Like it or not, Halo 2 on legendary difficulty is the greatest survival game ever. Many times you will have to sacrifice cover to try to get another weapon off the floor and mostly die in the process
Like it or not, Halo 2 on legendary difficulty is the greatest survival game ever...
It's poorly designed garbage is what it is. Halo CE's legendary is still the best in the series.
Halo 2 on LASO is objectively the hardest game ever created.
>b-but my dark souls xD
Halo 2 lasso your own neck and hang yourself
>have regenerating shields AND health. Instead of making health a pickup and serve as a mistake buffer.
Halo CE and Reach had health, though?
yes. And they dropped that in halo 2. I thought the CE system was really clever. The shields means that people cannot get stuck as they always have shields left. And the health can allow you to survive if you make a mistake and cannot get to cover quickly when you are out of position. If they had it in halo 2 then they couldve made snipers less frustrating. But no, they added regenerating health.
That level with snipers who oneshot you and the flying grandpa boss that spawns infinite enemies while lasting forever.
>the hardest level is the first level
Fucking ultra elites laughing when you manage to stick them with a plasma grenade and their shields can withstand a plasma pistol overcharge. Shit was PTSD fuel
>That level with snipers who oneshot you
New Mombasa?
>the flying grandpa boss that spawns infinite enemies while lasting forever.
Delta Halo?
Non-regenerating health would have been cool if the game didn't revolve around weapons that instakilled you without shields.
Yeah. Thats the point, if it is nonregenerating you can increase the healthpool. Then instead of getting blown up you just lose a large chunk of health. And the next time you die, until you find another healthpack. Weapons that now delete you could instead just take a chunk of health away, and the amount of healthpacks you got could gate hte amount of mistakes you are allowed to make in a certain section.
I was talking more about multiplayer, but that is also a good idea.
It's not a survival game you fucking idiot.
I disagree. I recently played H2 legendary and I thought it was fun and challenging. Then I went to play CE on legendary (I played it on normal back in 2002) and I just couldn't get into it, it wasn't very fun. Maybe it's because I was playing Anniversary because I wanted those gamer points, and Anniversary truly is a fucking abomination of a remake. I mean I was playing original graphics so it should be mostly the same, but yeah I dunno, I just got bored with it.
Yeah, after I played H3 legendary, I found that first level of H2 legendary, with those groups of elites, pretty hard. But then I just googled it and learned about the noob combo and then it was pretty straightforward.
for multiplayer they could just keep the regenerating health and modify weapon damage.
I'd rather see weapons deal a small amount of health damage through shields. At least for bullet weapons.
Halo 2's scale up from heroic to legendary is actually retarded, and this is a well documented fact, we know why it happened. Other than the fucking jaclkal snipers, however, I think that Halo 2 legendary is actually what legendary should be.
You still DO have health under shields in 2 and 3, it's just not visible.
IIRC in 2 at least it regens so slowly it might as hell not regen at all.
>Delta Halo
Regret. Regret. Regret.
It fully regens over time in both halo 2 and 3
Why does your disgusting generation end statements with question marks?
It regenerates fully, but at a slightly slower rate than shields.
I beat it on legendary, gravemind was probably the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced in a video game
This. With LASO the game is totally busted and broken and the only way to beat it is with speedrunner exploits and sheer attrition.
I beat it on legendary too, and Gravemind really isn't that difficult. To be honest I think Quarantine Zone was more frustrating with all the goddamn flood - especially the beginning of the mission I kept having to redo. Gravemind really wasn't that difficult at all, it was pretty damn easy.
That’s not what “survival game” means.
Gravemind is a very RNG level, you got lucky if you think it was easy