Why does Blizzard hate Starcraft so much?
>Cancel Starcraft ghost.
>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
>cancel another Starcraft fps in favor of overwatch 2 and diablo 4.
Why does Blizzard hate Starcraft so much?
>Cancel Starcraft ghost.
>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
>cancel another Starcraft fps in favor of overwatch 2 and diablo 4.
Other urls found in this thread:
>I want a Starcraft FPS!
said no real starcraft fan ever
for Ghost at least it was around the time Blizzard actually gave a shit and wouldn't release half-baked games, SG Ghost didn't meet their standards so it got canceled.
>not wanting to play as a Terran Marine and fuck up Zerglings ever since you saw the Brood War intro cinematic.
>Not wanting to play as a Protoss Zealot and charge into enemies to slice them up with your psionic blades.
I bet you only think Starcraft is for autistic apm competitions and it's setting and lore has no value at all.
The hand's off approach to SC2 is the best thing that could have happened to the game. Ever since David Kim stopped shitting up the game every 3 months the playerbase has been growing steadily and it's almost back to 2013 numbers. Also FUCK a Overwatchification of SC.
Why can't Blizzard get Starcraft right in [current year]?
retarded nigger zoomer, go play overwatch or fortnite
Not an argument. Starcraft's setting has potential for including more genres than just rts.
They don't hate it, they just have no clue what to do with it because all the people who made SC so great in the first place aren't there anymore.
SC2's design screams of it being made by a bunch of corporate suits whose first thought was "how do we make a most lucrative E-sports game possible", whereas the original Starcraft seemed more like a collection of ideas the developers thought were awesome.
Why do they hate all their games?
ah yes, because a setting of intergalactic wars waged by millions and including a hive-minded race of expendable fodder would totally fit the setting of a first person shooter!
wow imagine playing as a marine and brawling it out with a nameless hydralisk in colorful maps in the first person perspective, that'd be EPIC
Yes, it would.
You could just as well argue that you could not make a shooter game set in 40k universe by your logic.
nameless hydralisk and raynor team up to capture the flag! dab on the enemy zealot's corpse after we kill him!!
What on earth makes you think that the zerg would need to be playable?
ah yes, because a setting of a intercontinental war waged by millions and including a collectivist race of expendable fodder would totally fit the setting of a first person shooter!
wow imagine playing as a US marine and brawling it out with a nameless communist in brown maps in the first person perspective, that'd be EPIC
>>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
wasn't part of the problem that Blizzard was continuing to develop StarCraft's world for like 12 years with Ghost and comic books and novels and shit, but unless you're following all that you're still coming from the 2000's mindset of the first game. Was the story really that bad?
Because they released StarCraft 2 with the intent of it being THE game to play for e-sports, and then immediately afterwards, LoL came out and Mobas absolutely killed the RTS genre.
if you're a retarded nigger with a boner for the military, I can see how that fantasy would suit you. leave fiction stories with actual lore behind their universe alone though okay faggot? when my race can glass one of your planets in a moment, I don't need to send my champion to duke it out with your champion and escort the payload, you fucking imbecile
Wouldn't an SC FPS basically be DOOM but with xenomorph knockoffs instead of space demons
>Why does Blizzard hate Starcraft so much?
Because everyone knows that it is just a blatant rip off of Warhammer 40k and they never been able to shake it, so they just sequestered it away in South Korea where nobody gives a shit and let it die.
Yeh, Warcraft is also a straight rip off of Warhammer Fantasy but they can just use the "it's just Tolkienesque fantasy! No rip off here!" defence for that one.
sc2 would make a better l4d clone than Overwatch would.
it'd be Alien Versus Predator (the good ones)
I mean, "the Overmind was a good guy all along" is a development not found in the novels, as far as I know.
There might be a point to be made about the relationship between Kerrigan and Raynor developing from "I'm the man who's going to kill you one day" to "Oh Sarah, I still love you!". But other shit, not so much.
SC2's story is schizophrenic trash that has none of the themes of the original game.
>Wings of Liberty: Raynor's rag tag rebellion against Mengsk is diverted to into a god damn treasure hunt in order to avoid a doomsday prophecy, and culminates in saving his waifu Kerrigan that he vowed to kill when he last met her.
>Heart of the Swarm is about Kerrigan shitting all over Raynor's deeds from WoL and reinfesting herself, and going on a murderous rampage across the sector but we are supposed to fucking root for her because she makes all kinds of retarded justifications for her heinous deeds, and because she is a heroine.
>Legacy of the Void: Gee, lets just shit all over Protoss lore, take away the Khala from them because we can't have aliens being too alien from us, and just make them hold modern western liberal values about individuality and shit all the while they fight against the ancient evil prophesied in WoL. Also, we now have Sith Protoss and Robot Protoss in the mix. Also, in the epilogue, we take the fight to not warp where the ancient ebil lives, so Kerrigan can ascend into Phoenix Force and fuck up the ancient evil.
Fuck Starcraft 2.
Though, to be fair, Alarak was the most enjoyable part of Legacy of the Void, but that says more about how trash that fucking expansion was in general.
Depends on what you would be playing as I guess. Standard Marines aren't really comparable to Doomguy, as they are just cannon fodder too.
>shitting all over Raynor's deeds from WoL and reinfesting herself
Sort of. She always needed her powers, but without the corruption. So Raynor did the right thing by taking that corruption away with the artifact (even though that's also what resurrected Amon? idk), but as a human Amon could not be stopped.
That part isn't the worst (if we take the whole "Kerrigan is needed to save the universe" as a given, which is of course complete shit, though).
The rest, i.e. her attacking the Protoss when she didn't need to and her murderous rampage all for basically petty vengeance (compared to the ancient prophesied evil and all that, it is petty) is just trash.
IIRC Starcraft 1 was accidently awesome. It wasn't made for e-sports, and the great balance between the factions that made it into an e-sports phenomenon anyway was nailed so nicely that any meddling (patches, updates) could only have made the game worse.
Yeah, imagine being a firebat holding out against the Zerg with your marine buddies while the world goes to hell around you. In the distance massive battlecruisers engaging Zerg fliers. Above you vikings desperately try to hold off the slow advance of the broodlords, who, with their unending supply of broodlings, will surely finish you off if you don't complete your objective in time.
A SC2 shooter could be so much more awesome than CoD 5123212 or TF3
>Sort of. She always needed her powers, but without the corruption. So Raynor did the right thing by taking that corruption away with the artifact (even though that's also what resurrected Amon? idk), but as a human Amon could not be stopped.
Yeah, I know how the story of SC2 justified that retarded trash.
The problem is that in Brood War it was made clear that there wasn't some retarded "corruption" motivating Kerrigan's actions. She was evil out of her OWN FREE WILL. SC2 ruined that characterization by justifying her evil deed by "she was just corrupted guise" copout. It is lazy fucking writing.
Also, fuck everything related to Amon and the "tidings of doom". That shit belongs to fucking fantasy, not scifi.
Starcraft always felt decently original imo. It definitely takes some aspects from 40k, but there's enough mishmashed from other stuff and changed around that I don't really think of the settings as that similar.
Warcraft was basically 1:1 warhammer fantasy though.
Yeah, exactly. The setting has potential for a shitton of stuff, not just rts.
because i want it
>they can just use the "it's just Tolkienesque fantasy! No rip off here!" defence
I thought Warcraft being a prototype Warhammer game that got declined by GW was common knowledge.
you better shut your bitch ass
How would you balance them though, without shitting on their lore? By having basic Zerglings etc be npcs or something and players being more advanced Zerg units?
Raynor's sudden inexplicable love for Kerrigan and the Protoss now having 'murrican values is what bothered me the most. That shit just came out of nowhere and was entirely unneccessary.
