We finally got the last piece. What civs are these? Lithuanian?
AOE2:DE Promo Puzzle
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Those are Georgian horses
Where is this from? Any news leak?
They've been piecing together the puzzle over their social medias the last few days. We just got the final piece. They also said we were getting 4 new civs.
Khazar maybe? Or Cuman?
Why does Age of Empires 3 get so much hate?
>Thought these were reimagined unit designs from HD's expansions
>We're actually getting new civs
Nice. I assume this means new campaigns too?
It differs completely from AoEI and II. I personally liked the setting and gameplay. Graphics were also great for the time period.
Are these specifically supposed to be new civ units?
If not, looks like Magyar hussar and Slavic boyar to an extent.
We can assume so, we did for Rajas and Africans
it's bit gimmicky. that's all. not a bad game.
Wasn't AoE III meant to be a spin-off before it was renamed into a numbered sequel?
That doesn't look like definitive edition graphics to me.
More info on aoe4 when
That's definitely a 14th cent. Polish-Lithuanian knight
Georgia? Finally!
Looks pretty accurate, helmet especially
its both baby
God dammit why, they never even existed
>It differs completely from AoEI and II.
But what are the civs actually? Will Lithuanians be called “balts” and Georgians called caucasians?
Neither did "berserkers". AoE isn't exactly the most historically accurate game out there.
Caucasians or maybe Cossacks
Weird ass card system that drastically changes how the game is played.
>Devs are just a bunch of dudes who all work from their homes in different countries
Why don't more devs do this? It works out super well for FE and Moon studios.
>Shipments from home city allows you to call in reinforcements or construct unique buildings
>Higher level players have access to better cards and thus can can call in better units
>Most battles are fought at range (muskets, cannons) instead of with swords/spears
>Walls and other buildings are easily demolished with cannons, leading to a more rushed gameplay style
>Cannons overpower all units
>Resources are unlimited in AoEIII so actual economic management takes a back seat
>Max population is set at 200 and some units take multiple pop units so armies are limited in size.
I'm hoping Balts are a different civ entirely. Just call the Polish Lithuanians 'Poles', it isn't incorrect.
They're just fucking horses there's nothing unique about them
Who were the best civilizations in AoE3?
>not africa or asia
Boring desu
The caucasus is part of west asia
Depends, like most things. India, Russia, Germany and Dutch seem to be really popular in recent tourneys, with Germany completely hard countering Russia because their unique units hit squarely on the Russian weaknesses.
Play Wars of Liberty.
It's a great mod for AoE3 that adds a lot of Latin American, Balkan, African nations and even some extra yuro and asian stuff.
did they ever fix desync/multiplayer lag, or even pathfinding when there are too many units on the map (it's present even when playing vs AI)?
>HD remaster
Who cares, I'm waiting for some actual kino.
I am excited for that, but development seems to go at a snail's pace.
Also, aren't Georgians and balts covered by the Slav umbrella? I'd have rather seen something like a second Indian faction or perhaps North Americans.
I can't comment on pathfinding but the desync is fixed
>gedimino stulpai
dont associate lithuanians with polish subhumans please
That looks fucking lit.
>Also, aren't Georgians and balts covered by the Slav umbrella?
Balts were kinda similar apart from being pagan for an eternity and a half. Georgians have absolutely fucking nothing in common with either, though.
oh kurwa.
>AoM EE will never get salvaged
How to win with Dutch?
I hope we get a new unique unit that's a siege unit, both the organ gun and the ballista elephant are pretty rad
Turtle, make banks and boom, make skirms halbs and ruyters, win.
when are we supposed to get more info on AoE4 and AoE2 DE?
Tomorrow, or on tuesday. e3 and all that
Wasn't Stalin Georgian?
Microsoft conference is today so I think we will hear something.
Georgia was a part of Russian empire and later USSR, which still doesn't make them slavic.
