Will VR ever be good enough to recreate my isekai fantasies?

Will VR ever be good enough to recreate my isekai fantasies?

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>asian """"""""""""men"""""""""""""

what is the point of that picture
do you think real women wont give you infections and diseases

he is american

No, it's going to be gimmicky and arcade shit forever until better tech is invented

Probably, but in like 60 years when you're an old man so your dreams won't come true.

It will take time. VR is in early stages. Give it a good 20 years.

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what happened to his wife?

Fuck. I hope there is some anti-aging or immortality shit in the future. I don't wanna die bros

Maybe but not in our lifetime.

I'm gonna get it as close as I can at least.

by that time i dont even think i will be able to get erections, or if i did, i would run out of energy after one session and then have to wait 4 days to try again

That asian guy is cute, I would eat his cock, if you know what I mean.

I'm sorry about your terminal illness user.

My 50 year old dad is still hung like a horse. You gotta keep a good physique and diet

Wait, How did he get a UTI from it?

What the fuck are you a cannibal?

Literally eat his cock?

What would a suitable title be for pic related if it was posted in a filename thread?

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Bacteria infested silicon. Not enough cleaning

Ask your grandparents how they thought the year 2000 would be.

They divorced because he was a piece of shit.
Like the retard he is he was too lazy and too embarassed to wash it because his mom would see him.

worse, he is a british hapa

> Will VR ever be good-
No. It's Kinect tier gimmick shit that hasn't taken off despite companies desperately investing more and more into the already sunk cost.

Do you have autism by chance?

It's highly doubtful. Society will have degenerated or even collapse before then.

How do you know this? Did you fuck?

I don't know what you mean.

hes implying she betrayed him and gave him sdt

It has taken off. It just needs to start in arcades the same way video games did.

The real redpill is that dolls are useless unless you employ someone to clean them 4 you since it's too much work for what is a slightly better fleshlight

those dolls look way too creepy to fuck

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He is divorced and /fit/ and gets laid more than me.

Have sex

He obviously didn't clean it OR he cleaned it with something that caused the material to break down small enough to get stuck in his urethra. I didn't watch the video, just guessing here.

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This is what VR was 20 years ago. Compare it to what we have today and scale that difference to the VR games we already have, and it's obvious that we'll be able to have a satisfying Reincarnated Slime: The Game in well under 20 years.

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How does it feel to be a faggot and having a based chad dad? ?

the good ones should let you take the vagina out of the doll so you can clean it

People will realize that nothing beats 3D. Sorry Yea Forums. You can't live in a lie forever. Or you can but at the cost of misery.

That wife has no standards apparently, but I suppose he may have money

Didn't keep the doll clean most likely, it was like reusing a cum tissue over and over again.

tale as old as time

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>having sex
>having a doll
>having a 3dpg gf

Just become full time buddha bros and take the nofap pill

creepy makes it better though

A real woman gave me mono, left me bedridden for two months and forced me to quit my job

Whatever. Just remember what I said when you fuck your hand or fleshy biowife (and not your waifu in VR) in 20 years.

Not when the only games being made with the sort of budget needed for that are just Sony movies, Korean cookie cutter grinding MMOs, and Squeenix's massively mismanaged projects.

UTIs aren't STDs retardo, you just get them from sticking your dick somewhere dirty.

why are you posting this degenerate faggot, are you 8?

>pussies are not dirty

More genres will come out. VR is the wild west of game design right now, the medium requires a completely different approach than the games we have now, you gotta give people time to experiment. The fact we have indie games being developed for VR for the first time in history is gonna get the medium moving so much faster than ever.
Besides, if there's anywhere Sony's interactive movies can be enjoyable, it's in VR.

wimmin are more likely to get a UTI from vaginal sex than a man.

>programmable bioflesh fucktoys that can recreate the movements of virtual characters
Oh god, please let humanity survive the next 30 years.

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I think it's good enough now to start. What we need now is commitment and money to make it.

2050 is apprantly when shit is going to hit the fan so it will be close

I have a feeling it will happen sooner like 2025.
The China-US trade war is already under way, it just needs a single misunderstanding with weapons grade kimchi.