Does anyone else hate what SC2 did to the protoss aesthetics?
Compare this...
....to this.
The later looks like it is from WoW.
Yeah. The writers behind SC2 are fucking hacks.
shut your bitch ass, putting SC universe in any other genre is an untapped goldmine
""remaster"" is shit btw
Looks like it's from Halo 3
Why are they so embarrassed of their 90's CGI roots
It's so embarrassing when they try to "sleekify" everything and turn it into modernized generic sci fi shooty
I absolutely despised the zealot design ever since the first leaked screenshots. They've changed the voiceline to sound emasculated as well
In sc1 zealots were these grunting, brutal warriors, trying to pierce enemy armor. In sc2 zealots are puny whiny faggots who dance instead of attacking
>starcraft """lore"""
it's a poor mans 40k
I agree. I'm not completely sure where to point my finger on it in general terms, but something about the new designs really irk me. The sudden emphasis on protoss having extremely pointy chins, insane cheekbones and other boney protrusions all over their faces, the weird headbands, armors with glowing gems EVERYWHERE, psi blades that look more like cones of flame rather than concentrated beams...
It just looks overdone. Too much.
Well, yes, those were retcons through and through. And even if those began in some book or other, they're still garbage.
>Yeah, I know how the story of SC2 justified that retarded trash.
Then I don't quite get why you wrote that. Though if I think about it, Kerrigan is not regaining her powers because of Zeratul urging her to do so, but to crush Mengsk. So she kinda does shit on Raynor's deeds because she does it for the wrong reasons, even though we get an "it all works out anyway lol" in the end.
Broodwar already ruined the story of StarCraft.
Honestly, the Overmind coming back cheapened the ending of SC.
Also, am I the only one who wanted to follow Raynor and what he was up to, and not play as the UED?
The two settings are so different in tone and focus that your comparison ends up underselling 40k more than anything.
The zealots weren't even the worst offenders among the protoss.
Jesus fuck, my sweet archons...
UED was logical, back in SC Original times people kept wondering and coming up with theories as to what's happening with Earth and where is the rest of humanity. I think it was amazing, and them getting obliterated while trying to retreat was pure kino.
Brood War also fleshed out Kerrigan as the backstabbing cunt villain, betraying and killing side characters in the little coalition. Really, compared to SC2, SC1's writing was absolutely god tier
Nothing beats the overmind introduction.
ah yes, because a setting of a interplanetary war waged by millions and including a collectivist race of expendable fodder would totally fit the setting of a first person shooter!
wow imagine playing as a generic guy and brawling it out with a nameless bug in purple maps in the first person perspective, that'd be EPIC
Brood war consists of nothing but everyone acting like an idiot just to make Kerrigan look smart.
I guess, but I would have been fine with them being an enemy faction personally. Just really wanted to follow Raynor along some more.
Can't decide between this and the mission briefing in The Hammer Falls:
>You're making a terrible mistake. Don't even think to cross me. I've sacrificed too much to let this fall apart.
>You mean like you sacrificed Kerrigan?
>You'll regret that. You don't seem to realize my situation here. I will not be stopped. Not by you, or the Confederates, or the Protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me.
Really showed the extent of Mengsk's madness, claiming he'd not let even the Protoss stop him.
This cinematic was pure kino.
When people shit on SC2's writing, some people love to point out that SC1/BW's writing wasn't stellar, either.
But even if that is so, we went from that to
>I bring dooming tidings of the darkness of our doom!
I'm not saying Broodwar 's writing is shit to defend SC2. I'm saying it to defend SC1.
Starcraft's voice acting was pretty stellar. Especially with the units themselves which almost all sound much better than Starcraft 2.
>the units themselves which almost all sound much better than Starcraft 2
The whole sound design in SC2 feels off, even though it was the same sound director if I remember clearly.
When zerglings knocked at your wall-in in BW, it sounded fucking scary. In SC2 it's like they're throwing tomatoes at your wall.
The better question is who the fuck wants D4?
That Blizz is putting more and more people into the development isn't really a good sign desu but then again this chaotic, rushed development might be exactly what is needed. Nobody can fuck around with it if nobody has any idea what they're doing so suits can say "change that" either.
A masterpiece by accident.
Anyways, why even ask for D4 when D3 wasn't that good? Blizzard didn't return to their former glory,they got worse
Starcraft: Ghost's multiplayer was actually hella fun. It's too bad the campaign was so bad it dragged the rest of the game down. And this was at a time that people were still wary about releasing a multiplayer only game with no single player.
D4 is going to be interesting. D3 sold a huge amount, but will that also carry over to D4? hmmm....
>why even ask for D4 when D3 wasn't that good
Delusional hope that this game may be simply different enough from what D3 currently offers, and also not on life support.
Even if they make D3.5, it's potentially a chance for better itemization and also a better/more varied endgame.
give me fucking starcraft metroid prime ghost or starcraft halo marine
Same goes for the sound they make when they die. In SC1 it sounded intense as they burst into a pool of blood with a final shriek, and in SC2 it sounds more like whiny chittering.
>The whole sound design in SC2 feels off
Yeah. It's as if they've followed SC1 but decided to tone everything down.
I hated how the void enemies in the protoss campaign were just infected terrans and zerglings. It felt fucking lazy
I'd gladly play a new game in the Starcraft universe
Broodwar remastered should have been treated as a AAA due to its grand history and due to the fact that this was a big thunder in a bottle of a game that people love to this day, but its release was an incomplete mess. It is in a better state now, but it still lacks stuff and also the newbies got scared off. Its on life support outside the korea
Or an early well microed muta flock in TvZ. They are fucking scary. Mutas in SC2 are harmless bats
>old good
>new bad >:(
god i hate you dumb faggot fucks
Why can I tell so easily when someone is new?
>presented with arguments why sc1 is good
>does not present arguments why sc2 is good
>proceeds to post meme buzzwords
god i hate you dumb faggot fucks
I have returned.
>star craft 2
>not getting the obviously better halo wars 2
what are you doing to yourselves ?
I heed thy call.
has anybody else been watching this? Flash is currently behind vs. zero in a bo9. the games have been entertaining as fuck, flash just tried to proxy barracks and it just didn't work
It's nuBlizzard. All we'd have is a hackneyed multiplayer game with zero effort poured into it with class-based shooting and objective pushing.
If you idiots actually think they'd pull off the accurate realization of war in a teen-rated series you're fucking delusional.
SC2 absolutely butchered High Templars.
>and the great balance between the factions that made it into an e-sports phenomenon anyway was nailed so nicely that any meddling (patches, updates) could only have made the game worse.
SC1 was horrendously balanced for a very long time, and it's not really "perfectly balanced", it's just that the skillcap allows players to play against imbalances and force their opponents into mistakes. Statistically, Terran has always been the strongest race, it's just that Zerg and Protoss can punish Terran's poor plays really hard if they fuck up.
Starcraft 1 is not balanced by itself. It's only vaguely balanced because maps are designed in a retardedly specific way to create balance. Wallable nats for protoss, rush distances between bases being extremely specific, easy to take 3rds for zerg, etc. if you change any of those even slightly you end up with 80/20 winrates on maps.
But yes, by not patching the game players were allowed to be left to figure out ways around overpowered units in matchups, like bisu figuring out how to play protoss vs zerg properly nearly a decade after the game came out
No shit. The spooky mystique is completely gone and replaced with Dignified Lordly Dude.
I guess an argument can be made that high templars should be dignified folk, but holy fuck is it nothing like SC1.
Reminds me of what happened to Carriers.
I don't actually hate this
they also turned nova into a coal burning whore
Those hydras are so cute I just want to hug them.
Because it was about white fucking males
The entire protoss aesthetic got rewamped in SC2.