Copying and pasting this post from the official Age of Empires twitter:
"sn't it nice when things come together! 18/18
Happy #E32019 weekend! Join us on Mixer tomorrow at 1p Pacific, come visit us on the show floor to play Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, and keep on spreading that #E3Empires gospel! *wololo* "
They posted this yesterday so by tomorrow, they mean today. Also Microsoft's press conference is in 6 hours according to the e3 countdown page.
I always figured they'd put some North American tribes in Age at some point. Are these new races going to feature in Age2:HD at some point?
Age of Empires II is 20 years old.
I played this game as a child when it released.
I am so incredibly hyped to get news on DE and AOE4 today. I can't wait for the press conference. I've never been so excited for something from E3 in years.
And along with after the 75% off AoE2 HD sale on Steam, I really really think they're going to pull a Nintendo today and say that AoE 1 DE will be available on Steam after the presentation.
AoE2 DE will be playable on the floor so we'll get more and more information on the game as time goes on. I CAN'T WAIT BROS IM SO FUCKING EXCITED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
At this point, I think it is unlikely. They currently have twice as many civs as when AoK launched back in 99.
Aoe 1's already confirmed for steam, brother.
Just 6 more hours or so.
I think that HD is probably going to remain as another legacy version while the attention goes into DE.
>I am so incredibly hyped to get news on DE and AOE4 today.
It's unrealitic to expect stuff on AoeE4 now. It's gonna be DE all the way through.
Because a lot of people were turned off by the deck system and the dumbed down economy management.
Also the core strategic aspects of AoE II were mostly unchanged(strength in numbers essentially). Now couple that with a very limited choice of civilizations and units(in the base game) and you've got an angry fan base; whose expectations culd never be met in the first place simply because AoE II had already set the bar too damn high.
I can't wait user! I have the feeling that there will be so many online player match rooms, and there will be tons of newbies, making it the perfect time to jump in.
But it's been confirmed.
Ai yoooo!
Two thoughts that I have on DE.
1. The buildings in HD and classic have a bit of a rustic feel to them. Maybe that's due to compression, but I hope the DE sprites look tactile and not overly smooth like AoE1DE.
2. I really wish there was some more music added. Rise of the Rajas included three tracks that sounded straight out of the original so I know they can do it.
Like that time they confirmed info on that Xbox livestream? Nah, it wasn't. People are just perpetuating rumors because they are desperate for new shit and don't understand this is a Starcraft 2-scale project, which also means it's gonna take really fucking long to get out and will change a billion times throughout.
We got magyars already. Aren't they like Cumans?
If you read interviews about AoE3 from the devs, you'll find out that they came up with too many new ideas and concepts and struggling to implement them all, and struggled to implement them right and balanced.
You'll also find out that they were very much rushed towards the end, so in addition to a lot of cut features, it lacked a lot of polish.
Basically, they tried to be too ambitious with new features, but then you've seen the results.
People still play AoE2 the most because it is so well designed and balanced.
Some of those Doom mapping projects gave me an appreciation for MIDIs, it would be nice to have more original music co-relating to each xpack they did. Too bad the Rajas stuff got shoved onto the end and you'd have to play a longer game to hear it, would be nice if the first set of music played corresponded to the civ you picked (ie AoK for Celts and AoC for Aztecs).
>People still play AoE2 the most because it is so well designed and balanced
It's so balanced mostly because the factions all play almost the fucking same. I'd rather have 4 unique factions like in Age of Mythology rather than 20 samey ones all using the same tech tree and differing only in some upgrades and one unique unit.
Speaking of music, do any of you anons use any music packs from the Steam Workshop? If so, which music would you recommend? I've changed it to the Rise of Rome music for a few times but always ended up going back to the original.
I agree with you user, it would be more fun that way. It's really hard to balance that though, but personally I have no desire to play at a high professional level
I just use a pack that moves the Rajas music to the front.
I know the music director for the original said that he wanted to compose music that had elements of all the different civs, but I liked the way AoM did it where you get a 2 minute song correlating to your civ at the start of the game.
I liked the way vanilla AoE3 did this where every civ had a unique villager mechanic.
>which music would you recommend
god I love the Greek's music in AoM