of it makes its way into the Remake, but I find it already more likely than not, that Aerith has been Crisis Cored based on what she does and says, so I despair.

theyre actually wearing stylized versions of military clothes
so is barret

Attached: ffxv-militarystyle.jpg (2837x4597, 1.25M)

rent free

I honestly believe only Chocobuckle and Behemoth Horn are totally unfair bullshit.

I literally can't reconcile Cloud in FF7 with any other version of the character. Does anyone else have this problem? Tifa, Aeris/th, Sephiroth, whatever, I can connect them in my mind, but for some reason Cloud just doesn't register as the same dude, even though I know he is the same dude.

I wish they'd wait for the Square livestream

No, fuck having to play the god damn Overworld theme on Tifa's piano in order to get her final Limit Break.

You get the full score for that in the Kalm flashback while playing her piano, if you choose the correct option with Cloud. And you can retry options.

technically the post you were replying to was talking about secrets in general

I like it. This is very good.

>6.5 hrs more

Attached: 1560046439559.jpg (960x960, 108K)


Speaking of things you might have to look up, please don't tell me I wasn't the only one who was completely fucking baffled by how to get the Key to the Ancient

it's pretty hard to miss

it's way more confusing where to go when bugenhagen joins the highwind

I can't wait for the scene where Cloud lats into Aeristh and gets knocked the fuck out.

I think what got me stuck is that I was convinced that the "place without sun" or whatever was Midgar, so I kept trying to figure out how to get in. I also failed the submarine mission.

To be fair, they kind of don't need to since its all magic weapons for the most part. Gladio seems really strong but Noctis and Ignis are just fast with crystal materializing weapons

If they do show anything it won't be until the concert has finished so add on at least 2~2.5 hours. It's what they did with the KH3 stuff so that seems to be the most likely scenario being the same company.

But its cool.

The only character I can connect with the other versions is Cid, and that is only because he has a reason to be happier.

Aerith, Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Barret, Vincent, the Turks, Hojo for example? Totally different or opposite people.

Wikipedia claims that FF7 "had a staff of over 100, with a combined development and marketing budget of around US$80 million."

Your mom is cool, but I don't see her in the FF8 intro either.

Don't respond to the XV fanboy. He's insane.

>I also failed the submarine mission
how is that even possible?

Attached: 1557941544739.png (258x245, 84K)

It was late and I didn't understand the controls.

>I also failed the submarine mission.
but the red submarine is right in front of you
what the fuck

Attached: 1314304254632.png (241x230, 20K)

Different time. FFVII selling as much as it did back in the day is still huge, especially for a genre that was hugely unpopular outside of Japan.

Tifa will have inverted caved in chests and Yuffie will have pants and absolutely no midriff.
You guys just need to keep up with the times, so be gay and accept it.

How much stuff will the remake take from this mod?

Attached: FF7 New Threat.jpg (1590x1080, 311K)

Don't reply to XV-kun.

Attached: 1560006223633.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>thats the comrades button inputs
So you admit you just posted a basically unrelated pic in order to fool people.

>You press directional buttons to move and have to in order to control the direction you're sprinting in
No you don't. Stop lying FFXV-kun. Pressing O automatically sprints you towards the selected enemy with absolutely no need for input for the player

>you cant even fucking freely move in combat in ff1-10 you dumb cunt
No shit sherlock they're fucking turn-based games!
What kind of idiotic argument is even that?

>mash buttons
>when I figure out "shoot" he's too far away
>get lost

oh my eff

Attached: 1559219627117.jpg (1024x988, 60K)

Attached: 1450313984334.jpg (744x615, 63K)

Really fun mod. Yuffie is a god damn monster in the endgame though.

You get the enemy sub if you fail.

Personally I prefer Yuffie

>the remake probably won't have Pilot in Training's character arc

Attached: 1560036296419.jpg (500x500, 66K)

No, you get the red Shinra sub if you succeed. If you fail you need to run to Junon underground again and go through the door the dog guards to get it.

Ah okay, it's been a while.

Yuffie doesn't do anything besides mug you and throw up.

what is this mod?

sounds like best girl in my books

That’s all I need from a woman

Yuffie can store Materia inside her! She is amazing, so much Materia fits in her!

Attached: 1559501491362.jpg (1259x890, 98K)

Optimizing Yuffie's materia slots!


>Yuffie will new puke on you

Attached: s3k1cfnbuwry.png (1079x1079, 252K)

Tifa will be in the trailer but you won't be able to see her tits.

Attached: 1558675309491.jpg (357x379, 38K)

dumb dumbposter

They'll just show her legs.

Attached: MediaHandler.ashx.jpg (600x337, 10K)

Good point. Little things like that will probably be ignored for just better graphics, etc


my sadness is real

why do final fantasy games have a HP and damage cap of 9999?

Tifa will be in the trailer but entirely off screen. What they'll do is
>start the trailer off with young Cloud telling her he's going to be just like Sephiroth, but you don't see Tifa, just Cloud
>other trailer shit happens, lots of trains
>go back to 7th heaven and Tifa says hello and the camera pans up to her behind the counter. Fades before you see anything besides her gloves.

will the ff7 concert be streamed anywhere

Menus were fixed-width and that's the maximum value you can fit in 4 spaces. Same reason for the max items being 99.

Attached: 1557498477901.jpg (1111x1617, 251K)

they usually just upload the trailer afterwards

To fuck over the poor bastards who have single-hit level 4 limits.

As long as they don't mess with her tits, sure.