I hate sc2 but the cartoon queens make me laugh
I forgot, did the overmind just get fucked up on drugs or did it blow up or some shit?
I intended on replaying the campaigns.
Is the remastered version good? I missed the shitposting at the time of release so I don't know the meme complaints except that the new portraits completely miss the tone. can I use the old ones and the rest is HD?
>this is your brain on team fortress, overwatch, and other babby shooter.
please kys and your lack of imagination faggot
In the original Starcraft? Tassadar self-detonated and took the Overmind with him.
Oh yeah, I just remember you having to use medics in brood war to drug up some big zerg brain.
The remastered version is just prettier looking SC1 & broodwar. There is no gameplay differences.
What kind of nonsense argument is this? Think before you post something so stupid
They know their core audience
Gook bugmen who just want the same game over and over again.
kino dialogue. Trumps DOOM's (2016) by miles.
Yep, the terran campaign is about capturing the young new Overmind.
And then Kerrigan blackmails a bunch of dark templars into killing it.
The best voice even in SC2, how did they do it?
Makes sense.
I guess they really wanted to bring him back.
>loses all mystery
i find it funny that the Protoss now have even more jewellery and gold on their clothes AFTER their homeworld was destroyed
oh sure, we are now space outcasts but we gotta looks snazzy while we are at it
They made the right choice how could anyone argue this?
Diablo needs to recover from the immortal scandal, Overwatch is selling gangbusters through merchandise, they made the logical choice to cancel an FPS noone wanted.
To be real, Diablo and Starcraft are the only good franchises they run now, and an fps Starcraft from Blizzard would probably suck. Diablo 4 is the only potentially good thing on the horizon from them.
how does protoss eat?
>loses all mystery
damn that bonus mission was so epic and eery when I played it so long ago. Hybrids could've been more creepy imo in sc2. It lost all its mystery
I wanted it.
Why did you remind me
>Bonus Mission that doesn't appear on the level select screen
I always liked that because it made it feel even more secret
Crazy so they shit through their sweat? Does it smell bad?
Redpill me on the remaster. Played a shit ton of SC1 as a young lad, never touched SC2, got the remaster a few months ago and am genuinely impressed by it. It seems to be exactly how I *remembered* starcraft, and seems incredibly faithful to the original. So, I dont get the negativity.
Remaster is good but you will get your ass kicked in multiplayer. Only SC veterans play the game now.
>tfw he was not in sc2
>tfw they went full dbz
Fucking hell lmao youtube.com
So another natural selection gane?
Since the only things they digest are light energy and moisture, it probably doesn't smell of anything.
that arm bend
do not lewd the ayylmaos
I wish the western UMS scene was bigger
Hero units. Pretty much every zerg unit has a heroic equivalent.
HotS did it.
While we're at it why was Artanis naked in BW?
They're pretty lewdable, though.
>not wanting a literal alien versus predator continuation
Protoss shouldn't have tits, it doesn't make any fucking sense, but seeing how fucking blizzard officially has Zeratul donning fucking nipples then I guess I can't do more than whine autistically about how retarded it is.
>Same appearance even when "Infested"
>Still uses a human gun
>Can switch voices between human and infested at will
How did Kerrigan not see something off about this?
I'm pretty sure they know they just can't live up to the expectations SC1 set, and just need to do something else.
>cancel another Starcraft fps in favor of overwatch 2 and diablo 4.
Regardless of race, chads have no need for armor.
Doesn't he also have no cords in BW too?
He looks like he was designed as a Dark Templar first
At least Vorazun looks suspiciously flatchested. Rohana too.
Maybe it's just "aesthetic" armor design, to make things ambiguous.
Hnnnng legs
Yes, Remastered makes that detail very clear.
I still hate how little we got of Best Girl Selendis in Legacy of the Void.
lmao more starcraft canned in favor of nigger angels and pew pew lesbos hahahaha what a shitfest of an industry
>linking kotaku
fucking burn in hell vermin
It was the first article about the subject that came up when I googled it m8.
Someone redpill me on 40k. What's the difference between it and Starcraft? From a few casual google searches, it does indeed look like Zerg are basically Tyranids, and Terran marines are Space marines, etc.
Oh yes.
terrans are rednecks in space
the imperium is the middle ages in space
That fucking baffled me. I was pretty excited to use her in as a hero unit... and then she's immediately corrupted, is completely absent in 90% of the game, and doesn't even get a boss battle.
What the hell...
Tyranids were actually redesigned to look like Zerg after Starcraft came out
Starcraft's setting and gameplay potential was exhausted by brood war which is easily an all time top 10 game
My friend when he first saw the idea of an SC fps didn't like it because he probably imagined it being like terran v terran or some shit.
I think it had opportunity if done right but since blizzard seems so content just disappointing everyone again and again I don't think they would do it.
is this what zoomers think a shooter can only be
Let's be honest, it's nu-blizzard, that's exactly what it would be
Bunch of YEE-HAWS got lost in space, made some colonies and discovered aliens
Now they are trying to survive because one alien race has better technology and the other one has them outnumbered
A galaxy spanning human empire lost it's demi-god leader and regressed into ruin
Now they are trying to survive being assaulted by at least 6 alien races, corruptive forces of CHAOS, and worst of all, their own bureaucracy, superstition and general lack of any human decency
The similarities between the two settings are mostly just superficial. The closest thing to 40k stuff are arguably the Zerg.
no, not even fucking close. changing the aesthetic changes the tone, which ruins the look and feel of the game. everything is cartoony and lighthearted when before it was coarse and brutal.
sc1 was a gothic space opera with a dark setting. the wars were violent, the characters were ruthless, and by the end of brood war the entire fucking sector was in shambles because kerrigan had effectively butt fucked everyone.
then in sc2 those concluding events were apparently retcon'd because everyone is still fighting the zerg just fine. every character has all of a sudden become an idealist, stupid, or both (sc2 zeratul is the most offensive case of this), and the new threat of amon/hybrid were made into the villians everyone could fight together because "amon wanted to end the universe >:(". then to top it all off kerrigan goes super saiyan to beat him and turns back human to live happily ever after with raynor.
fuck sc2, and fuck you
Wait, is this really true? Those things look hilarious.
They completely forgot how to write after Activision
>Diablo is a big bad guy that everyone has to join forces to beat!
>Sargeras is a big bad guy that everyone has to join forces to beat!
>Amon is a big bad guy that everyone has to join forces to beat!
>a conflict between 3 races
>Starcraft II
>me and my alien waifu - a story by Jimmy
SC2 sucks, especially its story, and anyone who hates its story is a good person in my book
the cutest ones are the ultras
Post more pictures of cute protoss grills.
Zergs are a lot like the Tyranids, but that's about it.
>Terran marines are Space marines
In terms of design, maybe, but as for everything else, no. Terran marines aren't genetically enhanced supersoldiers that have been brainwashed into religious zealotry from a young age. They're just criminals that have been indoctrinated into the army.
The same goes for the rest of the Terran faction, they aren't catholic-like crusaders out to exterminate unbelievers and secure humanity's place in the galaxy, they're just belligerent rednecks stuck in one corner of said galaxy.
And there are no space elves, space orcs, living kill-all-humans robots, etc.
yea nah
marines are unbeatable
Protoss are kinda the equivalent of space elves (even moreso after SC2 when all of their unique cultural aspects were erased, and their aesthetics were changed to be basically gemstones and gold everywhere).
Trying to talk about video games here, go to one of your 45 waifu threads.
This reminds me, the much more prominent pupils in SC2's Protoss eyes bother the fuck out of me
It's a comparison that's very loose, but sure. In some ways. They're psychically powerful like the Eldar, there's that.
And yeah, SC2 didn't exactly do their more unique traits any favor.
