Reminder to enjoy WoWC before Blizzard shits it up. Again

Reminder to enjoy WoWC before Blizzard shits it up. Again.

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Reminder that only a dumb faggot enjoys bad combat and bad gameplay

TBC was a better game than vanilla, even if it added flying
When TBC servers come out over half the classic population is leaving, don't get left in the dust while everyone else is doing the best content the game's ever had

The only shitty thing about burning crusade is the introduction of flying. Everything else is better

Reminder that only women and autists care about what other people do or don't enjoy.

arena parity balancing is not ok no

They said that once classic has been out for several years they aren't apposed to classic +. Like new content, but level 60 and in the same spirit as vanilla

I'm doing the opposite. I'll wait out vanilla and jump in when TBC is relaunched.

>Invalidates Azeroth and all prior content.
>Welfare legs from Arena.
>Blood elves.
>Worse itemization.

Too lazy to go on.

>drive-by insults hurled at betafag secondaries is "caring about what others enjoy"

they should increase level cap by 2 levels with every new tier. like post naxx content tier at level 62 etc.

You cared enough to reply, you negroid mong.

>Invalidates Azeroth and all prior content.

No it didn't. It opened up many solo possibilities and farming old world mats was fun and profitable.

>played the shit out of vanilla and BC
>70 IQ brainlettes think it's going to be good

I will be first to say it. BC is the literal nostalgia glasses expansion. As a hardcore mage raider I don't think many of you faggots realize how shit it actually was.

1. Roll warlock for dps. The raid will have over 20 warlocks in a raid to clear content.
2. Mount hyjal is the worst fucking raid created, worse than Totc
3. The warlock policy is intensified in sunwell
4. All you warriors will be benched in sunwell for pally tanks
5. Heroics had zero purpose and were difficult but giving worse loot than easier fucking raids. A whole piece of content that is worthless.
6. Arenas were horrible and a garbage idea.

The game is actually hard compared to vanilla. It won't be a success like classic.

Yea Forums is the internet's designated shutting street, so I came here to shit. You are the vermin: you come to lap up shit.

Judging by your response you clearly care more than me, lol

>As a hardcore mage raider

I can see where your useless opinions are coming from. Maybe you shouldn't pick a shit class and blame everything from arena to dungeons for it? Should I roll a moonkin for vanilla and claim it's a bad game because I intentionally play a shit class? Go home.

>*eats my shit*
Okay lol

>Mount hyjal is the worst fucking raid created, worse than Totc
This. It was my favourite mission from WC3 too so it was even more disappointing.

Moonkin isn't a class you apeloid

Not the point.

It is, because if moonkin is shit you can play as some other spec. If mage is shit, you can't. Way to think, nobrain

No it's not. You're just a faggot who got your nerd ego destroyed because you didn't win in dps meters thus you blame the whole expansion for being shit. It's pathetic and you could have always rerolled.

>just reroll another class, this expansion is totally fine

It is, people reroll classes all the time. Funny how you called yourself hardcore but couldn't even reroll and decided to be asshurt for years because muh dps meters.

Or even better advice, stop staring the fucking meter and try to enjoy the game.


I think people still underestimate how much arenas, and especially 2v2, ruined class design
especially because it was basically an early version of caving exclusively to e-sports faggots

Why the fuck do you hate flying? Seems utterly retarded to me.

BC was the best WoW era, it refined Vanilla, fixed the major issues it had, and only had a few minor drawbacks (which in it's own expansion weren't bad, it's what later ones did with them.)

Since this is probably a Wrath/Cata baby who here's to circlejerk ill just settle some common arguments.
Flying didn't kill WPvP. All it did was make it so you couldn't gank people who were afk or traveling from zone to zone, which were things that already existed in Vanilla in forms of towns and fightpaths. WPvP still existed in BC for people that wanted it.
Arenas were just a thing for people who wanted a more skill oriented ranking system instead of the grinding for R14 that Vanilla PvP was. Battlegrounds still existed for people that didn't care about any of that.
Daily quests are literally only there for people that didn't have all day to farm for gold. If you think that people didn't consider Vanilla WoW to be a second job then you're retarded.
This is your only argument and it applies to literally every other expansion as well.
I don't really see how TBC bent over for raiders any more than in Vanilla. In both versions raiding was more of a reward for hitting cap. The only difference is that TBC raiding was easier to get into thanks to Kara and raids not requiring 40 people anymore.

>The game is actually hard
good. this way all the leage of legends crybabies that cant get no instant gratification will be weeded out. only 30y old boomers will stay for comfy raid nights.

Druids were still useful in raid. BC raid difficulty demanding insane levels of dps changed progression raiding to warlock shadow bolt spam.

>in BC
Just roll the broken comp and climb.

>blood elves

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god cringe

is Hammer of the Naaru the most aesthetic TBC loot?

Care to provide an actual argument or are you still roleplaying?

Well if you're a draenei paladin and you don't have the transmog I don't know what you're doing


Raiding was at it's peak in BC too, far more interesting raids than Vanilla, going from 40 to 25 made for a better experience, and the addition of unique 10 mans was a huge influx of fun for casuals and high end raiders. The end of BC-pre Wotlk patch is what killed raiding permanently.

Vanilla will be a success but BC will fail. You also forgot to mention SSC was a shit raid also. Easy bosses till Vasq which was insane and 90% of your time is clearing trash.

That's retarded. They should just add new raids and gear a step above the last.

What would be cool to see is changing talents so specs become viable. Would add an entire new layer to the game to be able to use specs that weren't viable in raids. Like prot pally, boomkins. Etc

New battlegrounds and maybe even 10 man dungeons or new 5 mans would also be cool. Maybe have some class quests inside them or something

Because fying killed world pvp which was a huge "excitment" factor, even if you didnt like to pvp in a pvp server you had to be very careful when you step outside your capital, you could be killed anywhere in the world and that was great.

Well in TBC warrios & droods were the best in arena, by best I mean no other class were viable to reach 2K+

Cata was the besr xpac bud.

Flying disconnected players from the world literally and figuratively. Instead of people running around on the ground and interacting with the world/enemies you just flew over it. Also, it killed world pvp.

>all these basedboys seething because their bosses dont have 1 mechanic

Tell me why you like it first

based & redpilled

But the picture you posted was the peak of WoW's quality

>posting Ash
Ash would praise the lord for all that delish elf pussy


all the outland zones are kind of trash, that resistance stat on arena gear was cancerous, AV got worse with every itteration, etc.
TBC had its ups but that was mostly in how it rebalanced the classes imo