Can someone give me a quick rundown on the New Threat mod? What are its main selling points

Attached: Tifa-Bigger.png (1178x1530, 1.85M)

>As long as they don't mess with her tits
There's only so long you can delude yourself for user.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (645x773, 49K)

I wonder how far it'll go. That was unironically one of my favorite parts of the game. Just the way it worked out, I guess.

it's a complete overhaul, it adds a ton of new bosses and shit

I mean I actually want to watch the concert

>that awful photoshop

buy a ticket

They should just make her bigger to be on the safe side.

Attached: 1557765139408.png (700x700, 502K)

It's a good overhaul mod.

>great, interesting new content
>balancing is ass

Or maybe I'm just a brainlet. I had to use a save editor to get past Hojo.

I'm convinced Vincent will be DLC now that I realize they'll have to make what is essentially a whole new party member for every single one of his limit breaks.

Complete overhaul. Stats now have a much greater impact and the way you level in conjunction with stats was changed. Status effects can actually be somewhat useful at times now, and you have to think harder in order to get through content without massive amounts of grinding.

>Personally I prefer Yuffie

Attached: 1536964838672.gif (531x359, 100K)

Explain further

>balancing is ass

No it isn't, you're just shit.

I got stuck at Gi Natak and haven't been bothered to go back. I feel you on the brainlet feeling

The disc 2 hojo fight? There are multiple ways of getting through it pretty easy with what you'd have at the time: quadra-magic ultima or pearl, Yuffie with a conformer and 4x cut, etc. Yuffie with a conformer in general trivializes at a lot of end game content because of how the formula for the conformer works: it adjusts power up based on enemy level, and a lot of enemy levels were bumped far above level 99 making every single hit of Yuffie do 9999 damage. Which means 4x cut and added cut basically let her do 50000 damage per turn, and since she has the natural highest dex in the game, she'll be getting around 2-3 turns to everyone else's 1.

>the entire game tifa is always shot from the neck up
>same way the animators shot lulu waist up so they didn't have to animate her belt dress

Attached: C-hk-aLUMAARZSZ.jpg (669x696, 54K)

Well, he transforms, right? So you need to make new animations for every single one of the transformations.

Yuffie is best girl but her dialogue is garbage. I regret having her in my party for story scenes because all she talks about is materia and how bored she is.

Attached: 1557501774578.jpg (385x190, 25K)


Not like anyone else's is superb.

>Kitase wanted Tifa coming out of the chocobo stable in the highwind the morning after the northern crater scene
That cheeky bastard knew didn't he.

I hope we see Nanaki!

No, he shot the idea down.

That's not Miss Cloud.

better than Vincent constantly complaining about being cucked by Brojo

>Chocobo stable
>Tifa coming out of
He knew.

also what is the northern crater scene you're referencing

So if you think about it, what was the point of Sephiroth JUST killing the first Shinra president?

It was Jenova.

It was Sephiroth controlling Jenova

Was it?

What? Yuffie has a bunch of interjections that aren't about those. In fact, out of the party she actually has real reactions to what's going on instead of the blank stares that a lot of the other party provide.

Attached: vincent.png (1602x1802, 819K)


I hope the remake is considerably longer. There's a lot I wish the game went more detail into.

>he doesnt know

literally multiple games

He barely talks about Hojo during normal interactions.

>Yuffie lv3 LB is better than lv4

>implying that means fucking anything

It's explicitly said in dialog that it's Sephiroth in control, user. That's what Hojo was testing when he had the head at Shinra tower.

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Disc 2-180929-130419.png (960x720, 1002K)

It means they can flesh things out..

literally does

Is there a confirmation for Tifa being in the trailer?
They can just show another characters and enemies like the Turks, Hojo and Dyne.

Because 15 hits at 0.625 power is better than 1 hit of 9999 damage. Random teenage girl actually has the 3rd strongest limit in the game, she's doing pretty well for herself.

The fact that they teased her name in the previous trailer, and that people would be pissed if they didn't.

I got a guy on the inside who tells me the trailer will be 3 minutes of Tifa's tifas

I'm going to the concert in a few hours bros, can't wait

Talking about limit breaks, I hope they change Vincents limit break, so he is still controllable.

Technically, a trailer isn't even confirmed.

That pic is a perfect example of soul vs soulless

same dude told us about the State of Play trailer

>game literally plays itself otherwise

No, will be.

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Attached: meme.png (1560x822, 1.21M)

Plus she kicks the ass of a 2nd Class SOLDIER as a 10 year old.

Pah, SOLDIER is overhyped garbage.

>transform into hellmasker because splattercombo is actually good
>he just keeps spamming ailments against something immune to ailments

Attached: 1226934626349.png (300x309, 17K)

What are you high on mako? Sephiroth is the greatest warrior of all time. I hope we see him topless sometime.

>Gets new party member
>neat he can transform
>let's test him against the first boss

Attached: 1477908303552.jpg (400x400, 9K)

You meme and all but 7's original art style is much more appealing than sqeenix's old and tired shiny realistic grafix wankery.

Right is more faithful to his original design fag

>play Xenogears
>see all the number counters fall into the usual 4 digit parameters
>watch a scripted battle against a certain boss
>it busts out with an enormous 5 digit combo stream

That was a legitimate hype moment. Like, did this motherfucking badass just break the game itself in half?


Attached: wheelchair2.webm (1280x896, 2.8M)

Kill yourself.
They fucking nailed it with that artwork you piece of shit.


Him not being controllable would be less of a noticeable drawback in an action game, since your party members are already under AI control anyway. It's possible some percentage of the player base will play through just controlling the main character, and never even know that they've temporarily lost the option to control one of them at any point, since the game no longer puts full control of the battle to the player anymore.

Attached: cloud nailbat.jpg (780x438, 222K)

>503 posts

I'll be permanently controlling Yuffie the moment I get her.

You'll have to not do Wutai then (as if that's actually happening)

Attached: not this one retard.jpg (640x432, 72K)