>another Starcraft fps
Only the recent cancellation was FPS. Ghost was going to be TPS, which is what I would prefer.
I always ended up feeling bad for them.
With RTS being dead, what is the best modern genre for StarCraft?
>he cares about single player
yes single player is important you zoomer. Anyway, asymmetric multiplayer pve is also possible with players playing terran/protoss and zerg as AI, similar to l4d2. In additin, it's possible on a more massive scale than left for dead or other zombie games allow.
>how does protoss eat?
I think they're fueled literally by psionic energy. Thus pylons.
Singleplayer is what draws the audience in with an interesting world and story.
Nobody besides fucking autists is gonna play your super esports rts if it is fucking boring in terms of story and aesthetics.
better construct moar
>Protoss structures and, to a lesser extent, units, draw their energy from a great psionic energy matrix that emanates from Aiur.
SeeThey absorb sunlight.
>they shit through their skin
imagine the smell
> This is Jimmy
Also wow they completely ravaged his storyline with SC2, why was it such a mess and why did they butcher my fave faction the Zerg with its expansion holy shit
>imagine smelling the toned belly shitsweat of an adept after a hours long battle with the zerg and terrans.
>imagine licking her scaly skin, feeling it's rough texture on your tongue and her taste in your mouth.
>protoss also taste and smell through their skin
>that means she'll be getting her fill of you while sitting on your face with her huge, sweaty ass
I am convinced that we are all dead and this is hell, all of us destined to suffer.
Too right-wing
Rohana's a very pretty protoss lady.
Even though she's, like, several hundred years old.
I'm more bothered by the lack of colors.
Originally they could have all sorts of colors. Then in SC2, protoss got color coded. Good guys have blue eyes, bad guys have red, and exiles have green.
it sucks because gameplay-wise sc2's campaign is pretty fun with the upgrade choices and all that
and individually, taken as their own thing, some of the missions are pretty good. the first three or four where you're just dicking around on mar sara were fantastic, i'd play a whole game of doing bounty work out of joey ray's bar with occasional zerg infestations to deal with
They erased a fuckton of the actual diversity from the Protoss race.
There used to be like 12 different tribes of the Aiur protoss, which were represented by the different colors. Some of those tribes made up the Judicator caste, others the Templar caste, and the rest were the Khalai caste.
Now in SC2, they are all "templar" because fuck you.
>space hick blowing up Zerg shits with medfu behind you
>suddenly nydus canal Ultra oshitrun
>make it back to bunker and wax him with seige tanks
>go drinking with that those weird assed vulture and goliath guys
>that feeling of dread when you half-drunkenly hear a DT sneaking around the supply depots
Dream game
>There used to be like 12 different tribes of the Aiur protoss, which were represented by the different colors
I remember that too. Reading about them in the old manual was a lot of fun, and playing a skirmish map and seeing which tribe you ended up playing as (with the random colors) was kinda cool.
But fuck, you're right. They talk a bunch about templars, judicators, and khalai throughout SC2... but the tribes are completely ignored. And yeah, that "no more castes, now we're all Templar together" conclusion was fucking retarded.
Asymetrical FPS, like a combination between Aliens vs Predators 2010 game and Planet Side 2.
>Aliens vs Predators 2010 game and Planet Side 2.
Absolutely based games
They are a poorly run company still trying to pretend that they delay and cancel games over quality instead of very poor management and no creativity.
Because it wasn't like WoW
God damn why can't blizzard see the potential that there is in that concept?
They want easy balance from symmetry. Just like WoW shifted to over the years. Everything the same, no soul, but relatively equal.
Fucking hacks.
>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
not like there was much of a story in the first place
Never knew I wanted this until your post
>not wanting to play as a Terran Marine and fuck up Zerglings ever since you saw the Brood War intro cinematic.
you don't fuck zerlings, they fuck you
Only if they can manage to gangbang you.
Starcraft Ghosts multiplayer mode was an asymmetrical tps. Zerg got points for kills that you could use to spawn as different units. Humans could be either infantry and use vehicles like vultures, or marines/firebats.
Starcraft > Starcraft: Brood Wars > Starcraft: Legacy of the Void intro Cinematic >>>>> SC64 >>> SC2 Garbage Trilogy
I like how he was constantly shitting on Artanis in all their exchanges.
Because to be good at it you have to be a hardcore gamer.
I hope for the next Starcraft RTS that they focus on Broodwar tier importance in unit control. The strategy focused shit that SC2 is now is not for me. I like unit control the best when it comes to the gameplay experience.
Sounds like Natural Selection.
No that is Starcraft.
>Fenix: It is difficult to believe that I am working along side my greatest enemy in order to save this sector.... Fortune has been whimsical of late.
>Raynor: You sound like a tired old man, Fenix!
>Fenix: Don't let the fact that I am 368 years older than you dull your impression of me young Raynor, I can still — how do you Terrans say it? — 'Throw down with the best of them!'
>Raynor: I stand corrected.
Fenix and Raynor and their buddycop routine across the galaxy was my favorite part of SC1.
The train robbery mission in WoL is pure kino.
SC2 fucking shat all over the legacy of Fenix as well.
>Starcraft > LotV cinematic > Starcraft: Brood Wars >>> SC64 >>> SC2 Garbage Trilogy
Raynor vowing revenge on Kerrigan after she killed Fenix is possibly the single most kino moment in the original games. I will never forgive SC2 for ruining it by turning Raynor into just another love-struck cuck.
Yeah. They turned them into WoW's Draenei essentially. Not to mention homogenizing them.
I remembered when crimson red eyes were not unique to the Tal'Darim only. Not to mention Protoss having much more different skin tones. And remembered that they were essentially psychic space barbarians with deep, guttural voices most of the time. SCII ruined the setting.
Nothing beats the original Overmind in terms of character. A truly lethal enemy, a dangerously competent leader and pretty much a father to his swarm (he literally is happy over how the PC Cerebrate is growing while becomes absolutely livid over Zasz's death at the hand of the Dark Templars).
because RTS is a dead genre
What happened to Blizzard?
Did the original devs behind Starcraft just leave, or did they grow old?
>StarCrafts is ending soon...
The only good thing that made SCII look actually fun is getting its final season. Sad.
Are you only pretending to be retarded?
All nu-Blizz designs have that cheesy comic book look, WoWs art direction has seeped into everything there and robbed SC and Diablo of there grimdark atmosphere.
>real fan
Anyone ever notice how self-described "real fans" or "true fans" are the dumbest and worst members of a game's community?
i still don't forgive them for star craft ghost.
I was hyping the day I could star at nova's firm round buttocks when she had to crawl on all fours.
glad I'm not the only one that hated the butchered toss in sc 2
I'd gladly thrust my cock in novas tight virgin asshole, if you know what I mean.
>Did the original devs behind Starcraft just leave, or did they grow old?
More like:
>Half the old guard goes away (among them the people who were directly responsible for some of their games)
>Streamlining the stuff
>Making settings "more accessible" and "cool"
>Not making sure their franchises won't affect and influence each other
>Being lazy in terms of storytelling (muh corruption, people acting like retards and more)
Face it. They are dead. ActiVision is wearing their skin. Kotick is also driving Acti-Blizz into the ground. The corp will die because he and his yesmen are too autistic for money. If the company falls then only because of their greed.
>StarCraft Ghost
I was really sad when it was scrapped. Also heard someone managed to salvage the alpha into a playable game.
Me too. Fucking not!Draenei instead of psychic barbarians.
>he doesn't know
>I was really sad when it was scrapped. Also heard someone managed to salvage the alpha into a playable game.
Must be worth millions on the black market of vidya
One of the few fun characters in SCII. He's essentially a WC troll in a human body.
And hard to find sadly.
