What games are you playing on your switch?
What games are you playing on your switch?
is that Astro Domina?
1000% she's cucking her asian husband with this whiteboi
you just know...
What games?
Imagine being paid to appear on camera once a week to play games just for being a beautiful asian woman who can speak English. It's super fucking boring and never has any news. I haven't watched it since the second episode. I'm stunned it's still going on.
Hes married to a qt japanese girl and they have a son. I hope not but krista is quite tempting and they clearly flirt a lot.
It's really weird that you know all that.
But what about the chairs?
How do you know that? Did you stalk his twitter or Instagram?
This is 90% of news reporters as well.
You're proving why it works. Because nerds like you think EVERY female is attractive. If you fucking faggots had standards then women wouldn't get life handed to them for free.
This is your brain on onions
is that Hanna Kimura?
Star Tropics. I did not expect this weird block hopping nonsense or how ludicrous the fake walls and shit are with your only clue being that the ground by them has just a few more black pixels. It's still pretty fun though.
>they clearly flirt a lot.
LMAO no. They are passive aggressive as fuck. I imagine that's how all white male/Asian female couples are. It's just sad when they do it in public
I only watched one video with these two. She's really annoying and clearly has mental problems
Found the roasties
“Whites” are degenerate filth, especially the femoids, and chinks are just bug people.
What is your image supposed to prove?