>Sony skips E3
>zero hype
>zero discussion
>zero interest
>zero speculation
It really shows who is actually the Titan in this industry.
>Sony skips E3
>zero hype
>zero discussion
>zero interest
>zero speculation
It really shows who is actually the Titan in this industry.
It's fine to ignore the Nintendo tournaments from yesterday to fit your argument user
I don't get it. Everyone has agreed that this has been the most promising looking E3 in years. No idea what you're on about
Fuck off manchild
There are like 10 E3 threads on the catalogue right now, sonibrony.
Will Sony do a live stream or something?
i think that was the whole point of them missing e3, pretty sure they are doing their own thing
Yeah. They're doing an E3 State Of Play thing.
It's Sony. Who cares?
>Don't even need to attend E3 to still dominate the sales charts and stay #1 in the eyes of all consumers
ITT: seething tendies and dead Xbonefags. We win without even having to make an effort l m a o
Why Snoy Fanboi always cope when losing an exclusive?
>Sony won't be showing the same 4 games like every years.
Wow E3 is truely ruined without snoy
It hasn't started yet besides EA play which also isn't at E3, it's at it's own venue.
Sony just doesn't have anything this year. That's fine though because gaymurrs have made it clear they want multiplats more than exclusives, so everything everyone's showing off at E3 will probably be on ps4 anyway.
Sounds like a pretty bad idea.
They can’t find 1 skinny jeans wearing faggot that can actually talk or be charming?
Hell Alex and the dyke from the Nindies directs are more iconic because at least thier consistent
>Sony skips E3
>instead of watching the conferences Sony fanboys resort to playing their favorite games instead: shitting up Yea Forums with memes and playing the victim
>resort to playing their favorite games
user, they are here exactly because they have no games, and the few they have can be finished in one day lol
The point is that everyone's complained about the lack of new content, and sony doesn't want to/can't afford to buy all the marketing rights for titles at E3 like MS does, so they have very little to put up on a stage. Why bother with that, spending millions of dollars to do it (because the E3 conference floor prices rise every year if you didn't know) when you can produce some shitty direct thing to the same effect? E3 is deprecated. I think sony will probably be back at it next year (or maybe not, and they'll go full steam ahead on PSX again) but the stage shit at E3 just doesn't serve the purpose it used to, when the same trailer you see on an e3 stream is available on youtube usually the same instant it shows on stream, in 4k, without technical fuckups.
True. We won't be getting anything that is nearly as exciting as Death Stranding and The Last of Us part 2 this E3. Cyberpunk 2077 would have been there with or without E3, so it feels like there is nothing special about E3 this time around.
And that's not defending sony, sony has no games to show and that's fucking shameful, but what does MS do? They parade a bunch of third party multiplats with xbox bumpers on either end. It d oesn't seem to help their system much either. Most of the companies are pulling out and treading water with their own hosted events for better control. MS had the event in mexico last year, sony has PSX, EA has EA play, the only one I think that still focuses solely on E3 is ubisoft, everyone else has their shit everywhere.
>Sony skips E3
>LItterally best E3 in years and still we havent see the show
Really shows who actually ruins everything.
Don't kid yourself, it means every one on stage is gonna dedicate at least 5 minutes to "LMAO WE SHOWED UP TO E3 BUT SONY DIDN'T HAHAHAH ISNT THAT FUNNY" and it'll just be boring and not vidya like every other conference.
I mean look at what Sony did last year. They spent so much money making those stupid individual tent displays and after each one uprooted the entire audience to the next one. They got shit on because they showed almost nothing new and had one of their most mediocre conferences. If they have nothing major to announce, why would they come back?
One mirrion tloops
>is gonna dedicate at least 5 minutes to "LMAO WE SHOWED UP TO E3 BUT SONY DIDN'T HAHAHAH ISNT THAT FUNNY"
Nobody gives a shit about sony, but i would like a joke about tents or flute chinks.
>nobody gives a shit
mate the entirety of E3, for it's whole history, has been about companies one upping each other. Do you not remember sony absolutely fucking cockslapping sega with "Uhhh, $299"? How about xbox blasting sony out of the water after $599? Nintendo's entire gen 6 run was filled with "We got games bitch" It's literally a marketing conference.
>Nobody gives a shit about sony
microsoft bought all multiplat announcements last year and sony still benefitted from it the most.
it's completely logical for sony to skip e3 when ms conference is free marketing for them.
besides sony doesn't want to make the mistake of announcing new games 4 years in advance anymore.