They really butchered all of the factions in terms of lore and aesthetics.
Terrans went from rugged space rednecks with relatively advanced looking, but still kinda worn down and "used" tech to having all kinds of retarded super advanced transformer shit, giant robots etc. Even the basic marine armor suit became a fucking iron man armor in terms of appearance.
Protoss went from the advanced, somewhat ornate but still obviously technological look to fucking glowing gemstones and magic shit everywhere.
Zerg went from the grotesque mixture of all kinds of mammalian, insectoid and reptilian features blended into something that looked like it was pushed out of Giger's anus into generic space bugs/dinosaurs.
Compare the old ultralisk with the new one. You don't even really know WHAT the old ultralisk was, just that it was big and had big fucking claws.
Yes that is correct, old games are objective better in every aspect, including the technical ones, if you disagree you are simply a low IQ retard that dares to talk without having neither the all around experience nor the knowledge required to be educated about the topic.
The best thing to compare the old protoss look is to that of the Predators, (on which they were based).
The modern protoss look like space dranei.
God i miss this dude and Duran. Sucks that they didn't do anything interesting with the clear hint that Duran was secretly Narud or at least a spy from Narud. But they dumbed everything down narrative and story wise in SC2.
Duran was seriously cooler than Tassadar, Fenix and Zeratul combined because they managed to set up his illusiveness perfectly.
But all of that completely went to waste in SC2.
Seriously, wtf is this thing even?
well the new hd coat of pain looks amazing and they havent touched the mechanics and the balance. The 1v1 ranked works smoothly and lag free but as people are saying here the online has mostly oldfags lurking in the servers, so you are about to get your ass kicked. Still the devs are slowly adding stuff into it and they are also update the ranked maps every season. If you gonna play BW, the remastered version is the one to choose. Its also fucking cheap(even cheaper on discounts) and even a craptop can run the new graphics smoothly
So, we can all agree the remaster is worthless then? Fortunately, I still have the original battle.net pack installation otherwise I'd be damned to use that pozzed garbage.
I have wanted it for fucking ages and played through the entire broodwar campaign like 8 times.
I remember loving that huge beast in Starcraft1. Looked and especially sounded imposing as hell.
Then I saw what it had become in SC2.
Since blizz is too retarded to balance pvp, what they could do is make a PvE oriented style game, where the balance is across the different possible classes. Like between marine (dps), ghost (spellcaster/dps), medics (healer), marauder and siege tanks (tanks). Don't make it an mmo, but use some elements to take on huge zerg swarms and units liek ultralisks. Maybe something like a mix of Destiny, Planetside, Alien vs Predator, left for dead, etc.
Or make a stealth game like MGSV oriented around a ghost. TPS + FPS would work wonders here. Imagine infiltrating some terran compound assasinating ppl, or planting bombs near some lair to blow it up from a distance. The possibilities are immense with starcraft. They should at least do something.
>Nothing beats the original Overmind in terms of character
This is why I enjoyed the original zerg chapters in SC1 the most. It felt like you were being painstakingly birthed from the overmind to act as a perfect killing machine who he would just set loose on a bunch of unsuspecting terran/protoss victims. It really immersed you in the "character" of a zerg cerebrate - a killing tool whose only mental capacity was spent on strategizing the best way to murder as many terran/protoss as possible.
I think blizzard MIGHT have learned some lessons with the ABOMINATION that was diablo 3. I'm looking forward to seeing what diablo 4 looks like, though to be honest if the art direction is not gritty i will hard pass it completely. If the itemization isnt better than diablo 3 i will also hard pass it. But im willing to Look into it still.
God I fucking hate the new ultralisk so much.
The only zerg unit whose aesthetics were improved in SC2 is the Zergling imo.
Hydralisk just got edgier and Ultralisk was made into a fucking retarded giga dinosaur thing.
stop trying to balance the game around being an esport and just balance it around fun.
The old lore was that those things used to be large but peaceful herbivores, before being mutated to hell by the zerg. A cool idea.
Then they got retconned (along with the entirety of the zerg species) in HotS to being big bloodthirsty beasts all along, except a bit smaller.
I hate HotS's retcon of the original zerg. What the fuck were they thinking...
I wished that as well since there is no players to play around. I think if they had added a good training ai and some official training maps to help the newbs, there would be more activity. Also the game bled out players due to its broken release
>hey Fred, we need to design a new hydralisk
>oh, just plaster it with some spikes and claws and let's call it a day
God I had suppressed the memory of the primal zerg from my head.
I fucking hate that shit so much.
nu!Blizzard can only do overdesigned plastic bullshit. They just start drawing and only stop adding shit when it's time to go home.
That's why everything they touch goes to shit. SC2 was trash, D3 was trash, WoW is trash, Overwatch is trash, HotS started to get good and then went back to being trash when more people got involved. Just can't fucking leave well enough alone.
>retail wow so dead they are having to revive classic after the whole "you think you do, but you don't"
>overwatch and hearthstone revenue down 36%
>starcraft development dead
>diablo development dead
>hots dead
how long before they have to declare bankruptcy?
>went to read the comics because I wanted more
>blondie gets niggered
I never looked back again. At least my gingerfu Kerrigan is pure.
Not as long as CoD keeps bringing in the normie money.
She literally and canonically get's Zerged m8.
>nu!Blizzard can only do over designed plastic bullshit.
their entire design behind Overwatch is basically pixar light
that's activision, not blizzard. I can't think of a single blizzard title doing well
>retarded giga dinosaur
Good description. There's something cartoonishly dino-like about it.
I don't like the zerglings much either. They look pretty goofy, like evil hounds from a saturday morning cartoon. Honestly, one of the zergs I liked the most were the hydralisks since they still looked very faithful to their SC1 counterparts.
Holy fuck, that pic, though... Jesus.
Yeah, but that's a brainwash type of thing and they're alien bugs. Romantically she's only ever been involved with Raynor.
Blizzard and Activision are hitched together, remember.
The original look of the Zerglings differed between cinematics, portrait, ingame and artwork. My preference towards SC2 zerglings is mostly because they at least have a consistent look.
Did they even do anything or was it entirely platonic affection? I remember him mentioning, very briefly, them having each other's backs during a mission in Starcraft 1. It didn't seem like they had an actual romantic relationship going, just that they had growing feelings for each other.
I don't like how the Zerg look more Demon-esque rather than insect/alien-esque.
You make a fair point.
Also, they look cute in the remastered version.
I thought this was a joke, turns out its real. Thank god I never bought SC2.
Remember the original infestor when it was announced before SC2 was released?
It looked like something straight out of diablo.
where are these images from?
Didn't they supposedly disappear together in the canon?
Actually SC1 Zerg were clearly more arthropodic and much more creepier than in SCII. SCII Zerg copy too much from 40K's Tyranids and add some extra demonic spikes and tentacles. Vanilla Zerg buildings felt evil in these regards. Like giant mutant growths that produce equally cancerous creep.
Defilers, Ultralisks, Devourers and even the Infested Marines were genuinely creepy in terms of looks, sound and abilities. Hell, the Lurker actually has a psychotic laugh similar to the Predator if you keep clicking on him. You won't find any of this in SCII. Not to mention shifting away into the advanced slots the creme de la creme of the swarm, the Hydralisk, in favor of the derpy looking Roach.
AND THEN WE HAVE THE PRIMAL ZERG. And their homeworld of Zerus that got retconned from a barren, lifeless hellhole to fucking JURRASIC PARK IN SPACE.
Yep. And it pisses me off that the PC Cerebrate didn't get a name and that it never survived. Same with the PC Cerebrate from Brood War.
With all the monetization, they might survive. But the moment they finally pass that lootbox ban bill is the moment when they will be screwed. And it seems that it will likely pass. Knowing those scumbags however, they will find a way to change bypass this...if ever. Hopefully never.
