>It's another month of pandering
The video game industry is broken beyond repair
It's another month of pandering
Other urls found in this thread:
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix refuses to add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV due to ethical and moral reasons
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Oh no, a tweet.
Has anyone noticed than Ninendo usually doesn't do anything like this(or if they do, they do it in a tactful way)?
How can /pol/niggers ever hope to compete against us ResetEra chads?
Nintendo likes to stay apolitical and they still pretend that their main target audience is children (as opposed to the actual target audience, wich is 30 to 40 something neckbeards).
bay baysed
“For the GayMers”
snoy has always been faggot central.
one of many reasons im skipping the ps5
Friendly reminder
>Homophobic Dragonball VA fired
>its an other month of non-vidya threads
That theme actually looks pretty good desu
kek what a bitch
I wouldn't even know it's pride month if it weren't for faggots bitching about it.
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Baldurs gate 3
>Death Stranding
>Code Vein
>New From Soft game
>DMC 6 is now likely to happen
nah vidya is pretty good
also whats with this copypasta ?
is it just discord fags or somthing?
>women day, nothing
>children day, nothing
>father day, nothing
>pride month, let's celebrate
Nice priorities, fags.
I think it's great and a celebration of western liberties and freedoms. Now that the church and christianity no longer controls us by force we white people can finally stop pretending to be what we're not and come out of the closet as sodomites, trannies, zoophiles, and pedos, and finally live an honest life in our true nature with our significant other, be they man, woman, dick-girl, man in furry suit, stuffed animal, or even a group of new people every night. If we now try to censor our own countrymen expressing their sexual desires then we're no better than ISIS.
>also whats with this copypasta
It's a copy pasta detailing (nearly) all the ways /pol/niggers got BTFO in the past few months
Turns out being a /pol/nigger is a losing proposition
What would they do if they had an Incel month? Free waifu theme?
I'll just kill you if I see anywhere.
This but unironically.
>>Cyberpunk 2077
CDPR cucked out and fired the guy that made the "problematic" tweets
Writers confirmed they're leftist political propaganda faggots
>>Baldurs gate 3
Larian loves having faggots and bisexuals in their games
Then I will rape your sister, then
your mom and then i will kill for killing our based faggot tranny copyposter
We are now controlled by the Synagogue of Progressivism.
>He's still a /pol/nigger
This industry doesn't belong to you. Get dabbed on.
Glad I'm not a american.
You probably made the thread. Now you're going to samefag with the same images and posts the whole time and flood this thread with complete fucking garbage.
>Being proud that you censor everyone that disagrees with you
Hello kike
based and dimespilled
>death stranding
>from soft game of thrones "poen world" collaboration
If you are excited for that trash please do the world a favor and kill youself
I can't wait for the day persona games add gay romance options and Incels flip their shit.
Damn straight.
Hello isis, or should I say marhaban?
>Being mad that you lost this hard
I'd like to say it was a good game, but it wasn't. You've been losing nonstop ever since 2014. Stick to your day job, simp. no re
>rainbows are now forever ruined
thanks gays, I fucking love how the rainbow looks and you can never wear anything with more than 2 colors in a line now because people automatically think you suck dick and take it up the ass
not good.
What does Yea Forums have against /pol/? Why are they always trolling them?
owned nerd
>Why can't I say the N word!
Its so pathetic it's funny.
I “celebrate” only Christmas, thanksgiving, and sometimes New Years. That’s it.
Everything else, pride months, Black history, national cookie day, Memorial Day, can all fuck off. feels good
/pol/ is just the easiest target for Yea Forumschads to dunk on.
Waifu enthusiasts should get a month! I'm looking forward to lolicon week.
Summer of 92 strikes again
If only there was some kind of surface on tall buildings that could've prevented this.
Oh no companies are trying to score good boy points a few days a year on what I pretend is a non-issue yet consistently bitch about proving it to be an issue, video games are ruined even though this has nothing to do with them!
I can already hear it. It's like music to my ears.
>supporting capitalist companies appealing to homosexual customers in a free market economy
You're literally an isis-commie-sjw
>it's another month of endless shitposting
This board is beyond repair
Reactionary gamers simply cannot catch a break.
