Based Hideous

Based Hideous

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damn...joost was tossed aside like a ragdoll. she got played like a damn fiddle

>not titling "kojima asked, but hideo cast someone else"

there is none as it's bullshit but Yea Forums is full of retards that will reply anyway

used goods horse potato face


>prease understand stefanie san, i am with margaret now. thankuh yooou

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>Kojimbo and quiet actress snuggled up in bed after some freaky sex
>He takes a long drag of his cigarette, being the artist he is.
>She raises her head from his chest and locks eyes with him
"I'm going to be in your next game, right..?"
>He smiles and Pat's her head
"O ya ya of course my rittle concubine"
>His phone starts going off
"Who is it babe?"
>She asks in a worried tone
>He ignores the call from Norman Reedus, his secret lover.
"Probabree just work do not free"

good i fucking hate that ugly bitch

>rittle concubine

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why are you guys mad. I guess people on Yea Forums haven't tried to apply for a work and said this common line.
>We will contact you to inform you about the result

Kojima may not be a supermodel, but hes not that bad looking for an old man.

it's about fucking time someone posted source, I've asked for it 3 threads straight

there's been 3 threads about it on Yea Forums non stop for the last 36 hours, idk how you could miss it.

she got Haytered.
Konami must be like "time to get her back just like Hayter".

because none of those threads posted the source

fair enough user
what do you think of the situation now that you are up to speed?


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I have no strong feelings one way or the other

Offering someone a job and then changing your mind is a dick move.


what? they're just going to take some whore's word for it? no further proof needed?

if you didn't sign anything it isn't

It was a prank, bro

being under in the influence of marijuana inflicts short term memory less

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>Hayter was right
Goddammit, I don't want to support voice actors but Kojima is not only a hack but also a piece of shit.

White people all look the same, it could have been a mistake on Kojima's part.

Haytergate still hurts bros.

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>rittle concubine
Based Hideous.

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Feels bad.

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Man Ricky Gervais has let himself go.

About what? Was Hayter promised the part? I always asumed he threw a sissy fit because he wasn't invited to play a new character that isn't solid snake.

he's a hideous chink