>Elite Marine
>Final Boss is a single weakened Zealot.
That's from the original Starcraft Manual.
Would be kino.
I can't even imagine what made them take the zerg in that direction. They flipped everything on its head
>originally zerg were parasitic worms, appearance-wise like the cerebrates that control everyone, that infest and mutate hosts
>NOPE they're actually all predators that eat and absorb prey's genes
>originally Zerg were from an ash world with regular literal fire storms, hence why they can burrow into the ground
>NOPE they're from a jungle planet with greenery everywhere
>originally zerg were just beasts looking to spread and thrive like the hungry beasts they are
>NOPE they take pride in their individuality and don't want to be slaves and shit because that's important to them
It is fucking ridicilous how SC2 pushes murrican "muh individuality and freedums" mentality to both the Zerg and the protoss.
the entire story got retconned so badly
it became this soulless monstrosity
>UED is logically shit ton more advanced then Terrans but uses same units
>Metzen said it was because they sent a baby fleet and just stole local tech
>Requires entire Koprulu sector to defeat
>WoL establishes that the UED's basic units as of the Brood War are on part with the most elite Terran tech as of 2 and that's after the Terrans reverse engineered what the UED brought
I want the UED to return and kill everyone.
Yeah, it got stupid fast.
It made sense with Raynor since he was a literal rebel fighting a tyranny... but the Zerg? And then the Protoss too?
What the fuck.
I was annoyed they refused to call him Duran until the epilogue in 2 even though Stukov and Kerrigan both new him as Duran and talked about him in Hots.
Blizzard can only tell one story at this point.
He was, thus the nerve cords being cut and why everyone treated him as a newcomer, SC2 retconned him to be the one that lead the assault on the overmind.
The co-op forums are hoping she becomes playable in co-op with an upgradable mothership. Canon means nothing has they have Tycus, Zeratul, and Stetmann.
I'd say Warcraft has done enough to distance itself from Warhammer fantasy.
Starcraft not so much. Starcraft is the redheaded step child of Blizzards IP's
>be me
>just played sc1 original campaign
>last mission, mass carriers - tryna be cheeky
>zerg sees this and masses scourges
>literally chases Tassadar with a handful of scourges and dabs on me
Damn the AI is better than i remembered. pretty impressive
How is Blizzard able to be so shit and yet rake in money at the same time?
Fixed. They've become to their own properties what Sega are to Sonic at this point.
When did blizzard turn to shit?
>and even the Infested Marines
The absolute worst thing to hear on an installation mission
>they have no mouths so babies can't suck on them
fuck this stupid image
Protoss nipples are canon.
>tfw my favorite character was Sarah
She was so awesome and they shit on her so hard in SC2.
And where did that entire "starstruck lovers" bullshit even come from anyway? I thought it was implied in the first game that maybe they banged in the past or something, and Raynor was pissed at Mengsk for leaving her for dead, but there was no sign of them being soulmates or something. In fact, Jimmy had swore to kill her, no matter what.
It's really amazing how the minimalistic story of the first Starcraft managed to acomplish so much more and leave an impact on us, while the second game was instantly forgetable despite the high production values and beautiful cutscenes. It's the perfect representation of the Soul vs Souless meme.
They aimed for the turn-of-the-millenium JRPG bubble and missed the mark completely, and a decade late to boot. Everything nu-Blizz does smacks of a "your dad trying to be anime" feel.
Only minus of the vanilla Infested Terrans? Little quotes. And yeah, the moment that happens you better have godlike micro to kill them off fast.
Not that user, but it's beyond retarded to give nipples to aliens with no mouth. Seriously Blizzard cannot into biologies of their own creations.
I miss Queen Bitch. SCII Kerrigan is not my Kerrigan. And agreed. Sometimes less and simpler is better. Much better.
>And there are no space elves, space orcs
Protoss are kind of a mix of both
Blizzard have nailed the cinematic side of their games.
Even if they're underwhelming to play and the story is painfully cliche, they're good at setting up dramatic moments and making cutscenes that are emotional.
Take Artanis convincing Selendis to cut her nerve cords. Everybody with any sense knows this act will only cripple the Protoss and rob them of their most unique aspect and that Amon having control of the Khala is dumb as shit for a story, but the shot and atmosphere as Artanis delivers his final line to her is done well.
It's cheesy as fuck but people like it.
>And where did that entire "starstruck lovers" bullshit even come from anyway? I thought it was implied in the first game that maybe they banged in the past or something, and Raynor was pissed at Mengsk for leaving her for dead, but there was no sign of them being soulmates or something. In fact, Jimmy had swore to kill her, no matter what.
SC1 got retooled/expanded in a bunch of books and SC2 follows from that.
>>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
Literally happens with everything that gets too big. Look at the driveling idiots that wrote the new Star Wars movies. Or to go back to videogames, look at how Diablo 3 turned out. Blizzard doesn't care because they don't exist anymore. It's a proxy of Activisions will, and they want to suck as much money out of these franchises as possible before shit hits the fan and the company is dissolved.
>Not that user, but it's beyond retarded to give nipples to aliens with no mouth. Seriously Blizzard cannot into biologies of their own creations.
I know.
I like the last missions briefing
Selendis is qt.
Really wish they could do it differently for Diablo though. I don't want cheesy and "epic", I want gruesome, gritty and horroresque storytelling in my diablo games..
>Anyways, why even ask for D4 when D3 wasn't that good? Blizzard didn't return to their former glory,they got worse
There was no "former glory", D1 and D2 weren't made by Blizzard at all.
Star Craft is a game and also a setting. That setting COULD be host to many different stories told through different types of games. It's how I always felt about Mass Effect; vast setting with lots of material that could be explored in lots of different types of media. Sadly, it seems game companies never know how to pull this off.
>n-no, YOU're on the script!
Beep boop.
In Nu-Blizzard's defense, B-North is to blame as well. D2 was going to be quite different:
have sex incel
I remember back when they first showed their new Dark Templar design for SC2, and it had this stupid double bladed warp-scythe thing. It's like a five year old's idea of what cool is. People got mad and asked them to change the weapon to a more practical one. As a result, they decided to have the broodwar dark templars in the game, but also kept in the coldsteel OC ones as well because fuck you.
Nu-Blizzard is completely clueless about what people enjoyed about these old games.
Warcraft 3 was a perfect example of well-done cheese in my opinion. But that doesn't work for SC and Diablo, those games are supposed to be darker and gritty.
Please don't do that.
What do you mean?? I doubt Blizzard North had any hands in the abomination that was Diablo 3.
Yeah, the "ow the edge" take on the dark templar is fucking disgusting.
>I doubt Blizzard North had any hands in the abomination that was Diablo 3.
Because at this point Blizzard North stopped existing.
>It's really amazing how the minimalistic story of the first Starcraft managed to acomplish so much more and leave an impact on u
The first Star Craft didn't pull any punches. Characters you liked and fought with died. Planets you tried to save burned. The villains got away, even Mengsk. Sympathetic antagonists perished and even united failed against the Queen of Blades... whom the player was fighting for due to campaign design.
I love the tone of the original.
Can't disagree.
Diablo 3 seemed like an *attempt* at making a dark, gritty fantasy game, or what the current team believes to be dark.
It made me think that current Blizzard is too used to flashy, cartoony aesthetics to make anything properly gritty. Which is pretty sad.
Damn. That's pretty dark.