>>Square Enix refuses to add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV due to ethical and moral reasons
This is the one that triggers me the most desu
Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about audience targeting and marketing. They make fun games and whoever wants to play them play them. There's no faggotry.
Why doesnt she blink?
>supporting capitalist companies
>you're a commie
Every day I read dumber shit here
Did you remember to dilate today, user?
>I can already hear it
Did you just wake up from a 5 year coma?
i don't think anyone on this board gives a fuck other than the pol lads who lurk for these threads
yes low-test nonsense is immoral.
surprised they didn't force you to have that theme like faggots force us to accept them being a filthy degen
>It's like music to my ears.
imagine an adult in 2019 posting this...
jesus christ, i saw that xbox pride bullshit and now this. being proud of a disease is now commonplace. next down syndrome pride month. cancer pride month. self amputation pride month?
this but unironically
Did you remember to be a good white boy today and help dilate the cuck that raised you?
>muh nintendo is based and doesn't bow to reseter-
*ting* *ting* ahem... RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!
Every religion despises faggots. Theyre an abomination and a genetic dead end
We need an abortion pride month
>muh trannies
>doesn't think humans should have the right to be aborted
Hello third-worlder
user, you shouldnt project your family issues on others.
Rent free.
kek what a bitch
Unbelievable. There it is! THE FPBP!
Snoy Gaystation is for faggots who're into analvore.
Aw, why'd it get deleted. It's some good rage bait. Encourages people to get away from AAAshit.
>Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
The winning side are cultures that have a future because they proliferate, while the losing side are dying cultures who don't.
According to all stats, the only proliferating cultures are those who murder the LGBT.
Therefore in the name of multiculturalism and mathematical winning this is the side i pick.
I'm honestly looking forward to stupid dumb SJW drama now just so this pasta can keep getting larger.
you mean if degenerate faggots weren't parading their degeneracy in public, prompting disgust from regular people.
Why is it that Yea Forums is so capitalist and pro-corporate except when companies do something like this? Isn't it the free market at work?
>rent free
If this was any other month, you would have a point, but faggots and trannies are more obnoxious than usual this time of year.
The virgin Jap
The Chad Gook youtube.com
kek, same
embrace chaos
>going outside
>being a normalfag
I'm not against trans people or gays or infidels, I just can't tolerate them being visible or making themselves heard in public, but they're totally fine as long as they keep to their private quarters. This does not detract the slightest from my unconditional support of democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.
t. /poI/SIS
Because we don't like faggots.
Also /pol/: Capitalism is the greatest thing in existence and should have no regulations whatsoever, except when it turns into communism by pandering to faggots
Ride the tiger
gotta go outside to get food sometimes. we can't all live in moms basement.
There was a children's day and I missed it? Gay.
When's the next children's day?
Quartering is a tremendous faggot and deserves to be demonitized.
Cleanprince and Upper echelon are just dumb conservatives though. No harm.
Everyone should be demonetized.
But why? They aren’t doing nothing wrong
Nigga, you're doing English wrong.
kek what a bitch
Everyone should be demonetized on youtube though. Monetization is the cancer that killed it in the first place.
Isn't May supposed to be Mother's month and June, a father's?
OMG They're Censoring My Right To Outrage For A Job. We Gotta Rise Up Against This, Fellow Gamers!!!!!
>mother and father
hello outdated gender roles
Literally every corporation does this, if your company could get a boost in revenue just for pandering to some trend you would do it to.
They have a point you know.
They have the power to do this, and your only option is to cry about muh freeze peach. ... Or you could get power yourself and fight back. But that'd involve effort.
I'm fucking sick of videos that are stretched out to fit more ads in. It doesn't even help to use an adblocker because it's affecting the form of the content itself. I support any and all demonetization.
>get lynched and shot
>i sure do need pride
Maybe the words you use are not the ones you mean.
It's all about timing lad.
Check this out:
He gets all his monetization from external revenue streams and not youtube brainlets. Getting him demonetized has no impact whatsoever. It was a waste of time to do it.