>Everyone has agreed that this has been the most promising looking E3 in years
You must be fucking joking, last year was amazing
>sony isn't involved
>zero shitposting
It really shows who is actually the cancer of the board.
Just because normies buy it to watch netflix on and occasionally play the newest AAA garbage doesn't mean REAL gamers give a shit about it
All the people who shitpost about sony? Yeah, I agree.
don't forget
>zero games
real gamers play ps4, retard
>REAL gamers
Damn, Sony just keeps winning.
It's not fair, they even won at Pride.
Yeah, last year was amazing and Sony was the absolute worst part of it
real gamers play pc
PS4 numbers are inflated because for some reason japan is really weird about pc gaming and fucking hates the xbox
>owning only a pc
wew lad
I don't understand this. Why celebrate a bunch of weirdos wearing far too much makeup and dancing around half naked? Is this actually what being gay is about?
being a sex pervert? yeah basically
Shitty bait
It's like Sony have absolutely no games planned besides Ghost of Tsushima and The Last Of Us Part 2
(((Kikes))) want you to turn gay
absolutely embarrassing
I never understood this. Why should the average buyer care about how many consoles are sold?
Stop, your embarrassing yourself
Just sit down like a good boy and get excited when a third party gets announced at Microsoft’s conference
>really weird about pc gaming
PC gaming was super expensive because companies were charged out the ass in tariffs for importing their hardware from china, so voodoo3s were like $8000 USD or some absolutely fucking retarded shit that NO ONE actually used. That's also why japan still uses win98 in their office spaces, despite prices being a lot more reasonable nowadays. They fucked it up super hard and the market for PC will never be viable. The reason they hate xbox is just plain ass xenophobia.
I agree, without Sony it feels like there's no show.
I still don't get this. Couldn't they have shat out some TLOU2 footage?
I don't get why they want to kill their own hype by going radio silent for the whole year right before they announce the ps5. State of play has sucked major balls so far.
Good on them. Their recent releases have been nothing but complete generic repeated shit.
Fun and innovative games is what makes a company more attractive. Repeated and "impressive" games that attempt to create a global message does not make a company any more memorable or attractive, but does the opposite instead.
They will. But it's going to be in a "direct" styled playstate or whatever they call it. I literally don't understand how people don't understand they're just transitioning to a shorter format, like nintendo did forever ago. There's no reason to have a gigantic fucking stage conference every year. None of the big 3 have anything worth hosting one for. MS was literally 100% multiplats last year. Sony's conference could have been condensed to 15 minutes and they ended up cutting out half the shit they wanted to do because of technical difficulties.
Cope, Xcuck.
>Selling with loss
They won't be a E3, but they'll have a presence.
last year was literally one of the worst and most boring E3s in the passed decade
Cope, PSnigger.
Are you high? Sony completely steamrolled every other show at E3 last year.
Copy him.
>Their recent releases have been nothing but complete generic repeated shit
But they just released the first GOW game that wasn't just a poor man's dmc
Yeah sony completely destroyed the competition with that banjo and flute guy
Who needs games anyway?
Got a source on that?
Honestly I'm shocked that more people aren't talking about how Sony is FINISHED.
>Sony completely steamrolled every other show at E3 last year.
At least they were exclusives, honestly. Showed why you should buy sony.
Apparently everyone else thought so too since all the games microsoft paid to have at their conference sold best on ps4 despite "playing best on xbox one"
How do exclusives benefit you as a customer?
Because they offer me a better experience than some generic multiplat that plays like shit on both platforms.
Same as back on snes/genesis days. If it's an exclusive the dev is usually working harder on it, and able to work more efficiently on it too since they only have to optimize for one set of hardware instead of two.
Name one (1) ps4 game. You literally can't
That's on pc with psnow. Try again
Delete this. They aren't supposed to know.
to be fair i had no fucking idea e3 was already happening. i thought it was like a month away still and everything we'd heard so far was just pre-e3 stuff that happens every year.
It was all EA stuff. the starwars stuff looked neat but people have burned out on the IP too much for news to really circulate.
They justify my purchase. It seems only that Xbox guys have trouble figuring this out.
When did the board get overran with faggots who think think they can troll. Just fucking shit tier bait
How does it benefit the user to be forced into buying an entire console in order to play a game?