The internet is a precious thing

2050 is more an evironmental thing than political

Or you just suck at life, simple.

and the dying environment will lead to political upheaval in the middle east, sub-saharan africa and east asia due to crop failure, famines, water depletion etc

Imagine if we end up like Planetes where the middle east is a total wasteland because we don't want their oil anymore
I'd have a right giggle at Saudi Arabia when that happens
Except it can't happen as there is a contract in place to keep paying the Saudi's money when the oil runs out

more like the dude and his wife are just dumb
>divorcing over trivial dumb shit
>infecting yourself because you didn't clean your stuff
just a case of the average autismo

Sounds like the end of the bronze age.

How does he have a wife? He looks like 13 y/o?

yeah a changing environment along with a string of droughts and crop failures doomed those ancient Mesopotamian civilizations a few thousand years ago

nothing will happen, world will go on as normal of course

Damn, the Mesopotamians really should've cut back on their carbon emissions.

I no longer care, my sister enjoys role-playing with me and I can actually touch her as much as I want

Women like twinks.

> B-but muh new technology
Cope. 3D took off almost as soon as it was incorporated into home consoles. The N64 and PS1 sold like hot cakes despite being complete jankfests with dogshit graphics because 3d graphics were revolutionary and everyone could see it. VR hasn't taken off in the same way despite being pushed way harder because even normies can tell what a gimmick it is. VR is a flop, deal with it.


Very soon it will.

This is just the beginning.

They released too much gas.

The beginning of what? It's neat to have enemies that try and self-right. It's also pretty meaningless as anything but a physics demo.

All I could think while watching this is that they wasted so much time on physics interactions that nobody is going to use. Why would I pick up a crowbar, or even a sword, when you aren't doing mesh deformation, you aren't doing limb detachment, you aren't doing any of the things that would actually make me interested in melee combat? Why wouldn't I just grab the gun instead and double tap all these enemies while I'm sprinting through?

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>Feels nothing in real life
That might be more on that user. I think he should talk to a therapist.

Beginning of actually being able to interact with the virtual world in a very physical way, of course. Presence is the backbone of VR, and being able to interact with your environment like you were actually there is a big step towards realizing that.

Honestly, I sometimes wish I had enough religious faith to become a monk or whatever. Not having to worry about sex/relationships AND having the innate meaning of working for God sounds like a sweet deal

Even if you remove the VR elements from isekai stories , their games have much more content than the pathetic MMOs we have today.

Never ever.

>Presence is the backbone of VR,
Presence is the biggest VR meme out there. You think you have ""presence" in VR? Reach out and try and touch something. Push your weapon into a wall.

There isn't any fucking presence in VR. Slightly more in-depth physics is not a major selling point, I would much rather have a game that's clean and fun. Give me stock animations of enemies falling over, I don't care.

You can break bones and render limbs useless though, and I don't recall them outright denying the possibility for dismemberment.

>>You can break bones and render limbs useless though
I didn't see anything like that in the demo.
>I don't recall them outright denying the possibility for dismemberment.
If they had it, they'd absolutely show it.

rumbles can do magic and your head fills in the blanks for you

That's why I said it's the beginning. First we figure out how to make things interact with eachother in a believable fashion, then we begin to tackle the problem of simulating the limits of the virtual space you inhabit in the real world, and research into that is already well under way as well.

Proof that you can be decently good looking and still be an incel.

>I didn't see anything like that in the demo

Then you didn't watch it very closely. They clearly demonstrate that at 13:50 in the video posted by

The point is that it is a "physics demo". It is a testament to what is possible with the technology right now, "right now" being just a scant few years after the real debut of the technology since its failed origins in the 90's.

*blocks your path*

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does anyone else buy cucumbers as dildos? theyre cheap enough so that you can just buy a new one once youre done.

You can use the crowbar to climb up stuff you can't reach with your hands by hooking it onto the edge
If you tried VR you'd probably have a better understanding of why Boneworks looks so good

Why do so many people think they would stop being a loser in some other world when they refuse to change anything about themself now?

Well duh, men don't have vaginas! This fucking guy...

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>Dudes don't just pronebone a pocket pussy or something
Am I the only one? It's good for the core, too.

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a shame that's not timestamped

the real redpill is understanding the fact that prostate masturbation has nothing to do with your sexuality

not everyone can be so enlightened that they exercise while they fap

Is this a new meme? It should be.

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cute and funny