Forgot the funko pops in the background
I thought it was Pride Week. Why is it month now?
CNET got advertisers to pull out on his garbage videos.
how many fucking pride events are there?
I swear it used to be pride week, then pride month, and I swear there's like three different pride months a year
Nobody notices when fags are being narcissistic infants flashing superficial values for a week, so they stretched it to a month hoping to rectify.
I fucking hate people, how is it possible that people are so fucking retarded to get offended by fucking drawings you thin skinned pieces of shit.
I'm sure the people complaining about that isn't aren't even native americans.
Newsflash dumbass: He stopped depending on youtube monetization months ago. He's all external now.
Imagine pandering for Slaanesh and Nurgle worshipers.
Your a faggot kid end self. Also saudi knows whats right
Wait til it becomes Pride Quarter. 3 months.
Uh-uh, that's why "he" still stretches his shit videos to go to 10 minutes. Pure coincidence. Who do you think you're fooling, Jeremy?
Gaming is fucked on all fronts.
Fuck off to pol normie fags
>Hating everything
based hipster faggot
For every month not dedicated to GAY PRIDE isis kills one homosexual. You wouldn't want that would you?
He stretches because he can, not because he needs to. He gets more money from goods and donations than he would from having 20 youtube channels fully monetized to the extent of his current one. Keep making me laugh.
You wouldn't be so butthurt if you'd stop letting guys fuck you.
Except that Native American shit is still in the game.
Stop trying to dig up controversy for shit you retards don't even play.
Why do companies celebrated mental illness?
>mods delete that one stupid copypasta spam, but not this entire shitty off-topic thread
I'm glad to see the jannies being fairly compensated for all the work they don't do.
Like how hard is it to just glance at the catalog, see that stupid rainbow flag, and immediately know that the thread is off-topic trash?
how do they calculate between 24 to 90%? might as well just go with between 0 and 100
How things have changed in just a few years.
>They aren’t doing nothing wrong
user, "being gay" literally means that you are using your genitalia wrong.
He's been censored into being like this. ResetEra won again.
Didn't we already celebrate "Pride" this year? Why can't fags be aberrations of nature in moderation?
based resetera chads having Nintendo bow to them
i hate sony so damn much
they ruin everything
>anime tiddies
>copyright strikes on youtube
fuck sony and fuck its follower
t. ex sonyfan
because that slippery slope they keep telling you isn't real, is actually real. give an inch and they'll take a mile.
Depending of the researches.
Uh-uh. I'm sure they're gonna be castrating us poor persecuted straight men anytime now.
Almost as if it's a retarded bait image or something
Because before there was Instagram, there were fags. Everything cancerous about Instagram culture is what makes the LGBT cancerous. Narcissism, worship of superficial values, infantilism, being condescending one minute and then wondering why people keep shitting on you in increasing numbers the next because you lack self-awareness from AIDS-induced brain-rot.
already being done through propaganda. did you somehow forget all the incels and manchildren? a veritable epidemic.
>nobody should do what they love
If there is money to be made, there must be a jew behind it.
This is what white people wants to export to the rest of the world.
Demonetization can't stop you from doing what you love though, just like it didn't stop the first decade of youtubers from doing their usual shit. Are you mentally retarded?
ok wage slave
Left wing "n"azi?
>everything is fine lmao
sure champ. keep telling yourself that
>>>> A dashboard theme
Ok buddy
Oh no, rainbow logos, we are all doomed
>everybody should do what they love
>time to fuck kids and scam people
this is the type of retard that think race/ethnicity is skin deep
actually, monetization helps the video get more promotion, so even if they aren't making money off the video directly, they get more views and subs thanks to it showing up in recommendations more.
>being a consolekiddie who can't even control their UI
>1/4 gay men in America had over 1000 sex partners
if you are spreading fake news at least make it believable
Why do we get a thread like this every day? Why do people care so much about gay people?
Yea Forums is tsundere for gay people
obsession, too much time and autism
They were pro corporate until they realized that shitposting about Ron Paul and Ayn Rand from the basement won't get you in charge of anything and that people actually successful in business are university graduates.
Daily reminder that pride is one of the seven deadly sins.