The post I replied to wrote:
>I don't want cheesy and "epic", I want gruesome, gritty and horroresque storytelling in my diablo games
But despite D3's tragic misgivings, it built on top of D2, which wasn't cheesy, but definitely was "epic" in comparison to D1. In the D1 you are a trio of hardened heroes, where in D2 you end up as ultimate saviours of mankind. The video I posted was the original D2 trailer before they went for the "epic" route, and the D2 was meant to be a more grounded game until Blizzard (Main) started giving input.
that doesn't really seem to be at odds with the Diablo 2 we got
>Terran marines aren't genetically enhanced supersoldiers that have been brainwashed into religious zealotry from a young age. They're just criminals that have been indoctrinated into the army.
Sounds pretty similar to me, desu.
>mfw SC3 marines are literal white knights brought up by Space Sarkeesian
I just don't see the negatives you tried to present in your previous post? The trailer didn't look bad? It still had the gritty mood and everything.
Nobody besides fucking autists cares about story in fucking VIDEO GAMES.
>Diablo 3 seemed like an *attempt* at making a dark, gritty fantasy game, or what the current team believes to be dark.
>It made me think that current Blizzard is too used to flashy, cartoony aesthetics to make anything properly gritty. Which is pretty sad.
It's because it was made by those useless fucking WoW hacks that shouldn't be let anywhere near a serious game with a serious tone. Fucks sake, it still makes my blood boil how they trashed Brevik out in the open on social medias for telling the truth about their abomination of a game.
I'm not even that user. Also the old D2 E3 trailer looked more like a existential spiral down to inevitable damnation...and actually on spot with what D2 is now.
>Asymetrical FPS
We've already seen what Blizzard attempting that is like.
I see, thanks for clarifying user.
Are you retarded?
>Ruin the story of Starcraft via SC2
Only parts of it
I fail to see the issue
I disagree. In D1 you fight a Prime Evil in the body of a pathetic useless child, barely succeed, and then succumb. In D2 you fight two Prime Evils in the bodies of one the most powerful mage ever (Baal, imprisoned within Tal Rasha), and the "most powerful mortal in the world" (Mephisto, imprisoned within Sankekur), and not only the D2 hero(es) succeeded, but beat the shit out of them without any divine intervention. The power creep is gargantuan, specially in LoD.
>t. man with no taste
At least Bethesda had the excuse of being a company totally alien to the Fallout franchise when they raped it. How the FUCK does the same developer with at least SOME seniority left pull shit like this?!
>how they trashed Brevik out in the open on social medias
I just looked that up, hadn't heard of it before. Jesus christ, those people...
>how they trashed Brevik out in the open on social medias for telling the truth about their abomination of a game.
Who's he to judge after Hellgate: London?
They just didn't care.
Fucking Mentzen describes the core of Starcraft's story being about "a boy and a girl".
He's still responsible for their success with D3. It sold on the name he established with his former colleagues. Respect is due no matter what, and they shat on him like literal insulted children.
Oh, I definitely agree with that sentiment. I suppose it could be more acceptable if you believe all 7 heroes are working together.
>beat the shit out of them without any divine intervention.
Don't you actually receive help from Tyrael? Isn't it his only doing that you actually get to visit pandemonium? I don't remember much of the story.
>What the fuck were they thinking...
"Let's do something more with this race then being a boring hivemine"
You cant' seriously claim to like the zerg when there was nothing to them. Also
>Then they got retconned (along with the entirety of the zerg species) in HotS to being big bloodthirsty beasts all along, except a bit smaller
Is fucking wrong
If you're going to shitpost at least be correct about it
>NOPE they're actually all predators that eat and absorb prey's genes
That came after what the Xel'naga did to them
>NOPE they're from a jungle planet with greenery everywhere
I would agree with that one, had it not been for the game not giving us a timeframe so we don't know how long it's been since the zerg left the planet and how much it changed during that time.
>NOPE they take pride in their individuality and don't want to be slaves and shit because that's important to them
That's the primal zerg
Because the zerg were fucking boring in the first game
I don't think he actually does anything really. He breaks the worldstone, but I don't think he ever really helps out in the fight.
Fuck no, the zerg in SC1 were infinitely more interesting than the fucking primal zerg are.
>Statistically, Terran has always been the strongest race, it's just that Zerg and Protoss can punish Terran's poor plays really hard if they fuck up.
Nah, that's just protoss players being horrible and not playing their own race to its strengths. You saw the exact same shit in SC2, where Protoss was always completely broken but toss babbs were whinning about terran being imba. Just look at how long it took protoss to realize how broken HT with warp in storms was. Now protoss is dominating in brood war since they have had time to figure out how to play their race. Protoss being underpowered was always a myth, it just managed to attract the worst players.
>hur dur eat
>Hur dur I need to go to this planet because reasons
> t - brainlet
>hur dur essence
>Hur dur I need to kill to evolve
And it's still better then what Starcraft 1 gave us
>overwatch 2
Why not make an expansion? i doubt people will buy a sequel if its as shallow as the first.
In what fucking way?
>tfw no adept gf
Because Abathur
After the story that took place in SC2, no one cares anymore.
Abathur in no way necessiates the primal zerg.
We are talking about the zerg as a whole in Starcraft 2, the swarm still follows their "consume everything, evolve and die for the swarm" ideology while the primal does the same but favors individuality over a hive mind.
Abathur is fucking pissed at the Primals in game for stealing the Hydralisk.
sc1/brood war was patched and meddled with continuously until somewhere approaching 2007
I am fucking holding the SC1 original manual with all the backstory and shit faggot. The idea that the original zerg were these tiny little parasites that could fuck with their hosts genetic code to their advantage is cool as fuck, even the Xel'Naga agreed and ran with it.
The retconed noble savage keep what you kill individual evolution shit is garbage.
I am not opposed to abathur. I am opposed to the retarded primal zerg.
>Abathur is fucking pissed at the Primals in game for stealing the Hydralisk.
If only for that. Abathur stated that the Primals stole not just the Hydralisk, but other genetic templates and he's livid about it.
>blizzard has decimated all the lore and story in all of their major franchises
>That came after what the Xel'naga did to them
No, it was the Xel'naga who made them parasites capable of infecting and mutating hosts, not gene-consuming predators.
>so we don't know how long it's been since the zerg left the planet and how much it changed during that time
But we do know that the planet was supposed to be located near the galaxy's burning core. Yes, it's described that way. The place is supposed to be hot and fiery.
>That's the primal zerg
That's the problem.
>Because the zerg were fucking boring in the first game
I was going to give you a seriously respond, but then you just had to pull the
>noble savage
shit and I'm just going to tell you to fuck off.
In execution or in concept? Why not have a faction of the zerg that escaped the hivemind
Abathur was as unnecessary as anything else complained abuot. An amusing character but utterly irrelevant to the zerg species.
And trying to shoehorn him into Kerrigan's infestation didn't help.
In both.
After the death of overmind, and Kerrigan creating the new Queens, you can have zerg factionalism very well without any retarded primal zerg.
>Not wanting to play as a Protoss Zealot and charge into enemies to slice them up with your psionic blades.
With MGR tech to cut into pieces. Absolutely kino
>irrelevant to the zerg species.
He's hardly irrelevant when he designs them
>can't refute that Dehaka is pinnacle noble savage wank shit
Why Blizzard so good at edgelords? Illidan, Arthas, Alarak.
The original zerg in SC1 didn't need a specialized designer.
He's irrelevant when there's never been a designer up until his introduction. Simply shoehorning him into the story doesn't justify him being there.