Actual Cope
Need I remind you:
>*10 minute boothe transition*
>MMmm Elie, you smell like hawt gabach! Let me suck on your shekel shnozel
>*another 5 minute transition*
>'I turned myself in to a gamer morty! Sony Dub dub!
>Kojimbo presents: Walking delivery simulator
Nice presentation snoytard
>last of the lesbians
>white guy blowing into nip flute for 2 minutes
>spider-man movie trailer
Yeah, I'm thinking this is cringe
>homosexuals want society to see them as normal everyday people
>dress like this while parading the LGBT flag
>wonder why there are still people averse to them
If I was gay, I'd want this trash outlawed. These people are to gays what Alabama is to the US.
>Last of the Lesbians
"Ellie." She said, biting her lip as she stared at her bloodstained lover's face. "Why.... Why is the world so cruel?"
She began to cry. Ellie stared at her, trying to think of something deep and profound to say.
"Men are dicks." She said sharply. "Nothing more to it."
She reached forward and cupped her lover's head in her hands. "We're the Last of the Lesbians." She said. "No matter what happens, no penis is going to enter in between our legs."
They're mad that people call them sexual deviants so they embrace their degeneracy and then complain when people label them for exactly what they are. Not saying all gays are like that (my old history teacher was a cool guy), but this is an awful way of representing this group and I don't see why they keep doing it.
In any other context if men walked through the street dressed like this they'd be labeled as creeps and perverts, why is it okay here? Moreover, how is Sony Japan okay with this?
>shows one game in the span of 20 minutes
>45 minute intermission as the audience gets moved from one theater to the other
>some guy plays flute for a bit
>another spiderman trailer
>the end
Yeah bro, Sony absolutely killed it last year.
Damn, was EA's conference really that good? Was skipping it a mistake?
You're giving the writing of that game way too much credit, man
>Snoy makes shitty exclusives
>At least they were exclusives
>Pls buy Snoy
The absolute state of Snoyniggers
EA's conference was some Star Wars Fallen Order gameplay (okay), 30 minutes on a new character and weapon in Apex Legends, and then they revealed they were putting in faggot pride outfits in Sims 4 and gender neutral bathrooms (this isn't a joke).
E3 hasn't even started yet, the first presentation is another 6 hours away.
Stop being such a stupid fucking console-warring fanboy for one second and just enjoy the Microsoft conference like every other Sony fan will be doing because that's where all the PS4 games will be shown.
You're not ruining this comfy E3 for the rest of us, you won't be able to anyway because all your sad shitpost attempts will be buried under all the hype threads by people who actually play video games.
I'm really looking forward to how bad it's going to be.
I have some ideas of where it's going to go.
>Ellie WILL kill Joel at the end
>Society WILL get worse
>Ellie's guitar playing skills will get her pussy
More like zero bullshots and Pixar trailers
Reminder they had a flute dude last year
Microsoft was the only good show last year
t. tendie
Why do you think anyone would do that?
What reason would anyone there have to throw shade at Sony for?
It seems like you're trying to look for trouble where it isn't present. It's in your sony fanboy blood.
Last year was fucking garbage.
-if you had any hopes of sony's E3 being any good
It's the perfect storm, really:
>EA finished their conference and it was just an online video
>Xbox is gonna have an amazing conference since all the third parties are going there
>Nintendo could actually have Banjo Kazooie or some Microsoft character in Smash
>No large-scale console wars since Xbros and Nintenchads are on good terms
The only bad spots will probably be Ubisoft and arguably Bethesda if it's true they won't show Elder Scrolls 6 or that Starfield game.
>this is the average Sonyfag on Yea Forums
As a Nintendo fan, I'd agree. I love Smash but looking at things objectively, it wasn't good (still, Smash by itself is better than anything in Sony's conference by a landslide).
>zero hype
>zero discussion
>zero interest
>zero speculation
for (you)
>be sony fanboy
>have zero hype when no sony is present at E3
woah who would have seen that one coming
Your entire post is disinfo, please refrain from posting ever again.
Enjoy your censorstation, plebs
People actually watched that? I didn't even know about it until today.
Only faggots think Nintendo shit is exciting when a bunch of manchildren play their "competitive" games.
Considering Death Stranding is the only thing worth talking about, I'd say yes for now. Since Xbox is just gonna be multiplats, and Nintendo is as irrelevant as ever (and already announced everything).
What a shit E3.
PS4 sells like shit in Japan you dumb nigger. Only 8 million of those sales are there and it's already been passed by the Switch.