Humility is the virtue to balance it.
Let's celebrate humility month.
What, pulling back your retarded absolutism now? Think a bit before you post next time then.
Recommendation algorithm is connected to video stats and not monetization, they exist even without monetization. You retarded?
Yea Forums's old anger turned into modern outrage culture.
It is. You're crying about pixels on the internet like a simp lmfao
this thread
this EXACT thread
all day every day
not only for the rest of the month
the rest of all time
we are trapped in hell
Because either Islam or China are the future and we gotta prep and adapt to their ways.
You misspelled "I" neckbeard faggot. They will get you and you deserved it for that grift.
>Implying this isn't all a Tzeentchian scheme
>being this much of a butthurt kiddie because someone isn't stupid enough to depend on youtube monetization which has been shit for ages now
except the subject was real life topics and issues. are you okay bro?
Who #teamislam here?
>fags and their orbiters FINALLY understood that their shitty Internet culture was used by megacorporations, so they can continue lining their pockets
>they are still ready to consume
Like patreon? Oh nvm
Why's Sony so fag-happy compared to Microsoft and Nintendo? The latter two companies support that stuff but they're not so on the nose about it.
If I was gay I'd look at something like this and feel embarrassed, not empowered.
someone post the tweets of Microsoft and Nintendo
His revenue remained unchanged after his move to Subscribstar brainlet. Keep digging.
who the fuck eats jelly on naan
reminder he literally did nothing wrong
The video game industry sucks because of creatively void and greedy devs saturating the market with rehashes, remakes, remasters, endless sequels, microtransactions/lootbox garbage and paid online multiplayer not because they tweet out a few rainbows, fuck off back to /pol/
This is all well documented. You'll find the same statistics over and over again, across multiple countries and cultures. Since the original AIDS patient zero, Gaetan Dugas. Homosexuals have a distinct behavioral profile which differs greatly from heterosexuals.
You fail to understand that only in recent years (2008) did WELL DOCUMENTED FACTS suddenly become verboten and taboo.
You are the peddler of fake news. You parrot neoliberal corporate rhetoric and mistake it for fact.
>pandering to an absolute minority of faggots and freaks
What's even the point? Shouldn't they pander to the majority?
same lol
That's why you speak one word per 15 seconds? Scam or brain damage. I advice killing yourself either way.
We need to adopt that Russian law that bans faggot propaganda.
Get this, if you make 1 tweet you support the gays it doesn't mean you hate everyone else, it just means /pol/niggers will get mad at you. There are more faggots than /pol/niggers + the latter make a shitton of noise, so it's good marketing.
The more you open your mouth, the more you reveal how powerless and butthurt you are about trying to demonetize the quarterpounder who has more brain than yourself to seek wider revenue venues. Keep providing comedy replies my low IQ friend. :^)
The majority of people aren't closet fags who hate gays so much they would boycott a company for a rainbow theme. /pol/tards don't even play video games.
>There are more faggots than /pol/niggers
There aren't though.
Because this is what they believe "progress" to be.
sources for your claims?
>Eugenics is inmor-
>that picture
I would bet nearly every homosexual perpetrator of sex crimes against minors are conservative politicians and members of the clergy kek
Oh but there are. You would know that if you ever went outside and made friends.
based resetera wins again
Why not just let kids enjoy video games instead of trying to get kids accustomed to sodomy? It's basically pedophile grooming.
Why are we teaching kids to be cool with anal? What does it have to do with VIDEO GAMES?
>faggots are so worthless they can't even kill themselves properly
>Fitgirl repack
Hmm, you're right, this guy is on to something. No more sexualization of any kind ever. No attractive women allowed either ;^)
user...that's not jelly
But there aren't though. Majority of outside people look upon fags with derision or have apathy. Only on the Internet do i find homofaggots such as yourself with your delusions. Also if every Trump supporter is a /pol/nigger then fags are a minority, that's in line with your own logic. In addition, the cultures who are anti-faggot are all proliferating, while the cultures who are profaggot are a paltry 600 million Westerners and Anglosphere nations combined who are all dying out. Either way one looks at it, you are a passing wind, a fart.