There is nothing "noble savage" about Dehaka
SC2 Epilogue: Return of Genesis
>Xel Naga had an outcast, banished race much like the dark templar were to the khala
>that banished race wreaks corruption on earth and a corrupted dark xel naga earth fleet comes to koprulu with the events of LotV concluded
>kerrigan betrays everyone and tries to fight them herself with huge collateral damage
>she loses and the whole of koprulu bands together to defend against the DXNCUED
>they lose and then the overmind posessed by tassadar comes with an enormous swarm of zerg with some hybrids
>they're corrupted and then kerrigan sacrifices herself to empower the surviving main characters with superpowers
>they make a megazord the size of korhal and eradicate anyone hostile
>credits are 12 names long because most people who worked on it don't want their name associated with it
Because the general mood and vibe from him reminds us of what SC should always have been. Not this saturday morning cartoon shit that we have now - and don't even get me started on D3..
Indeed, but they're not (unlike the D1 heroes canonically were), at least in LoD, since only one (1) hero passed the challenge of the ancients and nuked Baal back to hell. Iirc, according to D3 the D2 necro and sorceress only stuck around until Diablo's defeat.
>Starcraft MMO
Would you play it?
>Requires entire Koprulu sector to defeat
Because nobody in the sector was in a good position to engage them, zerg had lost their hivemind. Protoss their homeworld, terrans were probably dealing with the fallout of their civil war.
Is there a singular designer we can point to for the shitty cartoonish WoW look?
Yes. Yes I would.
... for a little while, until I get bored of the grinding and repetitive quests.
Then it'd still be a near even match of a prepared Koprulu sector vs the full might of the UED.
That design always confuses me as a kid. His chin looks like a duck beak to me.
Voice acting back then was overall very stellar. Fucking Metzen did a better job at voice acting than say, well every dub actor who bothered with weeb games. It's a combination of matching up to the character through intentional design and putting in heart and soul, which is the opposite case today where everything is done assembly line style with the only choice in casting based on popularity and pricing.
I hate what SC2 did to zerg because instead of just being some cool larva that assimilates other species it pushes the whole "zerg are a CORRUPTION of the primal zerg". Everything in blizzard games needs to be about CORRUPTION now. They can't just be an alien species that has purposes that are, well, alien to us, fuck that.
Not only that, but they essentialy turned the zerg into a rehash of the Scourge in WC3.
>Burning Legion creates the Lich King to be their minion
>Lich King rebels in secret
>creates a champion that will free the scourge from Legion control
>champion takes over for the Lich King
>Amon (who is essentially the SC version of a demon) creates Overmind to be his minion
>Overmind rebels in secret
>creates a champion that will free the Swarm from Xel'naga control
>champion takes over for the Overmind
Sounds familiar? don't even get me started on how the good/evil Xel'naga is the same as what happened with the Eredar joining the Legion, or the noble Primal Zerg warriors being corrupted by Amon being the same shit that happened between the Orcs and Mannoroth.
Only if I could play as one of the Zerg. I wonder how that would work in a MMO.
Samwise Didier.
It's not bad because it's new.
It's bad because it's shit.
Learn the difference.
>His chin looks like a duck beak
Goddammit, why did you have to ruin my view of him.
Fuck off
Or the UED would get shat on
Balancing while remotely adhering to lore would be a bitch. Maybe Protoss party sizes would be capped stupidly small.
i fucking hate it when supplemental material leaks into the mainline shit like that. a character here and there, like matt horner, is fine. but total character changes just tick me off, halo 4 or 5 had master chief chatting up some random dude with more respect and casual tone than he ever mustered up with cortana or johnson prior to that
my friend says "oh they have a lot of history in the books" and i roll my eyes and resign myself to ignoring the story because it's not a continuation to what I played, it's a continuation of what other people read.
i like books but i don't want to read some second rate fanfiction written in 2003 just to fully enjoy a game in a series i used to like
Fuck no.
Starcraft Planetside on the other hand.
>primal zerg
As I said to the other guy earlier, fuck off.
look at what they did to my boy. :
>creates a cerebrate with the sole purpose of safe-keeping kerrigan
>said cerebrate continues this endavour even after the overmind has been destroyed
>kerrigan even says she spares the cerebrate due to its unrelenting loyalty to its duty
>same cerebrate hold its own against multiple forces and eventually destroys them
>this cerebrate is never named nor mentioned again
I hate it!
>I remember back when they first showed their new Dark Templar design for SC2, and it had this stupid double bladed warp-scythe thing. It's like a five year old's idea of what cool is. People got mad and asked them to change the weapon to a more practical one. As a result, they decided to have the broodwar dark templars in the game, but also kept in the coldsteel OC ones as well because fuck you.
IIRC they showed the double one, some people thought it was stupid, then they had a vote on the double blade vs. the single blade, and eventually just settled on both because the models were ready anyways
You can tell who they took after.
Do you want to know why Mengsk left Kerrigan to die?
No, you're confusing the gameplay with the cinematics. All Tyrael does for the player character is to give you quests in Act IV and then tell you to run like there's no tomorrow after you defeat Baal. He doesn't even give you buffs or anything.
Don't bother with the Blizzshill. It's obvious. No one is that retarded.
Great idea.
Is Blizzard ever at E3? Do we really have to wait until Blizzcon for fucking communication?
>the last third of SC and the first third of BW have fucking nothing to do with jim or sarah
ridiculous bullshit, i hate that man
>"We the zerg need to go back to our ROOTS"
>Go back to the zerg homeworld, and it's this wild SAVAGE land
>Meet and learn from a particularly NOBLE denizen of this SAVAGE land about how we SHOULD BE, what the zerg REALLY ARE
"uh uh he's not cause I say he's not" is such a compelling argument though.
Good for you now fuck off
Aldaris did nothing wrong.
zerg assimilated the good traits of a species and incorporated other traits they had perfected (sharp blades/points, regeneration, burrowing), making each zerg type unique but cohesive. Felt natural yet alien compared to the very procedural and methodical feel of the protoss
making the zerg into equally obsessive biological gene-splicing scientists is retarded. gameplay wise it was fine but story wise it was all a total fucking shitshow
Aren't "primal zerg" actually the larvae?
Like, this is the actual original (primal) form of zerg in the canon.
Any chance for some greentext on this guy?
Wtf? Why's he all wrinkly? They made a point in the story that he was young and inexperienced and his portrait reflected that by being having a very smooth face compared to the other named protoss characters.
>SC1 he's all about Protoss traditions
>Lotv says he's the one who revived the Purifier project by backing up Fenix's mind before waking him up in a Dragoon.
WoW already took plenty of liberties with the lore for the sake of balance.
In PvP, random soldiers (warriors) can go toe to toe with freakin' death knights and demon hunters.
They are about as noble as the Orcs are in Warcraft.
Retconned. "Primal" or "Pure" zerg are essence-collecting mammals/repitilians from a jungle planet where they eat shit and evolve all day. Amon came and "corrupted" them, whatever that means.
when you put it that way it really does make Diablo and his brothers out as chumps
The old infested Terran was creepy. The new one just looks cartoonish by comparison with the weightless tentacles that look like hair flowing in the wind.
Blizzard believes in creationism now.
Blizzard forgot all about the lore of the protoss and trashed what little they remembered.
Yes, the larva is the original form for all zerg. They consumed hosts and other biological beings to evolve
>They are about as noble as the Orcs are in Warcraft.
They are as noble as animals
angled and rough is cool
can't have uncool in those games
Artanis is still known as very young in SC2, especially for a Hierarch, but he still has extremely wrinkled skin, sunken cheeks, and sharp cheekbones.
I guess that's just the style they're rolling with now.
animals who speak and reflect on tradition and their place in the world
you're a sad person
>Retconned. "Primal" or "Pure" zerg are essence-collecting mammals/repitilians from a jungle planet where they eat shit and evolve all day. Amon came and "corrupted" them, whatever that means.
Or in otherwords: doesn't count and can be totally dismissed and ignored. Thanks for clarifying.
Just like the Evangelion Rebirths. What a load of shit.
Does Raynor even acknowledge robot Fenix? Do they even meet?