>When you hate muslims until the moment they want to stone faggots and suddenly they're on your side
This is why you lost, sweetie-kun. This is why companies pander to ResetEra chads and not /pol/niggers
if by clergy you mean rabbis, most likely.
>defending sexualising children
fucking pedo
Repent barafag.
>unmarried men are molesting kids
>they work in the clergy so they're right wing and definitely not gay
How can you be this blind? Do you lack basic cognitive skills?
I never hated Muslims, Hitler was allied with them and they are my allies.
How can I lose when the numbers and birth rates are on my side?
Again, homofaggots like yourself flashing yourselves in general society are historically able to do so for such a short period equivalent to a historic fart. A passing wind before the air suppresses it again and society is fag-free.
You just prove me right with that post lol.
Islam isn't the norm sweaty. Go outside sometimes.
The norm is everything which proliferates and therefore has a mathematical future.
You don't, as doesn't the dying culture tolerating you which constitutes less than 10% of the world's population and decreasing.
repent on my dick lol
It depends what your definition on /pol/-type people like that is. Are you referring to people who are vehemently against most other cultures, religions, and sexualities like on /pol/, or just people who don't support homosexuality. Because if it's the latter, you have
>Latin America
>Arguably Eastern Europe
The only people in support of that stuff in the way that it is supported here are in the western world, and of that group the largest percentage are liberal whites, which are, to be generous, only half of all whites in general, which are outnumbered by Asians and Africans, who have much more conservative standards.
>The norm is everything which proliferates and therefore has a mathematical future.
No. The norm is what matters and surrounds us. We talk about the human norm. We don't talk about the spacial norm even though they will outlast us millennia. No one gives a shit what culture will be predominant in a century after we're all dead. While we are alive, we conquer you, and we'll be alive for as long as you are. ResetEra, bay bay.
>hat in time kept jontron in even as everyone on resetera screamed for them to take him out
>hat in time also had a trans pride flag in it
based omegachads baiting both sides of america into talking about their game for free publicity
This. Your game is undisputed and based if it triggers both sides of the cringe horseshoe. Same with Star Wars: The Fallen Order
>and of that group the largest percentage are liberal whites
Not anymore considering the rise of right wing populism and the negative birth rates of Liberals kicking them down.
This current retarded Liberalism is like the Hippie movement, a sudden fart by reality which will disappear soon.
>No. The norm is what matters and surrounds us.
No, the norm is a combination of what the majority of the world holds in common and the functional trend of whether that trend is proliferating or dying out via birth rates.
On both accounts, you are the historic equivalent of a passing wind that humanity lets out from time to time before it is dissipated into the ether. It is not the first time the fart of LGBT has been let out in human history, nor will it be the last. It is also not the first time it will evaporate quickly like a fart, nor will it be the last.
Google Gaetan Dugas. The CDC did a complete report on the number of sexual partners he had in a 1 month period. All of them gay and bisexual men.
>asking for source so you can report me for posting off topic
Cute. Typical leftist bugman.
persona 2 and persona 3 portable already have gay romance options, reddit.
Yeah but most regular conservtives support all of that fag stuff except for the trans movement so it doesn't make much of a difference. Conservatives are cucked nowadays.
Based. This fag needs to get a real job like working in a coal mine.
>This much cope
Get used to having us based ResetEra chads controlling the vidya industry. It's not gonna change within your lifetime. You can rest easy knowing that in a century or two we'll all be dead. Everyone ultimately dies to entropy and the heat death of the universe. Resetera, bitch.
Why are fags, queers, trannies so toxic, Yea Forums?
>QuarterPounder will have to get a job
based fags working this cringe weeb into a compromised end
Pride is a negative trait birthed from the sum of narcissism, ego, superficiality, emotional immaturity, and most importantly condescension.
The result of pride is always negative.
I am therefore in support of LGBT Pride Parades because they only have negative consequences and only result in an increased animus against the LGBT rather than decrease. Accelerationism is my game.
I like video games
>Videogame company: "meme"
>Omg so fucking based
>Videogame company: "gay good"
>Woooow I can't believe they're total shills!
what proof do you have that accelerationism works in your favor? have you considered that you're just aiding normalization along?
white excellence month when
Interesting cope.
>Videogame company: "dead cringy meme"
>Omg so fucking based
Fucking when did something like this happened?
I'm surprised Jontron totally dodged the ad-pocolypse. Dude has like 6 million subscribers, red pills all of them with race, IQ and crime data, goes on a small hiatus until his wanted level went down, and got right back in the saddle.
Imagine letting gay people bother you so much. The industry is full of pandering no matter where you look, fucking retard.
Pride can't be normalized, it always leads to anarchy and instability which, after reaching a point, gets forcibly regulated by an emerging entity of order and stability forcing humbleness into general society.
>some people enjoy the censor
I can't tell if this is real, some trolls who want (You) or some 1984 NPCS. The state of this world.
stfu faggot, all the year all the time is the same shit look at your average protagonist nowadays are all fucking black and trannie fag shit, the only voice are e celebs and sjw disgusting degenerates everything is ruined, open you zoomer eyes or go donate sub your youtube twitch streamer you disgusting kid.
you are already off topic posting. you don't have the source nor do you know if your bait image is even real. how does 1 sex addicted flight attendant represent every homo that ever lived?
generally there are better vidya discussions in /pol/ than in Yea Forums. the less amount of shitpost makes the difference
companies have been pandering since the dawn of time user, this isn't anything new.
Reminder that democracy was a mistake.
but pride is just a concept. pride alone does no such thing. on the contrary, having no pride in the achievements of your ancestors and what they gave to you is how you get pride parades; nobody gives a shit to stop degeneracy anymore.
>muh heat death, nothing matters goy
Just off yourself now if you're going to be a nihilistic little homo. Why even worry about our continued survival when you annoying little nightmare faggots make life unbearable for normal people?
keep seething
The only thing I worry about is the fact that while you're alive, we own you. Who gives a shit who's gonna rule after I'm dead?
Pride is not a concept, it's an emotion.
Only dumb people fall for it.
That's why the only 4 entities engaging in it are Nationalists, Religiousfags, LGBT, and Women. The Quartet of Retardation who all hold 6 common grounds:
- Pride above substance
- Masturbation to a flag/symbol
- Call to some past victimization emboldening present retardation and condescension
- Parades
- Bug/Ant Mentality (Hivemind Collectivization)
- Eternal enemy and specific label for it
kek you stupid faggot
Based and redpilled
Actually based.
Pride is retarded.
>Pride is not a concept
>Only dumb people fall for it
>more drivel from a "based centrist"
It's called a sample size you miserable pea brain. Also I'm not interested in proving the innocence of every gay man who ever lived. That's the hill you're choosing to die on.
I just don't want politically motivated, FORCED GAY SHIT in my video games. I don't care about gay people, if they would exist somewhere else I never had to hear about them or their growing list of problems that would be ideal.
You just keep losing, huh?
why can't you just suck dick without being associate with LGBT?
All 4 of your meme collectives are the same mental circuitry. Nothing will ever change this fact.
>horse shoe theory
arm chair experts never cease to amuse.
Why are gays so insecure in their sexuality that they need a whole month of validation? Seriously, why?
im talking about the propaganda data image from your early post retard. still no source on it. to bad gay shit is not going away. lol.
Because you don't matter. LGBT is just a front using you to get closer to legalized NAMBLA.
You are irrelevant. King of being annoying. Ruler of mildly inconveniencing normal people. You get get old and die without a family. No one will ever care to remember you. Records will show you were just some loud unhelpful faggot, and that is all you'll ever be.
Nor does the Boghossian Exposure which showed Feminist Academia praising a feminist Mein Kampf rewrite and approving it for academic publishing, while returning another one for not being extreme enough. All followed by a bunch of Women's March events being cancelled by a sudden reveal of anti-semitism engulfing the movement.
as a staunch homosexual and owner of a ps4 and probably a ps5 (if Sony don't lie about it's specs and capabilities) i'm happy that Playstation are giving gay people some love.
As it could mean games with more yaoi characters with the options to romance another yaoi character, or even full on softcore porn sequences.